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Anon's Doll Edition XIII

BJD thread, primarily for vinyl dolls with an anime aesthetic.

FAQs and Links
New Guide: anime-dolls.moe
Old Guide: dollfaq.buyfags.moe
Booru: bjd.booru.org
Telegram: https://t.me/BallJointDolls
Sewing pattern books: https://mega.nz/folder/iFd3wapa#B70grHUe4xsTkLU_s8Ag_Q
/jp/ BJD QnA Guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SJPKqCd8YX5_JcB7NWjRS5Zy4dKeKMg5l-YmoHZgFZk/edit?usp=sharing | This is currently empty, help to replace/rebuild this archive is deeply appreciated!

Community Events:
Current Photo Challenge: Sunbathing
Previous Photo Challenge: Catching Bugs
Doll Calendar Project: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1abqGwCjvHI0DalA13tDVTwtgYyXPgG1UXJ98AcNCeQk/edit?usp=sharing
Next Meetup: Otakon Aug 2nd - 4th, Details TBA
Later: LA Dolpa Sep 7-8

Other Doll Threads:
Previous Thread: >>47204268
Resin Dolls Thread: Dead Again (but you can post here, too.)
Fashion/Other Dolls Thread: >>>/toy/11066836
Azone Thread: >>>/toy/11032018 (but you can post here, too.)

If your doll is for sex, go to >>>/jp//ona/
Apparently PABADoll is kill on Etsy
Damn it, Etsy, stop killing stores!
I'll update the relevant links in the morning, thanks anon. Etsy's making a lot of objectively stupid choices recently, but that's nothing new.
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Finally got some hair clips for my girl. They might be a tad too big, but they still look alright. Got a whole rainbow of colors, but I went with purple to match her clothes and green to match her eyes for this one.
Also, I will be joining the camera bros soon. Found a sweet deal on a new old stock DSLR since everyone is going mirrorless these days.
Eh, weren't they just Taobao drop sellers? Still dozens of them on Etsy.
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Does anyone have any information on these chunky 75cm dolls? All the information is on Taobao and I can’t figure out how to get logged in on a browser
I have never in my life seen these, interesting find. Try a taobao proxy like BJD Bhiner.
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Here is a link to the lasdol shop on tao bao


They make 1/1 tpe dolls but also these QSD chibi dolls.
I finally figured out how to log into taobao and get a machine translation. And I’m still very confused.
Anyone happen to know where one could obtain this torso, perchance? (The outfit is also fine.)
Looks like a dds Boy bust dyed tan with a dds (girl) abdomen and legs
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Well that's some bullshit. I know another BJD etsy store I bought from disappeared from their site shortly afterwards as well, does anyone know why they're doing this?
What camera did you get?
Because Etsy thinks BJD is sexual.
That's insane. How do they even determine what's acceptable or not? Some mass report automated ban?
Automation, just like how YouTube punishes people for saying "cunt" when they clearly say something different.
def a dyed hybrid body. Best bet to recreate would be to ask the person who did the mod (if possible) what dye they used and for how long
look at how flat she is
Just a humble Rebel T100. Should be here on Friday.
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that's meant to be a boy anon

Etsy is one in a long line of websites over the last few months suddenly and brutally culling their nsfw offerings due to pressure from payment processors to sanitize or get cut off. This is why all the Japanese websites are hiding porn from the West, why Gumroad completely dismantled their NSFW offerings, and why patreon staff have stated that 'explicitly-stated consent in a work may not be enough to imply consent was given.' It's frankly frightening how swift and pervasive this has been.
their AliExpress page is still up
personally I've been considering ordering from them because they advertise size alterations and I'm trying to get a basic wardrobe for a 1/6 TF

>Love those shoes
it's a TinyFox fullset, they likely aren't included
that said I recognize them, you can get those shoes on ACBJD
>that's meant to be a boy anon
I love my dolls so much. How do you guys cope with loving your dolls so much?
>'explicitly-stated consent in a work may not be enough to imply consent was given.'
I guess we have to get "I consent" tattooed on our foreheads before we consensually snuggle struggle.
I don't remember making this post. I just settled on a name for a doll I don't have yet and have been on cloud 9 for a day. I love dolls.
Congrats, setting on a name is a good day. Although, I have thought I settled on a name, only for her to arrive and find out her actual name was different. Something about once the doll is in your hands can change that.
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The name has been key to developing these three. Once I had a name for them, their personalties and final designs just fell into place. No more place holder names for the upcoming dolls in my documents.
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I dont think I put this yukata on correctly but the previous blue one is for a different doll. This yukata is more momokos speed.
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Also the thread sealed with fabric mod podge is still really flexible. Flexible enough for my use. Pretty sure I fully covered it. But im seeing if unsealed thread and sealed thread leave any stains/marks.
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Extremely cute momoko
Where did you get the strawberry skirt? Did you make it yourself?
bees are attracted to sweet things, such is life
Yeah, it's requirem art's high low skirt pattern. you can see where I messed up the waist band stitch trying to finish it all up. Can't be fucked to redo it at this point
Etsy is finally doing something about dropshippers and resellers, or so they say in their LinkedIn posts.
Yeah, that's nice, too bad we're getting hit too.
Never admit failure, anon. It was intentional design choices.

Give it a week. They've done this before, they wait long enough for folks to forget, and then they promptly stop.

So are you going to tell us your plans? I for one want to see whether you change your mind because some other name fits her better or stay the course when you get her. Though I gotta agree, I'm the same way. The agonizing wait is exciting.
It's always just a happy little accident, never a mistake.
>Never admit failure, anon. It was intentional design choices.
>Give it a week. They've done this before, they wait long enough for folks to forget, and then they promptly stop.
I don't get why the money factories are forcing other people to pretend that porn and sex toys doesn't exist now, it never was an issue before. It's a bit too late to put the genie back in the bottle.
>it never was an issue before
Historically it has always been an issue. US as a population has always hated sex. George Martin commented on it directly, but you can see it in old programming too, where a father and mother would always have separate beds, separated by a nightstand because intimacy bad even though we all know they had sex to get those 3 kids.
But, like I said, give it a week. If amazon can't\won't conceal their sex toys, Etsy sure is hell won't.

Always have a control. Good job anon.
>Historically it has always been an issue.
I meant online purchases
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frills, all the frills!
Are these dolls haunted?
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you're (mostly) safe.
The additional three I have planned is Yushina, an android. Im gonna dye the forearms and maybe the whole leg, a grey color. Similar to A2. Umi, is going to my Dream Choice that im getting in a little under a week, shes a human like Mizuka. Her partner is gonna be the Kuchisake-onna, who is Mizuumi. I have a couple key details in my head already but my next step is nailing down which head sculpt to go with for the android and kuchisake as Im trying to make them all different. The only name I was undecided on initially was my fox girl Kikyo.
My doll's hair has been a bit unruly lately, so I bought both the oil spray & the shampoo from Volks. How do I know which one to use? Do I have to use the oil spray on her wig seperately?
I look forward to seeing the new additions to your doll family
Only the good ones.
wash, air dry completely, tiniest amount of wig mist, brush through, restyle.
What I'm getting out of this is that I should get things from Etsy sooner rather than later. Fantastic.
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Cute Azone 1/3 girl looking for a new home. "Iris Collect Reira Welcome to Mofumofu Cafe Wolf Maid" version.
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Don't worry about it.
Do ogres have a spot on doll noah's ark?
Same as with humans, doing activities together.
If comfortable sharing, how did you derrive a name? While my doll was being made, before bed every night I faced towards South Korea and asked 'what is your name?' One moring she gave an answer.
Mizuka is from Satoshi Mizukami , I just dropped the mi. Kikyo is actually from Inuyasha but I've never seen/read it I just got the name from a figure I got for my niece that I thought was cute. Momoko is straight from the artist Momoko Kikuchi. Yushina is combination of Yuka Nagase and Nishina. Umi and Mizuumi were just from kanji practice and I like saying them. I settled on Mizuumi because I thought having the duo be Sea and Lake was kinda fun.
>Just a humble Rebel T100
Hey man, it's not the camera, it's the photographer. I can think of few better cameras to learn fundamentals with.
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back off her ammo
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she lived
She has the mandate of heaven
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Giving off child coffin impressions.
anti Japanese racism?
I wonder if they make these for 1/3 dolls..
finally. she's contained.
Puritanism with racism as a by-product of the horny content culling.

You can fit a 1/3 in one of those if you have her crouch over. Those were a limited release by a Japanese lolita creator that only sold in limited numbers in person, unfortunately. I have seen them on the aftermarket for around $150 apiece.
I picked up some magnetic earrings from kitandkat wrongly hoping they'd work for my BJD. Would anyone with a smart doll or similarly sized BJD like a set of pearl drops, silver studs, gold studs, and instilation kit? I could just list them on any number of market places, so please don't respond if your intention is to merely resell.
>Puritanism with racism as a by-product of the horny content culling.
can we just nuke the amerimutts and anglocucks already?
as an amerimutt please take good care of my dolls after my death, they did not ask to live here.
I will stalk the wasteland of Anglostan in order to recover the dolls unfortunate enough to wind up there.
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First shots with new camera. Looking forward to learning and growing as a photographer.
I can't wait for you to look back on this moment and see how far you've come this time next year, anon. Congratulations!
cute! looking forward to seeing more
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I was walking around scouting for an area to take pictures of my doll and then from a distance a guy with his phone out recording was talking shit to some other rando. I have my camera at my hand and he just so happens to look in my direction. He comes to me recording and all, talking that I was part of a conspiracy theory and that I was part of the "FBI " and saying "fuck you! you're a little bitch!" to me. I never thought I would encounter a full schizo in the wild. I feel pity for this man. Sad really.
A camera will make you love your doll even more.
Cute shot all the same!
She's very cute, is that a Parabox head?
What the fuck, at least nothing bad happened
Yes, with a basic machine face-up
>at least nothing bad happened
Wtf Anon. His cover's been blown! That's terrible!
>hoping they'd work for my BJD
It's strange that they don't and I'm sorry you had that experience. I've spoken in person with the owners of kitandkat and they've tested on SmD and DD, so I'd have thought they'd work on just about anything. I'll keep your experience in mind when I purchase from them. If you reach out to them on Instagram you might be able to work some sort of refund.
"resin is thicker than vinyl" -old family saying
this is a really really good photo
Does anyone know if MDD shoes fit on Dollbot feet?

If it's just the thickness of the resin then a bigger magnet on the inside of the head should work.
Didn't realize it was resin. I know very little about resin so this is good information.
Today marks one year of receiving my first doll. I will be posting some birthday celebration photos later tonight or tomorrow. In the meantime, I hope you can all help me celebrate Akari's first anniversary.
My MDD size shoes fit on my Dollbot. Hands too.
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shes hard at work
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She's doing a great job. Very cute.
If i take over the laundry can she do my dishes?
if an anon will come sweep and tidy here i will make you a fucking feast AND let you borrow my photo props for doll shoots
The true end game of meetups. We just show up and clean each other's spaces for doll goods and photos
You have a fucking deal
The real art project site is selling normal skin (vs soft skin) Angelphilia bodies for preorder. Ends August 25
Good catch anon.
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massive. How tall is she?
deal, I would vacuum and dust the shit out of your house
The angle exaggerates. IIRC, 105/110cm with flat/pointed feet.
All of our dolls are works of art, but she truly does captivate. それはすごいいdす!
That's still huge. Pretty outfit and photo setup too
Is that a Trinity doll?
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The way Gu Mi Jung's sculpts combine realism with animanga sensibilities is fascinating.
Her gown was designed by Ajumapama, as are many of the best trinity outfits.
I was pleased with the pose and angle, but couldn't make every element of the gown rest well, nor defocus the background and incorporate lighting as this anon's >>47367906 consistently high quality photos.
Yes, she is from Dollmore's Trinity line. I love how similar they feel to Kawahara's plant dolls.
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What's your favorite doll page? This is mine https://x.com/iretaro. They dress in the same/similar outfits for pictures
That's cute, but there's no way that woman isn't absolutely insufferable. I'll take crazy miku any day.
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cute photos, I imagine putting her face online makes her a bigger target for poorfag rage.

I don't have one favorite but here's a few (all mdds/dollfies):
@doll_shokichi- lots of interesting poses + very dynamic hair
@NoGood_NG- variety of fantasy outfits (and silicon parts)
@hachikoromura- does a lot of paintovers/editing. edits out joints which I dislike but can deal with. has a fat doll
@gonta0918- cute fox girls picrel. also edits out joints and some drawing. probably my favorite of the list
@_A1o8- huge variety of backgrounds + props
Substantiate your claim. Nothing in those posts came off as remotely off putting. Outside of recommending BL, that is.
Can you do a lot with a kit lens? I started taking more photos with my dslr camera for the past few months but my photos feel pretty mediocre at best.
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Absolutely yes, I used the kit lens on my first DSLR pretty much exclusively for years and years. What lens is attached to it? Depending on the focal length it can be more or less annoying to live with it. Would you post some of your photos anon? I'd love to see them! Tell me what you don't like about them (or what you feel you aren't capturing) and maybe I can offer some advice to help you get there.
Most kit lenses are pretty good unless you're sperging about raw image quality(sharpness, cromab, that shit). What you need is experience and knowledge, so it might be a good time to do a deep dive into portrait photography and the how and why of it. There are things your kit lens won't be good at, and that's just the nature of lenses; if you want a lot of bokeh you could pick up a 50mm f/1.8(they're usually very affordable), and you can never go wrong picking up some addition lighting sources. Another anon linked to these lights -
- which are fairly affordable.
>those posts
Nobody said anything about her posts, but sure, enjoy the BJD Pokimane. I'm not gonna stop you.
there are quite a few japanese women who take photos with their dolls. what are you crying about?
Those foxes are too cute.
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Sure I’d love to post some photos! I have a few currently on my drive for now and been itching to take more photos but due to bad weather, it’s been a bit of a struggle to take any with my other favorite doll. My lenses is a regular 18-55mm f 3.5/5.6 iii. What I feel like is my issue is lighting and/or focus from background. I’ve used manual mode for a while to taking photos but it feels like something is off about it including lighting.
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I’ve been thinking about taking photos in raw for the past while now to see if it may help since I’ve only done jpeg. Thanks for the link for lights anon.

Lighting helps a ton. Are you using a tripod? For raw editing the options are (paid) lightroom, capture one, and (free as in freedom) darktable. Larger apertures can be nice when you want them but bokeh isn't strictly needed and if you're going for best possible image quality you'd be around F/8 anyway. You can shoot jpg + raw, and that way you can reference the jpg if it came out as something you like as sort of your 'goal' to try to get your baseline adjustments to look like when learning raw editing. I found that helped teach me how to adjust things like contrast, local contrast, exposure, chroma/saturation to achieve a desired result instead of just playing around with sliders blindly guessing until they look slightly better/worse.

I couldn't tell if these last two pictures are different anons but the dolls are cute post them more お願いします
nta, thanks for the software. Im shooting jpeg+raw but didn't know how to really start processing the raws.
>What I feel like is my issue is lighting and/or focus from background
Like >>47377817 said, grab a nifty fifty. They're pretty cheap (especially used) and if you find that you don't like it you can pretty much resell it for what you paid for it
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Same anon for both photos, love taking them out for photos.
I own a tripod but it’s one of those cheap ones on Amazon, I have yet to use it but plan on using it more for my next photoshoot. Do you have any tips on using Lightroom? I’ve tried the free version of it that’s on mobile and have yet to try photoshop for anything like editing brightness on eyes or removing doll stands (only used gimp).
These aren’t so bad at all, going to order one of these this week to have my hand at these babies for better lighting. I’ve also recalled seeing a small light box that attaches to the camera. (not a speed lite, though thought of using one at some point.)
I use these for lighting. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08K7H42D7 I'm pretty happy with them. I also have two of the color versions but don't use those as much as the color temp adjustable white ones.
No help with lightroom since I'm a darktable schizo. But most editing software seems to have the same adjustment options. Most of what I saw on youtube followed the same generic process that this more or less captures
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As of today, I have owned this doll half my life.
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If you're using Manual and you have a good handle on how ISO/Aperture/Shutter Speed affect each other you've got a good head start. You might consider looking up resources on composition, since a lot of photography comes down to how you frame and setup your shot.
RAW is pretty great since you can go back and re-process a photo in a completely different way, but as >>47379955 points out, you need a dedicated program for it. It also takes a lot more space, so be ready for the photos to fill a hard drive fast if you take a lot of them.
She looks gorgeous even from afar with that light.
I love these comparisons. Plan on trying out either lightroom or darktable to try one of them out. My next photoshoot, I’ll mess with using RAW and set up too. How do set up yours besides lighting? By the way, how is your invisible stand for your doll? I’ve been having issues with mine.
>By the way, how is your invisible stand for your doll? I’ve been having issues with mine.
Generally I like it, but if I had to complain it's annoying how the hardware protrudes below the base, making it rock. I'm probably going to do something about this, and it might just be cutting the threads done so it's flush.
Is she between 9 and 15 years old? Her face sculpt looks too beautiful for the early 2000s.
How are you celebrating and what initially drew you to her?
Hey Dollbot anon, do you have any tips for putting her hair on? I feel uncommonly stupid in this moment. (For those unaware, Dollbot have vinyl hairpieces.)
What are you talking about with Dollbot? Do you mean Imomo?
I meant imomodoll yes, my bad -- don't post before you've had your morning tea, anons.
To the anons who were interested in the Bikinistyle Cara dolls, Azone picked up the brand for a 1/12 variant release on their curvy picconeemo bodies! https://www.instagram.com/p/C9yrDWsSwod/
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Was going to post this last night but the captcha refused. I'm super excited for these, I always wanted to do faceups on his faceplates but didn't want to drop 20,000 yen for a head + expressions and potentially fuck it up. These are 8,000 yen and look great
They're so adorable, I wish they were 1/6 size...
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What spirits have you upset anon?
He turned 15 in April. DoD Sha/Shall is a beautiful sculpt and DoD was popular back then for good reason.

I loved the look of DoD back when I started. I really wanted a limited one (due to being 14 when I decided) and he was the first limited DoD that was released after I had saved up enough money. An older me wouldn't have bought him out of limited hype and would have gone for non-limited Ducan, but this is the one I chose. Also my mom hated Ducan, but she hates Sha too ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I had that issue with this stand. Did it came with 2 nuts? (one being thinner) I may be able to help. My only issue with my stand is my doll not standing in the acrylic base correctly unless she’s away from the base itself.
Is there a forum or website where I could possibly find someone willing to do a trade? I have a new dollbot platinum skin body, the one piece torso, I have both a L and S bust part but I'm wishing I could trade it for a MDD semi-white body. Nothing against the dollbot I just prefer the thinner legs. I highly doubt dollbot would let me return it when there are no defects and if I sold it I don't think I'd get as much as I paid for it. Any suggestions?
DollDreaming's marketplace is probably what you're after, though it will take a little while to get access.
try facebook marketplace groups. there are also sales channels in the dolldreaming/bjd discord but they are activity gated so you’ll have to post regularly and be a member for a while to gain access. and there are a lot of scammers on the fb market place too so be careful

also most doll items do not retain value, I’ve seen plenty of heads from popular makers resell secondhand 2/3-1/2 the bid price just weeks/months later
Thank you both, I'll check those websites out. Alternatively, does anyone know if it's possible to switch the dollbot legs and feet with MDD parts? If so that would solve all all the issues I have with it anyway.
I think it did, but I don't recall. It's packed away atm as I am moving next week, so it'll have to wait. I'm guessing you put the larger nut on top as a spacer, and the smaller on the bottom? I can always add washers if it doesn't have the second nut, I should have thought of that.
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This is really cute but my anxiety of her being bumped over would be too great to do this myself.
i imagine there was a hand out-of-frame set up like a cobra to save the doll from bunny-collision
I thought I was on Ylilauta for a moment.
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My big AC order came today
Does anyone remember what the doll hotline number is to set up a private screaming session for when your doll is too cute to handle?
aww, the hair bow is a nice touch!! love the hakama on her
does anybody know what shade of imomodoll matches volks semi white the closest? All the swatches I see online look closer to flesh but I'm not sure
What sculpt? Love the photo.
3X Spicy Buldak?
I love traditional outfits, especially taisho roman ones
Who knew dressing up my dolls would be so much fun. I can’t help but want to spoil them with more clothes in the future.
Afraid I don't know, it came out my image collection.
Say goodbye to your money
Volks sapphire
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>see real w*men are lust figures and ignore them
>can only find peace with bjd because they are cute and beautiful
Nice, man. Shit is cinematic

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