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Now that Koishi being a murderhobo is canon, how will haters of Touhou being grimdark handle this revelation
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Now that Sanae being a murderer is canon, how will Haters of Touhou being grimdark handle this revelation
Cutefags are so buckbroken by grimfags that they need to post bait every day.
Marisa is such a jobber holy fuck
Gensokyo is grimcute
Anyone advocating for fully grimdark or fully cute is delusional
who cares about grimsokyo or cutesokyo when you can have paizokyo
This guy gets it. Grimcute was always the appeal. At the end of the day these are youkai and other supernatural entities. They have done their fair share of killing.
>spirits with a death wish
lmao she's retarded, spirits are already dead.
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Hm, that sounds like a good -sokyo.
They will ignore everything and claim that ZUN ruined Gensokyo because it's not the way they imagined based on two lines of description from two decades ago
I couldn't be paid to give a scrap of my shit about Koitard. Touhou leans towards cute because it's basically just mediocre 4koma stories.
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death to koisneed.
Formerly chucktori
There's nothing cute about Touhou. And no, character designs don't count - their souls are ugly, so they're ugly.
This is correct, ZUN did ruin Gensokyo. Old lore worked better for both grim and cute stuff, everything past 2010 is boring garbage.
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I miss the old touhou
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Is it because the later stories are more about social issues than discovering new magical landscapes?
I for one don't really get immense hate. The series already went into that direction since MoF/SA anyway.
>Characters act slightly edgy
>Muh GRIM!!!11
Ironic that grimniggers are the biggest pussies ever. This isn't grim at all, otherwise any story that isnt made for children would count as such. It is edgy though.
You're SEETHING lol
cutesokyofags cope and gets btfoed every time

> this isnt grim at all
cope harder fag
You sound like you've never read a folk tale
You're spoiling the meal.
Explain the “cute” in murder, or are you that same fag who ruins every board the word grimsokyo pops up?
Those "cutesokyofags" only exists inside the deranged head of grimniggers.
Not just fag, retarded too
Idk i never said about murder being cute, or even the whole touhou story being cute fuwafuwapunipuni. But you are literally just soft if you think this parody of old chinese-japanese folklore grim lmao
its more about the writing getting shittier
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God I just wanted to discuss canon.
I am THIS close to making a "canon discussion thread".
This constant fighting got tiring ages ago.
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I don't know what you were expecting anon. It's a thread with "Grimsokyo" as the subject. We both know the only discussion is going to be an argument of "Grimsokyo is canon" vs "no it's not". This hasn't changed for years.
And it's the same arguments on loop like a broken record citing the same handful of sources spinning the same interpretations. The KKHTA grimsokyo thread has the same thing inside it, except a hundred posts longer.
Sure, but sometimes I find genuine discussion from time to time.
I should stop expecting things to change, Im way too naive.
>sometimes I find genuine discussion from time to time
You can, just not in a thread that starts off with "Now that Koishi being a murderhobo is canon, how will haters of Touhou being grimdark handle this revelation" as bait for a flame war. You don't need precognition to know there's only one outcome of that.

Despite the shitflinging in the other thread there's some decent bits there and some attempts to try genuine discussion as evident by several posts appearing to have hit character limit. Honestly if that's what you're aiming for, you're better off doing a lore/canon thread and start it off with some discussion topics and/or bits of lesser known trivia or info to talk potential implications from.
grimsokyo is canon

> errrrr murder is just edgy what are you? soft?
> there is no grim in touhou lol see these yokai girls eating humans? just a parody lol a world where humans are spirited away for meat and faith? a little edgy but normal lol

> grimsokyo doesnt exist, i win
Like, yeah, if you really think a world where those things are normal is grim, then you are soft. I don't know what point you are really trying to prove other than the fact that you just grew up in a country without culture, so ghost stories can make you overreact like this
> look my country big culture murder is not grim
cool story but i still know you are a fag what country tell stories of man eating yokai to their children?
Like every country except yours, I guess. Even "Little Red Riding Hood" has someone murdered in it
Wait what? Does it? Its been decades since the last time I even heard about that thing.
yes red riding hood and the wolf yokai
does this story make you normalize murder?
does your people go swallowing grandma for fun?
how about the part where you sew up the wolf with a belly full of rocks? is that normal in your country too?

> wahhh muh country big culture you just soft grimsokyo not real wahhhh
>does this story make you normalize murder?
Not to normalize murder, but that kind of story really teaches children about the dangers of their surroundings, especially during that era
>does this story make you normalize murder?
>does your people go swallowing grandma for fun?
>how about the part where you sew up the wolf with a belly full of rocks? is that normal in your country too?
Are you really mixing reality and fiction here?
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Congratulations, you managed to make yourself sounds like a christian soccer mom that complain over blood and violence in videogames
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Why does her mouth shines when she claps...?
Her hands touching causes an electrical short.
wrong thread, ai bot

> toho is not grim coz this is normal
> teaches children about the dangers
as told by the brothers GRIMM, kek

is murder normal in your culture? you live in a society controlled by yokai/monster and bred for food?
>is murder normal in your culture?
Not normal, especially when law already established why do you ask?
>> toho is not grim coz this is normal
>> teaches children about the dangers
>as told by the brothers GRIMM, kek
I have no clue what you are trying to say. Wolf that eats meat is a grim story?
wolf eating human is not grim? what are you? rabbit? you got friends eaten by wolves daily?

you kept dodging the question but is a society where human kept getting used as meat grim? or is it normal in your society?
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Love a thread where 2 ESLs fight over the most retarded shit possible. Keeps going monkey boys, continue fighting for my amusement.
> keeps going
call others ESL, the state of /jp/
>call others esl
>you kept dodging the question
I've answered your question, and you keep asking unrelated ones. Of course, I won't answer that since you're trying to change the topic from a setting where someone died in a youkai infested world, making you think it's a grim, gloomy no fun story. Despite the fact that there are humans getting drunk in Miyoi bar and repeating the day like it's their daily life, into the topic of whether I live in a psychotic area
{you} are calling you
i hate talking to cutesokyofags coz they keep moving the goalposts, you didnt answer my question, you said there is no grim coz they are just similar to our folk tales , but the only folk tale you mentioned is red riding hood which is still grim, now you think humans having a drink in a bar and living normal lives is a counter point to grimsokyo, no it doesnt, the society is still a prison society with yokai eating humans the moment they step out of village, in the game or in the lore there are hints of grim, you just keep calling these *edgy* so we did a big roundabout going through your idea of edgy
>more esl drivel
Honestly can't tell if bait or sub-zero IQ
Keep guessing retard, but pressing shift key is too much effort to waste on you
Anon the fucking Tanuki, Kappa, Satori, Tengu, and whatever youkai in Touhou, all of them are from folklore, and each of them has a different story.
I'm not same guy who said edgy. I just don't like grimfags like you, and also, cutefags try to make different entities of the dark side and bright side into different entities, while in reality everything just blends into one. You can see people just trying to live at their finest. And Yokai also does Yokai things. The life cycle in Touhou is just like that. So calling it grim when something like that is just nature in there, how is that grim?
>pressing shift key
Ah so you are just a sub-zero IQ ESL
No, he's trolling.
I can't tell if this is low quality bait or you are actually retarded
>what country tell stories of man eating yokai to their children?
Grimsokyo? Cutesokyo?
All I know is these youkai are going to act how I want them to act if they know what's good for them.
Grimfags are transgenders.
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Pushing subjective and pointless label like cute/grim/evil/good like your life depend on it is a sign of low temp IQ
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The only real and objectively true label is "dork" which describes most of the cast in one fell swoop.
Says the retard
The opposite is true, cutesokyofags change their positions like trannies and engage in circlejerks online

retard, those folk tales are ghost stories about dangerous, more grim than your small head can handle, unlike your edgy fan fiction
> like your life depend on it
Clearly you failed school and now roam toho forums to learn English
How is yokai eating humans not grim? In folktales or in any form, these are not natural occurrences but the supernatural,
why are you taking the position of these cutesokyofags who claim that nothing is cute/grim, even subjectivity? see retard >>47292957
I just can't anymore. This ESL is too much.
Aren't you the one who is being subjective by dividing things into grimsokyo or cutesokyo shit, because you can't handle stories where Yokai eat humans? In a world where humans exist solely for Yokai to do Yokai things to them, and you can't stop talking about "grim this" and "grim that" lol
>>>what country tell stories of man eating yokai to their children?
>retard, those folk tales are ghost stories about dangerous, more grim than your small head can handle
>>Those "cutesokyofags" only exists inside the deranged head of grimniggers.
> grimsokyo doesnt exist, i win
Seriously are you using a translator? Even ESL pajeets can write English better than the abomination that is your posts.
>>Ah so you are just a sub-zero IQ ESL
>Says the retard
Got him! Are you going to post that screen-cap on reddit now? Just make sure not to come back, okay?
bye, come back when you learn to write
Do you have something better to contribute to the discussion?
> cant handle grim
Which brain cell told you that? I am talking about toho is grim, you gaslighting fag
>bye, come back when you learn to write
>I am talking about toho is grim
Also looking it up there's not a single standard keyboard layout out there where shift+{ becomes (
is it really that hard to understand? You dont deserve me holding shift and wasting my time on you, here watch this again {you} = retard

oku knows toho is grim and would shut up, dont insult her with your stupidity
>esl is illiterate
Many such cases
>Oh no, the franchise about Yokai, creatures from folklore that eat, abduct, and manipulate humans, features Yokai that also eat, abduct, and manipulate humans. This place is grim, we should start calling this place "Grimsokyo" now
>Which braincell told you that I need to gaslight myself into believing that Touhou is not a cute place?
My IQ is dropping from this thread. I'm going to hide it
I think you'd have a harder time finding a culture that doesn't have stories about man eating monsters. It's the basis for 90% of german children's tales. What's rare is cross species marriage stories between man and the supernatural, which Japan has quite a few of and notably more than other countries: mostly with animals which given the big presence of animism in Shinto makes sense. Though this depends on what era you're looking at as the stories often reflect the conditions of the time.

Korea on the otherhand is absolutely fucked. Kitsune are not the whimsical tricksters, they just eat your liver.
Literal braindead, the place is grim, ofc we can call it grimsokyo, take the L, learn to spell btw

Why are you saying my lines? like your stupid friend above, grim is grim, toho is grim and it is canon, cutesokyofags like you cant understand such simple lore and pollute every thread with your nonsense, ancient folk tales and ghost stories are pretty grim and toho is based on them so grimsokyo, there, easy for you to understand too?
Easy to understand there's stories without a person dying. Real life is the real grimdark setting desu.
>Admit place is grim
>Said it's canon
>But somehow still won't admit that those grim moments are like daily life
????? But the boy already said no! now you think real life is worse than gensokyo? you lot are truly mental

You guys first claim gensokyo is cute, when you cant deny the grim in toho and admit that grimsokyo is canon, now you claim grimsokyo is not possible coz it is similar or even worse to the outside world;
simply put you guys are just in denial and coping since the beginning, maybe you have friends or known people who “eat human liver” but we call them monsters in my world
I tap into Lewd Grimsokyo for horrible situations
Nobody unironically claim Gensokyo is 100% cute paradise and that the violent aspect doesn't exist, anon. They always say it's a mix of both. Whether they shrug off the youkai danger as nothing because they live in Australia or call out every crime and violence as grim because they are raised with christian mom should be left as personal opinion.
I'm not sure who you're arguing against. Cutesokyo posters are either ironic or simply don't care if their legs are bitten off by cute youkai girl.
Wrong board head to —> /int/

you don’t even know what you are typing about, grimsokyo was always here so was cutesokyo, but cutesokyofags deny the grim where it was clearly embedded in the canon, no toho is not edgy, save that adjective for your western cartoons like hazbin whoretel, the girls in toho dont swear at each other and made lewd jokes for cheap laughs

When OP posted the koishi with a knife pic and the words murderhobo is canon on the title, cutesokyofags like you are over allergic to the word grim, so you came in with your lore breaking drivel, coped too hard, then 2-3 of you circlejerked each other for the rest of the discussion and destroyed the whole thread, this is not the first time you repeat offender
The only way this thread will die is by reaching the bump limit, the ESL fag will bump 'till he croaks.
who are you quoting newfag-kun?
Surely Kanako and Suwako will save her
Grimfags are literal l*dditors.
I remember reading once that youkai are created by Lunarians.
Do youkai really owe their existence to Lunarians or are they a natural phenomena on Earth?
Who knows? ZUN doesnt.
I interpret it as humanity creating youkai with their fears, and the lunarians simply enhanced their existence to make their lives more hellish
So now, is this thread just people arguing about the horror vs edgy vs grim terms?
Inb4 it turns out the lunarians started the whole shabang with telling mankind really scary stories and taught them to be afraid of the dark.
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Hell arc has had way better writing that anything before it
This has been known for years.
Why don’t you come up with something original, cutesokyofags?
Not you


Blame this on my phone
Reading the first thread, he's simultaneously totally right and completely wrong.
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I feel bad for her, she didn't deserve to get Mu'd
She should have won the fight, she poison Reimu, how the fuck did Reimu escape that.
Not really.

Most of them are closer to sociopathic manchildren than dorks. An entire land where every person is a cross between Sundowner and Patrick Bateman.
>They always say it's a mix of both.
Where is the fucking paradise?
between reimu's tits
That's actually me, and to be perfectly honest I've mellowed somewhat towards Reimu because I accepted that she is mostly just very stupid. With that said, I am curious which part you think I'm right and wrong about.
Reimu is flat.
You are right in that it can be hard to give a shit about what's happening to the characters if you don't detach yourself like it's a nature documentary (you know, Eight (Nine?) Deadly Words). Also people who think Reimu cares about anyone or anything other than her idea of "peace" are hillarious when they think their headcanon is valid.
On the other hand, wanting linear storytelling and more people to be into Touhou is wrong, and I hope that it was just a phase that you overcame.
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>wanting linear storytelling and more people to be into Touhou is wrong
DESU I would still like linear storytelling just because the best memories I have of Touhou was when I could still believe there was some forward momentum. Right now anything interesting happening can be correctly dismissed with "Well, it's not like it will go anywhere". I remember recently when a friend of mine was hyped because they seemed to be building up to a big Byakuren vs Miko showdown in one of the manga's, and I instantly dismissed it on the basis of "I've heard that song and dance before".

As for for wanting more people to be into Touhou: I've switched to just being a blatant thief and writing my own version of Touhou that I think actually has mass appeal. Touhou itself is a lost cause and, frankly, the fact it's still alive means it probably won't go away until ZUN croaks.
My little brother has bigger tits than that.
Your brother is eating himself into an early grave
I still can't believe Sanae is bloodthirsty.
Reminder that according to grymsokyo doujinshis, lunarians and celestials, 2hu biggest assholish species going by group, are actually just advanced humans, proving that, in an ironic turn of events, humanity truly are the scummiest race in a setting where the poster race group is murderous and sociopathic at best
I phrased it really bad:
I meant that those two, which are humans who 'ascended', are worst than youkai by a large margin
Whats your point? In every setting imaginable humans are always the worst species by a margin, humans being bad is a trope for a reason, specially so in grim settings.
He's quite fit.
Aren’t Lunarians in canon just humans who adapted to the moon?
I mean, if anything it proves the opposite. Those who abandoned their humanity to "ascend" to something more, end up losing whatever piece of good was in them, and they become completely and totally irredeemable.

Consistently, the most evil characters in Touhou are the ones that were once human. The pure youkai are more ambivalent, the true sin is to think your humanity holds you back, instead of being the only thing that ties you back to kindness and nobility.
Counterpoint: humans are pretty much the underdogs of this setting. They are either ignored and left alone at best, manipulated at middle, and mistreated at worst. Out own-species-appeal bias, its easy to feel simpathy for them

But then, some of these very underdogs are given power, and what do they do with it? Ruin things for others out pure elitism (lunarians), or just giggles (celestials)

Its like a metaphor Zun would put in the current print works: look at the poor humans getting oppressed by youkai, but give them magic and now they are even worse than them, identical to what happens when someone gets into a powerful position where they can get away with things, no need to stop being a human for that
have a cute pic, grimfags
Thanks, anon.
Why are you thinking about your brothers fit tits anon....
Power doesn’t corrupt, it reveals. And those that seek power the most, are those who want to abuse it. The humans that become gods/cemestials/lunarians dont want to change the system, they want to run it.
>Power doesn’t corrupt, it reveals...
... the corrupt nature of humanity. If it happened 50/50 then ok, we can guess its on the person, but 95/5? ironic that, in a inside-verse perspective, grimfags want to kill good youkai like Aunn and Kogasa, and then they will think that they belong into the same group as the few actual good humans
>they want to run it
In a grim setting like zounose's , you cannot do much about it. You either lay your head down and accept your role in the cosmos whatever it would be, or try to become something more, consequences be or not be damned. That said, some few individual celestials/lunarians migh be not that bad, and even help around a little
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Most of the non-youkai humans throughout the series are presented as like naively stupid at worst and honest and kind people caught in a bad situation at worst. The villagers are routinely pleasant to be around and mainly just try to make good out of bad situations. Meanwhile outside of like… Aunn (a dumb dog) Kogasa (someone whose only nice because she sucks at her job) and Keine/Rinnosuke (Half Human Youkai) pretty much all the youkai or humans working with youkai are presented as next of kin to the anti christ. Exceptions prove the rule.

>You either lay your head down and accept your role in the cosmos whatever it would be, or try to become something more, consequences be or not be damned.
Yeah, that stuff never happens to anyone in the main canon, not like the main characters role is to literally keep people in line or else she kills them. Nope
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>The villagers are routinely pleasant to be around and mainly just try to make good out of bad situations
so? everyone seems nice in the outside most of the time, as I said humans cannot be trusted in any way
>Aunn (a dumb dog)
her species protect faith sites, and she's one of the few pure good hearted in the series, calling her just a dumb dog is rude
>Kogasa (someone whose only nice because she sucks at her job)
In Zounouse works, she rejected human meat when it was offered to her, even was disgusted by it. that speaks leagues about her
>Keine/Rinnosuke (Half Human Youkai
Rinnosuke would have been killed by
the routinely pleasant villagers at a young age if Marisa's father didn't hide him away. What was his fault to be born as a half breed? the same goes for Keine, that if she were to be found as a youkai, she would get downright killed by her pupils parents
>pretty much all the youkai or humans working with youkai are presented as next of kin to the anti christ
and we know that things are bad, your point? Its a fallacy to mention it, so sorry for posting it, but human politics are no less heinous than what grimsokyo shows
>that stuff never happens to anyone in the main canon
for now, maybe, but if I don't like it, I will ignore it. DOUJINSHI SERIES, people, just pick your poison and choke on it
> drops low effect reply, leaves
Typical cutesokyofag

Captcha: P2WN
At least he can speak English as opposed to most grimfags
>In Zounouse works, she rejected human meat when it was offered to her
"Kogasa not eating the meat" is definitely one of the funniest way to explain why she seems to be the only one suffering from pangs of hunger
now that's what I'm talkin' about!
>her species protect faith sites, and she's one of the few pure good hearted in the series
Again, dumb dog
>In Zounouse works, she rejected human meat when it was offered to her, even was disgusted by it. that speaks leagues about her
Zounose isn't canon, in canon Kogasa is only nice because she sucks at her job, nothing to imply that sh ewouldn't be just as bad as any other youkai if she wasn't incompetent.
>Rinnosuke would have been killed by
the routinely pleasant villagers at a young age if Marisa's father didn't hide him away. What was his fault to be born as a half breed? the same goes for Keine, that if she were to be found as a youkai, she would get downright killed by her pupils parents
Straight up bullshit, he was never in danger from anyone in the village and stopped working in the village only because his inability to age made some people uneasy, never murderous.
>Again, dumb dog
your rude
>Zounose isn't canon
with how much grimfags treat his works as the holy bible (no offense to his work, i like it), it might as well be for grimsokyo fans. also, its said that his works are very in tune with zun's print works, so it makes them almost zun's canon as presentation goes
>in canon Kogasa is only nice because she sucks at her job
she works as a nanny and does some metalworking for village, even if Akyuu tried to ruin that for her in SPM
>only because his inability to age made some people uneasy, never murderous
marisa's father took him as a shop apprentice, and presumably hided his nature to the villagers until he could strike on his own, leaving the village, the same way Keine hides her full identity to the villagers
she's a nice girl
My iq dropped exponentially while trying to read this thread holy fucking shit play the fucking games
Touhou fans don’t play video games, idiot. We jerk off to the poorly drawn porn and read the barely disguised cannibalism fetish doujins written by edgy 14 year olds.
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It's honestly funny as fuck. Pure retardation on both sides. Just about every single post has some type of ESL mistake in it.
This one’s even worse than normal, the other other Grimsokyo thread isn’t this schizo, I wonder why that is.
she's had associations with murder literally since SA
Kaguya said it but her explanation makes no fucking sense
Probably old lore that will never see the light of say again
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People act like all Touhou girls are “uwu kawaii desu” and turn there in game dialogue is “god I want to mutilate an entire elementary school and use their corpses for volleyball practice” and get shocked when the canon reflects that
You act as if intimidation and shittalk was always 100% true.
Anon, yesterday I fucked your mother and put your dad's head on a pike.
You’re a 4chan user, we’re all psychopaths. Why else would we be here.
It's a peak ESL trait to point out grammar mistakes, just saying

Remember, kids, by the things they hate you will know them
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Keep telling yourself that reddittard, maybe someday it'll be true
ok esl ojii-san
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>maybe someday it'll be true
No need, you just confirmed it today
Don't you have some summer homework to do kid?

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