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Previous Thread: >>47190016


If you can't use an official store, use qoo-app.

Lost Word Twitter:

JP Wiki:

Global Wiki:

Alternate Wikis:

Set-ups for farming story card stages:

In-game Artwork:

Alternative Artwork sites:

Current Event:
LOST & FOUND 2024 ~Transcendent Melodies~ (JP & GL)
VS LM1 Mugetsu (JP)
VS L1 Junko (JP)
VS B5 Merlin (GL)
VS A6 Lyrica (GL)
VS B3 Hecatia (GL)

Current Banners:
B3 Yatsuhashi (JP)
LR1 Renko & Gengetsu (JP)
L10.1 Reimu (GL)
L10.1 Marisa (GL)
B3 Kokoro (GL)
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Now they are complete

WTF LE GENGE IS BACK???? Is she voiced?What does she sound like?
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She has cute voices to lure in her prey.
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Very good.
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How's your slave setup doing, jaypee?
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No Patchouli
I hate it. Thankfully this is the last of those instrument shitters.
Cubes are safu
is Gengetsu coming on the next patch?
Patchyshitters btfo
I have not cared this little about an event's story since the last event involving these literal whohus
I haven't cared in the slightest about the past 2 events and I don't care about this one either. This interworld nonsense is garbage and it exists solely to shill the little hag. Update the main story.
the main story has basically been forgotten. I don't think it'll ever be updated aside from half Anniversary. Even the recent anniversary had no story update.
She is definetely not ready
Devs are still finding a way to make her more useful than L80 Meiling
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Just 1 more week haha...
I like that new characters get to show up in events for the first time again but the events stay around for way too long.
wait, is the roulette already over?
Yatsufusa's tiddies are HUGE holy...
Was super short in Jap too.
It will be worth the wait, Patchybros...
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>*removes all elemental resistances 3rd skill in your path*
Heh, nothing personnel
>spend 30 minutes going through cards
Is Benben
The skipped 2hu.
and not a single person rolled
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Got enough cubes to get MV Patchouli and Junko even if I have to spark them both. Would rather not have to spark either of them but at least I am prepared.
Bro your Gengetsu?
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not sure if this was posted in other threads but i found this tierlist being shared around and wanted to see what others thought

they had to make her appealing somehow
>Mima and Koishi Blanco that low
>being called comparable to B3 Seiran, E1 Patchy and Koa, W5 Kasen, and any of the L80s aside from maybe Yoom
>L80 Risa and Moo, Cz Risa. L101 Moo, that high
As fucking if. This is a meme list at best. None of the divine doll units deserve to be any higher than A tier.
>B3 seiran higher than F1 koishi

why exactly do discord trannies shill the rabbit? she looks shit.
They got Kasen right, better than nothing I guess
Imagine putting Mima and Pink Koishi on the same tier as Koakuma.
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this time I actually used dark blue
Sir that's purple
Just use Japanese tier lists
>300 usd sanae that high
you must be kidding
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Last Word
Literally who?
Easy skip.
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I'm glad we're getting more recolors instead of advancing the main story
W5 Kasen with L80 Kasen does work quite well, to the point you can basically farm Incident Shrine at 10sp, generally speaking W5 Kasen it's quite good, on the other hand B3 Seiran, outside being yet another unit capable to solo Moon EX, offers little to nothing, you can potentially pair her up with B3 Toyohime and L1 Urumi, the question it's just why and where.

L80 Marisa it's slowly getting shafted, past DS stages with sun was just better bring L80 Reimu, L80 Kasen and Shinki, Marisa would only offer support but her damage was quite low

I'm still testing it btw

if the damage it's borderline increase SP
if you want to maximize crits add L1 Armjobby Douji
if you want to maximize EVERYTHING from L80 Kasen skill 3, then put L1 Kasen on front, use skill 1 and 2, switch L1 Kasen with L80 Kasen and then go postal
I like when they do tower floors based on the stages from one of the games and just have random fairies or orbs on some floor because there was no other miniboss in a stage.
>W5 Kasen with L80 Kasen
There's your problem
Just give us Whitemu and recreate CtC already
good but she should also have blue eyes
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QRD on Gengetsu ?
New flavor of the month must-roll unit
So does C3 Tenshi with Shinki
and if the with it's still your problem, what's next?
T5 Tenshi with Cz1 Marisa or L80 Satori?

Can't W5 Kasen be compared to T5 Tenshi? or I should compare her with T5 Byakuren which it's completely overshadowed by Kasen/Reimu/Marisa/Shinki?

Mind you I also have used B3 Hecatia for a couple of farms I made for fun, and everyone hates B3 Hecatia and also C3 Hecatia and oddly enough I also used C3 Hecatia as a pure breaker/debuffer and let other two units do the rest, same for W2 Suwako.

They do have their uses and their pair ups, it was the same when L80 Marisa and L80 Sakuya were relevant, same for F1 Koishi + L80 Youmu, nowdays it's different but who cares.
Cute devil (angel)
Sex fox has so much health that it breaks the display.
>don't have enough cubes because I wasted them all on MV units before they announced the getsus
wish me luck bros...
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Where the FUCK is my girl
It's Alice day, so it wasn't the time
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This sunday they WILL reveal the MV Patchouli banner.
MIx of Mima and Shinki.
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>anniversary passes by
>no genic
>half-anniversary also passes by
>no genic as well
>genic as a random banner out of developer's ass
I really fucking hate gacha, fucking japanese niggers. I used all my resources on shared epics and now I'm 900 cubes off pity.
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Also spells.
Anon your cubes for Junko...only 1 month left.
she is delayed till august
i am sorry
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Jap list with Gengetsu in it.
> c3 shion that high

shit list
>relic youmu below beach koishit
Are they even trying?
I currently have 3 epic papers, I can bring White Koishi to max level, or I could hold onto them to bring Pink Koishi to max level instead, what's the worthwhile investment to make here?
White Koishi needs to be at max power in order to help out while Pink Koishi can still use her giga buff at lvl 70.
So White Koishi is more worth it right now since Pink will be useful regardless? Alright, thanks anon
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700 cubes off pity for Gengetsu. I'm really glad that genics don't ever have rerun banners and the only way to get them is from the lucky bag or whatever it's called
just roll with your cash bro (:
Get F1 koishi last word if you have L80 kasen you will never need pink koishi
is this game worth starting now as a new player?
also, the english wiki in the op is dead
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This is the best english wiki. Gamepress apparently fucked itself hard and a ton of stuff is just dead forever. Gengetsu is just around the corner who is worth rerolling for so it would be best to start playing after the next global maintenance. Unless you want to play jap in which case you can just jump in since there isn't anyone special being released right now. Missed Gengetsu though.
>best to start playing after the next global maintenance
thanks, when is maintenance
Maintenance starts tomrrow 4:00 AM and it's expected to end tomorrow 7:00 AM (Greenwich Mean Time)
>dumped all resources into L1 Yuuka
>feel empty inside
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It's pretty fun, don't let anyone tell you otherwise just because it's a gacha.

The gameplay is pretty fun if you like turn-based combat. The whole weaknesses and barriers concept is easy to understand and really fun to take advantage of, and the game can also get surprisingly in-depth with stuff like anomalies, buffs, debuffs, synergies, etc.

It's also pretty easy to get the characters you want (and a lot of extras a long the way) as long as you know what you're doing with your cubes and aren't an impulsive retard who relies on luck. Resources are piss easy to get (literally just do your dailies and, if you're new, clear the story).

The game also gets constant updates which usually either let you get more resources, or spend them (or both).

I'd only say it becomes a bit of a slog when you're trying to transition from story content to harder content like vs Divergent Spirits and setting up farms for the EX stages, as those usually require you to farm the main story a bunch for specific cards for specific units, but once you clear one, it sort of becomes a domino effect where the rest become easy to clear. You can also just borrow other peoples' units now to make things easier, so there's also that.

It's a nice game to keep yourself busy with at least some touhou content inbetween the droughts that are the releases of official manga chapters and games
Man, that website runs like shit on firefox
>20 rolls short for spark
will I make it?
The banner doesn't end after 1 day, you will make it
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They now outnumber the entire B universe
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who can stop them from getting more alts...
So now we have:
>Lord of Fantasy: Reimu
>Lord of Shooting Stars: Marisa
>Lord of Darkness: Rumia
>Lord of the Forest: Daiyousei
>Lord of the Frozen: Cirno
>Lord Taiji: Meiling
>Lord Librarian: Koakuma
>Lord of Wisdom: Patchouli
>Lord Spacetime: Sakuya
>Lord Scarlet Devil: Remilia
>Lord Peacock: Flandre
>Lord of Deep Winter: Letty
>Lord Cat Demon: Chen
>Lord of Magical Colors: Alice
>Lord of Spring: Lily
>Lord of Depressed Sounds: Lunasa
>Lord of Manic Sounds: Merlin
>Lord of Phantom Sounds: Lyrica
>Lord of Ghosts: Youmu
>Lord of Rapturous Death: Yuyuko
>Lord Fox Spirit: Ran
>Lord of Illusion: Yukari
>Lord of Drunken Dreams: Suika
>Lord of Earth Stars: Wriggle
>Lord of Recitation: Mystia
>Lord of Longing: Keine
>Lord of the Rabbits: Tewi
>Lord of Ripples: Reisen
>Lord of the Millennium: Eirin
>Lord Dream Colors: Kaguya
>Lord Eternal Smoke: Mokou
>Lord of Revelations: Sanae
>Lord Naraka: Satori
>Lord Abyss: Koishi
That’s 34 masterminds, and yet we’ve only seen 4 of them. Of those 4, only 2 are fightable (Marisa and Sakuya).
Can’t wait for Rumia in 2050.
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>at the current time.
Making a prediction: A-universe series limited units will be added to the standard prayer pool at some point in the near future.
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>got Gengetsu in 50 pulls
I can't wait for Lord of SEX Koakuma.
50 rolls, baybee
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60 rolls baby
>no daily EXP event
how do you guys get your 2hu to 100 quickly?
What trickery is this?
that's Kasen, you idiot.
you dont
Lord of CUTE and ROSES. No lewd allowed.
>Step Illumination
Good taste
school gives 3 times more exp at the moment
don't forget to feed ur friends tho
School + Farming once they hit 70
Backline until they hit 70
Double rape...
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First account, no rerolls
Hifuu Code B3, Lost Word Pt. 3 on Lunatic (the one where Occult Circle drops) gives about 2000 XP per run.
Post voice lines pl0x
Am I missing something or does the new genic isn't as strong as the current top units outside her skill 3?
She raped my cubes
They're pretty uninteresting, and I don't know why the device are having Genge say that she and Muge are the 'most despicable and disastrous sisters' when that's already the Yorigami's title
>rape time in 40 rolls
GG ez no re
I'm mad Renko and Mari are going to be the homescreen girls for every PC98 characters. Who's dumb idea was this?
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2 days...
Can't level limit break her right away since she needs special dolls so it helps to get some 2hus who can farm events with their AoE Last Words. Most resources come from events.
I was gonna pull but then I saw that her last word killers are garbage lol.
Fatchybros... Our time is finally coming.
It was in LLS's omake, and I just like Genge and Muge.
>c3 kogasa has a 55% boost to her effective elements
>yo don't look at the killers just nuke whoever is weak to water/metal
>lr1 gengetsu has a 40% boost
>anon, did you see her killers? they are very important to hit

It's a strange, strange world we live in.
is there anyone in particular I should get from the "my first exchange ema"?
Too bad shinki and blue reimu already obliterate any content weak to sun
Toyohime is the most commonly recommended. She has fast, strong AoEs with good killers. Great for farming events.
is the new renko good?
out of the A-verse Touhous which ones are actually worth upgrading?
Seiga is really good. All the 2hus based on the PCB shot types are good. Tenshi and Yuuka are also useful. Big Nue and the fairy are technically also A universe and pretty decent but they are not on normal banners.
>used the ticket on the L1 banner
>didn't realise you only get one
but the yuuma
I hope you got her
why are yuuma and ibaraki douji's arm the only limited L1 units? they're not even that good.
Because fuck you, we don't want to make 19hus yet when we need to conceptualize a gorillion more Prismriver alts no one cares about and make sure every single 2hu has a Mastermind counterpart that will never be seen outside of an undefined silhouette or title.
EoSD Sunny, EoSD Tenshi, TD Seiga, Seija if you want to broke SelF1shi even further, Covid Reimu, general nukes SA Koishi, MoF Suwako, whatever PCB Sakuya for moon related madness
I got fucking Tojiko
You can really get an L1 shitter like daiyousei form that prayer? what a scam.
yeah, I got a Mystia.
Look at this cat. Highlight of the current jap manga.
She's on lvl 90 right now... one more day before I can retire my Kutaka
>L1 Sakuya
Lol, lmao even
Why is the Yukari in Ch 1 fucking stacked, but the Yukari in the event story a flat loli
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Patchouli reveal in 12 hours.
One is the regular Yukari from the universe (you) ended up in and the other is an evil semen demon from another universe who is still somehow not playable yet.
> did the "power up" prayer
>L1 koishi

fucking waste of my time
What are you using your Kutaka for?
Buddy system (nothing)
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Bros, been struggling to get on the latest update due to the switch to .xapk. QooApp refuses to allow me to update, and downloading it manually and using DevCool's XAPK Installer has gotten me nowhere closer... it mentioned that "there are some architecture configuration split parts for base APK, but none of them is supported by your device". Installing just the base APK nets me a "INSTALL_FAILED_VERIFICATION_FAILURE", while installing with the arm64_v84 code for base APK nets me "INSTALL_FAILED_NO_MATCHING_ABIS: Failed to extract native libraries, res=-113". What am I supposed to do?
I accepted 2 new accounts as buddies yesterday. Today I got
>You helped 92 buddies.
I wish the buddy point cap was a soft cap and the excess would enter a buffer to be given to you over time. That's 82 uses just gone...

I don't know what I'm talking about but could you convert the xapk to an apk and then install that?
>get to the end of the lost and found lotto thing
>think finally i can advance the story or at least leave some story missions on repeat for wood
>it loops
is it worth it?
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Less than 10 minutes until my cute wife Patchouli gets her next alt banner revealed. Nothing will go wrong today.
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Things went wrong.
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No Patchouli, Clownpiece alt later down the road tho
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Nue and Larva I can understand for Big sEX alts, but Clownpiece? Fucking blasphemy, and I bet she won't even be good either.
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Story card of her
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Clownpiece (maximum freedom). Lunarians HATE her.
>Yang Def: +75
>Yin Def: +75
>Star element up 50%
>Fire element up 50%
>If user is Technical, crit accuracy up for all allies by 1 level
my Gengetsu is doing fuckall damage to vs Mugetsu. Any good set up for this? Running Shinki, Mima and Gengetsu

Some random ones. Last one is a complete RNG meme but it is possible.
I hope she's decent at least.
Hard scaling lol
do any sites have the released art for characters and ripped art? I mean stuff like human satori
Sprite resource has a number of them, but not all.
With gamepress still being down, and it's only real purpose of having all of the story cards' image/descriptions now gone, these videos are much harder to follow along now
she's going to be awful i can see it
see you in 3months for global lol
>don't have Kaguya
>don't have summer Remi
>can't execute the 2 man farm
it's owari da
5 turns 15 attack count it is then
got 1 card drop from vs Mugetsu to get a single MLB card. Do I stop farming now or should I get more?
You can get a 2nd one for Blue Reimu. I think Gengetsu's card deals more damage for her LW. Can't trigger the 3rd effect but it has 100% damage increase.

Better not blindly roll.
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>just rolled on tenshi banner this morning hours before this post came out
just mcfucking end me senpai
got another Chimata out of it
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My cubes remain safe
Patchybros... it's getting hard out here...
Junko bros have to wait until September most likely

Not like I have any relic dolls anyway after gengetsu
Somebody get Fatchy out of the basement.
Koishi's :O expression is killing me
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Post your highest rarity team
>1 star yuyuko, Yukari, and Marisa

I have too man EFES characters to fit into one team. They do fit into one image on the character screen though.
I don't really get this banner
is there any reason to roll on the L1 one apart from if you REALLY want yuuma or arm-chan?
Basically that except instead of P2mu and Musicmu it's Heca Azul & a relic unit.
Well there's also piss Sanae, but she isn't MLB'd
Joooooon, Mugetsu, Sex Clownpiece, Patchy.

This will be the release order.
my highest rarity team can't even fit on a single team
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I think I'm slowly losing interest in this kusoge. I didn't get Gengetsu and I'm not even mad, I'm indifferent. This is what no story updates does to a nigga. I don't give a shit about these retarded interworld whatever events, they're fucking boring
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Joon LW
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Things would be different around here if Yuuka was my mom...
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For some reason they have not posted one of those character overview images for Jewn so here are her skills.
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Now it’s up
Screw your mechanics, eat weaknesses.
How do I quickly get a character to level 70 in this game it was quick during the anni or whatever but now its taking forever

got Joon summer and i want her to be strong fast
>mixed last word
>shit killers

easy skip
It’s to bait out impatient people who don’t check before they summon
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Sexualize the clown.
This sex demon better have a useful kit unlike sex nue and eternity
isnt that correct?
isnt this the first unit that can give 2 SP to the team in a single turn?

she still kinda mid
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>bra has the stripes on the right and the stars on the left
>tights are also stars on the left and tights on the right
not only did they get them on the wrong sides in the first place, they forgot to switch them the way clownpiece's outfit actually does
>Rolling without guaranteed pity
Deserved, you did this to yourself

Go away you impulsive animal
That post was about neglecting the main story you dumb nigger ape
Put her in one of your farms, in the backline or something
School is at 3x right now. Get all the food buffs and have her in fights until her stamina runs out. Just farm the highest wave 1 Lunatic stage of the current event. Need to farm a ton of event drops anyway.
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Star weakness infliction. Just gotta believe...
Man why are gengetsu card stats so shit she is not even that good to get her card stats fucked up so bad +40 yin attack lmao.
>It's sad to see them go, but they're music is still with us.
oh thought you were referring to the first they're lmao
she is a technical unit based on the current DS stage, and she likely has star on her last word...

PLEASE make her useful
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A6 Star and Luna when... it's the only non-EoSD A6 units they should actually be making...
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Global's time for a series of literal who updates.
fagtasma stole the epic doll again
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Such nothing..
Demoted, yet still a thief
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They managed to make me skip pretty much every unit that isn't my absolute top favourites (I like all 2hus) or gigameta, being Swimsuit isn't enough, as I do need 2000+ cubes to get my needed copies. I only roll like this or for shared banners, and if it wasn't because I do get very lucky usually to do that, I would've stopped playing for now. And still I have five Epic and Divine dolls, four disks and all the Jumbos because those practices make me save even more. And of course, no money spent.

What's the point of insisting on such an ultra-predatory method for handling resources? Does it work that well with whales? Because in my case it has turned me into a f2p
A7 Cirno

A15& Clownpiece

Z3 Satori
>z3 satorin
Wait, is this the one that can only be rolled with god cubes?
Z3 is magical girls (Alice & Remilia). L0g is the whalebait universe
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Yin Defense Rank 2 on the clown LW...no unique skill at all.
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I guess it's the fate of all A& EXhus to be total dogshit.
Neat. Why doesn't mahou girl Satorin get her own close up like the others?!
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Satori bros...
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i been loving the x3 drop things. i actually have wood now
Jesus christ dinosaur sakuya has full moon in every single one of her spellcards
Will still be more useful than relic Alice btw
This is the third time they've had that Last Word for the Komeijis, unless we're getting Mahou Girl Koishi there's no point to it. I've suddenly remembered about Dolphin Rider Koishi
I just remenbered that L1 Cirno is the best Cirno in the game by far A6 is fucking unrunable
dead on arrival
I'd roll. All Satoris must be rolled for
Quit about a year ago because the errand system (the one where you have to log in every 1-2 hours for cubes) was obnoxious. Has it been improved at all or is it unchanged?
>have to
Just say you're autistic, I do them once or twice a day max.
>Sekibanki Card Rerun
at least we're having some FR 2.0
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About that...
They haven't even put a feature to check the errands while you're farming...
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Oh. Guess I'll stay gone then. Thanks friend!
I think she is the only character who has that. Tiny Yuyuko has no elements besides water but her regular spells barely have any elements on them.
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things would be different around here if I could acquire this fucking thing
The only QoL on that front is being able to complete all errands at once.
Holy shit it's not a rerun event?!
still no epic doll because fuck you
Still sitting on 8 of those sex dolls. No adult version I want yet.
>have been grinding gengetsu card since it's release
>zero drops outside of the guarenteed level drops
This is such horseshit.
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I don't even have a single costume bonus for the current event and it shows.
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It has almost been a year since the release of 2hu 19. Surely they will start releasing the newhus on the 1 year anniversary of the game. Around 3 weeks left.
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Love the silly kindergarten Yuuka outfit.
They'll release their A6 variants first.
I see a bootleg Kaguya.

Keep farming, anon.
>Doesn't post the outfit.
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Imagine wanting to have fun in Doremy Land and then this smug fuck comes around and makes weird faces at you.
Deja vu?
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Stream is in a few days. Will probably just be Mugetsu and Clownpiece though. There are also still Kasen and Komachi left for more beach stuff.
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guaranteed level drops?
does that exist?
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absolute correction, like in that kuroha rapid doujin
Yeah, I think that too. If they doesn't reveal MV Patchy presentation video, probably they are gonna announce her but postpone her video to another week
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When the war of the dolls brings about the world's end,
Caroline descends from the sky..
Cubes of light and dark spread afar,
She guides us to bliss, her gift everlasting..
Please don’t let takanes rebirth be a recolor of her normal outfit like nitori
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Mister Takanefag, hope you're doing fine.
Yep, I hope the same. 18hous are pretty cute
Clearing 100 guarantees 3 copies.
Clearing 120 guarantees another 2.
ah, that thing
I really wish that it'd be a kind of pity for this
like 700 victories = 1 copy
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Why did they give the B3 shitters totally useless rebirth upgrades are they retarded? this shit has to be the worst set of fantasy rebirth upgrades ever released good thing I got this shitty youmu for free with tickets what a fucking failure are the B3 retarded human jobbers.
oh my god is that a cooldown enhancement from 6 turns to 5 that literally doesn't change anything else no fucking way, be careful not to buff your unusable characters too much next ninja (but seriously the dude who approved that garbage probably doesn't even play the game lol)
Shut up Genesis
>set to lvl60
>grind 1 turn runs until 700 battles
>exchange for twenty copies
Gg ez no re
no way you're doing DS stages in 1 turn since they have gauges. also the drop rate at that low a level is abysmal.
Sub lvl 100 runs aren't counted
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Ok I haven't played this game in a while and I hear that they "added" PC-98 characters but what's the deal with shackling them to Maribel and Renko? They did that with Mima/Shinki and now Gengetsu/Mugetsu

Why are they not allowed to be stand-alone characters? Is it because their home era isn't as canon?
It honestly feels pretty insulting to not get the real character, only them possessing Renko or something
probably some agremeent with ZUN does not allows them to appear on home screen
It's a weird case overall, especially when they've been using the EoSD universe to make "technically PC98" counterparts for Alice and Yuuka no problem.
Oh so a real character is breaking the rules, but ZUN's perfectly fine with alt characters from the tropical paradise dimension or whatever other AUs?
I just wish people respected PC-98 more, it's so unfairly neglected
>kisume event
I physically could not be less interested
Suika still has not received a single buff. Can not even gain any P with her skills. Has had her rebirth since forever in jap at this point.
>Youmu B3 Spell Card buff
>Yin Def
why the fuck are you giving yin buffs to a yang unit

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