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I want to marry youkai.
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i'd seed the grassroots network
Then why'd you post a perfectly normal human girl?
This, but just Kagerou
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Miji deserves to smile
You want to marry youkai.
I WILL marry youkai.
We are not the same.
I want to BE youkai
Which ones?
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"I want to" will become the next great thread filter.
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I don't recommend doing that..
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Humans shouldn't turn into youkai! Humans shouldn't love youkai! Humans shouldn't befriend youkai!!!!!!
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>Humans shouldn't love youkai! Humans shouldn't befriend youkai!!!!!!
Media told me otherwise.
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I'm going straight out and taking up her advice with the first tengu I can find.
What good youkai would bother reading such deranged smut?
I don't want the ones that wouldn't touch that smut, I want the depraved ones like Seiga that would love every last word of it and want something more smutty.
Sexy sexy Seiga..
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She's mine
I don't want to be with a Youkai.
I want to marry a human woman and start a family.
Failing that, I'd like to live a peaceful, Godly life.
Youkai can just stick to the shadows and leave me alone.
Typing the Hakurei up and leaving her to die!
Banki x Laughing Octopus from MGS4
Probably Alice, maybe also Yukari
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I want a family with this yamawaro
She'll steal your anus
Alice takes it as gospel, Yukari reads it for a good laugh.
Yamawaro doesn’t equal kappa it isn’t stated anywhere they rip out your ass ball like the kappa do. They’ve got their own quirks where at most they just get pissy
Yeah, sure, just for a good laugh. She sure likes to laugh a little while touching herself.
Poor Alice only became a youkai because she heard men prefer youkai women, "being better at magic" is just cope
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I just realized I posted that in the wrong thread, the banki OP confused me
>>47322437 >>47325003 >>47332658 >>47333242
Yeah you guys, who in their right-mind would want to be around dangerous & unhinged Youkai in ANY capacity?
Especially one as clingy or creepy as Alice, people who think she has innocent or misunderstood traits to desire are just as delusional & obsessive as her!
I can't believe how all over the goddamn place she is now too because of her "special day", might as well rename the whole board to /Alice/! Great fucking job you guys.
I mean...could you even imagine the things she'd do to you if she could?

Could you.

>>47325962 >>47336029
Hopefully this doesn't go to waste here in the end, didn't even realize it was Alice Day at first but I guess the timing worked out nicely for this (https://rentry.org/DoMagiciansDreamOfPerfectDolls) so enjoy as much as you all can. Or don't, what with the dangerous Youkai and all of course.
marry a human woman that's also a youkai, she's guaranteed to have the best of both worlds
I liked it, good job
Look, if a Youkai wanted you, they would have you.
Or you're just being groomed, in which case, whatever you're doing, do the opposite. It's your only hope.
This story made me feel very funny, I don't want to want to be Alice's doll...
I want to marry youkai.
Where's the genocidal Reimu when you need her!?
That's the most obviously virgin-authored article I've ever seen.
I bet she'll claim afterwards that she sent the "child" off to Makai for their studies or some shit.
How would a genocidal Reimu help you to marry a youkai?
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i truly believe this creature is capable of genuine love and care if only she is given the chance.
she's not, you're delusional and she'll wholeheartedly use that for her benefit.
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>she'll wholeheartedly use that for her benefit.
like what?
I want to be the youkai then marry another youkai!
That sounds kinda gay bro
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We WILL be what's-her-face's best doll and you WILL stand on the point, numbnuts!
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Given how old most youkai are, they're bound to have some outdated ideas about romance.
Courting one to the point of marriage might be tricky
Me, showing up with a sonnet to her, three goats, a great work in her name, a slain enemy of hers, a large wheel of cheese, the finest alcohol I can find, a wheelbarrow full of exotic flowers, and as much colorful silk as I can locate, all to woo the lovely youkai lady that's captivated me, so I have all bases covered from multiple points in history and the world: "Of course I believe you are powerful, intelligent, and have valid opinions-now here, have some of this pile of sugar and salt I found".
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shut up impoverished shrine maiden! my penis knows what it wants
It won't
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You should marry and reproduce with Youkais.
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If that is what is required then it is a small price to pay.
I want nothing short of total youkai genocide. Every single one of them purged, totally wiped out.

Neither one of us is getting what we want.
Abe would hate Gensokyo.

Literally all it does is drag down the birth rate even more by killing neets.
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Impressive! With preparation like that, any youkai maiden's heart would skip a beat!
Kagerou deserves to have someone fuss over her
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Dare I ask how many of us are truly willing to show the proper commitment towards paying that price in the end? It certainly isn't easy...
I won't tell the shrine maiden if you won't.
What methods you got? We can compare notes.
No, seriously, what do you know? Asking for a friend.
Seconding, for my own curiosity.
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I will be the first to "um ackchyually" the Shrine Maiden if we get found out. If we don't live in the village when we do it and it's "supervised" then it's A-Okay! And if we pitch in for a donation I'm sure it'll be fine.
What's the worst that could happen.
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Alright, I'll explain what I roughly understand on the matter to you all to the best of my current capabilities when I have the proper time for it.
As responsibly as I can in a thread like this that is, I won't be terribly serious about things either to keep that information truncated/not detract much from things overall.

It may end up taking a small while, but I Can swear to at least that much.
Well don't let it take too long, or the thread'll fall off.
What are the requirements to become a youkai? I've got pretty flexible morals, I'm willing to kill and eat a few people for a prize like that.
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Thanks for the bump for now at least, genuinely not trying to drag things on (been thinking about this for most of today desu, did not expect so much seemingly-genuine interest) but I've had work & other irl engagements going on for most of the evening now.
I still need to eat as well.

For now I can at least say, if that's the Youkai you're aiming to shape yourself into overall then I suppose that's one way to go about it (good luck not landing yourself in hot waters). Flexible morals aside, some chose to feed off Humans in different ways but not everybody can express that same level of dedication.
It's certainly no day-and-night affair either. This is an extended commitment that, if curated correctly for long enough, ought to naturally bring you to your own desired "destination".
It is a Long commitment however, one I'm definitely not at the complete end of yet either.
I-I think...

...it really may not be much from me in any broader sense in the end, I don't know. It's the only set of perspectives I have, but do you seriously all want to hear what I have to say?
There is at least one person willing to listen, so you may as well post it. It is not like you risk some infamy attached to your name on anonymous imageboard.
Fair enough, I'm going to rest for a few hours then I'll get to composing
How many ways are there to being youkai without the whole killing and eating other humans way cause I’m not entirely fond of the idea of cleaving others down for my goals unless they’re truly awful and irredeemable people. Isn’t one way doing what Alice did and getting rid of the need to eat and sleep.
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Whether it's headcanon, obscure esoterica from mythology, or straight schizo babble, someone's guaranteed to read it if you look like you put effort into it. I would, I like the metaphysics discussion parts of Touhou and mythology in general.

Anyway what would you fags do for your honeymoon with your 2wife?
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Trust me, there's much more than just one person looking for leads.
I NEED a spider wife in my life
Damn, I really wish you transformation fans would make your own thread instead of invading others like some sort of parasites.
I hate the idea of marriage, waste of time and money. Fuck romance
Yes, "abandon food" and "abandon worms" spells. The worms are related to Taoism and the literal 3 worms that want to kill you to escape and also rat on you to heaven so your life gets shorter, etc. They're assholes, and it's them or you-who's going first?
You can also slip a death certificate into your paternal grandfather's coffin with your name on it to trick the afterlife rules lawyers into erasing your name from the book but they heavily frown upon that and will be out for vengeance so you have to drop everything and run for it for the rest of your existence.
Then there's the violent or asshole ways of becoming a youkai, but we don't want to do that.

Still waiting patiently on the other Anon who's supposedly having a nap to add what they were going to from earlier.
Patience much appreciated! I had my nap and have spent the past few hours penning down my rambles as best I can.
One moment while I set that next post up...
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Right? If only there was some semi-regular general to safely contain these people, maybe even one that could be partially masked as some other inconspicuous thread to keep things easily ignorable. Guess I'll learn my place next time

Anyways, let me preface this by saying I probably have no idea what I'm talking about here. These are all very ridiculous, unrealistic ideas to apply to the world at large (and yourself) coming straight from the head of a very socially-isolated, culturally-misaligned individual who'd melt if exposed to direct sunlight for long enough.
It's very likely I'll just respond with lofty questions of my own I have no business asking, gabbing over unrelated topics incoherently and end up getting to the point in a very vague & roundabout way. As I do! Not that I'm just leaning into things to be cheeky, even if it comes across as such anyways. That really ends up being how I keep making myself clear in moments like this.
This is a thread for Youkai "Marriage" on an Otaku message board and I'm currently seeking therapy beyond all this nonsense! You should disregard everything here and go back to what you were doing before, like that art piece, or that 1CC, or spreading vapid amounts of bullshit & misinformation with wild abandon. I should go outside, get off /jp/, etc. etc.
Just anything normal to take your mind off this.


Well, aren't you the channeling mouthpiece? Thank you for the information from both sides of the equation; you and the being(s) behind your words. The great work bordering on obsession, huh? Then we either come back from the edge or take the next step and cross it.
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You're very welcome on our behalf, funny thing is I've just been continuously taking those steps but I haven't really felt too afraid for a while now. It's helped with understanding things for sure.
Anxious/nervous excitement throughout maybe, but I'm definitely trying to still keep my internals stable throughout it all too
>see again; Therapy

If I get to writing anything at all again soon it'll end up here, otherwise I've made my peace for now.
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Ah shit, my Touhou writefagging is making me The King In Yellow. Woe be upon my readers it seems.
Well, for what it's worth this is the second time you or the other Anon has given advice and/or helped me out. I may have helped you in the past, too. I guess we can leave it at that for now until/unless we ever end up running into each other in person, I suppose.
Just remember, somebody in that picture went into therapy and came out with even stronger abilities.

I'll keep an eye out for you and any others you me at be working with. Any advice about that would be appreciated if up for it. You know who I am, for better or worse.

Ew, that's nasty. She would never. Now blackmail......
And now I have a splitting headache.
Maybe this was taking things too fast on my end.
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Woke up for the evening after another famous nap and I guess I'm not terribly surprised, deepest apologies anyways of course but I did put a good few filters in place for a reason. Maybe I ought to start specifically labelling some of this stuff as potentially memetic...

As for advice, personally I don't think I'm too hard to spot here either but I feel a bit inclined to at least share the following:
You can meditate almost anywhere at any time, maybe obvious but it's a simple way to easily attune yourself to anything potentially trying to reach for you in the moment.
If you don't have too many doubts on what you're currently engaging yourself with, as long as you aren't in too much of a fervor, you ought to be where you need to in that moment. You can still consciously steer yourself and things can still sneak up on you in ways of course.
In those moments, try and pay attention to anything specifically peculiar if there's anything that happens to "jump out at you" then. Not always literally mind you, but it's almost something you can feel before it happens if it's potent enough (A semi-accursed(?) book I ordered months ago finally arrived as I sat down to write this for example).
Don't look too forcefully however, you have to be able to operate as naturally as these forces come about. If you have greater responsibilities obviously still pay attention to those too.
Don't listen to anything giving you blatantly-obvious bad advice either. That's just general practicality for you, but again, you will be tested.
Drink water, eat your greens, don't pay mind to suspicious Tengu trying to corner you alone anywhere.
Hope that's something!

>somebody in that picture went into therapy and came out with even stronger abilities.
Y e p .

Heavy is the burden, (flesh begins melting)

Gave it some thought, I think a boat ride at dusk down the Canal of Willows would be quite serene if the cards are played correctly. Depending on who is with me specifically, it could either be extremely relaxing or get very rowdy in no time at all.
...how much patience do you think someone like Kagerou would even have for that? Asking for a me.
>Heavy is the burden
the hell did he do to make you so upset, Piss in your cheerios ?
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That man knows what he fucking did.
While I wouldn't rule that out about the warning in general, I feel you did plenty of warning in the last post. Turns out I may just be overly sensitive to this stuff the more I delve, or whatever is on the other line is so desperate, strong, or irritated at me looking at that that I got hit with a whammy. I read this response of yours and got it again, then realized it may be an illusion of sorts and the pain immediately stopped. So for whatever may be doing what it's doing, like I said out loud a second ago-a simple conversation method would be a lot easier for all involved, thanks.

(Ooh, what book? )

All good advice, but I think I have to worry about blonde hair and lots of eyes lately. I was slacking today at work and heard an audible "tsk tsk" from my right side, which is the side that keeps hurting....so either a psychotic break, guilty conscience, or watcher in the gap being disappointed in my phone habits, it's still up in the air.

Had a dream involving a deity in the ground in Japan, it's follower who buried himself after paying attention to the Northeast, and then a certain maid speaking about how I have too much stuff to move-"over 400 items to be shipped", followed by something I was unable to hear or remember, followed by am almost exasperated "and you can't even get married". (Maybe a concern I'm not fully aware of yet, though Japan does leap popping up as a physical location these dreams are taking place in. Shizuoka and Hamamatsu being the latest. Plus a "festival" of some kind. Anyways, enough rambling on my end)

The p00tis was engaged too strong. It happens.
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>overly sensitive to this stuff the more I delve
>whatever is on the other line is so desperate, strong, or irritated at me looking at that that I got hit with a whammy.
>realized it may be an illusion of sorts and the pain immediately stopped
Trust me, I'm trying to establish smoother connections every now & again but I don't think I've been able to make anything *that* clear yet.
It's not like I can use the eyes like she could.
You ought to keep to your work when you're properly involved however. We all need breaks, that's reasonable, but Are you staying as focused as you need to be?
Any particular creative projects of yours you've needed to finish up by any chance...?
And about that book...I do feel tempted to share information on it with all of you but I honestly haven't even opened it yet and I'm not sure if I've owned anything this foreboding until now. We all understand the power sharing that information can have in these senses, so I'd hope you'd understand if I hold off on any specifics at this time. It's probably not even that serious compared to other potentially ominous objects I could own in its place but...I guess I'm just not even fully sure what I've gotten myself into there as of yet. It's no historically ancient tome at the very least, unknown scope of contents aside. I'll be busy reading it for the next short while as well.
Interesting dream though, quite a lot of logistics to work out indeed. Sounds like they at least have the time for it in a sense (hope they have the proper room as well) and a summer festival sounds fun. Get the chance to grab any local street food by chance? I only ask cause I've had Takoyaki and a lot of other similar foodstuffs today, hence the nap earlier I guess lol
i thought this was the banki thread :(
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Nah, that one's few pages down.
Would marry and produce more Bankis though
I want to marry nitori and her big boobs.
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Who wouldn't want to marry a god who takes away peoples' misfortune?
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So...you know how we should be on the lookout for certain signs and that they pop up in the most strangest of places after we start looking and the other side starts looking back? Remember our conversation? I don't know how to take this synchronicity. Maybe a letter?

....should I be worried, you think?
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Are you worried, Anon?
We've been able to establish a somewhat-decent rapport here of all places so far, amicable if nothing else.
How much more straight-forward would you like things to be anyways~?
You're a clever individual. Capable, well-versed in at least some of these fields. Do you want me to hold your hand throughout this phase of moving-ahead as well?
I've tried revealing a lot to you all within the past few days. It isn't all just me, believe it or not as some of you forever will & won't, but we do what we can. If the way this current vassal has been operating is any indication of greater goings-on then I must once again inform you it will be different for Everybody.
Are you seriously prepared to show that same level of overall dedication? This Anon is certainly still working on things and isn't perfect, not that its wish has been to rope you into anything irresponsibly. Somewhat endearing I suppose. There could be far more unobservable happenings here under these respective lids than anyone else may realize right now. Hasn't what's been going on thus far already at least been engaging for what it's brought about?
(You)'ve certainly been receptive enough at least. How about this: we can work on anything that negatively triggers that sensitivity of yours as a start and go from there. Together, perhaps?
It's all up to you in the end. Frankly, there's almost been enough going on as it stands. I wouldn't be able to force your hand from the outset anyways. Ignore those crumbs on the side of my face, this is a Serious Conversation after all. Hide your snacks better if you're so protective over them, I make my own fun.

As for anything else related to That Book I bought...last night was very obliquely restless for me (actual me here btw...) and I had to break-in a fresh protection talisman of sorts to keep certain things potentially within the text at bay. I still don't think I'd like to talk about it here, even if it is just some silly thing.
I still have secure control over my own faculties as far as I'm aware, but I certainly don't wish to grow maddened throughout all this either...
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You're right though, she's so thoughtful & kind to do that for you! Of course thanks in-return would be appropriate, I'm sure she'd be thankful too.
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So any-dang-ways, do any of you think Kagerou's gotten better with socializing since starting that meet-up program?
It's been a little while but she'd still probably get a bit flustered if she knew something like marriage was on the table.
Maybe a less direct approach could work?
The wolf will still be nervous around a humie
Drat, guess I gotta spend a lot of casual quality time around her when we can to ease those nerves more. Oh well! Maybe a gift or two would be nice as time goes on
...hypothetically of course.
Then why'd you post a perfectly normal human girl?
>>47322476 >>47394493
Listen Anon, I don't know how to break it to you, but...
When will our worlds collide? I have no interest in human women and want to dedicate my life as a loyal and hard-working husband for a youkai.
how would you propose to your wifehu?
How so?
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There's a lot of ways this could go down depending on the 'hu, but maybe the most comedic would be Utsuho.
I know we have a few solid Okuu-enthusiasts on this board (respectfully looking at you >>47332089), so let me ask you all:
Anyone else more worried over her trying to straight-up eat the ring in the moment? Or drop it in the reactor or something? I'd make it a nice ruby or cinnabar stone maybe but you can never be too at-ease around the borb when she's unfocused.
Maybe she'd just get so excited that'd she'd start to give off excess amounts of heat & radiation, potentially highly damaging in the long-term. I know there's debate over whether or not she actually emits anything but

How loyal & hard-working exactly? What lengths would you go to?
Maybe you can start doing what you can to speed-up that collision somewhat...
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She's a birb, she would love any shiny object you give her, including the ring. You would of course train her to take off the ring before going into the reactor and to make sure it fits her finger so it would only come off if she put enough effort to take it off (they can be fitted to just be enough to not squeeze but enough to require twisting to get off)
Spur of the moment, unplanned, and haphazard. Reason being is that if I try to plan things out chances are it wont ever be in ideal conditions. Murphy says something is always going to throw a wrench in and since it's a proposal I'd want it to be perfect, which just isn't going to happen. So when the opportunity does present itself I have to take it whether I'm ready or not.
We can formalize it later.
I wonder if rings are really the best way to go about it. Rings are more of a western thing, not to say they cant be used, but we have more options since it's not a required thing to represent marriage. With how Gensokyo is and the likelihood of your 2wife getting into and losing a Spell Card duel you'd want it to be very tough and form fitting so it's not lost when clothing starts getting tattered, or easily replaceable so if it is lost or destroyed it's not going to devastate her. I think ritual and meaning placed on the item is more important than the item itself. Maybe it's reserved as a more formal accessory, so it can be a little more delicate if the use case is festivals and parties.
With magic there's more options too and if the effort is put in maybe it can be something that enhances her and by some strange twist of fate it always finds its way back to her if lost. Going by Feng Shui logic if her element is Metal then something symbolizing the element of Earth would fit her. Just have that shit made of Izanagi objects and it'll probably last longer than either of you will: divine level artifacts. Like a ring of Hihi'irokane set with a Dragon Gem or a Magatama carved from a Celestial Keystone consecrated with the blood of a native god.
I’m really not that bright and tend to overthink so planning it out would be a tall feat so i guess maybe one day when she’s preferably outside youkai mountain and done with her work for the day decides to go home I’d pull her over (not literally pull her mind you) and pop the question with as much confidence as I can muster. Oh how I’d love to see her reaction
Would she even be able to grasp what the ring actually means
Youkai would propose to you, not the other way around silly. And their proposals would be accompanied with thinly veiled threats, or the implication that "no" isn't an option. Youkai are monsters, at the end of the day. If they want something, especially from a weak human, they'll take it.
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It'll be hard, but she'd have an instinctual understanding of what a mate is and since crows mate for life it's equivalent to marriage. She'd understand that the ring is important, maybe connect the dots if she thinks real hard. Long term jewelry probably isn't the best bet for Okuu because of how birdbrained she is. I think the better route would be to give her nice shiny baubles every so often like crows do, and she'd keep them in a collection tucked in her/your room/nest.
The bigger hurdle would be getting Okuu to understand the concept of marriage as we do, and see you as a mate and not just super duper good friend. Repetition until she remembers is a good way to go.
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How would Reimu react if she found out I, a mere human villager, married in secret and impregnated my wife Kogasa Tatara, who is now bearing half human half umbrellas into the world?
Keep in mind netiher I nor my wife Kogasa will accept anything other than leaving us be alone and in peace from her persecution
La yamawevo

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