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Would you let this cute spirit possess your body?
I'll call the Ghostbusters
Mizuchi! Mizuchi is here!
Someone call the Foul Detective!
If Mizuchi was really going all out to destroy Gensokyo, every one of her possession victims would be knocked up.
The dead desperately want to feel alive
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will she use my body to do something unsavory like shooting at the shrine maiden during a festival at the shrine?
you could call it shooting
worst character ever
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I won't lie, I want to get molested by Mizuchi.

No, not a possessee. Mizuchi herself.
You're getting fucked in the ass by that guy she's possessing
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gloved handjob
What kind of molestation is that dumb vengeful dork going to dole out, anyway?
I want to be molested by living Mizuchi, when she was tall and probably dangerous
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I want Mizuchi to bite me!
Unprotected handholding.
It's the lewdest thing she can think of.
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It's over...
>You will never ever get to experience a buhmillion year old pent up phantom girl hijack your body and use yourself to get off like a degenerate
who are you quoting?
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I had an idea for a Touhou fan fic before CDS came out where the secondary MC's ability would be that he's very easy to posses. So the intrigue would revolve around him being accused of things that are actually the fault of spirits using his body. Would've called it 'Highly Susceptible to Possession' or something. Now I feel like I have to wait for CDS to end.
sad bump
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hope Yuugi shows up again next chapter!
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nobody cares about her thread...
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I love her, I really do, but there's really nothing substantial to talk about until we learn more about her motivations.

WHY?! So she can touch my pee pee? I can touch my own pee pee fine all by myself.
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as long as ZUN doesn't pussy out of revealing them
I'm still trying to decide whether or not he's planning to either kill or permanently seal her at the end of the manga, because I thought he wouldn't do that, but then I remembered that he did do that for ibaraki-douji's arm despite it being a sentient character
Ibaraki's Arm didn't get a dedicated name, that's how you know Mizuchi will end up somehow deciding "everything in Gensokyo is alright, actually" and join the cast as a background character who will probably never get used again.
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that face is uncanny and wrong
I don't like
That's how she looks when CDS ends.
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cooking with Mizu-tan!
Based on her personality, what would be Mizuchi's favorite food?
I bet mizuchi would enjoy something savory or even sour. Not sure about jap foods but I'm sure she'd enjoy something simple and flavorful like a good sausage with some sourkraut or mustard
She can't handle intense tastes.
Whatever Reimu hates most.
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things with subtle flavors, not sweet stuff apart from in moderation (and she's not even sure about that)
funnily enough for hating reimu, it seems like she'd like the sort of meal reimu eats (fish and rice, or the things she makes for festivals) since she liked the meal she got at moriya shrine so much
how did I never realize she has gloves on until today
The most important question is why does vengeful spirit have to wear gloves?
Because it's C O O L !
Fits right in with her cursed memorabilia collection.
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How did Byakuren manage to do it? I thought no one could touch her?
ZUN forgets what Mizuchi's powers and abilities are every month
Byakuren, for all her faults, does have a background in extermination. She's also handled spirits before in LE.

The real question is where the fuck were Kasen, Tojiko and Minamitsu this whole time.
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Hermit retreat in the mountains
Hermit sex with the crown prince
dunno. She was probably bored or something
>Hermit sex with the crown prince
*Hermit sex with faceless men while the crown prince watches from a corner
Dang, that's really perverted.
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does she know how erotic this is?
I hope there will be more fanart about her when she is still alive.

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