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Radio/Stream Schedule: http://imas-db.jp/bangumi/
A&G Radio Player: http://www.uniqueradio.jp/agplayerf/player3.php

iM@S VA Database: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1C-DamOHRSZQvhhAow458luQ43ohnHs6kETyP7dMTBbA/htmlview#
https://imas-history.hatenablog.com/entry/2017/03/01/224631 (Girls)
https://imas-history.hatenablog.com/entry/2017/03/01/230058 (Boys)

Imas Calendar/Birthdays: https://twitter.com/imas_calendar
Imas DB Updates: https://twitter.com/imas_DB
Imas Girls News Bot (currently inactive): https://twitter.com/imas_girls

Previous Thread: >>47228608
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Sumipe probably has nudes.
This one is my personal favourite from the set
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imagine the hawk tuah from fuurin
The what?
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A sex tape isn't out of the realm of possibility.
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the sloppy toppy
Who do you think gives the best head?
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machico, no contest
she clearly has the skill in the industry and most of her selfies hinted that
10ch or Hina.
Tenchan if you believe the rumors. I'd like to think Miku also has very good technique.
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I just have a feeling
It would explain a lot, but I can't see it.
I don't know if she's good but I feel like she would put in a lot of effort and milk you dry.
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Waka but exclusively referring to her when she's drunk
That uggo with large mouth from Shinymas' HCG.
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Whenever someone says SC uggo they usually mean Juri's VA.
10chan is a pro.
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This guy is correct lol >>47331002
1) Amamiya
2) Chiaking
3) Mikku
4) Maaya
5) Hina
I'm smacking both of you
I wasn't agreeing, just pointing out a pattern.
who this? kaoru sakura?
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She's pure but I bet Damayu's DSL would feel heavenly.
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>She's pure
not after I'm done with her
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this photos of her always makes cum buckets
that lip bites
Damayu is very cute and I like her a lot and would totally let her give me a BJ but when it comes to DSL I have zero clue how anyone can beat the queen: >>47331985
Where do these baseless rumors even come from
Does she swallow?
Horny anons shitposting.
Horny anons shitposting but there was some weird stuff with Kisho Taniyama back in the day. Maybe he was a shitposter too.
Watch my wife's livestream, you dolts.
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look at those bags under her eyes, i feel sorry for her because we've been fucking all night long
Can I get a quick rundown? Who is this and why is she apparently always crying?
Piggybacking off your post because I still haven't gotten an answer >>47325635
And for the record, that's Yaya
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Which one?
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Aya Yamane
She's very emotional partially because she was bullied as a kid
She's half Chinese
People say she has "therapy sessions" because once a week (if not more often) she does Instagram lives and she'll often start crying over very minor things
Are there any recordings?
>She's very emotional partially because she was bullied as a kid
>She's half Chinese
Are these two linked? I'm not sure if Beysen mentioned being bullied over being half flip.
Well unlike her Beysen is actually pretty.
Rude and uncalled for.
>because she was bullied as a kid
Who wasn't?
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Don't know if you were talking about her but Chisa seggs
How old?
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Who is this?
Thank you Xi, very cool
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I'd let her Beyblade spin on my dick if you know what I mean
Someone come up with a better one, this is hard
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I'm going to guess 29, but 26-30 range is likely.
Beysen's hymen, I'd LET IT RIP, if you know what I mean.
I would "Go Shoot!" my semen in her face ;)
Why does everyone speak in riddles here? I don't get what you guys are saying.
I want to impregnate Yuri Komagata by shooting my semen into her womb after relentlessly pounding into her vaginal opening with my rock hard penis.
If you catch my drift.
>her face
Lame, I wouldn't waste any of my baby batter outside their wombs and make sure to knock them all up. Even the hags.
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Extremely high quality posts that get my full approval.
>He can't cum more than once a day
Thanks anon, it means a lot.
There was like 8 months in 2014 where I thought Yuri was actually Yukiyo but sleep deprived until I saw them next to each other.
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d/zeal provides, if not, the best outfit for live
a shame aimin covers her armpit with some stupid ass fishnet
Love these slutty pits
I approve, she's one of the most beautiful VAs.
Exposed pits should be mandatory desu
This except a t instead of a p.
ML probably have the most good looking seiyuu in the franchise
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Literally who?
I'm still mad with what they did to the Happy New Yell outfits.
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Literally WHO?
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Yeah because they are all hags LOL
Even the flat ones?
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I like that Roco VA still looks, you know, that word.
What word?
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Mimi's VA.
Anon, what are you trying to tell us?
Send those hags my way
Extosed pits? Whatever floats your boat mate.
Especially the flat ones.
It's the series I chose to follow way back when and then I never bothered getting into the others (although I keep meaning to). I've been very pleased over the years with the cast, so many beauties to choose from and even some of the uggos have their own visual charms.
Who is Mimi?
>the uggos have their own visual charms
For example?
Kotori's massive baps and Akari's chubby loli body,
yuki nakadashi
Mamimi Tanaka.
Anon did you forget? We all love Hags here.
Even the married ones?
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I want to sniff her secret eau de toilet if you know what I mean
Now this is cryptic.
Is anyone ever going to post her photobook?
JAV debut?
She's already super popular so the only reason I can imagine why she feels the need to flash her titties is because she regularly browses these threads and is now trying to win WE THE PEOPLE over
>She's already super popular
Is she?
She has a lot of followers on X but she doesn't seem to actually do much seiyuu or stage work.
Relatively compared to most other Shinies. Obviously she's not like Neesan-tier or something like that
I don't know, her resume is pretty light and she's on the older side for a shiny. I think most of her following is that she's in a couple of popular mobile game franchises and that she shows skin.
She appears in some shows and other stuff, the stage plays usually conflict with her SC schedule and she cannot be on a live because of that.
>she's in a couple of popular mobile game franchises and that she shows skin
Do you even really need to do anything else if you want to be a decently popular seiyuu these days?
I don't remember her missing many SC concerts. I remember she missed part of 6th but that's the only one I recall. What are the other ones she missed?
The initial person was claiming she was super popular and didn't need to flash her tits. So I don't disagree with your statement, but we're not talking about a decently popular VA who shows skin, we're talking about a super popular one who doesn't need to
She really likes to show off her cleavage.
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I shan't complain
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Milk please
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Any CG experts in here? I need to know how someone like Meg managed to become Hego's designated successor.
Akari (Megu's character) is part of a trio that was introduced in 2019 (along with other CGs). The trio is coded to be like an im@s main trio, like New Generations (which features Uzuki, Hego's character). This new trio proved itself to be fairly popular and since Akari is the main girl the push centers around her.
I think she missed one stop of those lives where the Solos debuted because she was in the October sky play cast.
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Instant support if they replace all characters with their seiyuu
Finals would be Honoka vs Noriko probably
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I think most of them missed at least one day of those, but I think the statement about her usually missing them is false.
Who is left?
Kaho's VA.
What is her real human name
Thanks friend
>want to support Shio
>will get flooded by horny Noriko votes
At least Nari could win her side of the bracket.
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Why would people vote for girls who already have shown them selves off? If I'm getting a special summer photo of a seiyuu I'd want a puritan like Rio or Reina instead so you can see them slutted up
NTA but Honoka hasn't shown herself as much as Noriko/Carin did.
Though I agree. If I had a choice, it'd be split between Damayu, Chisa, Shio, Sayanee (her live costumes don't g9 far enough) Rio, Azusa, or Nari.
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She is super pretty. That's what matters most.
Least retarded Meg moment
Why is it cute when she's a massive autist but cringe when I am?
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Damn married seiyuu making me lust after them need correction
You're cute too.
How does this make you feel?
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Not him but while it makes me horny it also somewhat fills me with a sense of dread because iM@S STATION is what got me into seiyuu culture and live events to begin with and now they're all semi-retired and married with kids while I'm still here.
But yes all three of those ladies still have it and I 100% would assuming stuff like pre-existing marriage and children didn't get in the way.
Thanks mate, means a lot.
I'm ready for more Isobae.
I'm always ready
Left is prettiest, middle is my ho, right I'm not sure what I think of yet but I won't move on from her until I do.
yaya therapy time now
less cursed link
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It feels like I'm paying a stripper when I buy these books at these prices.
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That's what it basically is.
You guys actually pay for this shit?
Sometimes. Books like Maimai's were never scanned and uploaded so had to get it myself so I could cum on her.
I didn't.
You should have scanned it for me before you came on it. ;_;
Yumi... Azumin...

Why did no one tell me Carin was packing that??? This general clearly has an agenda!
It's not even 8 bucks
Is this the closest look at her bare ass in this book?
That's 8 times what I'd pay a stripper so it's even worse.
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She's not actually bare, she just has very flimsy lingerie on.
But I wouldn't be surprised if she ever did a nude shoot with handbras and convenient censoring.
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Don't worry I used a plastic cover. I've been meaning to scan it one day but need to figure out if I have the right equipment.
That's not even that shapely of an ass. I hope she didn't pay much for the work she had done back there.
Are you tipping 20s or something?
She's way too slim to be packing a large ass anyway.
thoughts on those feet
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Every day more and more of these photos are full of married seiyuu.
Ruriko is saving herself for me.
It can be shapely and still small.
Tsuda was such a looker back then...
Being married for a few years will do that.
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Say it
I wanna suck her moles.
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All your base are belong to us
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Nakadashi Rie
Her too
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>prettiest cg seiyuu
>forced to constantly talk like a retard
It's not fair
Many such cases
Who else is hot and has to talk like a retard?
Basically 80% of seiyuu that are attractive
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>ugliest cg seiyuu
>forced to constantly talk like a goddess
It's fair
It'd be pretty unfair if she was more physically beautiful than she is right now.
I'm not saying she's a bombshell but I'm pretty sure there are uglier CG VAs.
her voice is a meme
What does that mean?
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This one is pretty obvious.
Those who insult Ranko do not deserve Nee-san!
Hayamin's face is kino. You wouldn't get it. And for the record she looked even better with crooked teeth and chubby cheeks, she was peak soul back then.
>And for the record she looked even better with crooked teeth and chubby cheeks
Many such cases. She also had nice lips.
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Entirely dependent on your tolerance of her Nagasaki accent impersobation.
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Do you think she'd give a gaijin a shot
Only if he's a rich baseball stud
How loaded are you?
If you're not at least playing baseball in the Japanese League or US AAA Minors you have no chance with an Imas VA.
Megu will wet her panties after seeing my wicked footy skills
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I have three figures and my back account and I can't really hit the ball too well but I've played a lot of catch in my life so I'm not too bad at pitching.
My chances have to be pretty solid at least, right?
Hot not bogged
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>and my back account
I meant "in my bank account". I also can't spell, but the Japanese call something like that a charm point.
I was going to call you out for having three figures, but when it really comes down to Total net worth I have less than that.
I still cannot understand Japan's fixation with this gay ass sport
Pretty sure it's just inertia at this point. Too intertwined with modern Japanese society to pull out.

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