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This general is for discussing Japanese Mobile Games that don't have their own dedicated general elsewhere. Occasionally some Chinese and Korean games will be discussed too.

>List of frequently discussed games and guides for them:

Read this Pastebin about how to get around region locks for both Android and iOS:

Previous: >>47107770
I think many here don't even know when offline versions exist.
Can't argue nobody plays and it's overrated at the same time. In fact, by saying it's overrated, you basically confirmed that a lot of people play it.
Maybe some day, if you are lucky, but not any time soon.
#COMPASS has an offline version of their spinoff rhythm game, #COMPASS Live Arena.
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Offline versions are still very much the exception, not the rule. But yeah, I don't recall any Colopl ones either.
I usually don't play them much even when they're around, because no new stuff.
But it's kinda nice to have the option there to peek back in sometimes.
>Konami is more interested in making Shine Post birthday art than the actual game
>no actual updates for the game in like a year or so
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>I think many here don't even know when offline versions exist.
>But yeah, I don't recall any Colopl ones either.
figures, that's too bad
here's your pantsu bro, don't spend it all in one place
Shine Post arcade game to crush Idolmaster Tours
Very likely, the heroine said in episode 1 that the pantsu are part of cosplay so it is fine to be seen.

Incidentally the original backstory will be about the canon lesbian pair's JK days.
2.5D is literally /mbgg/'s dream game

future of Shine Post confirmed.
Are they even making a mobile game? Looks like they're satisfied with live concerts.
They were making Shine Post: Be Your Idol and even showing production stuff and previous, but for whatever reason that's been dead for like a year now.
What went so wrong for Shine Post?
being a konami idolge
Killed by Idolmaster.
when BEMANI is actually in a dire state rn thanks to SEGA's arcade rhythm games getting the project sekai boost? lul
When will Japanese games have pity carry over like the Chinese ones?
Trust in Magia Exedra.
When cygames fucks up and invokes another lawsuit.
>someone has to fuck up for user qol
it's over isn't it
>live concerts
Shine Post only did one live at Nakano Sun Plaza. Then nothing.
Even Extreme Hearts did more lives because of things like King Super Live.
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interesting drama going on right now

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Pretty much just daily 2chan mobage shitposting threads.
Chinks pay for a lot of bots. Nothing new.
Japan makes the most boring drama.
Call back when they begin live protests or some insane person gets arrested for threatening corporate CEOs and the well being of their families. No one would notice the post if it didn't mention zzz and genshit.
>Japan makes the most boring drama
is that supposed to be a bad thing?
I am a loser which is why I try and play Japanese mobages only.
Sounds like a chink bot
When was the last time there was actual interesting drama in japanese gacha industry?
uma musume getting sued by konami last year
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Will Shine Post ever be released?
Not even the iRis girls know
Another mobage in the 10 year club. Did you enjoy the Holo sponsor stream?
It could have been us... Dragalia... Lost...
At least one of TINGS is the lead in that one cheerleading anime this season.
>Neverness to Everness
New urban world slop killer just dropped from the makers of Tower of Fantasy.
The Project Mugen killer
Too bad there aren't any pantsu in that cheerleading anime
more like tof killer lol
ToF killed itself long ago, it doesn't need any help. Given how incompetent Hota is I have no hopes for their next game.
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D4DJ... sex...

One of big three Delayed
Will play if they remove the males.
I fail to see the male gaze.
So any new games this July now that this is delayred? EDF6 bundles for gaijin sucks
Why does /mbgg/ blame males for games failing, when Towa Tsugai had no males and still died?
I blame /mbgg/ for games failing
It's a SE games, most people expected it dying within a year.
It has the male Minotaur, plus 2 draw-a-male-call-it-a-girl fujobaits
towa shitgay was bad and gay
I never got to play All Stars before it died: did the seifuku 3D models (i.e. not the idol versions) have pantsu?
Did you really have to ask? They don't even allow them to take swimsuit gravure in Idoly.
I mean from the model rips
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Huh? You can have swimsuit gravure in Idoly Prode though.
He was probably thinking the collabs
We should have gotten Mana pantsu
I looked at the model rips
Waste of time desu
Spats or void?
Leg to void
But do they show pantsu in idoly
They all wear spats. There's nothing to show.
Hot take: Spats are sexy
Post pic of the models
>Idoly has small bikinis for gravure and frilly bikinis used for performances
>Gakuen has literal burka bikinis
Idoly won bigly
That's already progress compared to voids.
It's pantsu or nothing. There's no in-between or compromise.
They are saving them for next year
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You can get a Summer Saya on Ange Relink right now:
That's skimpy. Where are the light rays?
I'm actually surprised the game is still alive and last a year, especially with the ranks it's getting. It wouldn't have surprised me if they killed it in less than a year.
I miss Blue Reflection Sun
>betrayer of yuri
for me it is Lapis Re:LiGHTs
How is Lapis not a betrayer of yuri?
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We are not celebrating the betrayers of yuri?
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I expect great things from this legendary crossover
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you WILL pull for the dumbass bean bread lover and that red chick you see everywhere in anime-related groups back in the 2010s, RIGHT?
Tiara pantsu
Shine Post? More like Shine Post?
At this point it's more like Shite Post because no one even knows if the mobage will ever exist.
It's Shine Post because it's dead (Get it? 死ね Post?)
Mobage collabs sometimes are so random and make no sense but this really feels like a proper collab in every aspect.
I wish I could get into that game but something about it just isn't appealing to me. I miss Burst Witch.
Add Tiara to D4DJ now!
There is still literally nothing to play...
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This looks terrible
lower your standard
get a job
get into yuri
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What's terrible about it?
Dead like Mana
Why did Mana have to die? THRICE?
Where is everybody
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I'm just waiting for the only new japanese gacha worth playing

>but delayed NFT game
>but honkai star rail with madoka skin
>but censored yuri cosplay game

Wizardry Variants Daphne will beat them all
yes I'm coping
Playing Outerplane right now. It's no kamige, but the characters are fun enough to keep me entertained until something better comes out.

It also has pantsu and pudding tits while the current event has some surprise yuri codependence DV. Sounds like everything /mbgg/ would love.
>It also has pantsu
The gook kinda deters me really. What's the difference between it and brown turd 2?
>anon plays Outerplane
>doesn't post pantsu
This but yuri
what do you not like about yuri dv
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Compass has updated with just some balance adjustments - nothing else for now.

>Movement speed increased by 1%
>Hero action damage increased by 3%
>Hero action damage increased by 5%
>Hero action charges 0.2s faster
>Hero action final hit damage increased by 32%
>Close range card activation speed is 6% faster
>AoE card activation speed is 5% faster
>Barrage card activation speed is 5% faster
>Defence modifier increased from 1.30 to 1.35
>Health modifier increased from 1.30 to 1.35
>Hero skill requires 8% less to charge
>Hero skill movement speed bonus increased from 18% to 22%
>Health modifier increased from 0.85 to 0.90
>AoE card activation speed is 8% faster
>Hero skill movement speed bonus increased from 13% to 40%
>Defence modifier increased from 1.00 to 1.05
>Hero skill requires 8% less to charge
>Normal attack range increased by 7%
>Hero ability damage increased by 8%
>Hero ability effect increased by 14%
>Normal attack damage increased by 1%
>Attack modifier increased from 1.30 to 1.35
>Defence modifier increased from 1.35 to 1.40
>Hero skill requires 23% less to charge
>HP recovery from poison increased from 150% to 180%
>Hero skill requires 8% less to charge
>Hero skill requires 8% less to charge
>Hero action charge speed reduced at every stage by 0.1, 0.3, 0.6 and 1 second respectively
>Hero action range increased at every stage by 2, 4 and 6 metres respectively
>Hero action damage reduced by 8%
>Movement speed reduced by 1%
>Hero skill requires 12% more to charge

That's all for now!
Only ones that might've needed a bit of buff are Saber, Pierre, Nidhogg. Lyrica and Len were already good support. Sol, Ky, Joker and Megaman were already good damage heroes. Noctis is already a high skill ceiling hero that is too OP with some practice. Al was very unkillable already. Maybe the Denji buff made sense since it's small.

There will be a good new collab at Summer Fest. I'm sure of it.
Thanks compassbro
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Here's your pantsu.
Well the story is terminally gook, but MC-kun is such a baby Sasuke about his revenge that it's cute.
I don't know too much about BD2 but stylistically they look too different. Outerplane is drawing inspiration from Priconne.
If Compassanon like Compass so much why doesn't he just make a thread in /vmg/
Because home is where the heart is
No one browses that board

Will there be pantsu and yuri?
>a Pokemon game about sleeping made it to its first anniversary but Lapis couldn't even make it a year
What went so wrong...
Make a game where girls sleep together...
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tohka my beloved
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It died pretty fast. RIP Aster Tatarassus
That's what they got for doing black voids.
>games with pantsu die
>games with black voids also die
>games with spats die too
We just can't win...
Definitely have to stop getting too invested in mobile games and focus what I'm already into.
Stop playing kusoge and install games from big productions like Cygames and Mihoyo.
This is why it's stupid to make a console game, release it as a gacha game, then double down on it not being a console game.
Aster would have lived if it had pantsu
> Games with NTR and Fujoshi design:

not feeling too good bro.
> Please install our chinese spyware instead!
Is that what you want, anon?
Your proofs?
>Still dead even though its rival Archeland is already on life support with EOS announcement anytime soon.
Pretty graphic isn't even enough to sell these games anymore.
It's ok, anons. #COMPASS is still here to carry us.
Why did Aster die?
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The only chink game I will play is the one with pantsu and pandering. And also because I was that GCGfag before.
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they literally use the kernel level spyware as anti-cheat which allows chinese hackers to hack your computer/phone easily.
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Basically a backdoor anticheat running 24/7 for any hacker to get their hands on your data.
I don't play Chinese games anymore not because ebin anticheat spyware, but because
1. They tend to get censored worse than even Japanese games. You may as well play Korean games.
2. They get into random drama like Ai Kayano getting cancelled for going on a walk around Yasukuni Shrine. It's the Cancel Culture but even more retarded.
3. CCP has explicit directives for those games to promote Chinese culture and prevent "invasion of Japanese culture", no joke. Meanwhile the Chinese games have completely occupied Akihabara.
All considered I would rather suck Japanese cocks.
Yeah heard one where they censored a cosplayer and fined/arrested her for wearing a yukata/kimono and told her wearing a CCP approved chinese costume was fine but not a Japanese dress and they expect the rest of us to not treat the Chinese media with same distain.
I don't avoid the Chinese games for those reasons. They just don't have #COMPASS and the file size are ginormous. I'd rather just play a game with stage loading than waste all that file size on walking open world.
the file size being ginormous is actually just the spyware collecting your data to send it to the chinese government.
>>47388463: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4flZvS-X6U
Compass EoS one day
Damn this is the first time I've seen the EoS announcement getting EoS'd.
World Dai Star has lasted a year already
You copied the wrong article
So if the game was already doing so badly they announced EoS the first time, what do they think is gonna make it magically make money to avoid a second EoS?
It was on maintenance mode for half a year, they literally didn't make any money from it since they stopped adding new characters and contents. The JP server is also on a rerun loop so its EOS time is also near. This is an extremely dumbass move that makes no sense unless they managed to get a new devs team to work on it again.
Is there a rip of the soundtrack?
Seen rumors that this move is because Zlong (the publisher) was getting criticized for announcing the EoS then announcing the KR release of their shiny new SRPG Mecharashi a few days later. It's probably a move in response to said game's chances being hurt by all the Archeland stuff, especially the EoS.
The way they handled Acheland was fucking awful and I doubt KR players, who aren't really well known for their forgiveness would be willing to give them a second chance with their new game. The EoS announcement page was filled with comments telling Zlong to never do business in KR again.
So does steam
Delete it right now so evil gabe hackers don't steal your precious data
I guess my plan of using the Tiara pantyshot showing her white panties as /mbgg/'s OP pic will have to be delayed again thanks to Aster finally biting the dust.
When you think about it, D4DJ technically died. It's like the teleporter from Star Trek.
What's with Love Live mobages' indecision over (You)?
Apparently (You) were the MC of SIFAS, but it was Yuu in SIF2. And then with the sequel VN from Bushimo, it is back to (You) who has lost his memory.
Who knows what other game will eos until we reach the limit.
>his memory
Her. They're all in all girls schools.
#COMPASS isn't on Steam.
Then why the distinction?
Yuu was never really a self insert unlike the original SIF MC. SIFAS was simply told mostly from her perspective. There's no reason why she should be MC again for non Nijigaku content.
Found out Merc Storia is pass the 10 years mark. I guess only games with sovl reach 10 years.
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Based T7S
Maybe it's because SIF2 had Superstar as well?
Maybe Nijifags and Superstarfags have beef with each other or something and Superstarfags would rather distance themselves from the SIFAS protag by making her a whole separate character
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Good riddance, fuck this censored pos
Why would anyone release a PS2 game in 2024?
Aster is the highest profile game to go bye-bye lately.
It's funny how things work. People keep complaining about self-inserts all the time, yet Yuu got a pass. It's like the issue was never self-inserts in general, it was MALE self-inserts. For these people, male self-inserts are always bad and female self-inserts are always good, rather whether a self-insert or good or not depending on their execution and not just their sex.
I think (You) is the self insert and Yuu is a self insert stand-in who is in lesbian with the gen leader girl.
Nice try, but game Yuu used to get a lot hate and was regularly called a mary sue. Always hated how non-niji raibus simped for her personally.

I thought we were in post gacha world? The new Aikatsu has Nothing but gacha cards (digital, 200 yen a roll). Cards do nothing except they come with a voiceline.
The people who did complain at her weren't the same people who complain about male self-inserts.
One of the girls tripped over during the debut live but...

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