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Remember when Alice opened her book and the world has ended? Fun times.
Alice's porn book did no such thing
I think I'm starting to be charmed by Alice's autism...
Remember when Alice opened her book so Reimu beat her up (after already beating her up earlier) and it made Alice seethe so bad that she pounds nails into straw dolls behind the Hakurei Shrine in an attempt to curse Reimu and she refuses to open her grimoire anymore because if she got beaten again at her full power it'd be the end of her rope?
Ah, yes... I remember young Alice. So much promise, so much potential... where did it all go so wrong?
It is I, Alice! The architect of all your sins!
Alice is even more perfect!
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Genji would have made Alice better. Out of all the pc-98 parents, he's the one whose girl turned out at least somewhat well adjusted.
If I were there to play with Alice when she was still cute and young, her life would be much better today.
I remember when a certain book was opened and Alice's world ended.
Peak autistic rage
She would still piss herself as an adult because I'm sure you would touch her.
What does her book do?
It contains THE forbidden imagery
I really need to get /fit/ter...
How does me touching her when she's a child causes her to piss herself later in life?
Women who have experienced sexual abuse as children can indeed face a variety of long-term consequences, including issues related to urinary function. Involuntary urination, also known as urinary incontinence, can be one of these problems.

Sexual abuse during childhood can lead to a range of psychological and physical health challenges in adulthood. Some survivors may experience pelvic floor dysfunction, which can manifest as urinary incontinence. This dysfunction can occur due to the physical and emotional trauma experienced during abuse, which can affect the pelvic muscles and nerves responsible for bladder control.

It's important to note that not all women who were sexually abused as children will experience urinary incontinence, as individual experiences and responses vary widely. However, for those who do, seeking support from healthcare professionals who specialize in trauma and pelvic health can be beneficial. Therapeutic approaches such as pelvic floor rehabilitation and trauma-informed therapy may help address both the physical and emotional aspects of these issues.
Thanks, ChatGPT, but you're wrong, since there would be no "physical and emotional trauma".
I'd be gentle and make her feel loved.
Don't think it would make much of a difference anon.
I know this anon, sometimes he posts about how he would travel back in time and violate young alice.
he didn't understand He is the reason Alice is this dysfunctional nowadays. If we can prevent him from going back to the past, maybe alice can grow up as a sane person. as much as a fatherless girl can be, of course.
How many anons have violated Lolice now?
Please don't violate Lolice.
I haven't violated anyone. The reason she's crying here >>47308117 is because I forgot to bring her the KitKat bars from the outside world i promised i would.
There's me and a couple other guys, so at least like 5 or 6, 8 max.
Who's that person on the right? Was Yuuka a ghost back then?
How many mental disorders does Alice have?
Not enough.
What's gonna happen to little ol' Alice?
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Rita Repulsa.
This precious creature deserves love and petting not rape and violence
Just a little molestation!
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Remember when Alice learnt how to use a gun? Fun times.
so, this is where Alice learns those cringe ass phrases she randomly spouts, to this day? behaving like she was stuck in middle school for the last two hundred years?
who the hell gives such garbage to an impressionable (and autistic) little girl? it was Mai, wasn't it?
I just want to tell her she's the cutest girl in the world, pat her head, hug her and lick her cunny. There's nothing violent about that.
stealing alices' puppets and not returning them
I wouldn't do that if I were you.
what if they unlock your door when you are asleep?
Well I don't know, but Alice is definitely not resistant to panic or sick.
Fun times is such a faggot reddit expression.
She's going to target you for the rest of your life anon
exactly as planned, she'll be in my house in no time
The stalked will become the stalker, and we will make passionate love on the floor
smart anon saving the trouble of cleaning his bedsheets
You know what else is reddit? Breathing oxygen. You should stop doing that.
Alice have 4 threads.
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She hid behind the Hakurei Shrine for three days to do her doll pounding...
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Literally fake news
I would think that getting beaten up by a fairy would be far more humiliating than just losing at full power, though.
It's not like anyone takes a "magician" who plays house with dolls (instead of a husband and kids) any serious, anyway.
Alice never lies so she actually didnt have a grudge against anyone funny enough
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Reimu lives rent-free in Alice's head.
Alice seething at Reimu is such a fun character trait. Shame the fandom never uses Alice's actual character, instead using Marisa Simp #3.
it was proven to be parsee
No, it was Alice that time. Parsee did it the other times.
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if you mean in touhou 11, then it was Parsee, but in other times, maybe
I am going to Lolice.
My beloved daughter, Alice.
I just want to pinch her cheeks and lower cheeks.
This will severely backfire, now a doll she has control over is inside your house.
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You guys don't understand.
Alice NEEDS therapy. She has a completely distorted view of the world and total lose aversion.
If you really like Alice, you should be learning Hypno-therapy right now so you convince her that she also deserves to be happy.
>Losing is part of living...You can always try again...
>Four out of five people will like you if you talk to them... ignore the one in five that is cruel...
>Children like your puppet shows... You are a rare well-loved Youkai....
so that's why she evades Dr. Eirin every time there's an appointment scheduled?
I'm sure she already thinks highly of her puppet shows, they are the only reason she leaves her house.
>Alice NEEDS therapy
No, she only needs me. I want to be her boyfriend and brainwash her into believing that everyone except me hates her, and that she'll always fail at everything if I'm not with her. I want her to feel lost and depressed every second I'm away from her.
Convincing Alice she has repressed traumatic memories! Confabulating childhood abuse with Alice! Giving alice PTSD!
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It's important to affirm Alice's self confidence so she doesn't come to question it later like:
>Oh, maybe I'm the only one who likes my puppet shows.
Because then she'll be reminded that you think so
This is a catastrophic move on many fronts.
See, you think you're domesticating Alice, but what's really going to happen is that Alice with become the mother-of-all clingy Girfriends.
You ever take care of a lap dog? They pee themselves if your not within eyesight for more then five minutes. You think that's cute, but imagine if they could open doors, let alone shoot danmaku.
I pray for those who don't know about the trappings of an Alice relationship.
so what are you saying to me is that alice is a lap dog...
make sense, considering her upbringing.
>Alice with become the mother-of-all clingy Girfriends.
That's the plan.
>I pray for those who don't know about the trappings of an Alice relationship.
I pray for those who don't about know the benefits.
Do you have any idea how happy she will feel when I hug and kiss her, and say I love her more than anything in this world?
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Why send her to a therapist when you could fix her?
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Why is Arisu Magatoroido so fucking efortlessly sexy?
you fool! you expect to have a slight of a chance, without a inch of training?
you should prepare. seek a certain specialist, she lives in the sunflower garden. not only she is from the cognitive behavioral school, but also has experience with alice herself, one time successfully putting her under control, despite a very serious panic attack.
Will she do it again?
>expect to have a slight of a chance
shock collars work great. keep your defeatist bullshit to yourself retard, I can and WILL fix her
andy sweetie left peach for alice
she doesn't have the guts
Actually, Eirin can't stand the smell of piss stinking up her office anymore,
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good for you, Alice-chan! the doctor now accepts housecalls!
I will save alice...
So Alice is like a school shooter, you have to be nice to her or else bad things happen?
or you could just take the guns from her?
She's a school shooter who failed and got her ass beat by the school's giga-stacy and is now eternally seething
Yes, that's why you should always hug her, compliment her and never forget her birthday.
Shut up, Reimu, you got beat so hard, your hair changed color.
yeah, and Alice got her shit tossed so much, she became incontinent.
guess which is more life changing?
Some of you guys are alright, don't go to the Hakurei Shrine tomorrow.
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I promise to never bully her ever again if she manages to kill the stupid miko.
She couldn't kill a fairy.
If that's what's needed for Gensokyo's survival...
Ah, yes... I remember young Alice. So much promise, so much potential... where did it all go so wrong?
It goes to her milkers
This is what being raised by a lady like Shinki does to a mother fucker
time traveling /jp/sies with a thing for arisu.
everyone likes to joke around about alice being autistic but how would a relationship between her and a hubby who is unironically on the spectrum work out?
asking for a friend ofcourse... haha
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