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Shinmy has to deal with the heat.
first for inchling feet
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Shimmy will be cold soon!
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Stop right there minimal scum!
lucky shimmy, even a pc fan is enough to keep her fresh.
Cute, I'd like to feel them step all over me
You'll be waiting a while for her to finish!
That's fine
I feel like Reimu might accidentally kill her with all that force
And just one ice cube would be plenty for her.
goblinu doesnt need alcohol-free beverages anyway. and a cool bath is better than caries.
Shinmy must be protected! She's done nothing wrong. She just got duped into Seija's evil plan.
The drink will be even better after she's done bathing.
cant believe i didnt think about it before. fresh shimmy flavoured coke. a great summer drink!
I would be too if I was in her place.
komachi is a great choice too, among the biggest touhou boobies and she probably dont mind either.
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This is what we should do to inchlings
No, this.
There's something beautiful about the final boss having a terrible matchup against the stage 1 boss.
This is what we should do to inchlings
i agree.
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Careful shimmy she's going to take your spine
It's also easy to keep her warm by keeping her close to you.
She may need little to keep going, but deserves lots of love.
Why is this so funny?
She's stuffing her cheeks like a hamster.
dumb womanlet too fat to become buoyant
But fat makes you buoyant.
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that drawing with the giant sperm was pretty hot
Don't look at me like that Shinmy. It's my smallest glass!
I think even half an ice cube would be fine for her due to her size
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shimmy is a tangerine girl
Squeeze some fruit juice into her eyes!

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