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Meiling say:
Staying up late is not allowed, okay?
What is she gonna do, kick me in the head and make me sleep?
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I love Meiling!
gatekeeper paizuri
okay mei mei
Built for Dragon Cock
IRL chinese women are not this attractive sadly.
shut the fuck up, what's next, you're gonna tell me real mikos and modern witches aren't hot too?
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"Here, i got you some brea-soda, drink it"
"No, i was going to call it soda, you are hearing things, drink it"
"What do you mean you're not thirsty? You've been working the garden all morning, you need to stay hydrated, drink it"
"You can finish that patch later, drink it"
"Drink it drink it drinkitdrinkitdrinkit DRINK IT!"
Why is meiling trying to feed me juggernog... is Seiga about to come by so her and the mistress can play plants vs zombies again?
I tell her to drink it first.
Worse, Japan isn't real.
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I trust the Hong
i will drink whatever she gives me
even if she wants to bill cosby me, i'll let her because i love her so much
anything for Hong
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Reach for me jugger girl OOH RAH
Aren’t youkai like her more active at night? Wouldn’t it make more sense for her to take issue with someone staying up early? But that doesn’t really make sense, since staying up late means later than usual. What I mean is that she’d probably want you to go to bed at 8am rather than 8pm/20
the day i go insane and can't differentiate between what's real and what's fiction i will start listening to Meiling
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she wants you to have a healthy sleeping schedule
Her main job is presumably to keep from from bothering Remilia while she is asleep during daylight hours. When it is night time, Remilia is awake to receive guests so Meiling doesn't need to be at the gate.
These two.
but Meiling alway aslseep
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So what do you guys think "flooring" looks like?
Probably since there is not much to do on an average day, which is why she also has time to garden. It's just that no one in the household has the heart to tell Remilia that there aren't people flocking to her door during the day for an audience with her so they let Meiling keep her post as a guard.
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Ran this through a translator and audibly kekked. Thank you Chinanon.
please beat me up, Meiling
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>you'll never wake up next to her like this
who are you quoting?
my inner monologue, obviously
Your inner monologue is not a source that can be searched and compared. When quoting yourself, you don't need to use the quote function. Hope this helps.
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With karate she'll kick your ass
Here to Tiananmen Square
Oh yeah motherfucker
She's gonna kick your fuckin derriere, yeah yeah
i'm a yellowfeverchad so all asian girls look hot to me as long as they aren't exceptionally ugly
lmao this dude can't access the Akashic Archives to confirm!
>thank you anon, that really did help, i'm sure no one will ever misuse your beloved quote feature on this board ever again.
everybody knows meiling is covered in a bunch of badass looking battle scars trust trust i no tell headcanon as truth
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ofc she does
i wanna touch them and kiss them
i want to hug her
i know it's not the same type of appreciation the rest of this thread has for her but ive always seen her as a mother figure. not in the "mommy gf" way like i just feel meiling could provide some guidance for me
What if she's self conscious about them and tries to keep them hidden?
She's always come off as a big sister type, not quite mature enough to be motherly, but still the type someone younger could rely on.
then she's just gonna have to learn how totally cool and awesome they are the hard way

yeah now that i think about it that seems more fitting
I see her as a large pillow.
I wish I could fuck that large pillow
Fucking hylics are a plague on this website.
Aw, man...

Well, I’m thirsty. Before you send me off to bed can I at least have a beer? My parents always let me have one before bed.
what about her?
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"Anon, it is i, Hong Meiling in the flesh, let us share our life together and become lovers"
"I already have the pastimes for our first 20 dates scheduled"
Why is she a robot?
What are you talking about?
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Look at her thigh. There's those huge screws anime robots tend to have, and all her limbs also look to have ball joints. Specifically look at her right leg and hands. It looks like her legs are made of metal, not just armored.
I presume she's cosplaying something.
You know what? You are being very rude to Meiling right now, i'm gonna have to ask you to leave.
But that's not Meiling, that's a robot that looks like Meiling. And I'm not rude. I kind of like how her legs look, though they don't compare to the real Meiling.
Meiling-sama is so cool!
Meiling-sama is so cool!
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"Psst, hey"
"Yes you, come over here"
"Could you scratch my nose please?"
"Phew, thanks for that, this armor is really cool and all but the hands aren't very dexterous"
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Meiling-sama is so cool!
Meiling-sama is so-so...
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Kurenai Misuzu
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Meiling-sama is so cool!
Meiling-Sama would be so cool if she let me have a beer like my parents always do.
That's an oddly specific fetish.
I don't get it, what fetish?
That's an ear scraping pick.

the way this guy draws meiling is pure sex, god
It's a shame he downgraded the muscles
Meiling-sama is so cool!
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Annoying dragon.
Sex with both
get titmogged.
orange and turtle
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Meiling-sama is so cool!
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We can dream of her looking at us like this.
Unfortunately for you, she prefers ladies.
Dude, I love me some girl on girl action too, but fuck off.
Your way of speaking you have makes me believe that you are a redditor. Kill yourself.
Is it true her real name is Kurenai Paizuri?
Meiling is going to sound my urethra!
the way this guy drew* meiling was* pure sex
his new ones aren't half as good in my opinion
-made her chubbier
-downgraded the muscles
-removed the scars
-hair became more boring
-coloring sucks now
No need to get angry. It's just something you need to accept.
It's a shame.
The scars are still there i think, unless those lines on her legs are supposed to be contorts.
I wish i could hug Meiling like that
I wish I could hug Flan like that.
I wish I could hug anon like that.
I wish you wouldn't be such a sissy.
Or that you would at least hang out on /lbgt/ instead.
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What if it was like this?
Mĕilíng-sama is so cool!
I can hear it
Sexy chinese scars.
What is she gonna do, kick me in the head and make me sleep?
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Hey anon, i couldn't help but notice that no one gave you anything for Valentines, but don't worry, i made this one for you! I'm sure that you will enjoy it.
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Meiling is an Ascendant Master of Tai Kwon Leap.
Mĕilíng-sama is so cool!
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Eat it
B-But I need some... milk

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