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You should smile more Anon~~

Useful links:
- https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=1m0KiLcbTwbcg_WyN_eH4aye2fTo
- https://kigguide.com/ (biased)
- Art: https://www.pixiv.net/search.php?s_mode=s_tag&word=%E7%9D%80%E3%81%90%E3%82%8B%E3%81%BF
- Videos: https://www.findtubes.com/search/kigurumi
- Stick this in japanese sites: 着ぐるみ

Image Source: https://x.com/Murasame_Kig/status/1809534933758607661

Previous Thread: >>47236439
Damn that looks fun
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Babybel balls
western kigs could never
Good god I need to kig up and bump cages with her.
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Spicy mushroom
How much does a professional kig make in Japan? Like the ones that do the Precure shows?
It’s not a full time job, I read somewhere that they mostly hire from college’s aerobic club
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To the british anon posting kigs in the /sp/EURO/ sticky. Thanks for providing entertaiment during the boring bits. It was a pleasure talking with you. I'm sorry England lost.

Source: https://x.com/mgr_kk/status/1809933453301072102?s=61&t=aGB3NkpIm3YGeDtx9s_0Uw
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Sports are key to a good kigu body, after all. I'm surprised I don't see Kigu football jerseys come out during the World Cup or something fun like that. Though I suppose the olympics covers more Kigu activities. Thanks for your words, but they weren't winning.
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Sports are indeed a big key to a healthy kigu body. And the lack of sports jerseys might come from kigs generally not being into sportsball. Most you'll get is me being into pro-wrestling and other combat sports or american kigs being fans of american football.
Honestly I don't think spain deserved it either. That handball in the germany game still pisses me off.

Source: https://x.com/linxian_rinka24/status/1809920193298141260?s=61&t=aGB3NkpIm3YGeDtx9s_0Uw
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Oh shit, pro-wrestling? Nice. I've been known to watch a bit of it myself. Sportsball does seem to be less prominent (which isn't surprising since I doubt many people here are super into sports which are the types to be kigu-minded), but still. Thought I would've seen like a baseball jersey from the Japanese side or something. Spain played well, not their best game, but you've just got to win.
It would be funny to see a wrestling t-shirt on a kigu though.
Last I measured, I'm 20kg less but about the same height. Maybe kigu isn't out of my reach.
>american kigs being fans of american football
Kigu Super Bowl party when?
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I thought everyone knows I am into pro-wrestling. The thread used to call me "wrestlefag" at somepoint kek. I do like football and other sports to some degree. Just dont have the time to watch it all.
Japan doesn't do much of this whole merch wearing thing. Thats more for superfans over there afaik.
I should do some wrestling merch posts. Greck used to do them around the time of WWE PPVs. So I wouldnt be the first one but I look like shit in kig anyway according to a lot of people.
>my cat broke my scale so I couldnt weigh myself recently but its still 120+ kg
If my fatass can make a kig then you will make a fine kigu. There are many kigs that look great despite being not the thinnest. Dont allow those bad brainworms to take you over. Become kigu, be cute.
Invite me if the Minnesota Vikings ever make the final. Only team I know from american football.

Source: https://x.com/jiguang_shining/status/1810633494554697950
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Admittedly, decently new to the thread, but it's good to know I'm in familar company with another wrestlingfag. I can't remember which event it was (probably GCW) but they did a gauntlet with Chiitan showing up like half way through. One day we'll see a Kigu hit a Samoan Drop. I don't trust them to do a flip, not unless that mask is locked on tight.
We've just gotta find the SUPERFAN of BIG BOSS in Japan or something. I've been to live events, big ones, wonder if they've ever had a kigu show up in the crowd. Definitely a Japan-only thing, but we've had touhou wrestling entrances and Jashin-chan sponsored cosplay matches before so all bets are off.
Damn, impressive height. I do have a little admiration for taller kigu since they probably have a harder time with it. I feel like at 170-180 getting the Hada isn't easy, but it's possible. Above 185cm? I'd admittedly have no clue where to start. I need to get one sorted out for me. And eventually figure out who I might kig as.
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Thank you that's kind of you
It was my first time wearing a kigu

and my hair got tangled quickly...
Where is this, and don't you get embarrassed? Kigu to me was always something to keep in confines, either exclusively with other kigufags in a remote place or just at home for yourself.
I was wondering why there were no pictures on your twitter. Please keep it up, you're very cute.
There are hairsprays that can help with tangles, but be sure to get one specifically formulated for your wig material.
Japan Expo in France
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Well you can join one of the kig discords and learn how to get into kig yourself. BasedKig and Kigurumi Int'l Group are the two big public ones. Based is more 4chan-like.
Chiitan does join many japanese wrestling promotions. Think I saw him take an exploding barbed-wire bat shot once. Wrestling in kig is really hard I could do my basic punch and kick routine but any spot that would require me to see would be a botchfest. Especially with me who is very much not the technical type of pro-wrestler. Could try doing a Samoan Drop in kig once.

Source: https://x.com/mercer_kig/status/1810125176874385769?s=61&t=aGB3NkpIm3YGeDtx9s_0Uw
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Conventions aren't so bad. It depends on the country a lot of the time and where the convention is (what city). Some countries have...looser social norms than you'd expect, some cities do as well.
If you've got a Kigu that's of decent quality, it makes for a real interesting thing for people to see and talk about, or come up to you and talk with you about. Amazing conversation starter, just don't take off the mask, and if you don't wanna talk, most people will understand. More so if you're dressed in Kigu than if you weren't.
Honestly, the more mid-high quality kigus would encourage me to go to more conventions. Especially in the UK because I don't even think the UK has a big Japan convention at all? Some ones that have been around since the beginning of the 2010s but never gained traction.
I've heard about BasedKig, I really should join one of them. I think the biggest draw back is definitely the lack of grip that any hada would betray you, as well as the heat build up. I think you might be able to get away with drops if you got the technique for grabbing and had a good opponent for it.
That's the plan for me. I need to look through the /jp/ archive and find the actual posts talking about masks and agents for the chinese/japanese sites though. Crucial part of the entire thing, and I've basically heard nothing good about masks outside of Asia (and seen them). A friend of mine went to Anime North and apparently they were greeted with some...unfavorable examples.
>Honestly I don't think spain deserved it either. That handball in the germany game still pisses me off.
Oh, you mean the handball preceded by Füllkrug's own handball and offside, right? Also looks like you're totally okay with Kroos wrecking Pedri for free, right? Cry me a river.
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Poor tchichi...
I'm a latexfag but I honestly do not understand why you'd get a fully black latex mask like that one wearing the UBOA shirt. Not even a bad outfit, the body isn't insulting, but like, how the fuck could you even tell about the mask quality or anything interesting for what is one of the most distinct features of the package?
Miku could be better with a different outfit (though it's a bit of an infamous mask at this point). That group of 3 in the bottom right is just a range of issues.
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Well if you want to join either just type in kigurumi for K.I.G and basedkig for Based in the discord join menu, those are the custom invites for them. And yeah some of the Cici crowd kigs arent the best examples around.
And yeah heat and grip can be worked around easily. Not seeing is not so easy to work with.
That whole situation was a clusterfuck. The ref not giving it because of Cucurellas "natural hand movement" was BS. He could have already called it at the offside but he didnt. Also the spaniards were were handsy with the ref completely ignoring it but every german mishap gets called. The Pedri/Kroos situation was equally miscalled by the ref.

Source: https://x.com/kig_kuro/status/1812609541764497415
>Terrible masks
>Unkempt hair
>Bad posing
>Blatant fetish gear
>Some weirdo in his zebra gimp suit
There's a lot to this image
Where's that list of kiggers who post porn on twitter. Imma need that boss.

Also most basic fitness kig routine.

>Cycling or Walking on a maxed Incline Treadmill @ 3mph/5kph. Both done in Zone 2.
>Heavy squat, deadlift, hip thrusts.
>Alternate between the two, full rest day once or twice a week.
>Slight caloric deficit, reduce fat intake, increase protein intake, don't eat bad carbs.
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Sorry it's true that I don't look good in this photo I with long hair it's really difficult for a first conversation

Putting the bunny suit back on and a bad pose doesn't help me either

But in the other photos I can show that I look quite good i think...
bro my kiguboss saw this image I'm going to get fired
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Bottom 3 were these ones, anon. You weren't that bad. Honestly you got caught at a bad angle and your outfit was letting you down. Look at your image! That's a good one!
Especially considering you were probably positioned at the back, even if you had a good pose, the angle wouldn't compliment it.
There's not much you can do about unkempt hair if you've been around the convention centres a while, unfortunately. Unless you're a hairdresser

I belong to the back. But that's sweet thank you
Your posing could be better (throw back your shoulders to make them look less masculine) but your kig is cute. I would dare say you were the cutest one there.
One of the cutest for sure. I will definitely keep trying hard to improve as a kigu
Why did kohaku stand directly behind a plushie instead of in the empty space next to the zebra gimp? Photographer, please work on posing your groups.
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Yeah fuck I'm just retarded...
Thanks for the advice but most of the time my mind was elsewhere so I couldn't think about all these details...
Thanks for reassuring me it's going to make me blush
Step! On! Me!
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I joined one of them. Honestly though, I can be a little assumptive but to have kigu in general and taking it to a con isn't such a bad idea if you're looking for advice or some kinda mentorship, I guess. Easier to get someone who knows what they're doing in person and showing your interest, as long as you ask for advice I guess. Maybe I'll go to a con before I really put one together and try and seek out the best one I see and ask them a few questions.
Need to come up with that character list.
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Thats good. Take your time in opening up. All in due course my friend.

Source: https://x.com/kanbaland/status/1812316091223560598?s=46&t=umIvdX5bBFln2VMRHmustw
>There are hairsprays that can help with tangles, but be sure to get one specifically formulated for your wig material.
Not that anon, but does anybody know some good detangling sprays for whatever wig material GKO uses? Any idea or guide about what combs to use and the like would be welcome as well as I'm a noob regarding wig care. I've heard that heated combs work well. My hair is a mess currently and I believe my looks would improve a lot if my hair was silky-smooth. I tried the detangling and static fix videos from OP's kigguide but they were of little help.
>inb4 don't get a long haired mask as your first one
My first one is actually short haired. It's amazing how foolproof it is compared to a long haired wig. Long hair is hell.
My exact height and weight. I'd like to drop a few more kg, but kig is definitely viable at those measurements. You're much thinner so you'll be totally fine and will also have an easier time getting clothes.
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kigga that's NUTS
Are you another fellow cursed 200cm monster? It hurts so much. I'm too tall for not just kig, but everything.
Nope, just like 181-182 last I checked. 200cm is a lot. I have a lot of respect for you, anon. You know, I'd probably end up making my own stuff if I knew how to use that sewing machine I've had in my wardrobe for years. 200cm is too tall for a lot of shit, you can't even crossdress or find stuff to wear over the mask/hada, I struggle at 180+.
If you search for "synthetic wig [whatever]" you'll find exactly what you need- usually directed toward black women, but it's perfectly fine for kigus. Most synthetic wigs take the same products.
Good hair, good waist, good mask=good kigu.
Just kig a tall character. There are plenty of tall kig appreciators. There are very few kigus who are satisfied about every aspect single aspect of their body. You're not perfect and that's okay. Just understand what you actually can control and you'll be much happier.
Not sure what I did to deserve respect, but yeah, I have difficulty finding regular pants, give up on 'crossdress', I can barely even 'dress'.
Ain't there the problem of 'hada too small' and 'clothes too small'
from an artistic standpoint, it's pretty solid if I wanted to do a cool beauty type or something, height can absolutely affect the aura of any sort of costuming, it's just a matter of not being able to cram myself into the gear.
>Ain't there the problem of 'hada too small' and 'clothes too small'
Yes, you will have the drawback of not being able to buy a lot of cheap crap off of taobao and have it fit but that applies to a lot of western kigus taller than like 5'10". Just means you will have to buy stuff sized for Western people or get things custom tailored. If you have the space for it, you can also use it as an opportunity to learn how to sew, it's a useful skill to have for this hobby for sure.
Hada shouldn't be an issue. Plenty of makers do them exactly by your measurements.
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intense sakki breeding
Dear God
I know it won't be easy for your but if you are interested in becoming a kigger and you can afford it I can assure you there are lots of people who will like to see you, like anon >>47317229 said, there are plenty of tall kig appreciators, I personally would LOVE to see a kig this tall so if you have any interests in cosplay you can try to get into it, it won't be easy and you have a bunch of obstacles in your way but a kig as tall as a Halo Spartan is something many of us dream of.
Go for a tall OC or a tall character like Samus or Bayonetta, you could get a personal tailor for your suits, or if you are willing to do the job you could become your own tailor.
>cursed monster
Your curse is also a gift, tall people are gorgeous.
>if I knew how to use that sewing machine I've had in my wardrobe for years
Do it, it's not too late to learn a skill, it will be fun too, do it now!
that's a dude
How do I get the courage to DM my kigwaifu? this feels harder than talking to that one popular girl in high school
Yeah, that's the best part
You need to lead off with a cum tribute (with an impressive load, don't even bother if you're a dribbler). After that, ask about their hobbies or comment on their camera/autistic hobby/other interests. Never acknowledge the cum tribute again.
THANK YOU, now can you please put it in a memo and entitle it "shit I already know"?
some of my favorite kigs are enbies and trans women, chud
>trans women

You mean mentally ill men.
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get Kohane'd

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get Got!
>turns a convention into a fetish show
heh, nothing personnal kid
There were a couple of reasons:
- I arrived a bit late when that photo was being taken, and I approached from the rear, so I just quickly had to pick a spot and just hope for the best
- That plushie wasn’t visible when I picked a spot, but was suddenly held up as the photo was being taken (this is a pet peeve of mine, same category as group pics where the front row suddenly throws up their arms)
- I didn’t want to accidentally bump into an oiled up zebra while wearing a hada + yukata, so that spot was a no-go for me
- The stand location was so noisy that a photographer wouldn’t have been able to give decent directions anyway, esp not given the limited time that was available for taking that photo

Could’ve maybe knelt down in front to hide the mascot’s dong, but then again, the yukata wouldve made that meh. Oh well, hindsight

Long hair is just a challenge at cons, especially when you’re wearing it loose. Only real solution is to have a dedicated person running after you with a brush ig
>I didn’t want to accidentally bump into an oiled up zebra while wearing a hada + yukata, so that spot was a no-go for me

I feel this lmao
>usually directed toward black women, but it's perfectly fine for kigus. Most synthetic wigs take the same products.
That makes sense. I'll do some research then. Thanks, mah kigga.
The sight of flesh disgusts me.
>hide the mascot’s dong
i completely missed this..
So do you all wear these things around the apartment and general anime cons, or is there some place where you just freerange kig?
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>is there some place where you just freerange kig
the kigu pasture, obviously
How can you be sure it's real skin?
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Any good new robot kigus yet?
how do I get a kigu gf (female)?
No offense, but if I saw this inside my house I would shoot it immediately
No offense, but if I saw this inside my house I would shoot it (with cum) immediately
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Same, but I'd lock it in my basement after.
How do I cope with more and more girls getting into kigu?
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I will never experience this
You could.
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You don't. I will put on the mask and i will molest kigs (male) and you won't be invited.
there are kigastacy succubi stealing the purity of true (male) kigs in this very thread
it's over
It's always funny to see the Himari kigs standing
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I get that it's supposed to be a belly button, but...
My goodness, hand holding... my heart can't take this.
I refuse to give up on my dreams, what is stopping us from getting this?
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Gonna leave a kigastacy kigpregnant to have her kigchildren
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You did make sure to make your daily tribute, right anon?
surely topi wouldn't give it up for half a sandwich and two cubes of watermelon
need more mommy kigs
You couldn't get it up anon
It feels like shinkai dropped off, are they the dame of the east these days? They still got some bangers just half seem to be poorly proportioned or off in some other way
Tell me which character mom would look good in kig and maybe....
Who does a kig need to message to get some discreet tributes done?
>kig actually asks anon to cum tribute/meet up to fuck/lift them/hold their hand
>anon disappears
every time
skill issue? last anon i ended up meeting with was the best sex i ever had
Do you have any socials?
Stop bragging about actually being able to get anon dick, not every kig can be so lucky
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What's the current meta for lower body padding? I've seen the DIY foam stuff but it seems like an 'all-in-one' shorts style would be more convenient. Would appreciate some recommendations.

My current measurements are 30.5" natural waist and 35.5" natural hips and ~44" at the shoulders.

Not really sure what the "optimal" proportions to shoot for would be here. I've seen 1/0.7/1 shoulders/waist/hips cited as "ideal" hourglass proportions. Doing some rough napkin math with measurements and the ellipse formula says a major axis radius of 9.25" and minor axis of 3.5" would give a perimeter of 44", which is about 2 inches of padding on either side but I feel that might be a little conservative.
It took me until I had 3 mentions of 'custom tailor' to be reminded that I got so fed up by the shit quality BDUs you can get for airsoft cosplay(Do not ever let anyone convince you otherwise, we're retards cosplaying soldiers)
that I learned sewing just to make my own, and that the skills are definitely transferrable from that.
Guess that clinches it, time to start doing proper kig research. Thanks anons
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real "anon"
source: https://x.com/midorimeronpan/status/1790477169262563658
They were never that popular to begin with, most of their masks are average with a few good ones in between. Feels like cope option for mid kigs if you ask me.
I know the cum tribute thing is a joke, I am not that retarded, still struggling with dming them, I don't wanna join a kig server as a whitename knowing I won't interact with anyone else until I am ready to become a kig myself, my twitter account is full of hentai and I don't want to look like a pervert so I am stuck.
You know the kigs are perverts too, right?
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Thanks for asking but I haven't posted any photos yet...

I don't mean to be offensive at all I'm just really curious but are these actual women who do this or are they men or is it a mix of both?
If you count anime style kigs alone, the male:female ratio is around 95:5
Damn that's quite the difference. So for male participants who want to portray busty characters do they wear breast prosthesis to simulate them or is that reserved for female only?
There's a limit to it, but yea, you were the prosthesis if you're doing a kigu of a girl in general if we're being honest.
I'm no padding specialist, but I've tried both types and from my experience, I prefer all in one shorts. They're much easier and quicker to put on and off, the pads stay properly aligned at the height where you want them to be and they look much smoother. Only real drawback I can think of is that the pads may be disappointingly thin and tend to be lacking in the butt department (hips are fine), but I guess you could solve that wearing another pair of shorts or some butt pads underneath, which is what I'm considering for myself right now.
DIY foam pads are harder to get right unless you're skilled at sculpting foam and have the proper tools (I'd recommend using an electric carving knife over a normal one if possible), otherwise you'll probably have a lot of small foam bumps and carving marks on the surface and those look really bad unless you wear several layers of pantyhose between the pads and the hada in order to smoothen everything. I've seen some padding guides combining thicker and harder foam for firmness and volume under a layer of softer memory foam for smoothness, but never tried it myself. Also keep in mind that making a pair of anything and have both pieces perfectly symmetric is hard, but at least foam is very cheap so you can do lots of trial and error until you're satisfied with the result. Foam comes in several thicknesses so you can try the one that suits you most. 2 inches / 5 cm on either side is more than enough in my opinion, but it really depends on your shoulder width (not sure how that translates from shoulder perimeter, somewhere around 45 cm / 18 inches I guess) and your desired bust size.
Just my two cents.
Namefagging 14 year old
fuck off back to wyus discord
>drapeau français
Mind linking the all in one shorts you use?
the kigroomers strike again
theres still roanyers silicone ones. they are heavy but the are a little sticky so they dont move around if you keep them in place with shaping shorts.
a little more painful to put on but once you know what you are doing it doesnt take longer than foam ones.

then again, they are expensive and if you wanna trust a chinese silicone maker to use non-toxic materials is up to you.
Should be this one.
(Change the B08MTPHS48 to B0887Z4D5C in your country's amazon if you're in Europe, I'm pretty sure they're the same, that's how I got mine.)
I'm still figuring things out myself, but they pad the hips nicely (not as dramatically as the pictures suggest, they're exaggerated) but don't add much to the butt. The high waist part is quite soft and smoothens the waist but doesn't reduce it at all so you'd need a waist cincher for that. The material is quite stretchy so ordering a smaller size may offer a better fit, but the pads will be reduced accordingly. The pads are detachable so you can clean the shorts easily or add your own pads.
Thx anon
No problem. Another anon helped me in the last thread so it's the least I can do.
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my oshi will NEVER EVER get a kigurumi and it bothers me
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Who's your oshi anon?
You have the power to change that yourself.
AZKi, I would be a disgracefully broad-shouldered 6'3 mess
You got yourself a follow
lel that zebra creature doesn't belong anywhere near a Sigma
Sigma balls
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What do you guys do for mask storage? I've got my first coming in a couple months, and I need to figure out where to put it. I don't have a good spot to put a stand, so is there a good way to put it in a box? I presume the box it comes it might work for a bit. My character has neck length hair so that shouldn't be too much of an issue.

Not who you're replying to, I'm the guy who was asking about padding and posting pics of my first pads several threads ago. I'll share my experience in case it helps. The pads I got were the Bimei shorts, which have the option for an open crotch, which I think is a good convenience to have when you've got several more layers on top. After some experimentation I've realized that with my particular pair, the pads are a little too large for the shorts, so they bunch up at the edges leading to a dip in overall thigh shape that can't be smoothed out. I might get a larger set of shorts later to compensate, but removing the pads from the pockets and just wearing the shorts over the pads also seems to work well enough.
There are sturdy wig stands that would work and fit on top of a dresser or in a decently tall closet shelf. Exact dimensions would have to be something you search for, but if you can clear off any space for one, stands are a vastly superior solution in every single way.
If you absolutely have to use the box, just try to repack it with padding as close as you can to how you received it, every time. Understand that it will be more maintenance work in the long run whenever you take it out/put it in.
Stands. I wouldn't even consider something else unless you're good at DIY. Get a stand, keep it well-kept. If you can't make space, I'd suggest you make it somehow. Even with neck-length hair, you're running the risk.
Still getting my mask worked on, but I'd like to get some parts ordered beforehand-- could someone with a GKO mask tell me the diameter(s, if it's an ellipse) of the iris as well as the eye itself?
Also, I assume you look through the mesh that makes up the "whites" of the eyes-- do you look through the inner part (nearest the nose) or outer part (nearest the ears)? I"m guessing the former, but wanted to check so I don't waste parts

Thanks, and sorry for the trouble, kigfrens

Don't be so hard on yourself anon-- just in the past couple weeks we've had myself (6'4" and change), an anon who's 6'2, and another who's like 6'7" place orders. Like they told me, the masks make kigs taller by default, and height only stands out in photoshoots with shorter kigs. If you did a shoot with me and the 6'7" dude, you'd come across as small and cute. An anon also recommend I practice holding my shoulders back if I'm uncomfortable with their width (so they appear thinner), maybe that could help you, too?
If you still feel uncomfortable with it, you could choose a canonically taller character-- onee-san or 'kaa-san type. That's what I'm doing... personally, I'm looking forward to (lovingly) bullying- *cough cough* teasing shorter kigs
(I just wanna kabedon them for a photo, that's all... I swear...)
Mind dumbing it down for someone who last ran in middle school. I have this exercise bike, is that equivalent?
Noted. Maybe I can put it on a stand in a box/container. The main storage area I've got free is under some tables, and I live with family so I'd rather not just keep it out in the open. Probably not the most practical choice for me to kig, but I have enough time to myself to make it work.

Would something like one of these be sufficient? The more head shaped felt stands look like they need a tripod to be stable, and I don't think I have room for the extra height of a tripod.

I don't think I've ever seen a GKO with eye mesh. Pretty sure vision is entirely through the eyelid slit. Eye dimensions are probably going to vary depending on character and mask model.
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These threads have been really good recently.
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Can you do me a favor and measure the length, width and thickness of the pads that came with the shorts? My main concern is that they won't be long enough for me.
>latex dress
>wholeass latex zebra
>black ahegao mask

This is an anime convention could they at least try to hide their fetish?
Maid is fine? I'm safe
maids are cute.
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Regular maid outfit is safe. Overly exposing or fetishy outfits are not.
When I first saw this kig I thought it was a doll
God I wish that were me
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Is that Luka as migu up front?
Yeah, miku on front
Left side:
Pass, Smash, Cant see them, Cant see them
Smash, Can't see them
No, Maybe - depends if they wear latex or not

Right side:
Smash, Maybe, Smash
POP, Pass, Pass, Pass

Smash the mascot
ah yeah my bad. forgot that animegao-style drag performers were the bastion of mental wellness

Did I get my first "smash" there? Yoooo
Sorry, no can do. I left them home and won't be back for two weeks. But I'm 5'10.5" / 179 cm and the European 2XL's pads feel long enough for me, if that helps. They're definitely shorter than my DIY ones (as the DIY guides I followed back then recommended hip pads being as long as the whole thigh, but I guess it depends on your desired thigh thickness).
Not him but if you want a bigger ass and you're a complete beginner, look into getting an adjustable pair of dumbbells and doing squats and glute bridges with them. Worked for me in my tiny shithole apartment. Your exercise bike is okay for burning calories but that's about it.
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save him
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No more kigurumisan jumping on the bed.
Why don't the cute kigus just make their own group instead of hanging out with the shit ones
If you tried, you would be called a gatekeeping elitist meanie on all the secret kigu 'cords, leading to less cute kig access overall
Does this actually happen though? Burgers don't get blacklisted for not associating with cici people. It's okay to have some standards.
Are you seriously saying people who wear anime masks and clothes are on the same level of crazy as people who mutilate their own body and dope up on hormone?
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we've been over this 500 times, they think everyone who crossdresses is a secretly a tranny "egg" (grooming target) by default. do not engage. post kigu
Kigurumi is a cosplay offshoot, not a drag offshoot. Cosplay (and its relevant sub-branch of crossplay) and drag are entirely different phenomena. Don't conflate them.
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My body is wide, I hate it. I'll never be a cute kig...
Hey don't say that. I managed to loose 25 kgs and now I'm only a little chubby and I'm a totally normal guy.
It's not always a weight issue. Some anons have former-athlete inverted triangle wide chad shoulders, and throwing them back or working with angles can only get you so far, especially if it's a group photo.
>former-athlete inverted triangle wide chad shoulders
I have never regretted swimming throughout my teenage years until I tried to kig.
upper half is too wide
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wide muscular chad kigs are top tier.
>tfw no chuck gf
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yo mama's too wide
Scary mask
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i disagre
>just in the past couple weeks we've had myself (6'4" and change), an anon who's 6'2, and another who's like 6'7" place orders
YES, yes, raise my gorgeous tall kiggers, rise and let me worship you
>just saw that one zebra again
I've found the bad part of this stuff once again
I don't know how other kigs have issues finding people that do cum tributes for them. Just ask the first person that comes to mind to you when you think about them. It worked for me and I got a few done.
>needs validation so hard xe begs for online losers to cum to photos of xer
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If you ever decide to go through with it please go with her second design
Tributes just don't hit the same if you have to ask for them instead of randomly getting DM'd a picture of your mask splattered in cum.
Dana from Va-11-hall-a would be a pretty good kigu for me. Just a shame I haven't lost my arm yet.
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This pic is much better.
Pink swimsuit is real god damn creepy, damn.
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what goes through someone's head when they decide to wear a zebra gimpsuit or dame mask in public?
Tchichi does not belong in the back.
The two or even three rightmost ones need to find more sfw clothes too, and better masks while they're at it.
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MayiU is so god damn sexy.
the future is kigvestite
I guess not this time.. thank you anon!
Thank you a lot as well ~
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>losing an arm for kigu
Is it worth it?
What is there to cope about?
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Just wear some form of printed sleeve and gloves to imitate the mechanical arm.

Baiken for example is the character you actually need to lose an arm to kig.
Maybe I would if it was the full sandwich though, you never know
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I wanna cop a feel
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Bouncing kigtits
it's always TOPI SEX
why never TOPI LOVE?
Sauce ?
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*mogs France*
Guys does anyone have actual unironic advice how to get sex from a kig that's actually female? With the male ones you probably just DM them or something but idk if it will work on the actual women.
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Is it worth going to the Doll Weekend ?

Would it be worth living in China or Japan just to live the Kigudream ?
>13 kigs
>only 5 are good
I will do my best to keep up with the German neighbors!
Why is the green amerifag there, I'd be embarrassed to even own that thing, much less wear it in public
cute cute cute cute cute
They're not American and the mask is Canadian
Please don't lump Americhads in with europoors.
Overall more sisntent but it still has problems
>the (what I assume) is an Idolm@ster botch
>that green haired one
>the...fate/rin (?) in the front
Honestly some of these masks aren't great but they have good angles and decent poses.
Ah, sorry, looks like shit still
>only 5 are good
now i wanna know which ones
It's fairly obvious. Use your eyes nigga
Mono's new kig is very bland compared to the original. It's not awful, but it really doesn't stand out.
Pianeko and Prinz are adorable and I want to suck the dark elf's dick.
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What's the best mask I can get without using Taobao proxies?
gko, rins, sigma. avoid western makers
Slightly better, but still bad though. And don't act like America didn't have some absolutely revolting kig con pic.
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Nightmare blunt rotation
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suffer in America
That's canada though
>but they're the same thing
No. The kig quality between USA and Canada is dramatically different. Cici's death and its consequences have been a miracle for the kigu race.
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Amerikigs can be good.
Remove that bitch on bottom left. Can't even put on a proper hada.
Besides the hadaless fleshie in the front and the weird furkig thing in the back I could mistake this for an asian shoot. Burger kigu mogs just about every other western space at this point. Thank god for cheap chinese masks.
>That's canada though
does it really matter when most of the kigs in that group are visiting from america? stop shitting up what few cons they have over there
What the other anon said, and here's a few more:

Lucky Larus - They have their own website, and make their own masks as well as act as an agent for WRabbitMi, Salmon, KHS, and KigZHZ. They also carry hadatai and breast forms. I have my first kig currently being made through them, and they have been really good about answering all my questions and getting me started so far.

Tuzi - Sells on Etsy, albeit at an inflated price compared to Taobao.

Shinkai - Takes orders via email, pinned tweet.

Heyao - Has their own website.

Teitoku - Has their own website.

BKC Blackcat - No storefront yet, but set to take orders via Moli's at inthemask.com sometime soon.
Lucky Larus and Heyao will charge you gweilo tax too.
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Thanks anons. I thought Sigma and GKO were the only ones, I'll check the others out.
boring mouth aside it'd help if mono's new one wasnt eating his neck worse than some dames
The price I paid for WRabbitMi at Larus was actually a little lower than the CNY price on Taobao with current USD conversion rates, so I don't think Larus is doing a gweilo tax.
At 200cm 80kg, Should I be trying to drop a few pounds before I go through the hada process?I feel like I'm a bit too round.
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Were there any issues shipping a mask from Asia to the US?
Well last time when BHY was open, I asked Larus and BHY themselves for the commission forms. Larus version had higher prices listed than BHY version.
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That Kemono Friends one is actually surprisingly good.
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reeeeee i want kigpussy
surely you can make a better post than that
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drill baby drill
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Pass, smash, maybe smash can't see enough, pass, maybe smash, smash, pass, bro wtf
>can see shapewear through hada
im not seeing any shapewear, what are you looking at?
>hada not opaque enough would not bang
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Anyone who's got one, how do the masks fit in exactly? How much room is there inside, facewise and headwise? Are they prone to tumbling or falling out of place? I've got an unfortunate head shape and I'm afraid one of these wouldn't fir in, specially the human head sized masks.
anons don't be like me and be hyper anxious to take the kig pill just TAKE IT
I respect my eventual kig too much to start down the road before my body is exactly where I want it to be.
>illegal poacher holding a pair of freshly cut kigu horns c. 2024 (colorized)
Holly shit! Goto Kigu!
its more about body composition rather than weight, the weight will take care of itself. you're quite tall though.
There is padding inside. You can customize it as needed.
Do not stick your dick in crazy!
Counterpoint: Fluffy

The great part about that is that you can start looking into your kig while you work off the weight

Apparently height is a superpower here. But yeah, sounds like I gotta work out. That's definitely mostly fat. Thanks anon.

Bless me with courage, I live with family.
Traditional family.
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Alright, anons. Once you've run out of excuses and you've got nothing left to do but put on the mask, who are you going to kig?
I'm already a kig.
I'm already a kig.
To continue the shapewear discussion does anyone have recs on a good corset/waist reducer/whatever? I already have a flat stomach so ideally one more towards the corset end of the spectrum that's low-profile enough to go under the hada.
Couldn't tell you since it hasn't been shipped yet, still waiting on production. The shipping price was very high though, way way more than I thought it would be, over $100. With the weight and dimensions, the shipping math checks out though.

I've had smaller packages shipped from various Asian countries before without issue, but that probably doesn't mean much.
The Red Mist
I'm already in kig.
Post kig tits
There can't be many Project Moon kigs running around, right?
Bullet or Lambda from Blazblue
If I ever figure out how to make costumes
Never seen any, just think she would be easy to pull off while being tall.
Im anxious to kig because I know I will just become a slut
Posting myself here feels wrong, and if anons haven't posted my pics here it means I'm just not a good kig so I will save everyone some eyesore.
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Funny enough anon >>47352360 mentioned Lambada, I would love to kig as her, Nu-13 or Kokonoe Mercury but Blazblue costumes are pretty elaborated and I'm not sure if I could make them justice, I am short but my rib cage is big so I don't know if I pull out the slender anime girl silhouette either.
Goodness gracious
>tfw no 6'3+ kig gf (male)
I am so jealous
Just do not put your face between the dark elfs boobs. Bad things will happen.


Whoever this is, I want to permanently stain your mask with my cum. I want to rip a hole in your stockings and find whatever hole(s) are there and fuck them and fill them with my dirty American jizz
I think Baiken would make a great kig. Even if I wasn't wearing her, the mask on display with the hair would look pretty awesome. Need to find a maker who would be up for that then I'll 200% do it
Would the masks muffle the screams in case of rape? asking for a friend
Rape me anon
I'm already a kig.
Nice didn't expect another Blazblue fan in this thread
Yeah I was thinking if I were to do lamda, doing her battle mode was out of the question. I could trial and error her cloak but those blade legs and wings? I don't think anyone could pull it off without it looking bad/making some compromises. Still iffy on that bodysuit though.

>but my rib cage is big so I don't know if I pull out the slender anime girl silhouette
Well since murakumos wear cloaks in their dormant forms I think it's the perfect solution to your predicament anon

Also I don't think the bigger kig on >>47353201 is particularly tall, it's just the other one is tiny
no. in fact, it barely muffles moans. source: i was there
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How bad?
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what do you call these fursuit-kig hybrids?
they look better than even kemosuits and infinitely better than western style suits
immagine be a man larping as a female kid wanting to be raped by a pedophile man
how do I get to meetup with a Japanese Kig for a hotel room session?
You mean one of the most common sexual fantasies?
>man larping as a female kid wanting to be raped by a pedophile man
That is the hottest thing ever.
I can say at least half bottom subs in the world dream of feeling cute, small and vulnerable when having a big and strong top overpowering them.
Not only it is a common fetish but it also is one of the most common sexual interactions between animals in the wild, mating involves either a mating rituals or rape, there is no in-between.
A male overpowering the young fertile female into submission in order to breed is not weird, this is the way the male proves to the female he is strong enough to be worthy of mating, how his genes are worthy of mixing with hers, how his genes are going to spawn a healthy offspring and how he is strong enough to protect her and her offspring.
Even between homosexuals, getting turn on by any kind of size difference or "simulated sexual dimorphism" is just a primal instinct calling us to breed.
How could it be a real rape if it involves 2 concerning adults? it is just a ERP thing that turns people on and anybody saying otherwise is a retarded Karen.
>I can say at least half bottom subs in the world dream of feeling cute, small and vulnerable when having a big and strong top overpowering them.
tell me anon, on which side are you?
..and with that, I submitted a Baiken request to LuckyLarus. If I hear anything remotely positive, I'm going for it
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Give it a few months.
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>Fat Samus
Whos the kigger
3D print leg armor like any regular old cosplay, use heelless heels and 3d print a cap around them to make them sword shaped too. Look closely, you can even see the general shape of a heelless heel.
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What's the ratio of tops and bottoms in kig, anyway?

I've heard that most crossdressers are bottoms, but kig seems fundamentally different (more about being an anime character than "being" a woman). Then again, a lot of kig photoshoots are in bondage or similar
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Apologies if I made it sound like I was sad that I couldn't cosplay her battle form. I didn't really settle for her dormant form, it was the one I wanted to do first (since she just the cutest in this form). Her battle form was an idea I had after seeing these posts
which made me think maybe I could do a 2 in 1 cosplay with something similar with her visor.

And while I appreciate your suggestion, I don't think I could reasonably afford a 3D printer big enough to print the parts for the legs even if I didn't spend money for the mask. Wouldn't something like eva foam be better for this anyway? idk much about cosplay creation
Even if I could, this would mean the ends of the legs would be flat which, as I said, would be a compromise. Unless you're suggesting that I put the end of the blades UNDER the heels, which sound like an effective way to break my face alongside the mask.
Side effects may include death by asphyxiation
>>I've heard that most crossdressers are bottoms,
It's exactly the same in kig.
Where can I find outdoor kigu stuff? I want to see a kigu do an outdoor handjob.
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Oh no. Hopefully dark elf ass is safer, that sounds terrible.
You're imagining that?
i thought that was the true kig experience
moralists/prudes usually imagine a lot of fucked up things and constantly think about them all day long and then describe to you in excruciating detail those things, and how they're bad ofc. weird how that works, don't you think?
i know the truth hurts, might be hard to accept
yeah. I don't know why the moralists don't understand that nobody gives a fuck about whatever they are neurotically obsessed with. I guess they just can't accept the truth. Sad :(
pulmonary aspiration is such a sad way to go. especially when its caused by vomit
Maybe anons haven't heard of you or just don't know you're here. Give selfposting a try.
I'll never run out of excuses
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self posting as the thread reaches bump limit is a good way to test the waters
I keep telling myself "it's impossible" as an excuse and you motherfuckers keep tempting me, now the idea won't leave my mind...
It would take me years to have something worth of showing, a good looking cosplay is a huge responsibility and I'm not sure if I have the skills to do it properly, but if it ever happens and you >>47355436 get a BlazBlue character too then we would be destinated to get a photoshoot together, it would have to be done.
For now it is merely a dream, I don't wanna say I'll do it, but god, you reminded me of how much I want it.
Definitely not an eyesore. Complex costume, quality mask though tastes may vary, delicious brown hada, looks like a good body from this angle. More.
Kigs with fairly complex costumes are great to see
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You look gorgeous,I don't post you in fear of that one mask elitists having a melty over your kig.
I can bear body shaming fatties since they need to lose weight but nowadays even posting sigmas would make the thread devolve into a 180 reply argument, iretty annoying, I like kigs as long as they are are not too fat and their mask is not horrible.
Vanny's demon kig is not that bad, the eyes got slightly fixed and that is good enough for me, I think black sclera would make it better but that's my personal preference.
I said it
every single difference of opinion on 4chan spirals into a 300 post argument of two people who are perpetually ass mad and cant accept that people have different opinions than them, especially if they're a zillennial, because those freaks require everyone to 100% agree with them (the algorithm) .
I'm under 5'7, take a guess, you are free to call me a faggot in the taiwanese cartoon bobblehead forum
>a faggot
It's not gay, you'd be in a cute kig while you were getting overpowered and bred by a big strong man. That's perfectly straight.
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> someone posted kig in /g/ again
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/kcs/ regularly colonizes /g/ in search of experts to continue development of moving eyes, faces, cooling technology, kigu HUDs, and similar technology
it's vital for the survival and reproduction of the kigu race
Damn, that's fluffy.
That's not his kig anons, he didn't even say it's his kig why are you praising him.

And the eyesore part is him replying to another anon.

This is the owner
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Anons here generally don't shit on Sigma unless it's worn by certain people. Vanron kig is decent, but consider the fact that it's suposed to be a demon kig, and with all the demon kigs out there, it's definitely on shit tier.
The succubi kig skill ceiling is just too high, we can't compete with those standards.
>on shit tier.
Call it low tier, D tier or bottom tier, Vanny is trying, it could be way worse, like Kiki >>47294919
Thanks for posting the source >>47357756, I just picked a random image I had saved on my PC for the reply.
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/kcs/ really groo- I mean, "convinced" pioneer anon to /become/ his oshi huh?
That one doesn't even deserved to be called kig let alone qualifying for shit tier.
Why would you want to have sex with a female?
my life would be 1,000x better if I could be kig 24/7. its so over.
This has given me an idea, could you make a mask where you can open the mouth and a something like a tongue props out?
Is this an OC?

>where you can open the mouth

The only masks that can open thier mouths are those monster girl masks where you pull open the entire bottom.
How much space do you think you can fit between the face and the mask before it starts to look off (horizontal clearance) or get uncomfortable
Realised when a friend was talking about diy eye tracking for vr that you could do the same with a kig

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