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Something's fishy here.

Monster Girl Wiki: https://monstergirlencyclopedia.miraheze.org/wiki/Monster_Girl_Encyclopedia
Monster Girl Archive: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/
Content Aggregator: https://anubis.moe/
Writers list: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/writerlist.html
Fanart Galleries: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/fanartgalleries.html
Nextcloud Archive: https://st44244.ispot.cc/nextcloud/index.php/s/HYyFwJMp588a4tE
>Something's fishy here.
Is it the fish casserole?
Fuckit, somebody better just post /jp/ Mamonos
Imagine the massages
Imagine the tickling
I guess I posted right before thread death.
Story about a man who has to join the Sabbath after portals. I tried to make him like a redneck.
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Nobody read this story, this guy wrote sithshit.
The author is Mick if you don't recognize him.
Why of all the material we got in the archive and fresh pictures made daily you choose this? did you did it on purpose? legit question, you knew this would happen.
So now Meido appears, not when that guy last thread was comparing monsters to 3DPD and finding weird that we didn't threat monsters more like real women
I stopped reading a lot of stories posted here since most of them were either posted in bad faith like when someone kept talking about those bloodborne crossovers or they'd just be shit.
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Have some tea with your friendly neighborhood hebi
I hope those dragons have candy to share.
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Sorry, another snek has already offered me coffee.
I want to touch her ears. Why do I find inhuman ears so fascinating?
If someone can make a proper thread that would be great and this one can be properly deleted
Go with the flow, anon.
Making up for ignoring the thread 99.9% of the time maybe.
Ok I'll make a thread, give me a minute
>Make AI art
>Post it on 4mon
>Art feries start screeching
Alright, I think I found a new hobby
Is this fanart of the worst sabbath?
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Foxes! The writing probably isn't important.
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Didn't ass
what would cause a kiki to betray her master and call the cops on him?
Its been 14 minutes
Marrying a danuki and telling your kiki that this is her new mistress.
>"Hello, police? Yeah, my master he... he doesn't let me suck his cock!"
>"Stay calm mam'. We will send a team of police to deal with this domestic abuser. "
>Mastah said "fuck the police" and she decided to help
Bros what's going on?
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Guys, I'm afraid my Kiki is retarded.
We were wrong, it wasn't portals, it's a dimensional merge.
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Chinese gacha is apparently /jp/ material and anyone who says otherwise gets shipped to room 101 in the ministry of love.
No, that's actually genius. She should be lying down, but she's clearly offering to give you paizuri while she tosses your salad.
>Have bicorn wife
>Jokingly say "fuck the police" one time
>20 minutes later she got a police monster girl in heat for you to fuck
>Bicorn enjoys the harem
>Kiki enjoys the mess you inevitably make (oh god, the laundry!)
Thread is pretty ass so far. Let's talk about being manhandled and hugged by a kraken. Let's talk about tentacle's tentapussy and how it compares to tailpussy.
Serve the cat kingdom well and be rewarded with anal with cait sith.
They're known for their fondness of futa potions.
can i decline?
If we stop replying we can simply let the thread fall to page 10 and create a proper one
You know damn well that's not gonna happen
Well then simply follow all this futa potians and gacha nonsense that the mod likes until reaching bump limit and then letting the thread die
Yeah. And then we get a meido who bans the freaks shitting this place up. And then everyone will clap.
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No. It was your mistake for performing the heroic act of talking to her.
Based. I’ve been waiting for this day. Chink dragon is best dragon. I don’t even get any social credit for saying that. She makes swords, top that Western flying lizards!
>it’s Officer dark elf
It's the horns I love. So branchy.
I have no idea what the fuck going on anymore
The usual shitposters talking about how much they love furry cock, but this time for some reason the janny is shooting all the people telling them to fuck off.
Nian is great.
>likes B-movies
>likes gourmet !Chinese food
>likes shopping and is presumably rich
>blacksmith and swordsmith
>competent with sword fan and flame
>fights for humanity on the front lines
She honestly is better than tsundere dragons.
What would a dark elf do if I just started crying the moment she did anything to me?
The absolute state
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You all deserve to be cursed
I'm pretty sure I'm already cursed.
>Officer Delf: Hello, I have a few ques—
>Anon starts ugly crying and goes fetal
No wonder they think we should be coddled and then ‘toughened up’ with whips and chains.
I already am
Don't worry. We get some dynamic gape posting later as well.
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I think there should be new regions in the MGE world based on other famous historical civilizations.
We should get a south-asian/indian-inspired region and an aztec-inspired region.
Imagine all the unique mamono species we could get out of places like that.
>MG police officers speak to your wife like like she's your mom
>Say you can speak for yourself
>Delf officer start baby speaking to you
>Remember that 20 years old is considered like 2 years old in elf terms
Elves can be alluring too.
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gyaru fairy onahole but i actually care for her feelings and enjoy her non-sexual company too, we play vidya together (thank god the gremlins make fairy-size controllers compatible with bluetooth) and she cuddles my face when we sleep
>trying to get it on with toddlers
Why are elves like this?
That body type is unpleasant to me.
All elves above the age of 200 are massive shotacons, it's just in their genes.
your wurm food loser
Can I be dragon food instead?
You mean I lost my Wurm food? I don't know how I did that, but I can pick up more at the store.
Move over boobhat, hello boob sleepmask.
Stacked and in a good way.
Robot unicorn or something, right?
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Record of Lodoss War.
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I don't think horses are doing it for anyone, anon.
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Maybe not the day horse.
Only 86 posts 3 hours in, damn monsterbros we fell off
The kind of horse mofukuza should put in your bed.
See the archive to check how many posts got deleted.
She's the only horse I could ever see getting with.
>Giant scythe
>Casts spells
>Nervous and shy IRL

"Do you want to go out tonight, dear?"
"Neither do I!"
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Oh no she's thawing
Ya got a typo, a dangling reduc.
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Whoa ohhhh. Enemy of the day horse. Whoa ohhh.
What about slime alps?
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There could be a hebi stalking you RIGHT NOW and you wouldn't even notice her
She could even be right behind you stealing your shirts while your reading this
What a scary monster
Miss Hebi, please rescue me from my loneliness!
Hag dragon that begs you to mere her since she doesn't wanna become a zombie dragon
nightmare that has to moonlight as dayhorse, master of karate and friendship because your dreams are so unhinged
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I prefer fluffier girls.
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What if I were just looking to get to know her better rather than mere her? I'm not really the "mere the lizard" type. Does she have any hobbies? Does she like coffee? I just learned how to make Irish soda bread. I could maybe pair that with a stew?
balrogs biggest advantages over pyrow are the fluffy ears and bigger wings
She is thick, she needs to lay off the mini marshmallows. Gonna have to build her a mini gym using some fishing weights.
>dayhorse knows about my conspiracy thread-map
Ahhhhhh! It’s ogre bros! No…wait…I can still salvage this. We’ll see who gets the last laugh when I take her to court. Those migration routes are MINE! She should’ve thought twice before fucking with a Master of Bird Law!
And the horns? Look at those big ol' horns!
being a spotter for fairies
They're not as good handlebars though.
>Miss Leanan's cousin is visiting!
>She's very excited.
>Big day comes.
>Her cousin is... bigger... than Miss Leanan remembers.
>A lot bigger.
>And sluttier.
>She's already suggesting that Miss Leanan isn't being overt enough with her affection for Anon.
>Miss Leanan's long week is just beginning.
If she doesn't find you handsome, she should at least find you handy. But thankfully she's a monster and you are both to her.
I wonder what type of mg would like a chubby guy most
The Sabbath is always on the hunt for onichans to turn into Fat Bastards.
Ew no
What happenes if you kiss a dragons tail anyway?
Lolis love fat, hairy, ugly, and bald men.

As for just fat, sandworms would like you because you've got more meat to eat in a literal sense.
Same goes for lamias and also because they'll enjoy having more of you to coil around to keep warm.
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the birds have breached containment
all is lost
Tackled by tentacles.
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Damn that's crazy
Anyways I'll take ten please
can i get my bird in jub flavored?
I have used ancient magic I found in Zipangu at a discount market to seal the evil Shoggoth that was after me into a small glass jar. As soon as the magic containment wave threw all of her mass into the jar I put a bunch of seals on it. I can see her tiny face looking at me from the blackness inside the jar and she looks a bit miffed. Supposedly, this will hold her in for good. Phew, I'm finally safe from Shog...
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I wish to be buried in feathers and bird breasts.
I want a Bird-of-Paradise harpy
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I heard she has a very lovely and captivating mating dance.
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>he doesn't notice the second shog behind him
atleast she is good shog and not evil shog
need queen shog
sorry anon, queen shog is sold out atm
we have princess shogs though
Would happily get entranced and wing burrito'd by bright birb
>tfw this was a s layinng quest
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colorful and adorably cute small harpy girl cooing in your ear
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Can I just skip the "practice couple" routine of pyrow and just date her normally?
This but with a Chickadee. Her little wings struggling to properly burrito you.
i wanna ask a flying wurm out but she keeps flying away
just look up her skirt to start
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Miss 'Pophis has pretty eyes
I have always held that Apophi are the species of Lamia with the biggest busts and that is truth. Apophis is much bigger than Hebi, Hebi is pathetic in comparison.
Snake titties
Gee, Anon, I don't think trying that hard to get a Yan Snek dialed up to MAX YAN is the smartest plan, but you do you.
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I will get a big titty Apophis gf to protect me from that pitiful fire snake. My Apophis gf would just inject the Hebi with venom and turn her into a Kurohebi that's nice and submissive.
i wanna milk a dragon
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Well, she is a LITTLE overdue.
Tastes like rotten milk
but thats dragon kefir
also is that why dragons are so tsun and angry at times
they need to be milked?
It's one of them! Dragons are a contentious people.
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>ornery monstergirls are that way simply because they're backed up and need to be milked
at last I truly see
They are cute tho, especially when they blush
It's either that or they need some serious loving
Fresh! You’ll penetrate her vaginally while unprotected and in a ostensibly no-strings relationship and like it, mister!
A little bit of both.
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i want to bully vampires
Which Monsters would enjoy being full nelson'd the most?
So mating press? Also heard that if put one in mating press u can use their breath attacks if u go to the dragon communion church
Probably the members of the Sabbath, they have the perfect proportions and size for that
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It's both obviously.
>"just one more practice kid!" she said after her 10th
Mating press while draining her tits?
An aunt and her niece, not bad
Perpetual mating machine
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Is such a thing possible? Can it even be done to a dragon?
Does the pride have to get fucked out of her first?
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>tfw no clumsy kiki to punish with plaps
why are we here? just to suffer alone?
I think we got the wrong kikis--mine is even clumsier and more subby than I am. I need strong mommy dom kiki who won't compete with me on breaking glassware and accidental self-injury making dinner.
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>"Hey loser, yes you, wanna join my gang~?"
That's babushka. Your kiki will get there, but it'll take a few decades and several kids. They age like wine.

N-no, I just want to buy a gas station bento...
I don't hang out with dorks
I would just steal a pyrow
Pffft, you all look like a bunch of dorks and losers hahaha!
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>"Takes one to know one!"
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>"clumsy" kiki always making "messes"
>like "accidentally" gently tipping over empty tea cups or glasses, then exaggeratedly laying herself over the table to fix it, leaving her exposed
>or "dropping" silverware and bending at the waist to pick it up, flipping up her skirt with her tail
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The most dangerous encounter, a Balrog and her Pyrow groupies. There is no victory, joining them makes them more popular after you knock one up, denying them makes them want you more.
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What about ghost flame pyrows and balrog gang from the undead district
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Not the evil Automaton! Anything but that!
She doesn't look evil. She looks lonely.
But her eyes are red and she's got a big cape. Of course she's evil, only evil people wear things like that.
I'm not into harems
She's just an albino automaton with a dhampir friend. I think she's a nice lady.
So, would you call them... haram?
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Lonely Evil Women are in Your Area, tap your screen to meet them now
>Accept all cookies, Yes.
>Your location information has been forwarded
>Please wait 20 minutes and she will arrive shortly.
I love evil women
I love even little evil women
>clumsy Kiki
>drummed out of the Maido Academy
>whole class watching as she is physically thrown out into the street
>iron gates slam shut and locked
>dumbAnon comes down the street
>'Excuse me, Miss, is this the Academy where I can hire a Maido?"
>Kiki looks up
>flash idea
>unzips Anon's D
>'I break things vhen I kleanz'
>starts jacking Anon
>'My cookink iz zometimez burned'
>feathered wrist cupping Anon's ballz
>'Buts Mashtah can coom on my titz now or on my face...'
>by the time the Academy staff get the lock open and the chain unwrapped from the gate, Kiki already has her blouse torn open
>Anon is thrusting paizuri with the tip in her lips on each stroke
>MGCPD called to a riot at the Maido Academy as hundreds of furious Kikis attack their staff for locking the gates
Little evils can grow to great evils if nurtured correctly.
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I've already handed over my data including card and bank info to Miss Wight and I received an invitation to visit her private island. She is even going to pay all my expenses!
>"Foolish gaijin. You will never defeat me and escape my shrine. I am an ancient Yokai who was lived for over a thousand years and will live for a thousand more! I have powers beyond your imagination! You will be kept here forever to be my food. Your mana will serve to increase my powers every day. You will never see your home again! HAHAHAHAHAHA!"
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I will water little evil
I will nurture little evil
I will hope little evil becomes the big evil
>cut to this fox being a cute housewife
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Many such cases
>Meanwhile on 4mon…
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Which is bigger on this fox; the tails or milkers?
Her milkers are just as big as her tail!
>Anon suddenly feels himself fill with a drive and ambition he’s never imagined
>”No, fuck that. I don’t have time for crime or gangs. I’m going to be productive member of society.”
>That anon walked off and did as he said.
>He developed a cure for turboaidsrabies and was lauded by many throughout his life.
>He never met that Balrog or her gang again and died peacefully in his sleep, still a virgin.
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their influence is spreading
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I'm more interested in the empty bottle then gremlin titty
>"tread celebration laughing at Wonderland for missing the Eurogape cup"
>"man, I can't believe that those damned Hellhounds won the Amerigape again! It's not fair!"
Drinking hot chocolate with Miss Ocelomeh! (no it's not poisonous)
>”Men are such teases. It’s too much sometimes. I train long and hard to find a guy who can defeat me in battle, but when I find him he acts like he’s not interested. He actually looked shocked when I pulled aside my loincloth and told him to stick it in. Said that I had a concussion and ditched me at a nunnery. As if a head injury has any relevance, it’s not like asked him to skullfuck me. This is bullshit and these nuns keep rolling their eyes at me.”
>"So my little brother is already 10 years old and he stopped taking baths with me, which is weird since his first erections are my property and I discovered that my aunt (that old witch) is already pregnant with his baby! should I step in and claim what it belongs to me or I already lost? I'm open to suggestions"
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>>No frogman in my mushroom bed
>"Why even live?"
“Sure, men claim they enjoy being free. But as soon as you break out the sex magic, aphrodisiacs, chains, and peanut butter it’s obvious what they really like. If freedom is so good then why aren’t any of those free men walking around screaming and ejaculating for hours on end?”
I mean, all stories posted here were shit, we just ran out of namefags to shill for.
>"Big words for someone who can get mind broken into a masochist if a man eat a single bit of raging mushroom"
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Disgust me. I hope that my werecat will hunt them out of my garden.
It's not the worms you see that you have to worry about.
Sorry, I want a proud dragon not a mere lizard.
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Do you think that they would post pictures of their children on 4mon?
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Of course
They would totally show off how many kids they get
Unfortunately, not in MGE land. Eventually you'll overpower them from having so much sex and their womanly instincts will kick in.

Only way to prevent that from happening is to pretend to be weak.
I fear the day my decommissioned automaton siege robot figures out why I'm so hands on and insistent on draining her "coolant tanks". At least these older models don't have hacking modules to let them interface with my computer. It's not like she'll suddenly gain a lecherous gremlin in her friend circles DnD nights, right?
Malefs exist bruh
Well the alternative is to get their evil cousins, yes. The post mentioned hag dragons.
Malef get mere'd too but they act smug because they know that it's lose lose scenario
>Looking out my window
>Swear I see two glowing red eyes looking up at me
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It's just Ms. Whitehorn
Getting into one of her moods again
I'm going to molest Miss Gargoyle while she can't move. What's the worst that could happen?
she will set traps and capture you
just like the gargoyle planned
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>anon dominates and rapes a monster
>he thinks this means HE won
This is why Dark Elves think humans a cute.
>Touch stone boobies
>Ara ara, aren't you a brave boy?
>Get turned to stone
>Barriers get put up and now I'm isolated with her
>He trusts the words of a masochistic, virginal, ex human scholar
Also you forgot the dosage and quality, did you seriously think a microscopic amount of the cheapest mushroom in town would do anything?
What happens when both the "invincible monsters" and the "edgy army OC" BOTH lose plot armour?
>Turns into an all out flame war in seeing which monster has the most kids
>Hellwans posting with a respectable 4-6
>Mrs Hebi not to be outdone posts a picture of herself coiled around 11 eggs
>Cheshire posts a pic of 3 and 10 suspicious looking clones that have been shrunk down hastily and is quickly called out.
I really need to rub one out
Don't make me post THAT pic
Please do, I do not know what pic you are referring to.
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i want to see the hebi pics
It means their moms called them home for dinner.
Oh, a bit wierd for me tbqh, not a fan of /d/ proportions.
Do you think that I will micro dose shrooms? No I will extract the most potent rape molecules and turn them into a potent gas that I can inhale for a few days. I will ever die of a heart attack or catch my fated one and meteor-rape her ass
Why not rub one in?
>mercilessly ass-pounds a monster
>thinks this is a deterrent
I don’t think anyone can accuse you of using small dosages of drugs, anon.
>Well, that's the fifth time you've killed yourself. I don't know why you won't just use the recipe I gave you.
what are these creatures scheming?
I ain't taking recipes from no lady with a skellington hand bra.
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By overdosing on shrooms I'm going to make contact with a chesh and get the instructions to build the portal
>anon walks outside the lich’s cottage to see a crowd of intimidating femdom monsters
>a manticore steps forward
>she flinches and hunches when anon looks at her
>”y-you haven’t seen the last of us, m-m-meat” she begins
>she squeals and hides behind a buff yet heavily sweating amazon when anon steps forward
>”every time you beat us we will come back stronger” says the hiding manticore
>her voice gets stronger as she hides behind the amazon ”no amount of mushrooms can keep our tight hungry throbbing and increasing sensitive asses down. we will defeat you yet!”
>anon pulls out a gigantic syringe
>a small icon of angry mushroom decorates the outside of the syringe
>”I have been working on a new formulation. perhaps your correct. there is only one way to tell” says anon injecting himself with a smile
>anon has a moment of surprise when he notices more than half of them strip off their underwear turn around and bend over
>then the rage kicks in
>anon wakes up in the lich’s cottage again
>she informs him he won again in a bored monotone
>”most of them are sleeping it off outside” says the lich
>anon tries to take her advice about sneaking away
>the few still awake monsters avoid his eyes
>”y-you too” mumbles the manticore as anon walks past
Should we tell him, bros?
In case of maids, buttsex is proven to be quite effective.
At least, that's what I've heard. Stands to reason, you know? Everybody knows that. I'm pretty sure I've heard someone say that...
Having a Monster jump out of nowhere from behind a tree to scare you and tell you all about how she's going to devour you and then having her begging for mercy and saying she didn't mean it when she said she'd eat you alive as you mercilessly mating press her while pinning her down to ensure pregnancy before you pick her up and take her home with you.
Having a Monster jump out of nowhere from behind a tree to scare you and tell you all about how she's going to devour you and then begging for mercy and saying you didn't mean to challenge her when you said she can eat shit as you get mercilessly amazon pressed by her while she's pinning you down to ensure pregnancy before she picks you up and take you to her home.
Doing this to a dominant type monster like a Hellhound

But having this happen to you with a submissive monster like a Kikimora
I don't get the ending, why did she said "you too"? I have a smooth brain
The Gremlin is full though.
Why do I always have to specify when ordering drinks that whisky on the rocks is for Bapho wife and soda is for me?
>When your mansion is so big that 1 kiki alone cannot clean it all
Time to hire more kikis. Probably gonna need at least 2-3 more.
>"Man, what's up with all the geezer threads? Where's the love for shotas?"
Shota threads filter out human woman tourists.
Cows kill way more people than sharks.

Cows rape way more people than sharks.
What's wrong with geizahs?
Gonna post in the dragon general threads that they will all end up as zombie dragons
>Time to hire more kikis
It's a DIY challenge, ask your kiki about it
What'd the zombie dragons there say?
I doubt they have enough braincells left to post anything more than "want husband"
Miss Kiki cured my erectile dysfunction!
dragon cured my erectreptile dysfunction
Miss Hellhound gave me premature ejaculation...
Monsters that can save a dying village because none of the men can get their cock up?
Since the entire village seems to have a problem with their chicken, I think someone knowledgeable like Haku-sensei would be able to help.
She's just increasing the loads per minute rate
>the jannies try to remove them but they just keep popping up
>theres also a thread abot how to make bootleg shotafiy potions
High rate of fire but small ammo is weak, I want to be like an anti aircraft artillery piece on my kiki, big loads, fast rate
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Chicken, you say?
I like the small one.
hakus are prefect for wanting an older wife who scolds u for doing stupid shit
>hakus are prefect
i wish i had a hag haku right now
man it would be so nice
>bootleg shotafiy potions
>Made using rage shrooms
Hmmm, who could be behind this post I wonder.
What would harems threads be like?
Bicorn posting about how to make a harem for their husbands? Monster girls just introduced into a harem trying to cope with it? Random posts about how she's totally fine having to wait until all the other 6 finishes before she gets to lick his cock clean?
>LFG to raid the neighboring village for cute boys, dm 0C310M3H for invite
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>The volcano campaign is on hold
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Those aren't her eyes
Unpopular Opinion:

Bicorns aren't actually cucks. They're bisexual, leaning towards lesbianism. They want their husband to have other wives, so they can have fun themselves. The husband only serves a mana source and a magnet for other desperate monsters.
popular Opinion:

you should kill yourself.
why are you like this
do you even have a life?
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I just don't like getting looked down on.
I like that idea.
>When you get to spend your day kissing and licking your dormouse that smells and tastes like brown sugar
>be new mamono girl
>just got into a harem with a bicorn
>she comes to you one day
>"You ready for your share of the mana?"
>"Don't worry, I got it ready for you right here."
>turns around, showing off her creampied horsepussy
>"Dig in, sisterwife."
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She's unironically cuter. The big one is too big.
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Where's she going to get 1.21 gigawatts though? You'd have to brush a lot of zapweasel tails or Thunderbirds (they exist, remember Thunderbirds?) to make that happen
>breaking into a jabberwock's lair and saving all the dormice from being vored
>successfully escorting all the mice to my house
>the jabberwock was too full and tired from her recent meal to stop me
>i could not save the dormouse that was in her stomach
>tfw the randomizer tossed ur ass into a endgame area with nothing but a loin cloth and a wooden club
>and its the classic posion swamp with posion monsters all over the place
now it's giant slugs time to shine
>ghost mouse appears after you rescue all her friends
>happy end for everyone
>Clydesdale Centaur
>Stands at over 8' tall
>Massive frame
>Over 1800 lbs
>1 kick can kill you
>Can run at a steady 24 mph
>Can and will trample everything in her way
>Surprisingly an avid meat-eater
>Weak to brushing and hoof cleaning
>shroom women coming out the lake to shoot u with posion spellls
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You WILL fuck your cute little sister and marry her.
who could have foreseen the consequences of having a hebi sister?
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I don't have a little sister nor do I want one.

Besides, I'm gonna too preoccupied with snek to deal with any other females.
Autismwans post in-depth diagrams of new gangbang positions they developed to maximize harem member satisfaction without sacrificing husbando satisfaction.
Well, I have always had a thing for nuns...
>And that was how one dense man accidentally defied fate and horribly disappointed his imouto in one fell swoop.
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nah, im fucking my angel wine aunt instead
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i wanna seduce an angel into sinning
and laying with a mortal man
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even easier than tricking a succ into sex
but where in gods name am i supposed to find them?
i dont suppose they are just hanging out in churchs and stuff
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the tavern
why would they be there, aint liqour drinking bad?
>portals open
>monsters find this thread
>appalled you called some girls sith shit because monsters view each other equally
>make you marry a sith so you can experience the wonders of spooning a girl so soft
>Forces you with a girl you hate
Yeah, no.
You're right. Maybe just forced cuddling and then you want to marry her on your own.
there's nothing stopping you from just groping a monster's paw on the subway and then saying it was an accident
>Get a guardian angel
>She dresses like that
I wanna make her a anal slut by telling her it's not a sin if it's the ass and ask her to "cleanse" my lust
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Can you handle 72 tails at once?
Gachasloppers really need their own board at this point.
Friar Tuck told me God gave us growing plants that can be used as ingredients in alcohol as a gift and we shouldn't spurn God's gift
no need to pretend it's more than 1 guy
/vg/ and /vmg/ exist
Careful Janny might take offense again if your try to have basic standards
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I've been know to post a gacha fox or two myself.
Need a tall, tired manticore office lady to lay her heavy tail on top of my lap on the subway because she can't be bothered to have it rest anywhere else, trapping me between it and her lightly napping form
Don't mind if I rape her tail pussy with my first
your first time? how romantic
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snutt cheeks
snass crack
Personally, I'd prefer my first shot for a girl to be in her pussy, not her tail, but Miss Manticore insists
It's traditional. Please don't be culturally insensitive.
I meant my fist, work as my first first too
You can fuck the jellyfish too, if you're into that.
I want to be the personal body pillow for a lamia to coil around and cuddle with all the time
Tonight wasn't the night, bros...
Tonight you
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It is gonna be alwight.
imagine chesh's reaction to you showing her 5318008 on you're calculator up side down
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She's not a girl any more, she's a woman because she just raped me.

See, I think that's what Hell is like, you know. Constantly raped by dogs
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truly the cum dripping out of her is a nice contrast against her skin
>escape from pixie's rape dungeon
>but you're still shrunk
>encounter a cat while lost in the woods
>not a cat girl, just a regular cat
>moments away from being eaten when pixie zaps you back to full size
>pixie starts crying because you ran away and almost died
>somewhere out in the world there are monsters with overused assholes who can't find love anymore
Don't do anal, kids. It's not what the chief goddess intended.
Come on anon she hasn't been here more than a day. How could she possibly learn the English language
Witches and birds.
I still hate that witches are considered monster girls. It's just a woman with a hat on.
Bird is nice tho.
We don't call them jannies here, tourist
Touch grass
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Roll in ze grass!
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I've always had a soft spot for harpies. I really like winged girls.
All the ones who asked for his help calling him Meido got banned at the start of the thread
>go down on harpy gf
>tastes like chicken
>she orgasms super hard
>lays an egg
>casually molesting holst ears
I'd do it so often if I had a holst wife. Ah, just imagine her in your lap, one hand casually groping titty, the other playing with her hair and springy ear. Bliss...
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The fate of every single beast girl with non-human ears.
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See? All she knows is "ball" and "good"... and "rape."
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>every single beast girl
Are you saying you wouldn't molest knife ears too? How could you, you'll make them sad!
Caracal ears are superiot.
You can't trust pointy ears
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This one looks trustworthy to me.
>Are you saying you wouldn't molest knife ears too?
I sure would, as long as they aren't attached to an elf. Well, most elves.
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Fluffy ears are made to be molested and nibbles for hours
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which monster girl is this? i bet she's the best and you should marry her
Flipping elf skirts
Lifting elf dresses to see whats underneath
>to see whats underneath
Nothing. It's always nothing. Elves are exhibitionists, you're lucky there's even a skirt to flip.
It's also fun to see if they're shaved, tastefully landscaped or full bush too, though.
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You never know if they have lingerie that accentuates their elf bits either. Or maybe jewel encrusted plugs or piercings.
I like elves with big saggy ears
If I were a cop, I'd write them tickets until they wore proper clothing
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My hakutaku has been doing this ever since she got the latest copy of the Etymologicon... How do I fix her?
>jewel dangling from golden chain beneath elf's skirt
>tug on it
>collapses to her knees
>tastefully landscaped
Complete with a ha-ha.
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You're actually right, If she were real I would marry her, yan or not
>elf lifts her skirt
>a shaved arrow pointing to her pussy
>flip elf skirt
>there’s a literal void beneath
Ahhhhhh halp me stuntmaiden you were right about the elves aaaaahhhh
Gif too cute, can't focus on the question
Don't flip the skirt, flip the elf instead
Your tickets would be thrown out, you'd lose your job, and be left with no choice but to rely on a patient elf mommy for support after your silly little tantrum. Please consider the consequences for your actions, though you're sure to with a few centuries under your belt anyway.
>Try to flip a succubus skirt
>She doesn't have one since she's too lewdly dressed
>Go home and cry
please... this creature does my taxes... they are coming for me soon
Suplex the elf into mating press position.
pull her lacy panties aside instead or give her a vulva wedgie
Just commit tax fraud. What are they gonna do? Escalate the issue without good reason and force you to die in a shootout just so they can prove that they are an effective part of the government due to their repeated fuckups?
>try to flip succubus skirt
>she flips her own skirt when you get too close
>her friends come out of the woodwork and hold you down
>it was all a ruse to rape anon
Works every time.
Put the skirt on the succ, then flip it. Then flip the succ.
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I think that's just called indecent exposure.
You might not want to imagine too much. Immortality is a lot of time to build up bad habits.
Putting on a skirt on a demon would be an indecent lack of exposure.
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>help, i've fallen and can't get up
some ancient elf, probably
A couple thousand years sounds like a lot of time to figure out the absolute best, most optimal breeding techniques.
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Now give her a headpat and a sudoku puzzle and she should be alright within 1-2 hours.
do not feed hellwan chocolate
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fox inspector on official business
>1000 years of studying advanced sexual theory
>0 years of experience
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honk honk
You're talking trash but I would fear for my pelvis were I on the receiving end of that. So much clumsy theory to apply. So much pent up sexual frustration...
It's gotten to the point of two elves holding the breeder's legs as far apart as they can while another spreads her open. They're desperate for babbus
>Kind, gentle holstaur taking on a big sister role and guiding you through your first time with her playing bovineball
she does the same thing when I give her sudoku's though!!
>fox inspector
I've heard this job is in high demand. What are the requirements for this position and who do I contact to inquire for a position?
Your Hakutaku is understimulated, either give her more attention, harder puzzels or take her to a museum!
>I've heard this job is in high demand.
There's always too many foxes, it'll always be in high demand.
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i'll never surrender to elf (probably)
foxes should not have large or small breasts. they are mediocre monsters with mediocre proportions. dragons should be the only monsters allowed to have large breasts.
I will ensure the job security of future generations using my wife's womb. No need to thank me.
Foxes have been selectively breeding in order to directly compete with holsts.
Yes, dragons are basically just flying cows, no other differences.
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Big kitty with big titty
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she can't hear you over the sound of her tits
the sounds of sloshing milk is VERY LOUD
they are more like flying pigs
how dare
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What do you call a dragon masturbating? draGOON
>What do you call a dragon masturbating?
A day that ends in Y.
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>Isekaied into the MGE world
>End up in the wilderness
>Wander a bit through the day
>Eventually find a dirt road
>Follow it
>Evening quickly approaches
>See a farm in the distance
>A couple of holsts see you and offer you a place to stay the night
>Looking out the window in your room at night
>Staring at the stars and big, bright moon
>Wondering if the family and friends you left behind are okay, if they're worrying about you, etc., etc.
>Start to doze off to sleep
>Hear a creek as your door opens slightly
>Too tired to care or think anything of it
>Feel a heavy weight on top of you
>Look up
>See pic related
>Not even 6 hours in the MGE world and getting raped
>Have an "Ahh..." moment when you remember it's a full moon tonight
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Get on the altar, Anon.
is the altar a euphemism for her hips
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I don't get it
Great idea, now I have to sit through lectures on classical abuntment architecture again
The fuck, is that one self-centered attention whore still throwing his money down the toilet commissioning mountains of painfully mediocre art?
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modern slang lesson: noun. "gooner" someone who masturbates too much; verb. "gooning" the act of masturbating too much.
olden slang lesson: noun. "dragoon" a member of any of several cavalry regiments in the British army. named so possibly for their "dragon" rifles that had a maw of a draconic beastie decorating the muzzle (firearm safety drills weren't a thing back then so they had to improvise)
people throw much more cash to much worse deeds, nothing new or surprising about this
That's why it makes no sense, what do mounted riflemen have to do with masturbation? also why are social media slangs used on /jp/?
There are like three well known chain commisioners in mge who are way worse than this guy ever was.
I took mine to a history museum and now she won't stop lecturing about the glory of Rome.
Ah yes the thread thats somehow less autistic than this one
>what do they have to do with
its called a pun. plus, technically if you give a dragon a rifle they can be called dragoons because cavalry rifle
<social media slands on /jp/
it's not too weird for normal people anymore so the ones that havent lurked for four years think their posts are worth posting
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whats up dog?
The biggest alpha move you can make is feeding yourself to a sandworm.
A lot more variety in images there.
Do a little foreplay with your sandworm wife, by flooring it through the desert in a dune buggy while she chases you.
Do you even love your wan if you won't let her scent mark you?
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she has a funny way of doing it
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Oi, you there, newbie, get over to Miss Malef and get her order. She looks grumpy so you better move your ass.
I'm paid to scrub dishes, not dragons
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How would war between cats and dragons go.
Gentlemen, I do not wish to alarm you, but there is a serial grapist on the loose.
>How do I fix her?
Why would you want to fix something that's perfect?
Thankfully I already installed the anti-grape lock on my door just the other week!
she's been doing it for hours... I am starting to get worried.
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gentlemen, i do not wish to alarm you but there is a cereal wurm on the loose
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>it’s another week of “anon thinks he’ll get kraken’d by taking a boat rental that can barely make it 100 miles out to sea”
Please stop making the sea bishops’ jobs harder, they’re looking for people in actual danger.
Cereal Wurm needs milk, so those that are lack toast in taller ants are safe.
I learned my lesson. This time I built a submarine out of an old industrial boiler and welded myself inside.
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Real dead hours.
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Still doing elves.
>elves with bows
>elves with magic
>elves with swords
>techno elves
>elves with guns
Elves do get around.
This thread is close to ded
I wonder if the next one will be better seeing how this one was a shitshow a day ago
Ok, I'll just stow myself away on a bigass cruise ship that's somehow got 3/4ths of its height above water, despite the three basketball courts, four movie theatres, seven casinos and ten swimming pools and god knows what else
>all the usual pests leave
This doesn't seem so bad.
>close to ded
>page 8
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What a scandalously dressed dark elf.
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Look at him go.
Miss Trash Panda would be so proud of him!
>no trash panda to sniff the breath of
It hurts inside.
Hearing about Roman glory holes for hours on end must be thrilling!Not really.
Monster glory holes and the many types of tongue on the other side. What variety we could have.
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>when your danuki wife gets turned on when you call her racial slurs like "trash panda"
It beats the sponge-onna-stick and the ‘classical’ use of rocks, I’m sure. That’s before we get to the monster equivalent of the vomitorium or arena, will the wonders ever cease? Yes, because men will no longer have a vote!
How’s he supposed to fit that on his cock? What a skinflint. You can do better, anon. Hold out for an engagement cockring that actually fits, it’s what you deserve!
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Would a heretical Ocelomeh who prefers maledom (in secret or public) lose their powers like DnD Clerics?
I taught my hellwan the word "rape" and she won't stop saying it while she's doing it
Sexy Insects and How to Summon Them
>Why can't this book exist? WHY
It'd be shameful for her to do it in public. She'd probably be shunned and her husband would receive many blessings in an attempt to make his dominant nature pass on to their child. In private it wouldn't matter. Being a switch is allowed so long as she's the dom in public.
Mad disrespect to ctulhu chan here.
Is she not good enough!?
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>Evil dragon wants to do evil things
>most of what she thinks is evil is just minor annoyances
OK, she IS adorable, but she's not sexy. And I'm more of a chitin man.
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>She ate the last Long John Donut.
>She double dips her chips in the salsa
>She leaves her dirty clothes on the floor
>She eats in bed
She is truly an evil monster, she knows no equal
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Reminder the F16 is a best selling fighter jet. Almost everyone's military air force has the F16. And you can bet the Demon Realms Air force, Lescatie Air Guards, Court Alf's Carrier Naval Squadrons, Dragonia Air Battalions, and The Order's Aerospace Force. All have F16s in their air forces.
I have a bad feeling about that. If she ends up getting addicted to it in private she might start losing faith for real. I don't want to brick her (Have you seen Clerics who've lost their powers? They're useless as fuck). How can I correct her?
First the foxes are boats and now the birds are fighters? The madness never ends.
>tfw no fightergf
Did she also tamper with Dr. Magnusson's microwave casserole?
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The only way to stop her is to dress up like a cartoon hero and declare that you will defeat her using the power of love.
>She ate the last Long John Donut.
As she reaches for it, grab her hand and tenderly hold it
>She double dips her chips in the salsa
Control her dipping by sitting next to her and being the one to feed her the chips
>She leaves her dirty clothes on the floor
Let her wear your oversized t-shirts. She'll never want to even take it off
>She eats in bed
Cuddle her so she can't eat
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I want a pretty french kitty
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The finest warriors of Valhalla. . .
Let's all pretend to be mamono and ERP with each other.
I'll pass

I'm planning to dump so much cum into a succubus that she can go toe to toe with a lilim.
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this but fox and all nine of her tails will be soaked and matted
Because one he supplants the lilim with his own elite four he can challenge the demon queen and turn monsters into whatever he wants.
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Have you told her that?
Das rite
I would make my own great spell and make monsters even SEXIER and HORNIER but also more wholesome at the same time for maximum confusion
I sense a strong desire to marry your mother.
>I'll pass
A Wisp is already at your location, waiting.
Sorry; I was assuming that your mother is wholesome and that's why you're making mamono more wholesome, too.
Ok, Mister Alp
Post mamono doing normal, everyday tasks. Like eating fries.
What sort of monster would I meet at 7/11 at 2AM?
Wine gote.
>His mom
Half the town would have a laugh at that.

Yo momma jokes would get weird in MGE Land, wouldn't they?
How do I tell my auntster she's too old to dress like this?
I just want my comfy sweater hagubus back
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I am NOT lost and I do NOT need a momster!
>"My friends think I'm weird, I always prepared the comfy librarian look instead of the miniskirt and stuff girls my age wear..."
You don't have to tell her she's too old, doing so might make her try to prove she's still got it instead. "That other thing is my preference," though? You'll have your nappable sweaters and oversize glasses back by next Friday night.
The affectionate wanposting makes me more interested in wans
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Spring cleaning and recycling and feeding the local wild life is fun.
Everyone loves a happy war machine. I bet Druella's automatons all have happy face masks.
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The government doesn't want you to know this, but the elves in town are free. You can just pick them up and take them home. I have 37 elves in my house.
... but y tho
Haha, wow, what a funny new joke I've never heard before.

Your mamono wife will fake laughing at your jokes.
Every time I see this it confuses me. No, not the feet. What is the context for this? It looks as if dick electrocution is involved.
She's feeding batteries to electric eels, bro
Is that gacha?
It's some kind of meme. I WISH there were a way to find memes online, but there's not, so you're correct to simply ask on 4chan rather than show any iota of initiative.
You ever see that meme of anon dumping motor oil down the drain and referring to it as not my problem?
I tried looking it up when first seeing it ages ago. Only thing I could find was some unrelated bullshit about throwing car batteries in the ocean.
Nope. I just want to know why is she trying to fry Coast Guard dicks.
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Yes, you've responded to gachaslop
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I only need one or two elf cumdumps, maybe three. I can't see why you would need more, or even where to keep them. One for the living room, one for the kitchen, one for the bathroom and all three in bed at night.
Dark elf not dark enough. Put her back in for a bit.
Dark elf more like tanned elf hahaha

Most dark elves in Japanese media are just tanned elves anyway
I wish to buried under a mountain of oni ass. That is all.
and not a single shitpost out of dozens was deleted, cool
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Please do no remove anything from the tombs
I already took the slab, and the sealed apophis hidden in the secret room
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I only raid tombs for the mummies
Why would I steal any of that other junk?
I can add things though, right? Gonna leave a love letter for the pharaoh and a milk bone for the anubis.
I will pick up anubi and carry her out. She expected me to go for the treasure and baubles, but the real treasure is her.
What's your offer?
! !
I added my cum to the pharoah's jar. I didn't take anything, I swear!
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Surprise kissing a random dragon!
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Elven saggers are fake and are made using illusion magic
Gross. You'd put your mouth on a lizard?
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Is hand-holding a handcuffed suspect standard protocol for mamono cops?
What a slutty cop
Different departments have different uniform standards. If the monster cops don't look slutty then you probably fucked up for real.
I want to compare tobacco with her. I bet my cellar can beat hers.
Yes, cops have some strange procedures in MGC.
If a Monster (let's say a Lizardman warrior) was going after a knight of exceptional skill who she wants to turn into her husbando, but no matter what, she isn't strong or skilled enough to actually defeat him and loses every battle she starts attempting to subdue and rape him, what does she do then? Who will she go to for help?
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If I did the "Curse you Bayle" monologue to a dragon would she think it was cringe or would it make her wetter than a slime?
You are a poor peasant living in a small, order aligned village. The church, greedy as they are, could only afford to hire a few mercenaries as guards, instead of their knights and paladins. One night, a raid group invaded the village, and you just know the village is done for. Luckily, the closest order aligned city is not far, and its also well protected.
Roll 25 girls.
Do you think you can outrun all of them? Use your friends as bait? Or perhaps you're willing to surrender to one of them instead?
Cringe until his harpoon hit her and pin her down
>All these fliers
>two of them have bullshit stunlock magic
>One is a pied piper
Nah, we're fucked. I'd want to stay hidden until I could throw myself on the mercy of the hakutaku, wight, gandharva, or dhampir, whoever came by first. I wouldn't be terribly disappointed by an owl mage or nightmare though.
File deleted.
Running would be useless and I don't see my two favorites BUT I also see 4 Mamonos in my top 6 so I will leave with the 'yip, the Inari, the white horn, or the sphynx. It feels like a massive win for once
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Frog detected
25 girls!? Even the gods turn their eyes away. I'll eat a death shroom and curl up in a big jar.
It's over.
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I run and hide until I find Hellhound, sacrificing everyone along the way, especially to the Bogie.
I'm sure the owl mage sisters would be willing to share with each other. Imagine the shimaidon.
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I accept getting reverse-mating pressed by the Malef, "whipped" by the Dark Elf and Dark Mage into submission, reverse-spitroasted by the Gargoyle and Kraken.
>My tabs
It's over lmfao.
retarded tourist
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It would drive me insane having that many tabs open. What is the purpose.
look into sidebar tabs, tree style tabs, or tab folders
although not even a gremlin could save you from chrome
I am simply too lazy.
Hey, the fr*g did the same mistake and you didn't flame him, don't attack me
>116 tabs
Your automaton wife’s ram needs a break anon, surely you don’t need ALL those tabs
EZ. Don't even have to run.
Not too difficult to get away from either.
EZ as well.
Difficult, just have to avoid her dive bombs.
Impossible to outrun.
Just have to turn on a dime. Her large frame prevents quick pivots.
>Living Doll
Short with limited movement, super EZ.
>Jinn of the jar
Literally stationary.
>Cheshire Cat
Almost centaur levels of impossible to outrun.
Too drunk to run effectively, moderately EZ.
Difficult but not impossible. Might be able to shake her off if I have food on me.
>Ren Xiongmao
Retard panda is an EZ outrun.
Slug is super slow, another EZ outrun.
Short, loli body. EZ outrun.
Very difficult to outrun or even hide from. The most dangerous so far.
If she takes her mask off, I'm in deep trouble. Probably more trouble than echidna since she can get me at range by just looking into my eyes. Better not look back.
Same as troll. Quick pivots and turns throws her off.
>Gyoubu Danuki
Drop a penny and she's out of the race. Greed is easy to defeat.
Pretty much stationary. Not EZ though if she's using vines to trip me up. Good support member to the party but won't be the actual girl to nab me.
Quick, but if I knock her head off, she's losing as well.
Bitch will be too busy looking in a mirror to actually make a solid effort in chasing me. No contest.
Arguably the most dangerous on this list. Her determination to not only capture me but keep me away from the others will be fierce. I don't like to bring this gross shit up, but I may actually get vored by her in desperation to have me all to herself.
Wings are OP in a chase. Even more OP when the person that has them is an accomplished warrior and immortal. She'll take me down before all the others reach me unless I can lure her into a trap.
>Creeping Coin
EZ. Just don't grab the obviously fake coins laid out on the path during the chase.
Extremely dangerous. Cheshire Cat level of chasing but worse. I'll have horny spines getting shot at me from a distance. While they wouldn't slow me down, they'd make me horny to the point I wouldn't want to run anymore.

All this said, my chance at escape is 0%. Centaur, Cheshire Cat, Echidna, Basilisk, Shirohebi, Valkyrie, and Manticore are the most likely to get me. I'm fine with almost any of them except shirohebi and manticore. I'm not looking to get vored on the first date, nor am I interested in getting shots on a near-daily basis. I'll try my best to lose to centaur or echidna.
>EZ. Just don't grab the obviously fake coins laid out on the path during the chase.
Ooh another gold piece, ooh another gold piece, ooh another gold piece
Stop all the downloading, man. Help computer.
My brother, you aren't getting any of that. You will be sandworm food before you even realize the chase as started. Do you best to get to spit you out if you want any other outcome.
>Running would be useless
Actually I think you have a decent chance of escaping. Most look slow enough like the slimes, slug, hebi, tentacle, golem, charybdis or genie (someone would have to carry them around)
A good number are of average speed like ryu, gazer, cockatrice, or cyclops
For the fast ones you can try to outsmart them (hare), offer a sacrifce (particularly jub, sphinx, werewolf), or pray it's not too cold (white horn)
The poor peasant won't be able to resist Miss Coin's "coins"
She'll be hindered by all the chaos to be able to catch you in a reasonable amount of time. But once you're out you better be very fucking careful until you get to the next city.
If a hebi has her sights on you, you're never safe no matter where you are.
But I don't want to run away from my fav species, it's the perfect opportunity to catch one
Frog is subhuman, so standards are lower
I want automaton wife to make that face when I stick it up her tight, perfectly calibrated ass.
Based, crazy that no one calling him out, thread has grown too soft
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hon hon hon le femdom
Anons getting hebi in the party are kinda fucked either way, huh. Might as well choose a wife amidst the chaos.
I wonder if trying to hide from hebi would be considered a form of flirting/courtship.
guys i bought an alp costume for a party, but for some reason the horns, wings, and tail won't come off?
any of you anons know what's going on?
You've become an actual Alp. No need for a costume
The horns and tail only come off if you pull them at a certain angle. It's easier if you let a friend help. Turn around.
>Turn around.
Bend over.
Wrote a parody story with a manticore and succubus :)
You fool! The thread will archive and no one will see it
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Holy fucking shit you need to kill yourself and leave this thread now. How the fuck has nobody told this redditor faggot where he should go instead of shitting up this thread????
Kill yourself fr*g, you did the same shit.
it's a bit of a circus thread anyway, it'll all be over soon and we can forget it happened
Not even Bogies around here...

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