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what if you finally met your 2wife and she accepted your confession of love for her, but the only form of relationship she would consider entering into with you was a brutal and dehumanising 24/7 femdom dynamic that would cause observable and irreparable damage to both your body and your mind?
sounds good to me
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no, sorry, I need there to be love
Never. Only I can make my partner miserable, not the other way around.
You disgusting savages don't deserve any love.
Femdom is a nice spice, but it cannot be the whole meal. Try to eat yourself full with nothing but chili and you will end up in a hospital.
>a brutal and dehumanising 24/7 femdom dynamic that would cause observable and irreparable damage to both your body and your mind?
Actually my dream!?
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I know I don't deserve love, but part of me desires it anyway. I just want to scoop out the part of my brain that makes want the touch of another person so I don't have to feel this way anymore.
Hi Yukari
>mfw I see the tags on the sauce
I already went through this with my first and only girlfriend, so logically I'm going to say I'd 100% be willing to do it for a 2hu.
Oh it can't be that bad ri- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
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did she cage you? peg you? cuck you? beat your balls? maybe make you drink her pee?? tell us tell us!
No. The only relationship I'll accept is one of Master/Paizuri slave.
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Find your wife! https://randomtouhougen.neocities.org/
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I dunno how to feel about this... Is she canonically:

A - Sexy
B - Have big tits or at least a decent sized pair

I have bronchitis and I wound up with a smoker, and fuck would her breast milk taste like cigarette butts?! Well at least she ain't no loli.


Your wife is smoking hot, congrats anon. And maybe her breast milk will be menthol flavored
I don't think I could love a 2hu like that.
On the other hand, sexy Aya.
>Your wife is smoking hot,


>And maybe her breast milk will be menthol flavored

Minty and refreshing! Like warm mint icecream! With a hint of tobacco lol.
That's not very nice, I want to be loved in a relationship. I want us to be able to share our feelings with each other and feel comfortable. I don't mind if she's the one officially in charge, after all youkai are just naturally superior to humans, but I don't want some weird hardcore bdsm where I'm just abused and left miserable all the time.
try not to go insane
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I have no objections to this.
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If that's cannon I'll willingly deal with bronchitis!
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Bruh, she's canonically beautiful AND she shares her wealth with her victims AND DAMN THAT BODY. MILK FOR AGES!

I mean sure there's that whole drag you into Hell thing but if you like em' clingy and life itself is a preparation for Hell anyway so why not go there with a clingy, gorgeous sexy AF waifu?
She's going to make you dress up as Zanmu

Her clothes look tomboyish and comfortable to me so I don't see the problem with that. I dunno if she wants you to have horns though and depending on the methods of either gluing them to your head or screwing them on that may either be a minor inconvenience or painful as shit.
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I guess this 2huwife will be a dom considering the thread's subject matter, in that case, a college girl is probably the safest, if boring option.
Shes a psychology major, get read some weird mind games
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Boring? She's a Yukari LIGHT. She's pretty and even in that official art she has quite the rack, not as big as Yukari's but still quite big and nice and fun to squeeze and suck on.

You and >>47331189 got some damn good rolls and still mad, WTF.
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Dog is man's best friend. She may be a little bit possessive, but she would not hurt me.
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Be honest with me anons, how fucked am I?
It's over anon. Enjoy endless pegging and CBT on a daily basis.
luckiest one so far, enjoy your cute dork wife
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Do I roll again?
Haven't read SSiB, what's gonna happen to me
nothing special. you just got normal bunny wife.
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my forgetful 2wife keeps forgetting that we're married and savagely beating me for breaking into her (our) house, then raping me unconscious before she remembers who I am!
at least I get to pet Sokrates while I recover.
It's best you do, one wife per anon.
if you don't turn the filters off you're a pussy who's too scared to potentially fuck five floating eyes
The princess deserves more than one slave though.
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Oh dear
>Tsukumo, Yatsuhashi
She will dress you up as Reimu and do strange things to you to get her revenge. Have fun!
What a nice roll. I fucking love this 2hu. I will be the best possible husband for this adorable, cute, sexy, autistic, cutie patootie
She will make you immortal so anything that happens to you (physically) won't be permanent.

However the downside is that since you can handle ALL the pain and damage, you will experience things far far FAR worse then any other anon in this thread combined. Plus since she's the boss of Eientei she can ask her subordinates (Eirin specifically) to help her fuck you over in ways you never imagined to be possible
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Space time rape incoming!!!!
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I'm getting kicked in the ribs
An eternity of ballbusting with Kaguya...
She will force you to dress up as a Jizous statue and start kicking you around
>walk around mansion
>suddenly keel over with a stinging pain in your cock
>she casually walks past you with cum dripping down her leg
You're going to get tight autistic hugs! You're going to be dragged into adventures with her and her best friend! You're going to have to listen to long metaphysics lectures!
Holy fuck that's terrifying
Alice is good at making clothes, she probably has a copy of every 2hu's clothes. Whenever she gets mad at someone, she will force anon to dress like them and take it out on him.
If it's for Alice, I don't mind crossdressing. If that's the weirdest thing she'd make me do, I'm pretty content! She is pretty cute!
It's good you agree to it, otherwise she would just turn you into a doll.
Can you closet transsexuals take this back to /trash/?
>happens several times
>she keeps disappearing somewhere
>havent seen her in a few days
>hear someone lightly kicking your door
>you open it
>its Sakuya
>she's holding 2 smaller versions of herself, maybe 4 years old each
>they have your eyes
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Why do you see trannies everywhere anon? Are the trannies in the room with us now?
No, they're on their phones or pcs, posting their fantasies about crossdressing or turning into dolls. You can see their posts right above my post, are you blind?
Trannies hate crossdressing anon. They would get rabidly angry if you suggested they like it, because it implies that they're not the gender they dress up and claim to be. You need to take it easy and stop seeing these people everywhere. They're living in your head rent-free.
it's all well and good until she makes you dress up as lolice and you have to try and untangle that mess of psychological issues
You are derailing a thread about yandere 2hu wives to talk about your unhealthy obsession with transsexuals. Please kill yourself asap
This seems like one of those things that sounds wildly kinky at first, but then it's mostly just you comforting a sobbing Alice while she spills out so many things that she's had bottled up for a while. And probably calling Shinki and having her help comfort her daughter, and awkwardly explain to her why you're dressed up as her daughter when she arrives.
But they're not and everyone knows they're crossdressing. It is a fact.
They're just like you guys, except you are dreaming about forced crossdressing instead of it being voluntary.
You're derailing it by injecting your gay fantasies into it. Just go back.
Dumb Sakuya, she could've just ask instead of raping me

At least that way I could've enjoy myself with her body
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Throw me to the foxes and i'll come back a father
Most doms are actually very kind and caring
T. big experience in erp
Imagine being cuddled to sleep, against your will, by mama junko every night
alice is disturbed by the ease with which you were persuaded to wear women's clothing and begins devising situations even more compromising to your masculinity to place you in in order to assess your reaction
What could be more girly than dressing up as a woman?
alice is disturbed by the ease with which you were persuaded to wear women's clothing and will now force feed you testosterone until you are a little more normal.
sorry to break it to you, but testosterone has nothing to do with that
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alice is disturbed by the ease with which you were persuaded to wear women's clothing and loses interest, not seeing you as a man.
Alice puts you in a kigurumi very reminiscent of herself and controls you through strings like one of her dolls
Uh oh
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I'd accept that kind of deal, my wife is not the kind that would make for a good dominatrix, so i'd assume it was just her way of trying to keep control while also giving in to her feelings for me. Plus i also enjoy the idea of women being too weak to harm me, so i'd find her attempts of doing that kind of thing also cute and amusing as well.
Yeah but Alice doesn't know that
The hot blonde jock will make me her bitch.
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excuse me who the heck is this?
Hope you like feet!
I fucking hate you retards. He was very clearly referring to the fag wanting to cross dress as Alice. Right here >>47333697 He has every right to mock the man since we're here to talk about the thread's subject matter.
There's enough threads on jp about impotent AGP losers wanting to be girls. Stop attacking people who call this shit out. Also screw your semantics about what is and isn't a troon.
(Force)feminization is (unfortunately for you) a pretty common element in femdom, hence it fits within this thread's subject matter.
Not quite my tempo
enjoy being a jizo statue for the rest of your life
Imagine her setting a metronome and then edging you with her hand for an hour to it's tempo.
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Better hope she uses that erhu bow on your dick and not the strings.
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I am getting raped, aren't I?
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Chima-chan! It's time to manipulate the markets to my favour!
be happy no one rolled ran yet
She will make all your investments fail so you become entirely financially dependant on her :).
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People focus so much on her STYLISH attire and COOL personality that they forget that Chimata is a goddess still
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Oh... Oh no...
Why are you saying oh no? Seiga is super friendly and nice!
What is a femdom relationship with her even? Does she kill you and make you like Yoshika?
it's just not really something that happens because she's still sort of dedicated to her dead husband but also doesn't seem to give much of a shit about anything as long as she gets to keep doing what she wants like stealing foetuses and freaky taoist shit
at best you're getting turned into a thrall under her control, I guess
Seiga finds out you're a reincarnation of her husband. How exactly this happened, who knows. But it seems Seiga has some mixed feelings about ditching (you) the first go around, but she'll make it up to you this time! Whether you want her to or not!
Taoists believed that sex was an effective way to transfer and cultivate energies. While it was generally considered best practice to have both parties consenting and pleasured, this was not required.
Anon is going to get made into a human cauldron and milked.
wow, I never thought of Alice this way
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She seems very excited!
Alice dressing you up like Alice and engaging in some weird pseudo-selfcest with you!
Alice would make a doll of herself and you and make you watch them act out her kinks
That sounds both intensely autistic and weird yet also cute and romantic.
That's not even that bad, all things considered
"Dibs on that one."
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I'll take both of these if I wind up paired off with Alice.

However, I paired off with somebody terrifying instead of autistic. It's hard to imagine how she'll react any given day.
>terrifying instead of autistic
Shes both. A train autist
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Well, fuck. You're right.

At any rate, my view on femdom is that I can be sub, but not maso. Physical pain and I'm out, anything else I can at least attempt to oblige. But I'm pretty sure Yukari would hold that over me as a threat to keep me in line with whatever her whims of the day are. And, well, I don't think that's quite as predictable as most other girls.

At least it's not, like, Meiling or somebody where physical force would be the primary focus.
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I can believe it
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Honestly, perhaps one of the best options for a femdom relationship. She's one of the few characters (perhaps the only one) in the setting that can be trusted to have your best interests in mind.
There'd definitely be a lot of lecturing and maybe some minor punishments in the form of extra chores or whatever, but once you got past that she's a solid waifu with whom a healthy relationship is possible.
She will make you learn ALL the trains and if you fail she will punish you in extremely creative ways involving reality bending. So you better start learning
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>Check it o-
Her obsession with Zanmu is total, so she would be try to pimp you to Zanmu
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Better than Sanae desu
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Uhhh now what?
Seiga really is THE femdom hu and what exactly happens can go both ways.

If Seiga doesn't love anon, anon is indeed gonna get turned into a cum cauldron and be milked to death.

If Seiga somehow actually loves anon, then anon will be ejaculating at best seven times a year, maybe never again. After all, Seiga wouldn't want her new husband to waste his precious jing!
She sits on your face while giving out verdicts
your name is now ashtray. Enjoy
Not bad, my life is meaningless anyway.
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I'm ok with this.
I want to smell Aya
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>Letty Whitelock
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we all do...
She's a fatty dude
it just means there's more of her to love!
and romantic belly grabs. Lots of those
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hopefully i can survive the full moon
She's got lots of body hair dude
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I should be fine, right?
Futo might not be as much of a cum witch as Seiga is, but the Taoist sexual ethics and practices also apply here. So if she does not love you, be prepared to deliver lots of very special "cloudy sake" into Mononobe's sake cups. If she does love you, well, better get used to not nutting. You will undoubtedly become very familiar with Futo's aroma, taste and mouthfeel as the Taoists regarded cunnilingus as the best form of sexual practice. So the next time someone would ask anons to ponder Futo's aroma, you could give out the truth!

She also seems like she would be really stuck up on ancient customs and would verbally and physically abuse you if you didn't follow them properly. You'd probably get caned daily for things like not sitting right at the dinner or not properly speaking whatever ancient dialect of Japanese she speaks.
>A second method involved the man applying pressure on the perineum, thus retaining the sperm. While if done incorrectly this can cause retrograde ejaculation, the Taoists believed that the jing traveled up into the head and "nourished the brain."
To be fair, it'd not just be rarely ejaculating. Taoists believed that edging had considerable benefits. Marrying a Taoist would mean constantly being brought to the edge in order to help reach immortality.

On the flip side, not all Taoists agreed with semen retention concepts. Some argued that constant sex was the way to go.
>Another important concept of "the joining of the essences" was that the union of a man and a woman would result in the creation of jing, a type of sexual energy. When in the act of lovemaking, jing would form, and the man could transform some of this jing into qi, and therefore replenish his lifeforce. By having as much sex as possible, men had the opportunity to transform more and more jing, and as a result would see many health benefits.

This (traditionally) wasn't seen as one-sided though as women also gained considerably from semen.
>There was the notion that men released yang during orgasm, while women shed yin during theirs. Every orgasm from the user would nourish the partner's energy.

In conclusion, either your Taoist waifu would be constantly edging you to nourish your brain, or you'd be fucking 24/7 with the help of Taoist alchemy.
I wonder how muscle-femdom is going to feel. Yuugi could probably make "men" squirt like girls...
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I'm eating good
No anon, you are the food. She will cook you and feed your flesh to her "night costumers".
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This is my wife. None of you can have her.
She'll just tear a random limb off of you when you misbehave. Very effective way of instilling fear and obedience.
Hello Akyuu! How are you doing this fine night, excited for your 30th birthday?
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Yeah rip... see you anons, this might be the last time I'm able to breathe fresh air...
bro, you could keep her for yourself. please don't forget what makes society great, sharing is caring.
Akyuu would drug and rape you several times and then either abandon you or have you killed.
No need to form a connection, she won't be enjoying it for long. And you're a potential risk, after she's done with you, you might get disillusioned and go into some stinking youkai's embrace for comfort, or out of spite.
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A never meet your heroes situation. I'd be devastated and couldn't look at her the same way. Maybe as a rare one off thing just to experience it, but an entire relationship built on that? Yeah no I'd go hook up with someone else. Take my frustrations out on the sex fox and pretend it was different and try to forget.
No. She's too playful and the oni girls have calmed down in recent ages. At worst I'll get K.O.'d. Or she'll show me who the boss of old hell is with her wrestling.
Anon, just imagine Ran's aftercare. Handling your sub drop like a pro. No judgement here. The most heart warming, tear jerking fluffy aftercare where she coos at you as she licks at wounds making them heal. Letting you drink her milk straight from te tap so you can build up enough strength for next time. Resting your head on her pillowy thighs. Falling asleep in her tails then waking up to dinner. This would make the femdom worth it.
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I understand the potential for sickenly sweet aftercare, but the problem is that OP specifies >brutal and dehumanising 24/7 femdom dynamic that would cause observable and irreparable damage to both your body and your mind.
This implies the absence of any possibility of aftercare. Ergo, hell the fuck no I am not hooking up with spacezin turbo cock and ball torture Ran.
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This shouldn't be too bad... Right? What's she even going to do?
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pray for me, anons
prepare yourself for shock therapy :D
No it was a highschool thing with a furry, not the crazy fursuit kind, but still crazy. The kinda person who doesn't really understand people are people and instead that others should just be an outlet for their stress. Head was as far as I got and it sucked.
if you're able to make puns about it today clearly it didn't leave you with the kind of trauma I'm talking about, lame
At least the Moon is a nice place to live even if you are a slave's slave.
What kind of trauma are you looking for, exactly?
having to call her mistress at the table when your family are over for dinner? getting forced to do that thing where you lock yourself in a chastity cage and hit your balls with a dildo until you cum somehow? being walked naked around a park by a leash attatched to your penis? cleaning the semen from her vagina with your tongue after she seduced an alleyful of hobos? winning a person of the year award and being made to go up on stage and explain that you can't accept it because you're not actually a person, just property?
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A celestial wouldn't be too bad? Would it?
I just read it and i regret it
I feel sick in my stomach
>having to call her mistress at the table when your family are over for dinner?
Most of the hags work for this one. Junko would prefer to steal the "mommy" title from your own mother.
>getting forced to do that thing where you lock yourself in a chastity cage and hit your balls with a dildo until you cum somehow?
>being walked naked around a park by a leash attatched to your penis?
>cleaning the semen from her vagina with your tongue after she seduced an alleyful of hobos?
>winning a person of the year award and being made to go up on stage and explain that you can't accept it because you're not actually a person, just property?
One of the moonies.
Other than the first and last I don't get it
Anything CBT is kaguya's domain.
not bad
where is the issue?
bro that whorefish not celestial
I can think of a lot of things Sakuya would do to you but this isn't one of them.
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What would she do?
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I would have no choice but to politely decline and sorrowfully walk away. Never meet your waifus...
>I can think of a lot of things Sakuya would do to you
Like what?
Basically anything that has to do with her ability.
Like you're walking down the forest and suddenly you are on the ground with your hands and feet tied behind your back, your dick hurts, you have a sore asshole and a weird taste in your mouth.
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I REALLY dislike this
Don't worry, you will learn to like it!
The Himes are the best femdomhus.The lunatians have already turned femdom into an art. Femdom is, after all, the PUREST form of love.
They will feed you peaches all day so you will be their bitch forever, they will give you the most comfotable leash in the whole Lunar Capital. They will make sure you always know how worthless and in every way inferior you are, you little e*rthling male, and will make sure you are infinitely grateful for every second spent serving them in the Pure Land.
Yori would be a little ashamed of doing all those things with an e*rthling, so she would keep you locked all day in a dungeon, disciplining you there for eternity. Toyohime is a little different. She will parade you naked on a leash around the whole Lunar Capital every day and when you come home, she will even neglect her traning and duties to "play" with you. Every day, she will bring a new toy, more technologically advanced than the last, and test it on you.
You might not like it at first, but after a few decades you will learn to not just accept, but love your new role. Of course, she could always ask Sagume to make you loyal with her power, but where's the fun in that?
She'll just boss you around and maybe hit you a couple of times. Basically what Chiyuri has to deal with
Sakuya > Moonies > Hags > Nitori > Kaguya
Kaguya>>>Nitori anything short of castration is better than NTR
NTR is really the most femdom thing a girl can do to you. It's *her* choice when and how she takes dick and if that dick belongs to you in the first place, and you don't get to affect her choices. SHE's in control of whether you sleep with her or if it's somebody else's turn. SHE is the one to decide whether you watch, participate, have to pretend not to know what happens behind closed doors, have to hold her hand when it happens, or if you have to prepare either party beforehand and clean up afterwards.
With NTR, there are no choices for you to make, you can only put up with it and learn to like it, or break without anyone so much as touching you. Her affection or lack thereof becomes your only driving force in the end, turning into ultimate submission.
Psychologically, NTR is pure femdom.
I respect this, but I just have a strong, visceral negative reaction to CBT that exceeds anything I feel about NTR. Can't help it.

NTR without both people playing an active role is, at best, completely boring.
prefering to suffer shame and have what is rightfully yours be taken away from you rather than to endure momentary physical pain is very cowardly and dishonourable, you deserve to watch your 2wife get fucked by someone else in front of you while your balls get crushed at the same time
Sure you can act out or try to prevent her from doing it in some way, but first of all, most girls are way stronger than you, and second of all, it's femdom we're talking about.
If you're told to sit and watch the door while all those weird sounds come from behind it, you're going to do it, no doubts about it. It's just a matter of when are you going to do it wilingly. Is it right away? Or is it after being held down by your love while she takes a train of people fifty times? Or perhaps after you experience what it feels like to get a public semen enema?
It really doesn't matter that much whether you resist or support it, or if you're apathetically sitting there crying, your choices and actions do not affect your mistress.
This misses my point, just a bit. It's not that it's good or bad, that I'm into it or not, that I will or won't obey, that she'll do it regardless.

It's that merely sitting outside the door isolated from them, even if I know what they're getting up to behind it, is boring. Nothing else. Bringing somebody else in and having three people involved, regardless of your own role, is less boring. Good or bad, I won't judge. Just not boring.

I appreciate the effort and passion though.
kill yourself faggot
I see now.
I just think there is a lot of merit in punishment via "boring" actions. Think back to being a kid, your parents telling you "no games/internet/phone for a week" when you misbehaved. It's an effective way of achieving control over someone. Think of a hypothetical scenario, that tomorrow some terrorists demand your money or they'll destroy the local power lines, cutting off your access to the various electronic entertainment devices for weeks. It would be something to at least consider caving to, no? Effective. Especially once you're addicted to it.
And of course it doesn't mean this is the only thing that would happen all the time.
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I`m fucking dead
She'll take her hatred for an entire species out on you. Maybe Eirin can somehow help you.
I decided to check if it was shit. And it was shit, and a bit more.
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Who the fuck is Nippaku Zimmu.
Well, I will still love her as my chosen wife though.
Who wouldn't like being owned by a moon princes?
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everything and anything you could possibly think to do has already been planned and decided by her, you just don't know it. You've been in the palm of her hand this whole time.
also she smells (canonically)
They wouldn't be my first choice (Yukari, then Satori or Remi as my second, then probably the Moon princesses), despite the rather compelling case made. But would I enjoy it, even as nothing but a slave to them? Absolutely.
I don't.
I don't want to be owned by Toyohime. I don't want Toyohime to walk me in a leash. I don't want Toyohime to "purify" me every day for the rest of eternity. I don't want to, every morning, hand Toyohime my leash and ask her "How will you use your property today, Master?". I don't want Toyohime to mindbreak me to the point where my only thoughts are her name and moonie propaganda. I don't want Toyohime to make me an example of a loyal and obedient earthling sex slave. I don't want to want this.
I hate the moonies and would never allow this to happen to me.
Well too bad it's not your choice.
NO, NO, NO, what the fuck? Don't even come near me!
Nothing beats the cock.
No, wait.
Wait, oh yeah. Nothing will definitely beat my cock.
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Kutaka doesn't seem like the femdom type. I guess I'll just enjoy my normal chiken wife.
Believe me, you will love the 'moonies' by the time Toyohime is done with you
My wife is NOT random! That said, I'm turning down the deal anyways.
>Capable of passing through walls
As soon as I saw this image I instantly thought of the “Hi mailman!” scene from SpongeBob.
Anon, if they just wanted a sex slave to have fun with, they would just use a moon rabbit.
They put so much work into it, make sure their every action has the biggest psychological effect posible, carefully choose every toy they use on you, personally participate in all your brainwashing sessions, all this to make sure you have the purest experience a dirty e*rthling could have wet dreams of. Of course they see you as more than a slave!
To them, you are like a fun sideproject."Can this impure earth man withstand pure Lunar sex? Will this make him accept the Princesses of the Superior Race as his Masters? How much can he be anally purified before he breaks?"
Obviously, they do see you as an object, personless property, which you, of course, are, but you can still love an object!
You are also a lot like a pet. You will see them become happier and happier the more obedient, loyal and submissive you become! Their faces will fill with joy every time they are done with you and you ask for more! If they ever have some problem with you, they will send Eirin a letter to ask for advice!
It is all the more delicious if you start off hating them, but that will require special traning.
In the end, it is a charitable action on their behalf, teaching you who the superior world and superior people are. They will turn you into a model e*rthling, who all e*rthlings should aspire to be!
Kegare is stored in the prostate
You really get the full package with them. I guess this proves the Moon is superior.
Btw, every time you say "moonie", you will get 10 more years of reeducatianal training. Enjoy!
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>Obviously, they do see you as an object, personless property
>You are also a lot like a pet.
This seems contradictory, but also erotic at the same time
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I doubt I would survive her so I'll run to Reimu or her father for help
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Extremely hot. I, for one, accept my new masters with open arms.
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Irreparable damage? no thanks...
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Man, I'm already having a shit day
just think of them as little lovebites that don't fade, on your soul as well as your skin
Well, you see, dirty e*rthling slaves are not exactly common in the Lunar Capital, even though the two Princesses have worked hard towards normalizing it, so what you are is in a bit of a gray zone.
Lunarian scholars of Sex and Slavery fiercely debate wether you impure e*rthlings are more like animals or more like objects. They want to see which option leaves you with the least rights.
The "object" team, which Yorihime leans towards, focuses on the uselessness of e*rthlings and on the building up of the most versatile e*rthling slave possible, one that could solve any stress problem his Master might have and act like the perfect comfort boy. They are also more direct with your psychological training, using aggressive mind control and mindbreaking techniques whenever they have any roadblocks.
Meanwhile, the "pet" team, which Toyohime is partial towards, likes to focus on purifying the e*rthling slave. They compare him to the inoble moon rabbit, who, despite being just a slave, can sometimes be rather pure, at least purer than you, you dirty e*rthling slut. Now, the problem with e*rthlings is that they are alive, which is impure, so this team really, and I mean REALLY enjoys fucking the life out of you. They want to live you as a pure, thoroughly penetrated husk of your impure former self. They also think that the mindbreaking part should come naturally, and that the slave should first and foremost be thought to love his Lunarian Masters, and that using mind control just takes away all the fun.
At the end of the day, what you actually are is something in between, both a pet because you are a slave who needs to be thought to love his naturally superior Master, and an object because you lack personhood and are a tool for your Master to use whenever she so chooses. And ultimately, what both sides want is the best for your powerless, dirty little race, absolute servitude to the Lunarian Master Race.
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Men I got the cute and funni tomboy fairy...
I want to be owned by a Moon Princess so badly it's not even funny
What if I just want to be kept warm and safe?
You're safest inside a cage, where your owner/mistress/wife can make sure everything's nice and warm and comfy.
She's missing her hat in this picture what did you do to it anon...
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Lucky me. I hope she only gits me if I interrupt her.
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Mystia looming over a lowly human is my favorite genre.
Do we have any proof for this theory?
Why yes, of course I have. Consider the following: prostate sits at where the root chakra is. Normal people go through a process where they take in energy via eating and breathing, process it in ways that make it filthier, and then push it down and eventually out through excretion. This is what makes shit, piss, cum and menstrual blood are prime sources of kegare.

What makes the prostate special is the fact that the flow of blood into it is relatively restricted. Bacterial prostate infections are notoriously difficult to treat simply because it's so hard for the antibiotics to get in there and do their job. Just like antibiotics struggle to get in there, kegare that settles in there has very hard time getting out. Some of it gets excreted with the fluids that constitute cum, but the average person acquires so much kegare in there it's just not enough.

However, massaging the prostate stimulates the release of glandular fluids that it produces. That's why the prostate needs to be vigorously and frequently massaged to remove all the kegare that has accumulated in there.

That the lunarians would even bother to try to purify something so profoundly dirty as an average human male, let alone a /jp/sie speaks volumes of their mercy and higher moral character.
I have to admit, I am deeply impressed by their great mercy. But I have to ask, does this mean the Lunar Capital was created thru vigorous prostate bullying?
Also, is this why femdom is so popular on the Moon?
And lastly, do these noble Moon Princesses require anything in exchange for the purification?
I put it inside a tube half-filled with water that has some small pebbles by its side. Aya has been staring at it for a while now…
But has an earthling man ever been purified that way? Is it a reliable method?
how do you think Toyohime got to keep her rough human man in the capital for three years?
Daily pegging wouldn't have been my first guess, but it makes sense now
No one said the aftercare had to fix you up, mentally or physically. If anything it could be used as a tool to make the femdom that much more dreadful. Much time in hell, little time in heaven and the little time you spend there is wasted dreading hell.
>does this mean the Lunar Capital was created thru vigorous prostate bullying?
Yes, this is the reason why Eirin invented prostate sex. It has a purifying effect on the man, the land it is done on, and is also a lot of fun.
>Also, is this why femdom is so popular on the Moon?
It's one of the many reasons. Femdom isn't just popular on the Moon, it is mandatory. The Capital's purity has to be kept at all cost.
What you earthlings call femdom is mearly a cargo cult started on accident by Toyohime a long time ago.
>And lastly, do these noble Moon Princesses require anything in exchange for the purification?
Not much, just a few thousand years of servitude. But don't worry, the Watatsukis are such kind masters, by the time it is finished, you will be asking for the period to be extended!
That duration is probably the most reassuring part of the whole thing. The knowledge that I won't be arbitrarily thrown out and abandoned on a whim, let alone for failure, is very reassuring. Honestly, could I get the same assurance from any Earth 'Hu? I suspect not.
Those kind Princesses are very ambitious. They know failure is just a sign of your impurity, in other words, just a reason to triple the purification.
And is's not a dead end job either, after around 200 years, you will be such a well-behaved, loyal slave that they will even allow you to wear clothes.They still won't give you a name though, you will forever be known as 'Toyohime/Yorihime's earthling slave'
And after your aeon of servitude is over, they will still allow you to stay, as a slave, of course. If you stay, they will continue to purify you, with even more ferver than before, and will make sure it is even more enjoyable then before, mostly for them. Imagine that, joyful prostate annihilation in the femdom paradise with the best Master you could wish for, forever!
No other 2hu even has a way to do this, let alone the kindness of the Princesses.
>reeducatianal training
it's so over
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I didn't think the moo- I mean the Noble Lunar Princesses would be such good femdomhus
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This is the face of my new brutal and dehumanizing 24/7 femdom dynamic wife
Help, help, I'm falling for Moonie propaganda.
You sound like you need a little purification!
eh, you're mostly just gonna get daily beatings and rapings so she can get her stress out from being forced to cater to yuyuko's whims
They sure make it sound like I need a lot of purification! Still gonna call them Moonies until they manage to fully break me though.
Soon enough you won't call her Moonie, you will call her Master

I'm fine with this as long as she uses me as her human toilet.

I'll even lick her dirty asshole when she's done <3
What team did Kaguya and Eirin belong to when they were still on the Moon?
Kaguya was on the "pet" side, Eirin didn't take a side, her position didn't allow her to, she had to remain impartial.
Yeah, but how long is "soon enough"? Decades? Centuries?

I feel like weeks is probably an overestimate for the average anon in this thread, even if they were trying to resist.
Brutal. I can't even form a coherent argument that it's wrong, either. If I were to try, it'd be based on the fact that there's simply no need for them to rush to that extent.
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I give up! The moonies won! Make me a good boy, Master Toyohime!!
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Koishi closed her 3rd eye so I'm safe right. Right?
Please, if they rushed it, it would be minutes.
Still, they do have a reason to do it fast. To teach all earthlings a leason: Don't call them "moonies".
Have you changed you mind about the Himes?
Just for the record, Sagume is a total centrist, Toyo is more of a moderate, Yori and Kaguya are both more radical for their respective side.
>Don't call them "moonies".
Exactly why I'm going to until they get their hands on me, though.

If I said yes, would you believe I'm the same person you asked?
I still feel obligated to accept Yukari as my #1 though, because that's what the random generator told me. But that's not necessarily a logical reason, and anon has done a very good job of instilling the desire to be enslaved by the moonies into me when they weren't even on my radar the first time I clicked this thread.
It's pretty ironic that your #1 and #2 are Yukari and the Moon Princesses
They are royalty, slave owners, immortal, extreamly powerful, believe their race is superior(and are kind of right), and a lot of people hate them. They were a shoo in
It's true. And Yukari is clearly a good choice with no real explanation needed. Naturally smug and dominant demeanor, an ability that's only limited by creativity. But my own creativity has not been running high lately, so I got swayed by anon instead of standing as firm as I could've by providing a counter-argument.

But the relationship between the three makes it a hell of a coincidence, regardless of reason.

my 2wife is Sanae so what kind of pain and humiliation can I expect before I answer?
Sanae is of divine heritage and will demand worship fit for a goddess! She might serve Kanako, but you will serve Sanae.
non-stop 24/7 year-round shotacucking and oral cleansing of their child-sized but very sperm-rich loads from the green fields of her southern regions
If he behavior on earth is anything to go by then she was not interested in earthlings whatsoever.
Not as an equal
It's fucked up how much sense this makes.
>they weren't even on my radar the first time I clicked this thread
who did you think would be the best femdon 2hu?
Well, >>47370301 was my original assessment, but it was colored by me getting Yukari (who probably would've been on the shortlist anyways) from the random and anon already beginning to make the case for the moonies.

But that still leaves Satori (Mind reading is the perfect power for a domme) and Remilia (Charisma jokes aside, the natural smug has had me wishing she'd step on me ever since I first played EoSD) as my original top two.
Why is it fucked up? Why wouldn't it make sense. Of course enlightened beings like the lunarians understand even the subtlest workings of the human body.
I didn't think being "anally purified" had that much to it. Now I can't stop thinking about being "purifired" all day by Yorihime. It gives me a weird feeling.
Yorihime is a funny case, compared to Toyohime who likes taming her e*rthling slaves, Yorihime has always been more direct.
Don't expect to be paraded around like with Toyohime, though you will still have to wear a leash, you are her dirty little secret, her stress relief toy. She will also take the purification you're so excited about to the next level, expect as many as 5 sessions a day, each 2 hours long, plus some extra stuff to prepare you for something that will come later and your daily brainwashing session. Yorihime takes her training very seriously and will take your's even more seriously.
And during the purification, you should also not expect Toyohime's gentle hip movements. Yorihime is all about brutal efficiency. You will be immobilized, have headphones playing Lunarian propaganda at the highest volume while she rips into you with as much power as possible. This method ensures you will be broken in every way imaginable, as fast as possible and that you will moan as loudly as possible.
Still, there is nothing boring about being Yorihime's earthling slave. She will pound you every day with the power of the gods. Each god has something different to offer and you will get to know them all.
After you millennia of servitude are over, she will no doubt offer you a permanent stay. You can, theoretically, say no, but Yorihime is known to be awfully convincing, especially when her sword is at your throat, so in reality, your stay is most likely eternal. Have fun!
I hope the moonies pay you well for these posts
After hearing all of this, maybe Seiga's Taoist ejaculation management isn't so bad
Probably gets paid in headpats and kind words from Yorihime, furthering his dependence on the moonies and what amounts to brainwashing by them.
The Lunarians will make you pure, Siega will make you a zombie.
was meant for this post >>47378671
Why Yorihime specifically? wouldn't both moonie princesses pay him?
Because if his own propaganda is to be believed, she's the harsher one, so any sort of kindness from her is more special, and tying it to something like that makes sense.

It could definitely be both, though.
As if. He's lucky to get a lap pillow from bootleg Reisen.
Amazing investment on their part
I can't deny it, moonie propaganda is effective
Yorihime's kind words and headpats sound way too rare and valuable for just some image board posts.
Maybe Toyohime's would be of an equivalent value, but even those are a little too valuable.
I hope she decaptiates you.
You listed ZUN twice
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"Yay! Until death separate us! Wait! We can't die!"
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Finally, a woman who knows how to shut up.
But will she? With just a few words, Sagume can make you do whatever she wants and there is no way for you to stop her.
Sagume can and will trample your weak earthling will with just her mere words, there is no need for brainwashing with her.
You will get to hear her voice more than anyone else in the Lunar Capital. "Oh, I'm sure anon won't immediately get mindbroken the moment I put my hand on him." "I'm sure anon won't be willingly walked around in a leash, naked for hours on end." "Anon won't kiss my feet." "Anon will never cum at the mere sight of me." "Anon will never ask to be my obedient earthling slave forever, I'm sure of it."
But she won't abuse her power too much. Every so often she will use the standard lunarian methods, just to prove to the Princesses that she can.
But remember, Sagume is a god, she demands worship.
She's cute, unmotivated and low maintenance. Maybe I say this cause I like her but there are way worse 'hus out there.
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not my first choice, but after everything I've seen in this thread, I'll count my blessings
once you go green, you get cucked by pre-teens
Are you ready to be kept in a comfortable, homey autumn-themed room and FORCED to paint leaves while the scent of her sister's roasting sweet potatoes wafts over from the kitchen next door?!
sounds horrifying, but I don't think I have a choice
Just wait until she gets in a bad mood when the temperature begins to drop. All winter long, you'll be her cuddle slave dedicated to keeping her warm and cozy while you're huddled together in the kotatsu with some hot drinks. Prepare yourself.
this is messed up, what have I gotten myself into?
I tought the moonies has this in the bag but now I think Shizuha might be the superior femdom 2hu.
You'll regret this post when you feel her hand wrapped tightly (but not too tightly) around yours, leading you on a hike through a quiet fall forest with nothing around you but nature and the crunching of leaves under your feet. Accepting her lovingly-prepared and delicious bento during your picnic at the end of the hike will be your ultimate submission and a reminder that you will always belong to this goddess of autumn.
This is a little too extreme, but I think I can still withstand it.
Doesn't matter which hu takes me, I will be so overbearingly clingy they will never be able to stop my deredere assault
You think you know all there is to know about Shizuha, punk?
Imagine if you will the delight in this fair maiden's heart as you unwittingly enter into her life, the goosebumps she feels when she sees you around, the pent-up frustration she feels at her sister, the flush of her skin as she thinks about you in bed
There's simply no getting around the fact that she's crazy for you, and your dumbass doesn't even know the big-tittied harvest goddess has an elder sister in the first place

She'll "accidentally" bump into you the SECOND you leave earshot of the village, and entice you with a walk through the oh-so-pretty forest, questioning your manhood if you decline, only for you to walk yourself blindly into the lioness' den without suspecting a single thing out of place before she clocks you out for a few hours with a well-placed super-kick so she can drag you the last hundred feet into her bedroom and tie you up in her improvised love cave (Complete with NO ENTRY [THAT MEANS YOU MINORIKO] signs all over the door), before brutally showing you just how much she loves you, and you her for around a fortnight before she can trust you to go outside accompanied by your new artist wife.

Believe me anon, Shizuha is a kind of crazy that not many people are even aware a woman can be.
Can you even handle that much woman?
>Can you even handle that much woman?
I can save her.
>before brutally showing you just how much she loves you, and you her
What exactly will she do?
Forced nakadashi.
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Haha imagine your blood being sucked through your balls during blowjob.
So, in conclusion, who are the winners of this thread?
I became a NEET after highschool and haven't physically talked to a single person outside of my family in the 15 years since. It wasn't the sole thing from highschool that destroyed my life but that relationship was a pretty decent part about it. I think I have the right to joke about it dryly.
Anyone who haven't got tricked into drinking Horai... Definitively not me.
>entice you with a walk through the oh-so-pretty forest
Is this why they say that you souldn't follow strangers into forests?
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just like WE have the right to hear about all the things she did to crush your spirit and your fledgling manhood and leave you a broken shut-in loser for the rest of your life! c'mon, dish!
Shizuha, undoubtedly. She is very brutal.
You disgusting savages don't deserve any love.
We need more thread like this
Probably the Moonies due to impurity being stored in the prostate or whatever it was. A strong argument was made for Shizuha though, so I won't count her out.
at this point, i dont care anymore. fuck me up
im too much of a pussy to really talk to anyone irl
True, it was really fun
I'm always surprised by how many people on this board are into femdom
I'm not in the slightest
What attracts men who are into femdom to touhou?
The series is full of powerful women of every flavor.
Additionally, I anecdotally feel like the weeb community has a far higher percentage of masochists in it than the general population. I don't have hard data to back this up, though.
I'm not sure about that but people who play bullethells are certainly more masochistic.
I 100% believe it.
Violent cute girls.
It probably has something to do with self image problems.
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I like this point of view
I prefer more soft types of domming, I'm only here out of morbid curiosity.
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Precisely, turbo BDSM hell isn't my thing
weenies, I bet you still want your human rights
I would be the male equivalent of a mindbroken hentai girl after probably just a few days of living it 24/7, but the fantasy sounds pretty fun as a short-term thing with proper breaks and such.
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I just want my god given right to slap her ass whenever I please and suffer the consequences of being a bratty little shit

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