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Has there even been a touhou track that used the lick?
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This image would be better without the confetti. It almost takes away from the intensity of her stare. Still very pretty, like gold marble.
Question: There's small little orange dots on the sides of her face. Do you think that's supposed to be there as maybe some type of makeup, or maybe freckles?
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Could be makeup, but that's awfully odd for choice. In places like around the nose, brow, and cheekbones it's likely freckles. That's cute too and can be nice if it's subtle in the art like it is; all too easily can a nice face be ruined by being too aggressive with the brush and making the freckles super pronounced.
' 'ick on 'eck
Lick this! *unzips balls*
anon that seam isn't a zipper… please go to the hospital you tore your balls open
I haven't seen anyone post the LEGEND pic in Ran threads for a while. Disappointed.
I got a lot of Ran images and only so many posts to put them in.
/bant/ language is probably the most retarded nonsense to ever plague this site
Just imagine staring into those eyes for nine full hours while she knots your ass and doesn't let you slide free of her cock.
Lick? Lick what?
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Her tongue (she thinks you need to be coerced/commanded to do this)
Is this the next Ran thread? My prostate isn’t even ready yet
Abusing your prostate will lead to impotence.
But I suspect you're not ready because it already affected you.
>Abusing your prostate will lead to impotence
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Abusing it yourself leads to impotence as a consequence of being a faggot.
Letting Ran abuse you with "ancient mystic kitsune arts" leads to increased virility.
I'm counting on you to post LEGEND in the next Ran thread, anon!
Is this true?
It's a gay sissy porn meme.
It is. After a certain point you don't feel anything from jerking off and can't even get hard. But gay sissies will always tell you it isn't.
Who knows why. Perhaps they're jealous of a working dick and want to spread this affliction to others? Or maybe it's the same case as with full blown homos, where they want more people to try out being gay or bi, as a way to propagate their kind. Can't breed, but can groom kids, people who don't know better etc, get it?
This sounds like the voice of experience.
I've seen it happen to people. Irl, on the internet, even hentai artists suddenly getting old, losing their virility and getting into this prostate crap.
Its 'arty language, newfag.
>getting old
thank you for the input, actual child
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It's true. Gacha addiction physically ages you by ten years at least.
true, but kitsune fingers pounding your prostate de-ages you by twenty
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If it de-ages you by twenty, then what happens to Shota-kun?
What do you think? Erections get rarer and harder to maintain the older you get.
What, do you think your favorite doujin artist is gonna keep drawing forever?
How many times did that change the stuff they were drawing? First it starts appearing here and there in some works, then it becomes the only thing they draw - the only thing that even gets them hard anymore, then they retire altogether. Often citing medical issues.
No I was pointing out that anon saying prostate stimulation leads to impotence is kinda flawed when he brought up people who were getting old.
What if Ran wanted you to lick her feet?
You know, for people who supposedly don't like male receptive anal sex, you sure do love talking about it.
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It's anime porn logic, it doesn't matter what reality has to say about the physics of it. Obviously having your retard button pushed makes you cum harder, and it's a very attractive kitsune doing the deed. Ideally you're balls deep in fox pussy when she does it because if we extrapolate the lack of common sense, it means she gets pregnant harder or something. All very easy stuff to wrap your head around. As long as nothing other than her finger is going in there, it's not gay, but it is borderline /d/viancy and hard femdom.

However, at the point when you begin fetishizing getting railed by a strap-on or futa cock is when you're indeed a massive flaming faggot.
One example among many. Though yes, in that example it's kinda the effect rather than the cause.
Still, you could just directly look up the dangers of doing buttstuff.
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Nah, wanting to get fingerbanged like a girl still makes you into a massive flaming faggot.
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The slippery slope from "Foxmom" to "Househusband" to "Ran's boytoy" is strong.
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more fox pls
The way you split hairs about enjoying a girl up your ass is pretty amusing.
Don't get mad at me for your lack of knowledge.
It's heterosexual to get your stomach inflated with fox woman semen.
>hard femdom
Ehh I don't call anything hard femdom until it crosses over into abuse or toilet play. Stuff like insulting, hitting, verbally degrading, spitting on, and so on. Though in my experience a lot of femdomfags like to sperg out at anything more than "wife on top" or "eating her out sometimes" for some reason.
I've actually heard the opposite, prostate stimulation is used to help with erectile dysfunction. Rub it a bit, guy gets hard again and can have regular sex.
I believe that every soul in a ran thread hates their mother or is too close with their mother
I'm indifferent to my mother and am mostly attracted to Ran because she's so very perfect to be a mother, not a replacement for my own. Also she's incredibly clever and that's hot.
I am neither, but I’ve emotionally been rather distant from my mother the past few years
That poor dumb kid gets shrunken down by Ran before she ultimately fucking eats him.
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I have a decent relationship with my mom, but I don't think of her in the way I do Ran. People like to imagine her that way because she's just on a completely different level. It's not impossible to see yourself as an equal, and many do, but there's a definite bar there that doesn't exist with other girls and Kitsune from other IPs. Not even Yukari has that kind of mental image, though I think that's on account of the "being nice to Yakumo Yukari" memes, but she doesn't have that "presence" in fanon that Ran does. Compared to Yukari and others, Ran is top tier wife material and she has many traits desirable to be a mother for your children. One (fox)mom to rule them all. Like a honey trap, she makes you want to turn off your brain and suffuse into her embrace and tails, it would be nice to not worry about problems of life and let yourself be swept up by Ran just being herself and take it easy~.
The Tamamos of the world cant compare, Omachi cant compare, Boatfoxes need not apply; Ran-sama stands above them all.
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Not so fast.
utterly lacks womanly physique
Senko does capture the mindset of what makes Ran especially good and has the necessary modesty and nurturing personality to be a wifemother as she claims. But… she's completely lacking a little something called v o l u m e. In more ways than one.
She hits second place; still not beating Ran but trumps all those other whores. I'm open to reevaluate her in a few hundred years when she grows stronger, but right now she's a taillet and middling in spiritual power.
This. Ran looks like a giant pillow. I want to cocoon myself in her tails while I calculate full load amps for a project.
I wonder hows the MMD anon doing
The mofu mofu polished his brain smooth and he expired in bliss
I heard he was on a trip to japan so hopefully he either sudoku'd in the suicide forest or his plane had mysteriously disappeared with him on board, never to be recovered.
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hopefully in several different plastic bags buried kilometers away from each other
His plane crashed with no survivors
He started showing videos of his creepy Ran to other passengers and they threw him out of the plane.
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What a shame.
He was a... Well, he wasn't a good man at all.
What a rotten way to die. For the other passengers and pilots, that is. Their sacrifice is appreciated.
I wish there was something more I could say.
They didn't find anyone in the wreckage, brother?
Perhaps they were wondering why someone would show a Ran, before throwing him out of a plane
They expected one of us
It doesn't matter who we are. What matters is our Ran.
They disappear and their mom gets pregnant again a few years later and rebirths them
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Daily reminder to not become a deadbeat layabout like Yukari.
i wonder if yukari has a killswitch on ran
It's kind of sad that a guy could well have died and nobody misses him. He did it to himself, but it's still sad.
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How many expensive undergarments does she own? Going by this artist it's got to be at least 50.
You'd lick them before her socks touched the ground.
>Nah, wanting to get fingerbanged like a girl still makes you into a massive flaming faggot.
I'm going to be forced to assume you're a homosexual because you're incapable of being fingerbanged without imagining cocks in your ass. Hell, the motions all different too. Cocks thrust, fingers flex. You'd have to be a SPECIAL kind of HOMO to conflate these two unrelated things because of your fixation on COCK.
Oh and I forgot to mention that conflating fingerbanging from a hot woman to heavy sweaty gay sex is like saying men are gay for kissing. Because they lick and suck tongue, which is like cock sucking. Absurd! Just admit you're a fag! Most of jp is full of fag twinks anyway.
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And you're one of them, clearly.
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I think the exposed cleavage ruins the image, and her nipples are pointing way off, and through two layers of fabric.

For the room, let's agree to disagree and draw the line at her finger (two at absolute max). If ANYTHING ELSE goes up your poop shoot, then you're gay.
Also, you'll never get prostate or colon cancer because she would know first if something was wrong from the semi-regular 'examinations' since she has your well being in mind. It's like a two for one deal. I just wanted to mention that.
You know what men can't do either? Peg. Think about it.
I've totally mastered time control, this shouldn't be rocket science to me. Makes me wish there was a questline or something to totally master time and become an immortal, like Seiga mentions when you meet her. Hell, Sakuya basically has an identical power to the player character, maybe she could teach us her secret to immortality.
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Did you get lost?
Shoot, you're right. I was wondering why the Era thread was moving so slow.
You should make up for your mistake by impregnating Ran a whole lot.
I am trying to decide whether to go live with Yukari or Satori next. They're both very appealing.
God I wish Ran had more dialogue. Going from someone like Hatate or Marisa to Ran is a let-down. I love that she has content, it just doesn't feel like a lot.
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Not an argument
It doesn't ruin the image. She purposefully showed off, her smug face screams it. Other than that the outfit is as modest as her usual one. Also yes the nipple looks weird and yes there's health benefits to having Ran as your ass doctor.
The entire point of pegging is replicating dicking someone down for dumb carpetmunchers. It's just a fake copy of a dick. Funnily enough I spoke to a guy who got finger banged and had got pegged. Told me he hated the later and barely felt anything besides pain.
Really? I've gotten pegged and it didn't hurt. Did he try stuffing a toy in his hole that was too big for him? It takes practice to stretch the anus out.
How many shotas she raped
Same number she unbirthed and then ate. It sucks to be a shota in Gensokyo.
He actually had a woman do it to him. She was the same one who finger banged him. I suppose I'd some nuance here but regardless I'll take fingerbanging over pegging. The same spot is hit but with concentrated force and I don't need a dick or a strapon up my bum. Can also be chained together with handjobs and blowjobs!
Ugh she's so cute. This artist is on another level. Imagine holding her hand and having so much fun.
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It's hard to resist her charms.

It starts out so innocently. First she starts to hug you. Not very often, and not very long either. A quick hug, sometimes when saying goodbye, sometimes when saying hello, sometimes just because she feels like it. A kiss is not far behind. A chaste peck at your cheek, or upon your brow. It escalates, of course. Hugs start lasting longer, becoming more frequent. Soon she's greeting you by latching on to you and holding you tight against her. That becomes little more than an excuse to press her body up as tight against you as she dares, etching the feeling of her every curve into your mind. It's terribly flustering, and she's such a tease about it too. She insists she does it because she's so glad to see you, and she's not even lying. The kisses move closer and closer to your lips every time. By the time she dares press her lips against yours, it won't even feel the least bit unnatural.

She's too clever. It starts with her taking time out of her day to deliver you home-cooked meals. It's no big deal, she insists, she made extra. But she insists on staying and watching you eat it. She smiles, acts innocent, and pretends to just be enjoying the time with you, but that supercomputer behind her skull is rapidly sifting through every last reaction you give everything she gives you. Within a month of trial and error, she only ever comes around with your favourite foods. All the same excuses. She likes it too. She accidentally made too much and it will go bad soon. It barely took any extra effort to make another portion, she insists she didn't prepare a whole extra meal just for you.

She figures out your domestic cycle. You sweep the house, she turns up with a spare broom. Washing days, she turns up, spare cleaning supplies in hand. Strangely, one of your used t-shirts always goes missing, to turn up the next washing day in pristine condition. The chores go so much faster with her around, almost like she's showing off her skills. She downplays it, of course. She always insists she had a bit extra time, she just thought she might pop in and help you. She's just got a bit more experience in domestics, that's all. No need to worry too much about it. The more she helps, the more you feel indebted to her. Until she worms out an accidental offer to do "anything" to repay her.

Her price is simple. You'll have to spend some extra time with her. Random times, she'll show up and take you out. Sometimes she just wants someone to accompany her on shopping trips around the village. Sometimes she just wants to wander around Gensokyo with you. She has to hold your hand, of course. Make sure you can't get lost, or hurt without her knowing. That would be terrible. It's nice having a guide. Gensokyo's dangerous to lost humans. A nine-tailed fox, and the shikigami of the gap youkai, is more than capable of keeping any single lost human safe.

Sometimes she wants to bring you back to her home. Her cat's cute, and the old lady doesn't know whether she wants to be endearingly funny or terrifying, but they both have their own unique charms. Ran isn't very good with times, or the weather. More than once, you lose track of time and it gets too dark to bring you safely back home. More than once, you get to their house just in time for a massive storm to come howling in and force the both of you to batten down the hatches and wait it out. The old lady thinks it's funny to strand you in a youkai's house for a night, to add insult to injury.

There's no spare beds there, either. Ran is happy to volunteer her own, but strangely, every time you go to sleep next to her, no matter how, you always wake up with her arms or her tails wrapped around you. And after that, it's not long before she starts to pop the question, why not move her permanently? They don't mind. It makes it even easier to look after you. It cuts down on the chores, too, if you only have to maintain one house. Of course, they're not getting another bed. You'll have to get used to sleeping with her full time.

Eventually, Ran starts referring to herself as your wife, and you wonder how it even got this far.

She's dangerous.
That sounds like too much effort. I'd rather just pay Joon for sex.
you couldn't afford it
This will never happen to you or I…
Good writing though, loved it.
i dont know man as a shota you get to score every hag in gensyoko
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>This will never happen to you or I…
Thank you, I mostly just belted it out in the ~30 minutes before I went to sleep.
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Ran plays the long game. Each move is measured out well in advance and incrementing by imperceptible degrees. Not a single leap or single life changing event, well unless you count meeting her for the very first time of course. Even moving in was only natural, after all you were spending more time there than at your own home, and you hadn't touched your kitchen in weeks save for the occasional dusting (with her assistance of course).

It's hard to imagine living without her in your life when only mere months ago you were living completely alone. It hadn't even occurred to you that you stopped thinking about getting a girlfriend. Maybe confess to her for the sake of formality; or, since she's basically your wife just skip that, propose, and have a formal wedding. Your old Kimono is surprisingly in good condition for it, not a spec of dust or stray strand to be found despite being forgotten in a box stuffed in a closet for years.

The forecast is sunny, with a chance of light showers.
Cute! Ran's seduction power has no limits.
Ha ha yeah…
This sucks man. But at least we have nice writers to help imagine what it would be like to have a lovely kitsune care for us.

Good stuff! I would love to see more if or when inspiration strikes you.

This sly apex predator fox is just too dangerous.
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It's out.
touch fluffy tail
very nice story, however, at what point does rape come into the picture?
Fucking FINALLY. A new Ran doujin that isn't about futanari or vore or other weird shit. Some good old /ss/
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Blood libel? In MY touhou thread?

It's more likely than you'd think!
You have subconscious suicidal urges.
They're not subconscious.
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That shota got Ran over.
Then you ought to stop sublimating them.
It's not libel, it's from the doujin.
I and this guy >>47325688 know what she did.
Makes me wonder how far she'll go to get anon. Mind control? Subliminal messages? Making him dream about her? Turning him into a quick shot so he can never please other women? Creating elaborate situations where he finds himself in her arms? Reminds me of a Junko doujin where she mind controls a girl into rejecting the shota that liked her.
And she him. That scend of her crawling on all fours to suddenly gobble up his dick until he crumpled to the floor was hot.
Fuck sakes I didn't upload the fucking image.
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The expression on page 29 was sublime.
It doesn't get any better than this.
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sense and reasoning: gone
ranbros, what would you imagine your optimal relationship with ran would be?
>typical husband/wife
>fuckbuddy you dont care about
paizuri slave
Mother+son and sex slave.
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The last page is also great.
whos the slave?
why are ran fans so interested in slavery?
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When days and life is hard, Ran is warm and soft. She'll let you stay as long as you need so you can go out and give it your best. And when the time comes when she has a bad day, you're there for her.
All things in moderation, but a little extra spice in the bedroom come winter never hurt nobody.
it enhances the feeling of dependency
Typical husband/wife, except she's a top in the bedroom.
>Mind control?
Her pride as a kitsune would be wounded at the implication she needs magic to seduce a man into being obsessed with her.
She's already in a master/slave relationship with Yukari, and has it with Chen. It's a logical conclusion that she's either a slaving mistress or a switch.
Motherwife/son. Feeling sick right now so her love would be appreciated.
It won't. It's not a case of her needing it. She's doing it for fun.
Why is that there's zero art of Ran shapeshifting? I guess most fanonguys don't know shit about kitsune. This is a downright amazing ability. Imagine all the kinky roleplay sex you can get up to. And yes i know she's perfect just the way she is but putting her ability to good use would be fun. I think she'd enjoy it.
I want to argue over something meaningless with Ran and lose. Also soft kitsune tummy.
Imagine arguing with her over something meaningless, getting absolutely SMOKED and proven WRONG beyond a shadow of a doubt because you're as intelligent as a rock compared to her. Then she mercilessly edges you as she makes you suck her tits and put you to sleep like the fucking baby that you are.
Having a motherwife orders of magnitude smarter than you who can also effortlessly beat you in any debate regardless of the topic sounds like the dream. Even better if she stays calm and collected no matter how much you try to rile her up, further driving home the point that she's the more mature one while you act like an irrational child.
Normal husband/wife. I just need to hold my wife everyday before and after work. Discussing tactics with my supercomputer wife after sex sounds like my autistic cup of tea.
I mean, I'm sure there's art of normal foxes wearing her weird double santa hat thing. I would definitely not mind replacing my bed with a giant golden fox.
because she doesn't shape shift
Same here. Golden bed.
She also doesn't lust after anons on an image board. I'm talking about a sexual fantasy. What's your point? Also just because she's never visibly done it i canon doesn't mean she won't ever do it or hasn't done it before.
these couple of ran threads lately have been the best in years
It's because of the lack of a certain factor
And they're still considered the worst threads on the board because of the sissy fags.
One day, Ran will have good threads again. One day. But not today.
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the dismal quality of recent Ran threads can be attributed to the lack of LEGEND.
>And they're still considered the worst threads on the board because of the sissy fags.
on /jp/ of all places, prostate play is seen as too degenerate? come on anon
I know, I know, but I still think it's worth mentioning, I love how much comfier these threads are, so much less arguing and fighting
>on /jp/ of all places
Why are you trying to push /jp/ as some kind of degenerate or anal-receiving central?

Also it's painfully obvious when it's brought up that it's the same group of people every time. Their posting style is kinda obvious. Same goes for when they suddenly show up at the same time, every time.
All of the above also goes for you.
Wrong fetish.

>suddenly show up at the same time
Eh, I don't particularly join in much personally.
he's found his personal truth and is vanishingly unlikely to alter it
Feeling called out, I see.
I want to discuss modern warfare tactics after cuddly sex
>She also doesn't lust after anons on an image board
Anon..I wouldn’t be so sure
>I want to discuss modern warfare tactics
Funny that. The Nine Tailed Tactician has spellcards relating to warfare.
Nah, we still have the same faggots bitching about anything. MMDAnon isnt here? they will still spend dozens of posts talking about him
No prostate or gentle fendom art getting posted? They will still spend days calling each other gay. This thread attract the most insuffering faggots who are just looking for an excuse to argue
>No prostate or gentle fendom art getting posted?
This hasn't been the case yet, someone always starts posting about their closet homo fetish unprompted.
Dont like a certain post? ignore it instead of filling the thread with your schizo rambling
POV: Ran took you to the beach, but naptimes are still enforced.
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>pupils Constricted and turned white
>sweaty all over
>that smile
there will be no sleep during this "nap time"
First I'd request in the most respectful way that she lies on her stomach and undo her bra so I can massage her sexy body with lotion. Ugh so hot.
How quick you are to change your tune.
I want to buy her used bra
Jacking off on the beach with all that heat sounds like a problem.
It's you who's getting jacked off boyo.
Mercilessly. The sun will be halfway down before he squirts all over her tits.
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Shapeshifting into other people is a Mamizou thing tbdesu. I don't see her as the trickster type character that kitsune are either, at least to go out of her way to shapeshift into other people. My headcanon about shapeshifting (constant shapeshifting between different species leads to a maladjustment of the eyes requiring corrective lenses i.e. Mamizou) lends itself to that, Ran either doesn't do it or doesn't need to. If it's for kinky bedroom activities, I wouldn't want her shapeshifting into other people since I love her just as she is, and I wouldn't want her shapeshifting into an animal because that's just not my thing.

Now there is quite a bit of art of her shapeshifted into a fox form and that's cool if it was to kick some ass, like Holo does when she needs to. I'd be cheering her on like a mexican seeing Goku hit SS3 for the first time.
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Imagine if Ran loves mommying you so much and she realised the world was full of dangerous youkai so she decided to shrink you down with magic one day and unbirth you into her womb where she de-aged you back into being a baby and just kept carrying you around inside her for the rest of her life...
Yeah, alright.
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Uh, sure…
But then you'd never get breastfed by Ran again...
Anon, that's just nasty.
Yes but in this scenario you'd have an umbilical cord directly attached to her and pumping nutrients into you forever.
I like to imagine running a food stall frequented by Youkai at night in Gensokyo to get by and serving Ran fried Tofu. Eventually she'd become a routine customer, so I'd always have her order ready before she arrived. After awhile, I'd notice the amount of times I get attacked goes down significantly, so I make Ran double portions as thanks.
I imagine Ran's very picky about commerce, so she'd probably try to pay double and I'd politely decline, telling her it was to pay for the good fortune and we'd talk about this or that for awhile.
If business continued to grow, I'd eventually have to prepare larger orders for drinking parties and the like, Ran might be at one of those and maybe I give her a small wave before trying to leave, but get sucked in because someone says something like 'wait, you two know each other?' and then we'd be stuck together for the entire night.
Maybe at some point I get invited to a party by Suika or someone else and, thinking Ran might be there, I accept after some persuasion, and even though it was a good time, Ran wasn't there. I'd tell her about it some time when she asked why I was closed that night and she might play a little coy like 'oh, must be nice...'
One day she'd come to the stand and apologize, saying she couldn't come by anymore and I'd ask why, but she wouldn't answer and when I chased after her she disappeared.
I'd ask around and eventually after bribing a cat Youkai with some dried sardines she'd lead me to Ran's house, who'd be very surprised and frightened that I found the place 'you can't be here' she'll say 'if she finds you-' and at that moment Yukari will appear.
"Fufufu, how strange it is you've found your way here. Begone mortal, Ran is not for the likes of a lowly food stall owners such as yourself. What would the name Yakumo Yukari become if her Shinigami was wed to the likes of you?" Yukari would insist.
This would confuse me "Yukari? Who's that?" I'd ask, having never heard the name before amongst all Youkai. At this, Yukari would stamp her foot.
"Now you listen good or I'll split the border that separates your skin and flesh, a Husband without estate, prestige, or skill is unworthy!"
I'd tell her that I had a home, although it might not be much, I had become somewhat well-liked, as I was invited to parties, and I could cook food liked by Youkai, which might be easy or difficult depending on how you look at it.
Yukari would open her mouth to speak and close it again, with a shrug and sigh she'd turn to Ran "I'll give my permission, but see that the food stall bears the family name, we'll see how those low-class Youkai react when they see 'YAKUMO' in big vibrant purple letters on their new hangout! Maybe then they'll be so kind as to extend me an invitation!" She'd say with a huff before storming off.
This might make Ran happy, happy enough to hug me and swaddle me in her tails, happy enough to make that noise foxes make when they're overjoyed, so overjoyed in fact, she subjects me to the torments that ended nations(allegedly).
I'd really like to cook food for Ran everyday if I'm being honest.
We're getting a lot of writefags lately.
I'd prefer to get reincarnated as a fertilized egg in Ran's womb, but I wouldn't want to stay in there forever. To get the full foxmom experience, you'd have to come out at some point.
Man, I just think Ran is very nice and would make a great wife/mother, why am I forced to share the thread with this >>47358343 wretched shit
>Shapeshifting into other people is a Mamizou thing tbdesu. I don't see her as the trickster type character that kitsune are either, at least to go out of her way to shapeshift into other people.
She doesn't have to. Besides that I could see her doing it for a good reason. She could also shapeshift just to change her proportions. Bigger ass, smaller tits wider hips or the opposite of that. Even her face could change, maybe to appeal to a man she likes. Only her fox features and blonde hair stay the same because she's proud of them.
Yeah I'd prefer this. S tier fox genes making you into a foxy stud. All the ladies would kill just to smell you but you're a mommies boy.
Kitsune mature slowly. You'd spend a lot of time being young and having to rely on Ran. Still totally worth it though.
Pov pictures of ran in bed are the absolute best
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what is she thinking about?
The life she'll have with you. The future. Dozens of children, family outings, sex, home schooling, reading, playing video games, dinners, praying at shrines, more sex, cuddling, movie nights. And finally, you may have guessed it: more sex. Which means more babies.
Quantum Physics
People like you are walking past us on the street and we never know it
Best post ITT
Man, I have never seen this much intense debate over prostate
She's blatantly pulling her bra off while staring at you with an irritated but still interested look. If you can't get that hint you may well be a harem protagonist.
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My suspicion is that the fags enslaved by the HSE have some extra free time from things slowing down trying to tie the loose ends allowing them to write in other threads.
I should get back to writing sometime when I'm not worn out by work. Last Ran piece I wrote was a short mindbreak/corruption by estrus piece. Something soft and comfy would be nice.
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Um. It's been a couple of weeks and I'm still waiting for my licks
Ran in my harem...so hot. Just relaxing and spending time together. She'll definitely mother/tard wrangle most of the girls. Hell she'll do the same to me.
That's a cute story.
more like they're all bored and sick of that garbage fire
there's only like three writers there anymore
and (you) love every single sentence, don't you anon?
how would you rate Ran's body parts from best to worst? let's say the sizes of each part can be whatever you want
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1) Her face. Her being east asian/japanese (yellow fever inducing) and her Kitsune-gao ('fox-faced') which basically means a feminine and angular face. It's more narrow with close-set eyes, fox eyes, thin eyebrows, and high cheekbones. Her fangs and slit eyes means her face is beyond pretty but still beastly without being unappealing. This summarizes her entire look. Part of why I rank her face as number one.
2) Lower body. She's bottom heavy. We all know that image from SSIB, its been posted a million times by now. Extremely wide hips, narrow waist and thick thighs. I imagine her apple shaped ass must be big too.
3) Hair/fur. Fluffy and golden. I think I'll just lump her tails in here.
4) Breasts. Didn't look too big in any canon image I saw, but they look nice enough. She can shapeshift them to be bigger if she wants.
5) Feet. Gorilla woman feet but looks feminine despite their size. Soft and smooth and shaped like a woman's feet, yes women's feet are shaped differently to a man's. I say gorilla woman because she's still a beast and going by some fan calculations she's quite tall so her feet size should scale with height too. This applies to her hands as well.
6) Tummy. Her womb is just beyond. Dunno if it's muscular, pudgy or flat. Pudgy seems the least likely considering her soaring superhuman spellcard and her spinning and moving all over the place in her boss fight. Essentially she's fit at the very least. Regardless, her tummy is very nice. I wonder if she likes it being rubbed or blown on.
Dunno if I did this right since It would be so hard meticulously categorizing every little part of her body.
Pretty good list and breakdown at that. Well said.
I am indeed a Ran addict.
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It's not fair.
"dude can't you fly"
Thank you.
I'd kill just to be next to her on a bus or plane or car. Just imagine it. Writefags could try something with this. Also lol she can hide her tails away but won't.
>Hugs start lasting longer, becoming more frequent.
she also must be about a foot taller than you, so when she hugs you she forces your face into her tits. just imagine her hugging you for so long that she nearly makes you pass out from asphyxiation, only stopping in a panic when she remembers that humans need oxygen
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It depends on the breathability of her robes, but I imagine after filling your head with her scent you'd also forget you needed air.
Dating Ran would be terrifying because at any moment Yukari can and might well say something like "I'm bored of this man. Cook him for dinner." and Ran would be obligated to obey.
Huffing Ran fumes
Low IQ post. She disobeys Yukari whenever she wants and lies to her too.
I imagine she's mildly insecure about her Smell. She'd worry what if he doesn't like it, what if it smells bad, what if she used a perfume he doesn't like, what if she didn't wash herself enough, what if she's too sweaty and so on. Intellectually she'd know you won't mind, but it'd be a nagging thought at the back of her skull.
no idea how she could ever get that idea since id be loudly huffing her tails at every given opportunity.
I like to imagine it as her not wanting him to become a mindless cum fountain every time he catches a whiff of her. Sex is nice but there's things besides sex that she wants to do.
That image is just too cute.
Imaigne a Ran so tall compared to you that your face gets buried in her tummy when you hug her...
>you'd also forget you needed air.
Ah yes, the kitsune exit bag
Or just imagine you being a shota, works better.
That's why I included the "compared to you" part. Being a shota would be more convenient, but mini giantess Ran fans are fine too.
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holy fuck, I love this fat titted bitch's tits in her robe so much
her clothing isnt lewd in the slightest, its about as modest as you can get, just a robe that only leaves her head and hands exposed. Yet, because of how wide her hips are and how big her tits are, her silhouette is still lewd. The sheer lewdness of her body cant be contained or restrained in just a robe, she'd have to wear a barrel or something to truly hide her body, her body is just too motherly.
dont even get me started on when her robe is held up or only somewhat on her, exposing her underwear and skin
God that ring really makes this piece perfect.
Yeah. She's both lewd and modest. Literal perfection. What a way to show off too. Inferior girls need to dress like sluts while Ran does the opposite.
Icing on the cake. I also like to imagine she has a toe ring too...also what's that rope around her waist? I like it.
what if, after seeing you talking with another kitsune, Ran gave you a drink that made you very drowsy, and you suddenly found yourself tied to her bed?
>Regardless, her tummy is very nice. I wonder if she likes it being rubbed or blown on.
This makes me so hard. Tummy play is so hot
>2) Lower body. She's bottom heavy. We all know that image from SSIB, its been posted a million times by now. Extremely wide hips, narrow waist and thick thighs. I imagine her apple shaped ass must be big too.
Imagine resting your head on that thick and soft lap while she pets you and coos about what a good boy you are.
ran is still licking me go away
It's not her fault. You have such a vulnerable neck. Makes her want to drag her tongue over it. Feel your pulse quicken. Maybe gently graze her teeth over your throat, let you feel how sharp they are. She won't hurt you, though, she promises.
Say "Tsukasa is still tighter" just to see what happens.
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Youkai love sure does feel like being treated like prey at times.
You are dating the creatures that used to prey on humans. Sure, she's a highly civilised beast, but she still has all those instincts of a wicked apex predator that preys on stray humans. And she does love pretend playing along with them when nobody else is around.
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Ninetail sign "male drying mating frenzy"
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It's such a good piece. She's happily married, her sleeves are rolled up, and she's ready to get to work.
Only complaint is her pupils aren't slit.
Two sides of one coin. On one end she's kind, gentle, and loving; she's aware of your Humanity and does her best to keep you relaxed. On the other is a Youkai that hasn't fully suppressed her wild origins; sometimes, against your better judgement, you just want to rile her for that adrenaline rush from your fight or flight response.
>you just want to rile her for that adrenaline rush from your fight or flight response.
Ran would figure out what you're doing fast though. She'd realise you just wanted to be bratty today. That's fine. She can work off stome steam. Overpowering you, lifting you, pinning you down, showing how helpless and vulnerable you'd be if she ever got serious. Touching her teeth agains your jugular. Running the tips of her nails over your stomach, your arteries in your arms and inner thighs. Wrapping you up in her tails and binding all your limbs. Playfully teasing you for your helplessness, how fast she can overpower you. Maybe even joking that she can force you to pleasure her whenever she feels like it, not when you want it.
But it's ok, she knows exactly how far she can push your body before it actually hurts you, how far she can go verbally before she actually wounds you. But don't think for a moment she won't push you right up to the edge. Bratty humans need punishment.
and that's a good thing
stupid human needs disciplinary endless paizuri to learn how to stop looking at non-ran kitsunes...
She has a very teasing face in the art, like at any moment she's going to gently toss her hat in your face before swiftly moving over to your side to plant a kiss on your cheek.
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That is if she's in a right state of mind. When she's in full control of her mental faculties she can calculate exactly how much force is needed, what words to say, predicting your responses, planning a dozen steps ahead, and so on. But it's not always like that.

Like a cracked record she cant avoid her time of the year. An unavoidable and unstoppable cycle that throws errors into her thought process. She has it planned down to the day and each year does her best to prepare—in vain—for the inevitable loss of complex thought. At first it's just errant unsolicited thoughts whenever she thinks or looks at you. Thoughts of cute children with fluffy yellow tails quickly devolve into thoughts of making those children, exclusively. After a week in when the burning and chafing starts getting unbearable, she executes her contingency. You've shown up again to be bratty, but she has no time for you right now and would rather spend her dwindling focus on getting her hormone inhibitors. Salvation was in reach and her quickened hand popped the cap off: only for the bottle to be completely empty! Who! She couldn't have possibly forgotten to get a refill! Did Chen get into her dresser and play with the pills? Did Yukari gap it away as part of some sick prank? It must've been her. That damnable, detestable HAG! She's going to get a piece of—then there you are in the doorway, smiling that sweet smile of yours, your scent just wafting where it pleased, showing that ever so slightly tantalizing neck under your robes, looking positively… delicious. You could help scratch an itch, it'll only take a moment, just a few steps more… Wait! Where do you think YOU'RE going!?

The long night of cat and mouse ended as well as anyone could've predicted.
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I need this. I need H E R.
Would play hard to get just to stimulate and entice this ancient and normally composed fox’s predatory instincts and have her act upon them. Although the more rationale part of my dumb brain knows I’m likely biting off more than I can chew. Which Ran will likely be doing with me soon.

A gigantic kitsune is great too.
I want ran to insist on smelling my finger after she sees me scratch my sweaty balls
I love it when artists draw foxes with black ears. We need more of them.
Would you let ran non-lethal vore you
Maybe, but I'll feel guilty thinking about everybody who got less-than-lethally vored.
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They are very cute, it adds some detail to her ears and they just look blank and unfinished without it. Though it doesn't have to be black, white tips can work too from a purity standpoint since golden tails are also a sign of purity.
two words: no
Oh yeah. I'd let her lethally vore me too. I like macro/micro vore more but I'd be down for same size too. It would be great if she rubbed one out of me with her tongue before she swallowed too. If I can pick the vore though I'd definitely pick unbirthing, she can use me as a dildo for ages or a double dildo with Yukari/Yuuma until one of them seals me away in her womb and I'm never seen again. Though also getting ejaculated out maybe by being turned into her juices is good. Maybe ejaculated out into Yukari's mouth and swallowed by her or something.
you know, ran's feet must get pretty sore
she's on her feet all day, and she has no choice but to carry two very large containers of milk 24/7, they have to be weighing her down, all of those big tails can't be helping either
would you be willing to give her daily foot massages to alleviate her pain? surely you wouldn't let her suffer with uncomfortable feet all day
What is with all these fetish posts lately. I thought prostate fetishism was obnoxious enough...
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there's nothing wrong with wanting to massage ran's soft motherly fox feet
Would you want to have missionary sex with ran
Agreed. Also her socks look so cute here!
Gladly and without hesitation.
Nothing at all.
Of course.
Doggystyle is best and most appropriate for a canid like her.
You'll get lost in her tails.
That's fine. She can also hide them. Ranfags really need to learn their kitsune lore.
maybe don't go a 9 tail kitsune if you don't want tail
Can but refuses to, per Tsukasa. She seems fairly proud of them.
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That's the point. Getting lost and immersed in her world of mofu while you're getting busy making a new population demographic in the 'foxhole' is what it's all about.
We know kitsune lore, it's just that WHY the ever loving FUCK would anyone ask Ran to make her tails go away?
Prone bone
Imagine the feeling of floof on you as you plap her down
Imagine sticking it in her fox hole but her legs and tails wrap around you and force you all the way into her. Then her pelvic muscles milk loads out of you without even having to move.
So i can fuck her better/switch things up. Or if we mess around in the outside world. It'll be fun to disguise ourselves. You babies are acting like I want her to amputate them or something.
Please explain
Ran is commanding you to lick her soles
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You can just tie them together like people tie up a mare's tails to avoid a mess during birth
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It's just not the same. It's the symbol of her pride, to hide them would be like putting a paper bag over her head or walking out in the nude. Hide them if it's out of necessity where no other option permits them such as the Outside, even then there's places where she can pass as a very good cosplayer and keep them out. For sex I dunno deal with it lol, with some finagling you can make normal positions work, and with her tails you can have even more since they can support both of your weights; it's like a bed on demand. Not to mention they can be a privacy screen to fool around behind: slip in peeks of her body only you can see clearly, hands can be wherever they please, tease other hags with tasteful censorship of kisses and skinship, really you can do a lot more with them than without.
It'll be a good excuse to help her wash them. Post partum she'd be fairly weak (wet fur is h e a v y) and otherwise preoccupied with nurturing and cleaning the little ones. Then moving forward whenever the babies make a mess as they do, you can help clean them again. I'd feel very prideful with my handiwork and get to feel the experience of fresh clean and poofy tails more often.
Look, I just want to enjoy her in different ways from time to time. You want her to be the exact same at all times. Would you lose it if she decided to swap out her dress or change the length of her hair or color of her tails? Probably. Also If zun weren't so dispassionate, lazy and forgetful about character development and world building, I could see Ran shape-shifting from time to time like kitsune tend to. Just for fun.
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Imagine the fluff

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