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We need somewhere to mlem mlem
but i was already mlem-mleming in the kanako thread.
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>mlem mlem
>kero kero
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How many prospective boyfriends has she stolen from Sanae, do you think?
neither of them need a boyfriend that isnt me.
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All of them. Why would you want the weird dorky girl who still thinks it's 2005 when you can have a fun, mischievous and cute lolibaba?
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very cute and funny
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So we can pbbpthbbpth here too.
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i wonder if her or shinki has seduced more of their daughters boyfriends
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Shinki has like an infinite amount of daughters, so she's the clear winner
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where is it?
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a cute story. please dont steal pyonta-kun from suwako-sama, they're probably good friends. also i suspect pyonta-kun can bite.
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Nobody loves her anymore. :(
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So Wholesome!
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she's never been THAT popular on jaypee. i like to blame the coomers, but who knows, maybe lolibaba is a difficult concept for the western audience.
I'll try to keep this thread alive then :D
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finally a place to mlem mlem
when i read mlem mlem i think of this pic
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Same. She and Suika are my favorites by far. Kinda makes me wonder, is Suika considered a lolibaba?
age-wise she probably fits the criteria, but she neither act or talk like a baba.
That is true. Lolibaba is just as much personality as it is age. She fits well enough though, I bet if she wasn't drunk all the time she'd be more mature.
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Storytime kero kero.
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The end kero.
but why marisa stole pyonta? she already got her cool hat.
It's like the scorpion and the frog, it's just in her nature to steal
Around witches never relax.
they should just be friends.
This is low even for Marisa.
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I fucking love Suwacky and I can't wait until I can get myself a Suwacky fumo I go out on adventures with.
Not to say she really turns me on.
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Anon don't fuck your fumo
mlem mlem this, bitch!
*unsheathes katana*
the many eyes colours of suwako-sama make it a difficult choice.
Delicious froggie thighs.
This is the last reported sighting of Marisa Kirisame before she went missing
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What would frog feet smell like?
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that's.. a big problem, yeah.
for you
no, for pyonta-kun
How can i marry this goddess?
I want to feel her soft and warm embrace every day.
you only like her for the cool hat
Her hat is a bonus.
But i like her for her motherly personality, her warm smile. Her beautiful eyes with the frog pupils. Her soft, shiny golden hair, her curvy legs and squishy thighs, her soft and delicate feet... if i saw her without knowing she was a goddess, i would still assume it from how beautiful she is. Only a goddess would have such beauty.
that's a nice post, may suwako-sama croak on you.
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back to page 1, kero kero
Aya just got raped
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W-why is Suwako-sama looking at me like that while holding my and Sanny's child....
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this is not suwako-sama, this is yukarin-sama!
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
mfw I can literally recognize every language in that image even if I don't speak them
What's the one to the right of Korean?
Healthy fuckable thighs
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Her ingame sprite in Soku shows her with blue eyes, even though her dialogue sprites in the same game have her with yellow eyes. In MoF she has yellow eyes, there's official material where she has pink eyes, fan art has all sorts of colors.
So what really is the color of her eyes? which one do you think is best? Personally i like blue, but yellow is the most faithful to her first appearance I guess for a shapeshifting goddess changing your eye's color is nothing.
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These old married women are stinky.
who's stronger? kanako or suwa?

if it's kanako, how come suwa had to come to her rescue when they faced off against reimu?
No they are not! This is slander
Kanako conquered Suwacky
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Reimu, Marisa and Sanae's opinion on her. Seems that ZUN also wanted to expand more on her but i guess we'll never know now
suwako-sama is on par with yukari
Suwako. Kanako could just do something that cancelled out her main attack and turn her iron weapons to rust. It's like a Pokemon type advantage thing, Kanako can do what Suwako is weak against but otherwise she is a weaker god and can't command as much power, faith or respect as Suwako. If she was more powerful she wouldn't have needed to keep Suwako around to stay in control of the shrine.
I think blue probably works the best but I think red is my favourite. Feels like it suits her character.

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