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Remi is here!
ojou-sama, stop stalking me.
Thank you, very cool!
Through careful deliberation over many years, I've come to the conclusion that Remilia Scarlet is a top tier waifu in Touhou Project.
what does she have against all our lungs? I'm trying to breathe here
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I'd let Reimu have sex with me
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Remi smells like roses and tea.
i cant breathe
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You are a freak of nature.
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??? I don't get it.
You subhumans have a footfag thread, quit spamming it everywhere.
It should be a bannable offense. You're worse than furfags.
And vanilla and hint of copper.
I now know what they mean by cuck hand.
Remi Beam!!
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Noooooo don't trigger furfags. I'm okay with any fetish except furry.
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Is it considered furry to love an eternally young undead bat?
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My beautiful, immortal batwife-Remilia, my beloved.
bats spread germ but she immune to them
Newfag on tohou lore, why are people saying Remilia smells? Is she canonically weak to running water? Is it the same with Flan? Are they real sisters? Are Flan wings real?
Play EoSD and find out, you n'wah.
It's because she french and they don't bathe
that little mob cap on the bat is so damn cute, i wish remilia's actual bat sprite was high enough resolution to reflect something like that
It's because she's dead and dead bodies smell bad
Remi should not be here!
Because of her unwashed vampire feet and fully loaded diaper.
>eats food
>has sex with me
Looks alive to me.
i just want her to drink my blood
holy fuck this thread grew fast
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Remilia with a big suika
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sayonara, suika-chan
Smile status: Protected
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The mistress is not very good with house chores.
Remimi tries her best!
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Vhat a tan!
She smells of perfume, a lot, she needs to hide her undead odor.
She might not be able to shower, but a bathtub is definitely fine .
DO NOT EAT THE CUCUMBERS! The Kappa do weird things with them, you do not want to know...
"Who put this pickle here?"
Real TRUE and HONEST answer: it was one fetish-obsessed loser who spammed it a decade ago, and since then he's gained some informal disciples who are either into the fetish aspect or into the shitposting value

Remi deserved better...
>Remi deserved better...
better smell? nah, it's good enough for me.
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She canonically smells like roses, so it is a good smell
Remilia enjoys posting Honest Content on 4chan to combat the negativity and for women's rights.
Nor should she be. Such things are below her station.
Remilia doesn't give a damn about women's rights, so long as you don't call her and the other residents "girls" in mocking. It's "Ladies", or else.

Eh? but only the scarlet sisters and perhaps Patchouli would be ladies, the others don't seem to be of any noble standing.
Did this ever get another part?
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They ran out of money and had to do a fundraiser, then got WELL OVER what their goal was thanks to the support of the fans. So they are now in production, last time I heard but that could just be hearsay. But the money is no longer an issue for this one. 26k an episode will do that to you.
Got any more?
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there's plenty aislop on pixiv
Well that's nice, I hope it comes out well.
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Who the fuck is that girl, Remi's dinner?
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she will keep her around as a slave for decades
Dam look at those PADS
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where you think all the blood she drinks goes
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Would you eat Remi's cake?
why'd she stir the chocolate with her feet?
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>before and after
Remi's cannoli!
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she typical italian and loses her tan in winter

she really likes pasta and garlic too
Those pizzas look like they're from a 2000's PBS Kids flash game
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she made them
Okay, Remi, you made them
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No, judging by that picture she did not do very good job of making it. Or made it at all for that matter.
No, that kitchen is full of hygiene violations
she dead already she cant get sick
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My heart
I love kawayabug's view of remilia
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I like how gay everyone is
I want her to bully my cock with her pointy fangs!
You'd think patchi would be able to make this a reality, mature her body a bit with magic
That's exactly the type of thing Remi followed recipe wise to make these
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what's gay about it?
Me on the left
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I like that she's not a weakling
canonically she isn't, but for some reason many artists like to portray remi as a stupid and helpless crybaby
She may not be stupid* or helpless, but shes a crybaby.
*Most of the time.
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Why can't Remi stop rubbing her nipples?
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Blame the fighting game for that one.
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how to deal with an extremely possessive big sister?
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I need to french kiss the Mistress's smooth armpit
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describe the stench!
no such thing
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My beautiful wife. (Me on bottom left)
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she's so precious
>those bones
and dangerous
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Remi bloomers and navel.
I am looking disrespectfully.
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burns my lungs
my lungs turning to paste
Let me wrestle this lizard to submission mistress.. I can take her... just let me in the cage!
"Then let the games begin!"
Cute long hair remi
Wake up!
Grab a brush and put on a little makeup!
Hide the snacks to fade away the shake-up!
Why's the Mistress at her little table?!
kys aislopper
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Oh good job Dave, you broke the meme chain! Now we can't do Flan Suey!
That's probably for the best.
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kys peloslopper
What's this?
I'm just pulling these from Google, you jerk! We were having fun!
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I honestly think these threads are intentionally kept close to death at this point, and only made for brownie points or something. Every time the OP makes a Remi thread it starts strong, slows down a bit, then as soon as interest picks back up somebody comes around to kill it again or nobody bothers to do anything until the active poster leaves and the thread dies with a final few cries of "bump".
Where is the Remi love, people? Is this how you honor the Scarlet House and the bats unmourned?
Last two threads hit bump limit though
Maybe we just need time to regain our energy for Remi
The only thing that brings us together anymore is an absolute hatred for those two posters in particular, not the Remi love.
I've always got energy for my beautiful batwife Remimi.
Well, she is a fucking undead brat after all
Shut up, Reimu.
Shut up, flan.
>"The only thing that brings us together anymore is an absolute hatred for those two posters in particular"
But Flan is a good girl! She'd never do something like bully and slander her sister online
False. We all know Flan is a huge siscon that gets horny bullying her onee-chan
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I can help with that.
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shhh! vampires sleep during the day
Uh, Remi is hit by direct sunlight...
it was actually indirect sunlight
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Oh, she is having a nice dream
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Behold the true beauty
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God I wish I was Sakuya
Maybe it's moonlight and she's sleeping in.
...and that is the reason I don't have kids.

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