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Pop'n-kin edition
Previous >>47131812
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1st for banned in America jacket
All the people celebrating the change would be singing a different tune if the art that was removed were gay furries and cross dressers.
I think they should remove the snow leopard guy from pop'n
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>"I don't wanna look like a pedo because of the BGA/Jacket!"
>"Oh, Maxima? Yeah, he's my navi, he's not suggestive. Why are you looking at his crotch though?"
I hope their local cab gets Mixxion'd or EMERALDAS'd.
The funny part is only the default Rasis got removed while you can still use the swimsuit near/noah, or the Kanade one
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>fin4le jacket removed
>mixxion untouched
What a weird time to change things, after three years of official US support with english menus and shit and everything uncensored. Wonder what prompted them to do it.
>1st for banned in America jacket
I could see why, but on the other hand it's no more worse then some WWF costumes IMO.
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I just read about this wow thats dumb as fuck, and of course you have people defending it because why wouldnt there be. I'd be suprised if they didn't alter or remove more later too fucking hell. There really is no justification to not just soley play data now, I feel like such a fucking dickhead for spending as much money on generators as I have.
Yeah but that's literally CP according to americans apparently
>Konami somehow thinks maxima will go down with american moms any better than rasis
This shit is so fucking retarded
What all was changed? I don't play Voltex or live near enough to a round 1.
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Probably >>47301931
Then again people were seething way back when this got added (voiced by Nanahira too btw)
Oh wait you were asking what got removed. A bunch of jackets especially ones with near/noah, kanade and feet

The default Rasis navigator is also gone alongside the title screen characters
Hello there so are all those bemani/sega/whatever games all stuck with the official song catalogue released with the game and patches or can the community add their own? If so, which game has the largest community in that regard?
They have simulators/clones.

>BMS (beatoraja/Lunatic Rave 2) for IIDX and Pop'n equivalent
>ITGMania for ITG/DDR
>K-Shoot Mania/Unnamed SDVX Clone for SDVX
BMS is keysounded so all songs charted for it have been made fround ground up the game in mind. Yearly competitions (BoF and others) keep the charts flowing though.
What about copyrighted songs?
Why would Rasis get removed? She's not a loli and not terribly lewd.
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Hey they might be right! I'd trust a community where half of the people in it were outed for sexual abuse/trying to hook up with a minor.
Please elaborate.
I will never understand why so many vehemently anti-loli people attach themselves to voltex of all fucking games
Look up omnimixes
It's probably puriteens being retarded
I've been seeing normalfags support her removal solely cause shes apparently 16 in the canon and simply having large tits makes you sexualized, which is clearly retarded but thats normalfags for you
Is there a place where I can find charts based off songs that weren't necessarily made for bms? Idk how keysounds work exactly but I assume that it must not be so hard to rewrite or make some cool arrangements depending on the song.
I hope that the "karen with a lawyer" rumor turns out to be true, that she wins, and that it leads to voltex being pulled from every round 1 in the country.
Some people need to reap what they sow.
If you want to make charts alone to music of your choice then BMS is a bad choice. Keysounding basically means that the songs are composed of individual sound samples, which can be mapped to notes to form charts. You press a button, a sample plays essentially. In theory you could slice an existing track, but it would sound like choppy shit when played. There is option to make your own chart for an existing track ("sabun").
Isn't it what they do with bms songs to an extent? Otherwise as I understand it different charts for the same track wouldn't be possible. It would just end up being a different track.
Rip a3 omni?
Someone said it's like removing Yoko from Gurren Lagaan because she's 14 in the early episodes
I guess they're waiting for a sows release?
Most of the people who would complain about Rasis absolutely never watched gurren lagaan and would probably support that also.
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>taiko no tatsujin looks really fun
>tatacons are major ass even if you mod them
>arcade-like substitute costs 600 dollars
>using a keyboard is not fun
If the artist has chopped up their track for BMS then yes, you can make your own difficulty for it. Samples that aren't used autoplay to complete the track in play. That's what sabuns are, difficulties made by someone else other than the original team for a given chart.
>>using a keyboard is not fun
skill issue
>Staff Edit 2024-06-19:
>Due to the failing health of one of their members, the team behind DDR Omnimix is on an indefinite hiatus.
Yes, typing on a keyboard is not as fun as actually drumming
Play O2Jam
I live in Utah so for me it's more about not wanting to be seen with half naked girls whilst in the heart of mormon country :p
I actually don't think this removal is the worst thing (I'm 18.2 VF)
I hate the changes from damn near every angle possible but I do understand the "well its a public game" thing, that's entirely fair. Doesn't mean this shit isn't dumb as hell and that I don't hate the attitude some people have about it but it is what it is. Just less reason to not play EAC
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Then give people the options to choose no navigator and hide questionable jackets. You can even make those the defaults. Options are good. Removing content is retarded.
It would make sense since Bombergirl PC allowed you to have the comic chibis overrite all the PNGs if you want to stream or think it's too lewd.
>regular mode and safe horny mode for SDVX
that might work
>this makes the American shit and piss themselves
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What are your top 10 favorite pop'n tracks?

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has pop'n always been this niche in the west? its insane how hard it is to find an arcade with a cab.

I've heard some talk suggesting its on a general downturn. how true is this? is it still popular in japan?
Forced cools killed it.
It's in hospice along with jubeat. Maybe it could have been revived by a LM/VM style upgrade that made the timing windows more consistent and the audio latency not total shit, but it's too late. If they tried that now, arcades would just dump the frew cabs instead of getting the upgrade. At most we can hope for konami finally adding the visual offset option from Lively to AC some day.

Post your SPICY PIECE H score.
Coincidentally, World leaked a couple days prior and all of the omnimix people were bitching about it in every public channel. Oh, and their private PhaseII omni leaked in south american circles.
Just a coincidence though, definitely ZERO correlation whatsoever :^)
Is there a bms player that runs well on toaster? Just downloaded beatoraja without a second thought since it's a rhythm game and it lags so much
Lunatic Rave 2 is the previous go-to client. You should check the beatoraja english guide for how to setup it, there's some launch parameters which probably help with performance.
I followed the guide. It's the music select screen, it's as if it's constantly loading something.
Play Ez2on and buy Evolve dlc
i play beatoraja on an i5-4570 with only 8gb of ram. try to disable internet ranking, and song preview under the music select tab.
Pedophile nigger, kill yourself
Those jackets really made Americans piss and shit themselves lmao
I can navigate the menus now. Not sure if that's what you were talking about but I unchecked "Get Rival Score from IR" from the IR tab in the config window before launching the game. I don't think that's what helped since the setting isn't saved upon closing the game. Maybe it was just because it was the first time running. I'd like to keep song previews and come to think of it why do they take so long to load? I mean it's just reading an audio file from another folder yet it always takes a few seconds in the song selection before I can hear it. Even on a toaster I don't get why that would be slow it's not so bad it can't play music. Also the english guide says
>If you are using ModernChic (the default skin), you should also be able to set the language shown in the music select menu to English.
but I don't see where. I must be blind, didn't see it in the pre-launch configuration nor in game settings.
>page 10
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these same people are now desperately trying to make people not play n-0 world by falsely claiming it bricks IO boards and CRTs
bravo phuzion
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What the fuck were they thinking.
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>WAZA arranged by Asaki
>tfw Asaki is the most senior GFDM inhouse artist at the moment
This series is fucked if he leaves.
That's it, I'm going to play N+1 data now
>is it still popular in japan?
I was there earlier this summer, and it was in a pretty sad state. Every arcade I went to had one lonely Pop'n machine that nobody ever played (except me, lol). Hopefully it's just because UniLab is getting old and is due for an update.
Would go and play it if the screen wasn't fucked in my arcade. It's been a month too.
i happened to play a rhythm game at an arcade for the first time ever (it was popn music 26)
how the fuck you deal with the noise? there were other cabinets next and people were playing those and i could barely hear my song sounds
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Emeraldas maimai version
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do y'all juggle games? i play several and i want to be better at all of them but there is a finite amount of time in the day. i feel like playing each 2x a week or so would result in steady, but very slow progress. or i could do something like a bulk cut cycle where i grind 1 game for a month then switch off. hypothetically raise my ceiling a lot higher than the slow progress but undo a lot of it by not spending time playing between cycles. however i do find that playing one rhythm game improves skill in another even if the skillsets aren't directly related. thoughts?

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