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What's Michael?
what's みけ-chan submitting to?
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To the markets, of course
Taxes. You can't win against taxes.
Fuck off you disgusting tengu.
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Mike threads always die so quickly
Too many cat naps.
I will shove this cat's head below water level
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Just like calicos
you should've opened a touhou cat thread. though chen threads are also short-lived.
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cute cat
Chen and Mike lack Orin's significant....advantages.
Trash mordenhu
> Orin's significant....advantages.
Truth. They suffered the same disadvantage as Tsukasa. ZUN should give them more than just a tail. More tail = more excitement.
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Tsukasa seems to be doing okay. She'd be unstoppable with that advantage.
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I'm still mad this artist nuked their pixiv/twitter because they aren't into Touhou anymore.
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With how much it happens I'm fully convinced being an autist is a requirement to become an online artist
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I agree, having four ears does seem like a big advantage.
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Built for BBC (Big Black Cat)
Built for TTC
Orin is a futa?
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Rin is a normal cat. But she manipulates every female cat she knows to become a degenerate lesbian. Chen and Mike are examples of her victims.
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I love 2hu cats!
You and only you
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cat erotic
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I wish calicos were more common.
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she is a
not her fault she was kicked out of the temple
and you're lying. Michael is a very hard worker, peddling cards in the forest of gensoukyou.
Lucky cat of good omen
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Lucky charm for prosperous commerce
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i will die for michael
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my calico was allegedly only three when we got her. we figure she's ten now but looks to be near death. very sad.
mike ん~
I know it's meant to be pronounced asミケ but I mentally can't shake off Mike as in Michael
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Secret micheal
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There's a cat on my screen
Michael plz.
Thread has been blessed with great fortune
Not quite #fortune but it's good enough
Wow! Mike's powers are amazing!
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The great 「ん~」
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This thread is amazing!
Truly fortunate.
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Good work, Mike! You're beckoning /jp/! Amazing!
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Aiiiieeee there's a caligger on my screen!
Not sure about money from this thread, but it certainly attracts visitors!
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What's going on here???
Get out from behind the posts this instance, you stinky cat! Don't "bleb" me either, you know what you did!
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Blessed thread!
This thread is now blessed with lots of visitors or lots of money
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I just realized that the background Mike enjoying a swim in our blue board...

/jp/ is like water,
which nourishes all things without trying to.
It is content with the low places that people disdain.
thanks mods
forgot pic
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For some reason I'm getting an extra Michael when hovering over these replies.
Well, if you look at the archive, those posts contain 2 pictures. Sometimes these posts include background music or some shit like in your screencap.
Is it a sign? Are those posters maids?
It's a sign that this is Mike's time for a place in the sun
Lucky thread
Who's MIke?
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Why is the cat hiding behind posts?
Uh, anons ?
Oh okay
>She's in the thread
Floating all the way to page 10
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Mike and her friends just can't catch a break
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This lazy ass cat spends her days sleeping instead of learning how to properly use her ability.
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Would you prefer she financially ruins all of gensokyo?
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Please bless me Mike I am having a bad day today
Not even those two sisters were able to financially ruin Gensokyo. It'll be fine.
She's on her way right meow.
cat cat cat cat
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New Mike dropped get it while it's fresh
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Good day!
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