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Previous floor:

Beginner guide, FAQ and links: https://rentry.org/8vkaw
New child mechanics guide for plus: https://pastebin.com/7is8p4NF
Elona+ Custom-GX continued branch: https://github.com/JianmengYu/ElonaPlusCustom-GX/releases/
Extra sprites/PCCs: https://elonaup.x0.com/sozai/index.htm
Elin Demo 9.10: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BXxcK0t1zkJFn-5mVaX93OabUFJKrVnO/view?
Elin kickstarter page: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/noacat/elin/description
Is this Jure's gift?
Haven't played Elona in years, is it still plus and oomSESTepNC as the major versions?
I think so
Welcome back. If you're hailing from the BloodyShade days, Custom-GX is the successor to both Elona Custom and Elona+ Custom-G; the gameplay changes of Custom-G are now optional tweaks. The whole "install Custom on top of Plus and then install Custom-G on top of Custom" deal isn't a thing anymore either; you just install Custom-GX on top of Plus and you're done.
For Omake Natsume Custom, there are prepacks available from the discord or Ruin0x11's git repo.
they sell it during noyels festival
It's a full heal. A ripoff given that prayer does that well enough, but it does lift the curse of the haunted manor if you were greedy and took more than one treasure.
>but it does lift the curse of the haunted manor if you were greedy and took more than one treasure.
>tfw i got the rod of wish and her crumpled letter
>i got q and her hatred
feels bad bros
Next game, take the ticket first, recruit her in the cutscene, go back down and get the wish rod and gold bars, then use the feather of healing to break the curse.
>go back down and get the wish rod and gold bars, then use the feather of healing to break the curse.
at 900k orens its not even worth it to get the rod and gold
Do sanity mechanics still exists?
The base cost of a wish rod is ten million, anon. Well wishes are once a year. At 90% off, I'd say it's an okay deal.

They do but for now it's mostly a mechanic to force you to eventually sleep as staying awake too long increases your insanity.
any tips on making money on elin? or is it still endless suffering?
How much cancer inducing stuff does Elin have?
Define cancer. For example, I might consider grind cancer, but the japs and chinks eat that shit up, so.
Are TCG consecutive win tracking and unique win tracking working for anyone? For me the counts reset when I close the game.
>TCG winstreaks not being persistent.
been playing Elona for a while but i'm curious about Elin, how much content is in that game right now?
How does Custom GX's quest tweak change the harvest quests? I'm finishing with almost double the quota but just getting a single seed. I figured I'd get more seeds in place of the bronze coin.

Nta but there were two other thing which happened that caused plus to hold such a dominant place in the English speaking base imo.

First one was that ano made it easy to download and run. Just get it off his Google drive, unzip and that's it. Custom? Unzip over that. Omake suffered the shit nonsense of having to go to a billion Twitter accounts and discord servers, then put it all together and pray it works. Gaijin don't have patience for that.

The other is sseth promoting plus in his elona video, the effect of which anyone who was in the threads at that time should be obvious.
Why hasn't anyone compiled all the omake stuff you need to download?
Plus already took over the English side of Elona discussion way before other variants releasing on discord or seth's video existed (or at least it did by around 2013 or so). It was mainly because Plus was one of the first big variants and Ano added a shitload of content in a relatively short time. IIRC Act 2 was nearly playable to completion and Act 3 had part of the map made. New content was mostly untranslated, but Ano would implement translations when people sent them to him.
Why dont you upload the latest elin leak to somewhere that's not a russian warez forum
Because the nips have this anal thing about copyright and plagiarism, and absolutely refuse to do it cause that wouldn't be respecting the contributors or some shit.

The guy who made opennefia did make a compilation, far too late.
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What the fuck did Ano do to the game this time? I can't hit shit and keep getting caught in these miss battles with enemies until one of us hits and just splatters the other.
Are you multi handing?
No I'm not. Two-handing with a scythe at 15 weight. It feels like a bunch of the early enemies can all dodge like crazy now. Trying to hit dogs/rats/hounds feels like trying to hit a bat at level 1.
15 total weight or 15 weapon weight? A weapon needs to be at least 4s to be two handed or you take pretty severe penalties.
dog and cat race has high dodge chance than the usual enemy i think?
Dog has innate Greater Evasion ("skillfully evades") in E+.
What is the latest Elin alpha version? 9.10 or later?
The final alpha version was Alpha 20.74 Hotfix 1
We're up to beta 22.53 now, which is 64 full versions plus a bunch of hotfixes after that.
actually, 22.54 just dropped
>how much content is in that game right now?
pretty much like elona with base building

How do I get the latest build legitimately? I would pay Anno if I could. Or sail the russian seas?
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So I found it all on a Chinese website. Bless them. They have a bunch of patches. Is it necessary to patch in sequential order or can I just jump to the latest patch?
For what purpose?
You would need to time travel either back to when the Kickstarter was open or to the future when the Early access on Steam has started (planned for like 3-6 months from now)

there aren't any patches because it's only distributed via Steam right now, so each version release should be the full game. Get the latest one.
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The little girl died in Elin... The pub cannot summons her back? The allies list is empty.
Talk to Fiama, she brings her back for free

Thanks for the tip.
If Fiama does not say anything, she has revived on her own and is probably running around somewhere on the home map. Use the resident board to find her
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I wonder how the normalfags would react to the little girl
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Do all precious artifacts have unique sprites in Elin?
So I've come back after years and now I notice the wizard can't bulk identify in bulk. What do I do?
nevermind I was talking to the magic vendor now I feel dumb
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How can i fix the "items/sprites are mono colored squares" issues?
It happens only for newer Plus/CGX items, like the Toll-Energy Drink item or the Restored Dodo pet, but i'm not sure how to fix it without fucking something else up.
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post your item.bmp
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i am indeed stupid, i must have fucked up even basic copy pasting.
Now i redownloaded the item and character spritesheet and it's all fixed, thank you and stay based
How do I use the furniture tickets in Elin?
Hold it in your hand and click on what you want.
And have normalfags lambast it for being too unfinished? No way
Is there an up-to-date changelog in eng somewhere? I checked the wiki but it looks really outdated and ingame one only has like 5 last versions
Last update is from 1st of July here, that's the problem
then you need the discord, all the changelogs are there
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>trannies sabotaging the publicly-accessible utilities the game needs in order to lure more underaged boys into their cult
worthless fucking leeches
How do I get travelling rations for fast travel?
There are some errors in the music pack that comes with the Beautify pack. It has unused leftovers from Noa's official music pack, and some songs that apparently are meant to be used but aren't, like 16.mp3 and 18.mp3 for mcLastBoss and mcChaos respectively.
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I've seen a lot of people criticize Elin for its crafting mechanics (essentially gameplay in which you gather materials and use crafting benches) multiple times in both of the previous 2 /jp/ Elona threads). And I honestly do think that it's a valid concern if that's all you've seen from screenshots and you think Noa's taken the worst parts of Minecraft/Terraria or whatever and killed the original spirit/soul of Elona. But that's not really quite the case once you've actually played Elin.

Elin's still honestly the same as Elona to me. It retains the same core gameplay loop of Nefia diving, performing/farming/<insert your choice of slow life gameplay career here>. There's plans to continually add to pet enhancement (like pet growth/modification). (I believe it'd be similar to gene engineering and having more control over their skills, feats, etc.) There's still just as much "double your stats" as you want, and the same old infinite Void with massive meatbags of enemies. It's not so much rocket tag (at the moment anyway with the current balance in combat, which is always subject to change) which is great, meaning boss fights might take longer, but consider your use of consumables, skills and feats and spells, management of resources, etc.

The crafting (and crafting benches) stuff and town/settlement management only adds a layer of complexity to what Elona already offered. Crafting is... well, it's a way to build your home/town. It's not at all anywhere (imo) near the main focus of the game, and very much eventually takes a backseat to the core Elona gameplay loop. It's just there so now you can actually not just buy a Palace deed and call it a day, but build your own home/town. With your very own furniture from your choice of materials. (See attached picture.) So while you could choose not to engage with it any further aside from the mandatory crafting stations, you could take it to 11 and make it another core part of your 1000+ hour Elin gameplay (just as Elona has so many life sim elements). Instead of just buying a deed to a house, you have to now build the walls and doors for your house. But you can choose how big to make the house, how many walls, how many doors, how many rooms, etc. In fact, you can even build an inn so travelers can drop by and you get paid (one of the early easy ways of passive income). Instead of buying storage deeds, you can now well... use the crafting station to build chests! So you can actually have a bunch of storage in one corner for potions and scrolls, another for weapons, etc. It's just a lot more control over your very own life sim.

Similarly, like with the crafting stations, cooking's gotten crazy. Instead of just herbed foods (*cough* insert Ano and E+ hate here), you now have control over what crops you're growing, how you propogate certain crops' genes through multiple generations of manipulation (think of actual IRL crops I guess lol), and how your future crops will be even better focused in certain stats once you cook them into foods. (See: https://ylvapedia.wiki/wiki/Elin:Food)

On the topic of Ano and E+, Elin's a different game. It's much slower, and you don't get free exp for doing literally nothing. You also don't get speed that eventually makes the game enter the territory of thousands of speed stat per opponent and then a speed stat war/competition. Elin is by Noa, not Ano, so keep that in mind. But is it infinite fun? It is. And all that said, the game's still only in closed beta.
Have they added objects that could face away from the screen?
Hi guys,
I got an astral light pen with the intention of nabbing a boss pet, but I have no clue how to raise the relation stuff to soul mate. How could I go about doing this? I'm lost and confused - and on Elona+cgx 2.23.
Thank you in advance!
Personally I'm not worried, I feel Elin is in a pretty good spot. While I might not 100% agree with every single little change I can still understand the reasoning behind them and how they fit into the bigger picture.
Plus people seem to forget the mod support in Elin is *massively* improved. We no longer have to rely on a small cadre of super autists with too much time on their hands. Hell, you might even learn something useful for other things since modding Elin is Unity work.
Biggest drawback is that we'll probably see a crapload of low effort "mods" (looking at you Skyrim Bodyslide Presets) being spammed but that's just how it is, the good shit should simmer to the top as usual.
It's hard to tell for me if the mod support is improved if all the modding instructions are in Japanese.
Throw (blessed) love potions at them, after they stop working keep giving them gifts until they reach Soul Mate. At least that's how it used to be, not sure if anything changed in the newest version. The wiki probably has more detailed info on the Astral Light Pen page.
Basically. There's no crafting treadmill the same way there was in Terraria and Minecraft, he removed everything but the most basic weapons and armour recipes prior to alpha. Sections of the game are compartmentalized: if you want to get better at nefia, you run nefia. Want to get better at slow life, do slow life stuff.

Holes from Elona have been filled: a great example are the three new gods, who actually cater to playstyles that weren't by the OG 7. Not allowing intrinsic speed/life/mana growth has helped balance massively and makes race picks meaningful, and the existence of potential floors is a godsend.

It's in unity and has native bepinex. By that measure alone it'll be much easier to work with than HSP.
you make them or you buy them from the shopkeeps
i just want to play the latest beta branch....
Assuming you don't want to use engagement rings/necklaces, you'll need to either use love potions or give them gifts. (The "gift" item, rarely sold in shops for a few thousand, reliably sold in Larna's souvenir shop for hundreds of thousands.) Once they reach higher relationship levels, you can use your pot for fusion to make tokens of friendship or lovely bouquets and gift those instead.
But is there a purpose for all the materials and walls and furniture or it's just for decoration?
Home rank is in, you'll earn salary according to the top valued furniture in your home.

There's also the museum aspect with items that have tourism value like art, taxidermy and statues.

Some furniture is necessary to run an inn or shop, and other pieces are functional like wells for watering crops, or lights for blocking monster spawns.

There's a whole bunch that is decor, of course.
>or lights for blocking monster spawns
He really is copying Minecraft, isn't he.
>lights for blocking monster spawns
Please tell me that it's easier to manage than Minecraft's whole deal with invisible values and secret thresholds and whatnot. It's been so many years that I can barely remember, but I vaguely recall that not only could zombie hordes invade your secure base if one corner is just slightly too dim, but they could pop into existence even in a well-lit room if you made it large enough that one chunk of air in the center was too far away from a torch. I honestly don't know how people put up with that garbage.
It's not even close to Minecraft's light system. I haven't bothered planning lights in my base beyond what I need to see things.
Monster spawns only become a problem if you neglected basic base building planning over longer periods of time, expanding too fast or taking other shortcuts.
Thanks! Now to murder Larna's scam shopkeeper
Is there an english guide to running your town? I am getting killed by taxes taking all profits every month.
It's a bit outdated but check this if you haven't already - https://ylvapedia.wiki/wiki/User:Hachimitsu/EarlyGameBeta
Also check why the tax is so high, placed objects will raise taxation value so make sure to only keep what you use or things that directly or indirectly generate income.
im going to be that guy and just tell you to spam music quests
Placed objects do not increase tax, that was axed after alpha. In fact, you want to place as expensive stuff as possible because that takes in home rank salary.

Tax is based on a time component, and a fame component which makes up most of it; you can see the breakdown by mousing over the assessment. If your fame is too high vs your earnings, you can dump fame at an informer and earn some pocket change.
Are we talking Elin? Sell your fame, it's a big part of taxes.
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Canon Kumiromi: wise and mature, reasoned and confident as a mediator in godly disputes.

Fanon Kumiromi: every shota stereotype.
He can be both. What happens when the wise and mature shota gets his butt touched?
What if someone were to go into the Discord, get all the changelogs, and post them here?
You could be that person.
That's why I'm asking.
Just go for it, I'm sure someone will appreciate it.
The wiki is now up to date again
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Me at the bottom.
Oh he mediates alright
Isn't miromi a girl in Elin?
No: https://ylvapedia.wiki/wiki/Elin:Kumiromi_of_Harvest
The journal in the demo used to say "she", but it was corrected to "he" by the time alpha rolled around.

Probably a tl error.
Oh hey this is new, why isn't this on the OP?
Even NPC quotes are the same as Elona?
hti chance?
Good idea, next thread's OP should include a link to the Elin wiki. Maybe it could replace the kickstarter link, since that ended? (and the wiki links there anyway)
So I will no longer need to scatter my 6 gorillion item stacks across lesimas?
Why is it only for Elin? why not include elona and Noa's other games? it's about time we move from fandom anyways
How do sword sages work exactly?
Instead of using spell books to get charges for that spell, you can store a lower number of charges in a weapon instead. The spell is then cast for free when the weapon successfully hits the enemy

Is it a percent chance like invokes? do the talisman stays on the weapon forever?
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Opatos' artifact weapon just got added.
I think it's because that wiki is official. Elona's isn't.

What's the point of hardness in weapons?
When is Elin coming out and will it even be worth playing?
>will it even be worth playing
Just because its easier to mod
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Anyone got a translation for this?
As far as I know, there's no point for hardness in weapons at the moment. But since it's a stat displayed for all materials and also for tools made from said materials, it makes sense that it's now just displayed for everything, even weapons that are made from those materials. But you can just ignore it probably.

For everyone else not following though, hardness is (alongside the Mining skill) is a relevant stat for mining, where the game checks your pickaxe's hardness and your Mining skill versus the hardness of the ore or gem you're trying to mine.

It should come out in the winter. And if it's even worth playing...? Isn't that a very subjective that you should find out yourself instead of asking? A lot of people enjoy it, it's by Noa, I feel it retains the essence and soul of Elona, etc. But I mean, whether it's worth or not is something only you can decide. Refer here: >>47357864
started playing and you know the list of top adventurers from last thread? theyre static adventurers who appear in every game. funnily enough, each of them and their precious weapon also caters to a playstyle. mesherada and her dagger are for casters, kiria and her claymore are for 2H and range, and gaki and her dagger are for dualwielding

idk if this was all intended or coincidental since idk if noa decided on the adventurers and their skills and weapons or what? but it was a pretty cool catch and thing to notice ig
They're backer adventurers if I recall
I'm no coder, but I was musing on a unilateral martial arts buff for Elin that doesn't fuck with the core systems too much while retaining its identity, and by that I mean splitting it between two skills instead:
>Brawling (Strength) to increase base damage of weapon-less strikes
>Martial Arts (Dexterity) to increase the damage multiplier of empty-handed strikes

Essentially making it so that Brawling is entirely in the domain of monster enemies you encounter (so no Kenshiro T-Rexes), while Martial Arts would act more along the lines of a player/pet oriented skill you'd pump alongside Brawling. I find this would be an extremely elegant solution since it doesn't step over anyone's toes, is flavorful (a martial artist would spend less time on equipment upkeep and more time on making sure all of their relevant skills stay ahead of the curve), and would be incredibly easy to balance around since you'd just have to make sure MA modifiers aren't too wacky. Hell you'd still even keep dumb meme builds like double shields perfectly intact, which is why I made the fine distinction between weapon-less and empty-handed earlier. I dunno if Noa is still taking suggestions at this point in time, but if he's not I think it'd be a good idea for a mod when the game comes out.
Will the first branch-off from Elin be called Elina, or Elin+?
You assume there will be one as opposed to, say modpacks like Minecraft.
Makes me wonder how many isekai mods will people make for this game
Isekai? Are we going to get a cheeky yet shameless blue haired girl who claims to be a goddess as well as a goddess who seems nice and benevolent, but has a hidden mischievous side to her where she might pop up as an adventurer?
"You came from another world" is a backstory in vanilla's chargen, so...
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Will Elin support H mods?
How I sell my fame in Elin? Elin.Build.14492942
100% chance, but you do need to hit with the weapon, which can be hard with certain enemy types.
It stays forever, so what people usually do is fight with a normal weapon most of the time and then bring out a tasliman'd for boss fights for extra burst damage.
they might not be on the Steam workshop, but there absolutely will be

Talk to an informant in a city. Ask a guard for directions to one
Why not just keep using the talisman weapon?
because that would be very expensive and very micro-management heavy because you need to keep enchanting the weapon whenever it runs out. All just to kill normal enemies a bit faster.
I'm the one who pledged for Kiria and her weapon and... honestly it was coincidence. I gave noa details on her and the weapon without knowing anything about the other adventurers.
It does have charges that wear out, but only if it's actually used.
Well done anon, design-wise she is my favourite of the six. I'm trying to get her in my current playthrough
your pirate build is old as shit you can find newer ones

Which build number is the latest?
Beta 22.56
Get her to follow Itzpalt, then worship Mani and give her the ring of void, she's a beast.
i added dolphin porn so thank me

T-thank you?
Learn the Coding skill AND work on your Design skill. You need it.

I read that as "I'm trying to get her pregnant in my current playthrough".
Is it NTR if you marry a backer NPC?
>I read that as "I'm trying to get her pregnant in my current playthrough".
Maybe once we get marriage mechanics...
I think most backers are fully aware of the shenanigans that one can get up to in Elona, so no.

You can already make npcs lay fertilized eggs and hatch them to get pets. Unique npcs all produce chickens, though.
I fully expect to get cucked, but if I somehow start getting fanart of my NPC, I'll say it's worth it.
>produce chickens, though
For now. I believe that is temporary.
>AND work on your Design skill.
I'm not going to justify why I prefer my idea, only that I haven't seen good alternatives that doesn't:

>break monster balance
>potentially change multiple systems inside of out, ultimately being more trouble than its worth
>forces everyone to play a specific class for this specific playstyle
>involves wielding a weapon (ironic) to patch up the failings of the skill

It's just better to encourage player-NPC separation in an organic manner, since when you get right down to it MA is balanced around NPCs and not players.
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gently or violently bros
Small break!
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kotomine gets no break; it's not what he would want. now choose: gently or violently .
Violent it is then
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yorokobe, shounen. he's satisfied for now.
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Most efficient Camp setup in Elona+?
10 executions + work to the bone (so -27 life every 3 days) or max servant relationship and keep them at 0 life expense?
Is Toll Energy drink worth it to keep the fucks alive or should i consume that awesome stuff instead?
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>there are 2 spritesheets for alice in wonderland
>zero from dorothy wizard of oz
i am sure i can cobble something up with the vanilla spritesheets, if i had editing talent
Most efficient in real time or in-game time? Also I don't think they make any anergy at 0 toil level.
>Also I don't think they make any anergy at 0 toil level.
>The amount of Toil-Energy received from master/servant score is independent of Toil-Lv.
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they are not going to add coldproofing huh?
Do decapitation not exists? also what does it mean the ability to host?
>Do decapitation not exists?
it does
>also what does it mean the ability to host?
skill to let your pets ride you
Isn't Host referring to Symbiosis? Or was that changed at one stage?
As a pirate who couldn't get into the closed beta, how are you supposed to keep up with the updates that are pretty much happening every two days or less?
Yeah, hosting is the same thing as symbioting.

As for how to keep up with updates, honestly, join the Discord: https://discord.com/channels/208391609778307075/1188425646679015535

Or just hope the changelog on the Wiki is updated often: https://ylvapedia.wiki/wiki/Elin:Changelog
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>honestly, join the Discord: https://discord.com
Why doesn't a scythe have decapitation?
no idea about that precious item but others have neck hunt on them
Just post it here nigger
Alrighty then.
■ 7/24 2024 β 22.57
(Translated by GPT)

[Additions and Changes]
Added new stone floor tiles.
Added three types of metal floor tiles.
Added an icon for the Earthquake spell.
Added new artwork to the shipping report.
Adjusted the effective range of ranged weapons and added this information to the tooltip.
Items currently held can now be included in action selection with the F key.
Added explanations for perfect evasion, and physical and elemental mitigation in the help section.
Blessings and curses applied to items mixed with blessed or cursed water will now apply one by one instead of to the whole stack.
Reduced the range of fuel depot signs.
Items with an exchange rate of 10 times or more for furniture exchange tickets will now be marked as "Not Recommended for Exchange" (these items are normally non-exchangeable, but can be exchanged with tickets if absolutely necessary).
Updated Chinese translations.
Significantly increased the damage of Meteor and Earthquake spells. Earthquake will now deal reduced damage to floating targets and increased damage to targets affected by gravity.
The speed increase from Lulwy's blessing will gradually decrease once it exceeds 100.
When allies use area attacks, the player's magic control skill will now be added to the ally's magic control calculation. Also, increased the experience rate for magic control to 5 times for non-player characters.
If the player possesses Eudana's "Magic Precision" feat, it will now also apply to allies' area attacks.
Increased the generation rate of resurrection magic. Added resurrection magic to the actions of Defenders, Carbuncles, Meriliths, Dark Missionaries, and Sages (with a long cooldown).
Added a bonus to crop shipment value and a trait to befriend plants to Kumiromi's blessing.
Implemented Kumiromi's second blessing.

Fixed a bug where containers were not being properly selected if there was a shipping box within the resource depot sign's range.
Corrected the recovery amount for different types of recovery magic used by staffs.
Adjusted the stamina calculation formula (it will be recalculated after level-ups and skill increases).
Fixed an issue where the underlying geological layer was always rendered when digging through walls.
Other minor fixes and adjustments.

There are no plans to remove doujinshi of characters like Elin or Yakasha at this time.
Code analysis, sharing, and publishing analyzed information is encouraged as it helps in bug discovery. Analysis and strategy sites are also welcome.
Detailed feedback, such as difficulty in raising specific pet skills like magic control experience, is highly appreciated.
Kumiromi's blessing effects and pets will continue to be adjusted.
[Nerf Notice] The rewards for quests and treasure chests in Sukutsu will be adjusted to gradually decrease for content equivalent to floor 50 and above. Note that rewards for floors above 100 will be significantly reduced.
>The speed increase from Lulwy's blessing will gradually decrease once it exceeds 100.
Unless it was planned for anyway, I feel like it's a missed opportunity to have your good old pokemon trainer kind of class. Like say, 'Noble', who has the Elona (or Elona+? I don't think it was in the original) 'Cheer' skill and such that buffs allies, while having an affinity for negotiation. Be an actual real Onee-san Princess who just hangs around the back while your Little Girl Army mows things down!
rank all of them in order and why. or anyone else who wants to can too. i'm curious about who's from the 6 is best, strongest, cutest, etc
I honestly think it's a good thing. By keeping speed in check, it doesn't become a massive balancing issue like in Elona (E+ looking at you). At least for the foreseeable future, the expected range of speed is pretty much settled and we won't have runaway speed values that enter the territory of quadruple digits. Which, again, massive balancing issues.
Fine, as long as enemies aren't as autistic as plus
While it's not actually a *class* per se, you can worship one of the backer gods: Kizuami of Trickery. (https://ylvapedia.wiki/wiki/Elin:Kizuami_of_Trickery) (There's also been a lot of discussion but I honestly do think the 3 backer gods are all super appropriate and fit in very well into Elin, also supporting their respective niche gameplays.)

It's a god that promotes playing in parties and more as a support for your allies (akin to your Pokemon trainer example). The god weapon is Kogitsunemaru (https://ylvapedia.wiki/wiki/Elin:Kogitsunemaru) which, when wielded by anyone (you or your party members), prohibits you from attacking, but instead massively buffs everyone in your party. So now you are relegated to a more supportive capacity.
How are Elin's feats?
I see. It prohibits you from attacking, but you can cause coincidental damage. Does it also stop you from throwing coincidentally dangerous potions at enemies?

I was thinking of playing as a Mifu Priest since in Elona (And E+) I always had my pet army doing most of the fighting, but for the time being I settled on being an Eulderna Witch who, coincidentally, has long white hair, is 16 years old but a bit short for her age who rides around a broom that is a Little Girl
>There are no plans to remove doujinshi of characters like Elin or Yakasha at this time.
NPCs who read doujinshi of certain gods will be converted and begin following said gods.
Why would he remove doujinshi of those gods?
"It reaps life" allows for decapitation from any kind of damage.

So long as anyone in your party has the Kumiromi scythe equipped, all your party's melee, ranged, magic are capable of decapitation.

It's fucking fun, I'm chopping heads off left and right and spawning plant minions in their place.
It's because currently, the player themselves are not allowed to convert to Elin or Yakasha right now. Though judging from that, maybe it'll be allowed in the future
Just to clarify, he said that he has no plans to remove them.

As for why he even needed to mention that in the first place and why he might even consider removing them (which I assume is what you meant), it's because Elin and Yakasha aren't added in the game yet, and Noa has no plans to do so for the foreseeable future.

> ■ 5/29 2024 pre-β 22.8
> The introduction of Elin and Yakasha as in-game gods is undecided. Implementing god artifacts will likely come first.

I don't know what "undecided" means. It could either means he doesn't know if he wants them in the game at all, or it could mean he doesn't know when.
I wonder what their artifacts and pets are gonna be
Maybe he's more undecided on whether to implement them the same as the other gods, or make them potentially story branch exclusive gods you could worship?

Though making them story branch exclusive gods would be troubling to the minmaxers who will seek to get every god's pet, feat and artifact
i do not want furry mods
Wouldn't need a mod since it'd be built-in to the game. Or does Elin at this stage not allow you to make gene with cats and dogs and yiths at this moment in time?
It'll be collectors who do the faith relay, not minmaxers. The god stuff this time around is pretty well balanced as the power incentives to try and get everything are severely slashed. The priestesses have the same abilities as the god pets and are recruitable without needing to convert, and without their faction buffs the god artifacts are considerably weaker than endgame randarts.

It's a pretty good design: you can collect everything if you want to, but aren't obligated to do so or lose out.
Is it morally wrong to trick Ehekatl into sex?
The way Kogitsumemaru works is by reducing all damage that has the player as a source to 0. You can still perform attack actions, which are still important to inflict elemental statuses or direct your allies since they will try to focus what you're currently attacking, you just can't deal direct damage. Most of your mana will be spent on heals, buffs and debuffs.

Removing it is possible, but unreliable in combat since the curse is pretty strong and can take several turns to remove, it auto unequips itself once uncursed.
So if I threw a potion of acid, would the puddle cause 0 damage because it came from the player? Or are there no more puddles caused by throwing potions into empty tiles?
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You're essentially fucking a cat
It counts as player damage, as the source of liquid puddles is tracked. It would still rust equipment, but deal no damage.

The only exceptions I've found are statuses (burning, bleed, poison) and miasmas, since these are sourceless. Which makes sense, given Kizuami's portfolio.
A retarded cat at that.
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Don't call her that
if you want to undertake the workload of separating elona from elona+ materials on the fandom and porting them over, then space can be made for it. However, that's an extraordinary amount of manhours spent, and organizing vanilla, plus, and omake content would be a gargantuan task compared to just documenting Elin.

AND you would somehow have to convince other people to move over- it might be possible in a few years, but it's a bit beyond my scope.

Apologies about the changelog, I'll try to be more punctual. Life happened and I fell behind.
fine too
Elin takes place like a few hundred years ago or so, right? Or was that changed?

What I'm wondering is that seeing as Ehekatl is essentially a young goddess (among the gods), is she a relatively new goddess in mortal terms in Elin? Or is she actually older than I thought she is and is actually a ha
30 years prior to Elona's start.

Young is relative. You have those like Itzpalt and Plato's who were around since the start, Kumiromi who has been around since the third age, and Mani who achieved apotheosis really recently in Sierre Terre, maybe even within living memory.

I basically consider this another timeline at this point, since certain important points and characters like Vernis, Corgon and Quruitzia have begun to diverge.

Long story short, she's one of the younger gods, but by any mortal's standards she's a hag.
theres literally no point in other spell other than chaos
its too fucking strong
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This is what Noa said a few months ago. I think both gods will have an impact in the story, that's why they aren't properly added
It's powerful early game, but as enemies get more resistant and better gear unlocking them with all of chaos' statuses becomes much less feasible.

Something like slow plus freeze works much better for elites while chaos is still excellent for trash mobs.
In Elin, how much do I need to get my 'pets' to like me before they'll let me take equipment off them? Or is directly customising their equipment not a thing in Elin right now?

I somehow made a really good stone spear (for early game) and gave it to the Little Girl I started with, but she chose to dual-wield it with her starting wooden staff and refused to let me take it from her.
If you try and take it enough, they'll eventually just hand it over, but you'll lose 1 karma.
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What archetype does Elin fills in the pantheon?
Theory: Noa intended Kumiromi to be a girl in Elin, and the Kumiromi from Elona to be her brother. He silently undid the change to take advantage of the era we live in (Sierre Trap).
sooo. been playing for a few years. reached south tiris and enjoying it. what version should i play? is + really that cancerous?
No, the haters are just very vocal.
It's a lot better when you use custom gx and get to pick what you want and don't want.
>Finally give in and look at wishing mechanics on the wiki
>In Elin, to now be able to Wish at all trough Wells, you first have to have Ehekatl's scent rub off onto you through her Statue ('Fragrance of Goddess')
>Can only have her scent rub off onto you once a year
>Noyel's Holy Well now guarantees no wishes instead

No wonder I kept getting no wishes from wells. I thought I was just unlucky but no, I need to run around the fields to find a spot where the Statue of Luck spawns first. Preferably more than once so that I can get the Black Cat's Saliva to power up my Wish too. I'm way too used to having something like the Seven League Boots on at all times, until I can grab a vehicle in E+.
>Noyel's Holy Well now guarantees no wishes instead
Why did he change that?
Probably as part of restricting Wishes to something less frequent as it is, since now you only effectively get 1 Wish per year, unless you have Wands of Wishing as well maybe. But it could also be Noa hinting that Jure, as a Goddess, is actually very unlucky seeing as in later years (Elona) her worshipers start offering random rocks they picked up from the ground to her
Are wishes at least more useful in Elin?
Judging from the Wishing page on the wiki, not really. It seems like the top three things people would want to wish for is still the Seven League Boots, Aurora Ring and Ring of Speed, or Cloak of Vindale. But otherwise the Seven League Boots still top the list.

The only problem is that the Shrines and Statues are randomly generated when you enter a Field, so unless you're lucky (heh), it may take a long while to have specifically a Statue of Luck spawn in the Field tile you're in.
Nothing will ever beat the ol trusty level 99999999 magic dart
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Where do i look to get to know all the TCG card effects?
I already google-fu'd a lot, so please be specific (or if you have a save with all cards feel free to share!)
I wonder if Noa will eventually change this, but currently escort missions and delivery quests to other towns are incredibly easy. Why? It's because in Elin, you can just Fast Travel to a place you've been before, costing you food (travel rations) and time, but in return you don't run into any encounters at all (since you 'teleport' there after waiting out those days). The payouts are significantly less than they were in Elona because of that though.
I think I am to stupid to play this game the only thing I have managed to do is run around dungeons eating everything alive as my only way to defend myself. Combat is to hard for me to do. How do I get good?
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I must be completely retarded, because I have no idea how to access build mode.
It is kind of dumb how if I eat an enemy it gives me more health but if I eat an enemy it does not help my hunger. Makes no sense how can you bite things and not get full im the stomach?
It's the other signboard that Loyter sells (if you had Ashland introduce him) other than the Faction Board; forgot the name. Terrain mode lets you raise and lower terrain, if you want to make your house located on a hill.
Well shit, that's it. I checked his shop once and then never talked to him again. And he just died to a fire hound, so I guess I'll have to wait for him to come back.
How does follower stat development works in Elin? Elona+ I just feed the little girl food and money and she quickly becomes as strong if not stronger than the player character.
Fundamentally, it's the same. Your pets need food for stats, gold for training, and equipment. When they level up, they will spend level up points to learn skills and feats; you can also give them skill manuals to teach skills, but that is a temporary measure and slated to be removed. Don't expect Plus levels of advancement, naturally; Plus rewards you for standing around and doing nothing.

The big draw so far is the lack of micromanagement. You can designate a container in your base or inventory as shared, and your residents will take what they need from shared containers automatically. Food, equipment, potions and bandages, blankets and equipment repair for acid damage can be automatically distributed without needing to go into each individual inventory.

Benched residents will work at their jobs and improve their job-related skills passively.


Since you mentioned rust, how do I repair my equipment -1 in Elin? In elona, you pay the blacksmiths to fix it. The wiki says you need sulfur and the polishing wheel. I have not been able to find sulfur in the starting areas.
>blankets and equipment repair for acid damage can be automatically distributed without needing to go into each individual inventory.
wow nta but I had no idea it works for that too
sulfur should be common on any of the "mountain" tiles on the map
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What a loser LMFAO
talent > hard work
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>talent > hard work
Work beats talent when talent doesn't work.

Which applies to Elona too: the game is either unfair and kills you roguelike stile or if you put in the grind you rape its ass.
just grind in puppy cave and spells are OP
oh I thought it was going to be a hitler joke and he was going to say she tried to start a war or something
Even more funny is after you complete his quest he admits his sister art was shit
Crawling on his skin... those wounds will need a healer!
Could be easily fixed by just making you automatically fail the quests when you do that
The payout would need to be higher.
Of course
there has to be more ways to have variety on repeatable quests other than fetch and escort quests right?
Quest where you have to break into an npc's house, rape them, and then escape before the guards catch you.hgds
All the features from every modded version of Elona+ just serve to make the game easier, or sometimes even censor it.
That's nice, dear.
>Mad Island mod
Can the daily prayers from the feat in Elin give you the rewards? I'm hoping that I somehow didn't lose my weapon because it got generated while I was traveling on the world map.
>Can the daily prayers from the feat in Elin give you the rewards?
no. you do it manually
No, you must pray manually.
Guess I must have somehow missed getting the Holy Lance then, I'm at 73 faith and I haven't seen it even after offering Jure entire bakeries.

How to level faith in Elin? Offerings?
Offerings and taking the daily prayer feat.
I'm pretty sure remember it was a E+ change, but you couldn't use a Return scroll or spell if your caravan (trade goods) were overweight. I think later on it was also made to also not allow you to do that if you have escorts?

I feel like Noa should take this opportunity, while Elin is in Closed Beta, to make the Travel skill do more than just 'provide more exp' from walking around the map. E+ had buffed it so that it also trained skills and such, but for Elin's purposes, it should also raise World Travel Speed (leveling Travel is pretty much the player/party getting familiar/prepared for the hardships of traveling). Make Travel also have an effect on Fast Travel speed and food cost, but Travel can only be leveled, other than through skill training, if you actually walk from one town to another. As it is, the only ways to raise your World Travel Speed is still either using the Seven League Boots or simply faster pets (with your Riding skill to match them). Or are you able to get increased travel speed on other items as modifiers now, too?

As a rogue leader, how do I update Elin? I'm currently stuck on 22.39, but some of the later changes look great

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