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Guide: https://djtguide.neocities.org/
Guide: https://djtguide.github.io/
Guide: https://gohoneko.neocities.org/

Previous thread: >>47325650
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how would you translate it
and please explain for me
we need a survey to gauge the average japanese level of /djt/
What do?
Let me put it like this.
Any time I ask about reading vinnies, only bunko and one other guy ever respond with things they've recently read.
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トップギア超えてもマジでtoo slow
お前がな/dont need to sign ur posts
its really like looking at my posts when i was his age
just swap the hagmaxxing with being a normie
lil jamal wannabe is mad
love to see it
true true
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dame bros
certified hood classic
jrpgs are what i call the big gay or hugely homosexual
damn the world sucks and i hate fun look at how cool i am bros
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so many cool games to play
>damn the world sucks
the world of jrpgs sure does suck
You inspired me and I bought ゼノギアス yesterday. Really looking forward to it.
kinogears is goated
>be me
>download silent hill 2
>start playing
>turns out it was a jp iso/language defaulted to japanese for whatever reason
>shrug off and keep playing
feels good not being a dekinai
based never played it though
same thing happened to me when I got Dragon Quest 11 on the steam sale, it defaulted to Japanese so that's how I've been playing it. It's been a lot of fun actually

I've heard the JP version of Stardew Valley is a good game to absorb because it's repetitive and there's a lot of practical everyday vocabulary. But it's a translation so I'd be worried about accuracy and quality.
oof how will he recover
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hell yeah bros i love the ps1
thats not xenogears thats xenosaga
xenosaga fucking sucks
i played xenogears but it was really slow and the combat was boring
1 and 2 are great 3 is also good especially if u account for square enix being obnoxious to monolith during production
why are the girls upsidedown?
>But it's a translation so I'd be worried about accuracy and quality
might as well take the harvestmoonpill
dnno xenosaga is kinda slop bros
played the whole series too
thought 1 was a bit boring, 2 was legitimately the worst jrpg ive ever played, and 3 was actually fun
also squeenix had nothing to do with xenosaga, that was all bamco and they realized pretty quickly that the series was a commercial failure so i dont blame them
thought square rushed them to complete 3 damn
alls well that ends well bc after they became monolith the xenoblades are all great
there isnt even any real connection between xenogears (good) xenosaga (slop) and xenoblade chronic (complete zoomer garbage kys if u played this)

its a worse series than even star ocean post 3
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crazy how bad ur taste is lmao
bro ur like 5 years old ofc ur gonna play and love the latest trash thats what u were born to do
xenogears is squeenix
they cut funding and threw all their money at ff7 which is why disc 2 is a visual novel
xenosaga is bamco
the first game sold poorly so bamco rushed the rest of the series out
ill prove it too

tell me why xenoblade anything is good cant wait to sit back and lol as u scratch u head and go "uhhh cuz its well reviewed and rated and uhhh"
ALSO AKCHUSHHALLLLY *pushes up glasses* xenogears was SqUaRe~~~SOFT~~~~~~` get that fucken penix shit outa here
yeah and xenosaga 1 was actually namco not bamco but idgaf
chrono trigger was the beginning of shitty design choices ultimately leading the modern stuff
i wish i could enjoy it but the combat is just so boring and there are encounters everywhere
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for me its the DS
chrono nigger was just a generic rpgmaker game where every1 looked like dragonballz and red haired goku hangs out with a robot and a frog and a bulma carbon copy tech nerd character i never saw the appeal and i came to that conclusion way back in like 1999 playing it on an emulator
cute girls epic mechas good story fun combat
music good tho
wow how did nintendos ethics and compliance dept let that one through thats wild i thought nintendo was supposed to be anti filth!!!
most anticipated nintendogs sequel of all time
imagine cute girls in afuckin video game being the first thing u start off with holy SHIt ur generation is doomed

name one reason the story is good u cant ur just saying bullshit u dont really mean fuck off with that canned reddit response bullshjit u Have NO Soul begone ZOomer theres no hope for u

it got deh funkeh bASS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDG39ug8Bpo
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do u see the extremes i have to go to just to suppress my iq to average lmao
no but i see your 99 iq
what u see is a powered off monitor
turn off your projector
u dont know the status of my projector because ur monitor is still off
caring about "cute girls" in your media is very cringe, that much is true.
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first game i remember liking was crash bandicoot 3
got all plats
also had that mosquito simulator for ps2 but it was hard as a kid
the first crash game i played was 2 and that game is good also i loved that lil bandicoot

naturally though i spent extensive time playing more intelligent games like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjK-jao7cwI
i know its on cause youre reading your monitors status from it
also if u mean that mr mosquito game that shit was made by perverted japs so u could fly up girls butts i think that game in particular was one that made me start to realize something wasnt quite right with japan

and then i found out the truth
i just had the bargain bin used collection of ps1 games
probably what got me into old women
yea i didnt see it as fucked up as the time because innocence
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you realized your monitor was off?
how do I get over the fact that my Japanese will be shit when I start outputting? I'm such a perfectionist. I constantly go over things before I say or write them. I can't bear to sound like an idiot.
actually I figured it out. I will just have pretend conversations and correct them until I'm good. I will never speak until I sound fluent.
you have to deal with it there is no way to get good without sicking for a long time
embarrassing yourself forms strong memories
you embarrass yourself every time you post
scathing critique from mr anonymouse
I think I will just strive to understand Japanese perfectly and never speak a single word
go to reddit if you want a name
wotd 形骸化
japanese is /djt/ succeed
I can't but keep imagining djt getting all together to read vinnies
djt gathers all together to laugh at namefags when they stream
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>you djt neets could probably do this but you're just too lazy
something wrong with ankiweb atm?
it's the universe telling you to set yourself free
just like dark souls
opening in incognito worked for me
yeah syncing is fucked. MUH STREAK
my worms are anki
what does this mean?
i rub cock

they can smell your fear


I saw 力をこもる translation "as putting one to strength into", then I saw the Japanese definition as 中に入ったまま外に出ないでいる。I don't know if it's me, but the translation and the definition don't seem to line up unless I'm really reaching. Am I just retarded?
力を こめる

力が こめられる

This is coming straight out of a novel. What are the actual chances that this is an error?
wrong reply
i don't know
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yeah you're just retarded
even vn controls are too hard for her. cute
shut up
wish fuwamoco played vns...
Any youtube channel recs that is NOT vtuber shit and NOT foreigner-oriented bullshit to get good quality japanese native input for hours on end?

I swear to god I can't find anything even remotely engaging.
>install freetube
>set trending locale to japan
no, either acquire taste for vtubers (brainwash yourself) or give up on youtube
literally 250k videos
japanese youtube is shit
skill issue btw
crazy to think mines almost that big
I did that. I only got a shitload of coomer-bait girls with annoying voices and shitty comedy niggerslop.

How do I find something worthwhile in that pile of 250k videos?
i like this guy
mine is way smaller and it bums me out
It searches the subtitles. It goes without saying that if you search stuff you're interested in there's a good chance you'll find it
imagine having to carry a spare shirt, towel or backpack everywhere you go so you can hide your tent thats gonna be super obvious and your shaft constantly acting as a level to squish your balls. Not that great bro
watching a really cringe anime atm
i tried tatsumotos way and did his deck and after finishing it i couldnt read anything becauese it didnt have any of the most common vocab words so I had to restart with a different deck
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i just walk around with my schlong out
vtuber adjacent
does eroge reviews and eroge travel videos
is it true bloodborne is the best souls game?
sasuga jachimp
just want to remind everyone that exactly zero people have made it watching vtumors
and it's not even because vtumors are terrible immersion material: it's because of the type of person who can stand to watch a grown woman pretend to be an anime girl for hours on end are mentally and emotionally stunted
lil c got btfo by vtubers tho
i think quiz temporarily watched vtubers. and he definitely made it
master of mutts
i just want to remind everyone to stfu
just realized I should have said this instead
shouldnt have said anything
crazy how that guy shot his own foot off like htat
i cannot acknowledge your presence, dude. i'll get banned again. they tryna erase any evidence of you ever existing from history feel me
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i wonder can our boy jamel ぶっつけに read these 6 consecutive ching chongs 超音波探傷器
crazy how I still have to pause to read 開閉 for some reason despite having seen it enough of times
yah when gohan went epic in japanese i felt that shit
cartoon network kids really got robbed of a top 10 anime moment in history
because the look similar? or do you recognize the word but simply struggle to remember the reading?
still not sure why jobhan ever gave a a shit about the android though
at least they removed the retarded internal monologue in kai but unfortunately the track is shit.
the latter
kono teh deh wooooooooooaaaaaaawwwoaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh kanarazoooooo *hard cuts to this webm* >>47335649
hm, just a matter of rembering on-yomi properly then. they each only have one on-reading. if you know that there's really no need to study readings at the individual word level anymore unless it an exception. 開け閉て also exists btw
Thanks, doesn't seem that bad.

man said no
reader problems
you can keep that shit
852 fucken end ur life shitbag plz
vtubers are literally free gains, swallow your pride and find one that appeals to you
free gains yet none of u know japanese after rotting ur brains to them for years

so where was the gains? lol
861 >>47335590
What are other ways to say "pussy" in nippongonese than マンコ, it just sounds so ugly
no native could misread that so I assume she did the engi thing
watching vtubers is like watching mlp or something. keep that stuff to urself thanks
I like omeko
>it just sounds so ugly
cant empathize at all. maybe chinese would be more up your valley
my english learning journey began with mlp so thats just proving my point
not true i've always stayed as far away as i could from mlp. but i understand the vitriol if you really see them as equivalent
makes a lot of sense that the vtuber watcher is an esl
yep, time for some 'mersin
shes likely korean
the jp dub of mlp is inferior to the en dub so dont watch that
in one of the works of japanese literature I have read the characters just used ちんちん for pussy because they were too young to know any other terms
uma manko...
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>feminine penis was actually pussy all along
膣 ちつ
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What did you play recently for your japanese immersion?
I just finished this game, it has furigana and the story is kino.

normies won't know these
stfu retard they know 1万x the japanese you do
Average DJT poster
it really is over for japan isnt it
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Retarded kankokujin
slapped out of existence senpai
They told the fat kid to stay in the kouisitu
in london tonight to see live action spirited away. hope it's good.
try not to get beat up for being annoying
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forgot my pic although there's no stage props yet.
looks gay
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外より見れば 「そと」
より外~ない 「ほか」
love this language
not in frame: my little pony horse dildo collection
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My game has cute girls too
hopefully the cast is diverse, inclusive, and equitable
that's what happens when you write your language with foreign hieroglyphics
>clipper has double the views than the actual stream

hololive has fvllen
it's a fully japanese cast. i wouldn't have bothered if it wasn't in japanese.
hmm whose in the audience then? are there that many japanese people who would go to see spirited away live?
*in london
it's supposed to have surtitles. and it's mostly weebs and asians, presumably some of the london japanese community.
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live action subtitles huh. that's crazy
maybe it's normal and i'm out of the loop
it's how it's historically been done for opera etc.
jannies are deleting all kinds of posts. wtf do we do bros?
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jannies iffy UHH
cuz they got the stiffy UHH
yosh! pausing my immersion for this
marine is probably the best vtuber of all time
true but I only know some latin from learning EO
suck my cock dude
ウィルス (uirusu) - from Latin "virus"
シナ (shina) - from Latin "cina" (China)
ペニス (penisu) - from Latin "penis"
ホモサピエンス (homo sapiensu) - from Latin "homo sapiens"
アルファベット (arufabetto) - from Latin "alphabētum" via English "alphabet"
janny ur turning this place into a wasteland with all ur bans
so, uhm, who's the attention-seeking tripfag today? jannies mad
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Im laughing just imagining anon sitting there, waiting 60 seconds to make another post
love one punch man
dame anon’s getting instagibbed
>the only posters left is vtuberfag and a ban-evading porn poster
yeah im thinking djt is standing on its last legs, if only we had the old guard here to save us
*steps up to the plate*
yorikara? from from? wtf kinda grammar is this?
We’ve been over this already. It’s an incorrect transcription.
have you been stuck on this sentence for a week?

you're overthinking it. より just means from as in "sent from" and it's probably just combined w/ からでも to either emphasise the distance or because it just sounds better than either one by themselves
yori and kara are separate grammar. it says something like "the closest [star] alpha centari is at least 4 years away [of light speed travel]
wow that was difficult
i just feel it out
You’re all stupid. It’s obviously アルファケンタウリから.
アルファケンタよりから makes no sense.
you know it’s gonna be a bad post when someone starts their translation with
>it says something like
Stop advertising, not-Dogen
i havent seen that word in a decade dam
>i would rather listen to an american than to a native.
japanese bitch accent
I’d rather listen to neither tbquiteh. Pitch accent’s the biggest scam in teacher, and there’s a reason you never seen it mentioned in textbooks.
to be fair pitch accent wasnt really known until matt discovered it a few years back
yea that's how i found out about it. i recommend mattvsjapan's youtube channel if you guys are looking for japanese learning tips in general. he provides a lot of useful information from specific workflows to optimal mindsets.
who cares about a recommendation from someone who didnt learn and doesnt speak japanese? though it makes sense why u recommend the scammer lol
a regular of this thread reluctantly admitted that mattvsjapan speaks great japanese because he'd been learning since a young age.
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been slacking hard for the past month on immersion but this streak feels pretty good
i didnt say that u shut ur mouth

i said itd be sad if he didnt at this point considering how much of his life is literally japanese so he better be pretty darn good
have you guys heard about spaced repetition? it's apparently this cool system for learning japanese. there's even an app for it called ahnki or something idk. this guy managed to reach level n3 with it

im sure matt has terrible pitch when hes not allowed infinite rehearsals and takes
he clearly practices everything he says on camera
i agree
let's drop the subject because you guys just interpret everything he does in bad faith
nice thanks
maybe remember this next time you have his name all over your tongue
spirited away was really good. great set and prop design and they really managed to sell the parts you'd think would be hard to adapt from anime.
more like spirited agay
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mined 90 words today. it was excessive. probably won't do it again
why are you always here
im only here when u are just to troll u
yeah ok creep. whatever you say
you eat old lady ass so stfu
>search for ま◯こ on filmot
>searches for まこ and まご instead
shits broken
more like whatever u gay
thanks for the (you)
aye caramba
also dont sign ur post @317
wtf why does everything have to be made again but different
its downright sad
you eat cummed in matt ass
at least i like women
340 relax i didnt know it was u when i said 292
he's not gay like his dads and plus he's more attractive than the women you're with
pretty sure matt farting out kens nutt is in fact at least as gay as what his dads were doing on the other side of the manga wall
hes not wrong
love u bbg
atwiki is some good immersion
yah reading about esoteric convoluted game mechanics is the real ninja shit ftw https://wiki.ffo.jp/html/441.html
jap girl i did tandem with today kept saying ぞ occasionally
like 高いぞ
she obviously did it jokingly but i thought it was cute
>wtf why does everything have to be made again but different
why not? it's just a bit of entertainment.
i'd end everything with sa like a cocky overpowered shounen character
i cant believe final fantasy 7 stole its big turning point from phantasy star 4 which was obviously the first thing ever to do what it did
crazy a jamal post i agree with
both of them were preceded by some cool fantasy story from the 80s you never read
did you ask her what her favorite jojo pose is
nah jojo is for fags
connor from trash taste loves jojo
and he's the only trash taste member without a gf or wife
shame joeys wife is an onlyfans whore she has decent potential
im ngmi and im perfectly content with that. unironically enjoy posting on djt more than acquiring anything
she'd need to lose a few dozen pounds first
he could have way hotter chicks
oh wait it's 米 of course he'd like a fattie
her tits are big so it's ok
love descending from my golden tower and walking through the streets of djt
he's native japanese too so he could easily get it on with a nip cutie yet he picked a fat philippino whore crazy world we live in
and don't tell me he likes her for her character she literally undresses on the internet
he likes her for her character
he probably has some sort of mommy issues like me ngl
and maybe he has some legit cuck stuff too because he puts up with the internet stuff
*slaps you with a giant trout*
ummm native japanese ppl dont have sex or have relationships what r u talking about

lol what if hes some weirdo who watches her camwhore shows and even chats under an alias from the other room whilst pounding it
>she literally undresses on the internet
a lot of guys don't give a shit about that or even think it's hot. he likes her because she's a perverted anime enthusiast and also relates to him as an "influencer".
she doesn't do nudes though
its 2024 grandpa ur trout macro is no good here
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he's literally me
back left ?
90% of anime from the past 10 years might as well have been ai generated
just like ur posts
>lot of guys don't give a shit about that or even think it's hot
you need to take a break from the internet pal
the degenerate podcasters and "content creators" who promote stuff like this are thankfully not representative of the general population
true both would be soulless in that case

also 539 be that as it may when he posts classic playstation game stuff those posts def got the soul (sovl)
most anime made in the past 10 years is better than most anime made in the 20 years before that
552 yeah that except not
if some dumb bitch ever says anime sucks nowadays just show them frieren and watch them break down into tears when they realize how wrong they were
most guys wouldn't be ok with it but a lot would and joey is one of them.
yea ciaran agrees frieren is a 9/10
id probably watch it and not hate it if the internet went down and it was all i had on my pc
jap girl i talked to the other day didn't like frieren she said it's boring
she really loves kny tho and says the new season is amazing
ive never liked anime
not even a little bit
dont like anything cartoony
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>he's literally me
if u showed me frieren i woudl basically dunk ur head in the toiler amigo
my late 40s jap wife likes kny but has only heard of frieren in passing
kny, one piece and jjk are the animes all jap women like rn
ive seen kny stickers on the back of girls cars and trucks its a real problem these days
japanese is pointless if you don't like anime. might as well learn korean or chinese.
i wanna watch best motoring, video option, etc
matt says anime is okay when youre younger but you really should move on from it when you become an adult
it would be cool if korean anime overtakes japanese in popularity and all the modern weebs leave our community
korean is too ugly sounding for that to ever happen
but he also says if you're clearing out your room while moving that you can play k-on in the background and enjoy it for nostalgic reasons
vinnies are cooler have less restrictions and can be niche because budget constraints dont exist
let's drop the subject before the mods return
hate coming back from london at night cause the trains stop at every shitty small station. not gonna get home until after 1am now.
thats what you get for getting me banned from ab
kanji reps done
only another 150 so days now
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feel free to laugh
i'm not laughing but yes, mostly very bad form, yet still legible
thats my goal
do you mine things like 灯台下暗し or should be obvious
you should add as many cards as possible to your anki deck to increase your power level
go abroad to hear of home?
dont care about learning to read or write
i emmerse in audio and video only
reading is for nerds
sadly japanese basically requires you do be able to read to follow anything but the most simple conversations
yea matt probably recommends this
yes, but not as a seperate card
why? ive just been looking up everything in romaji. i am NOT learning to read
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i remember when i used to fill up paper like that when doing my rtk reps. then i started using a proper pen in 2019. found some pics from the archives from then.
based take if you just want to watch anime
accidentally deleted the 5 from my quote.
you idiot!!!!
yeah that looks way better
i can appreciate the autism but i cant find it in me
i used to use pen and paper with rtk but i started tracing the kanji out with my finger on the desk. worked just as well. that is to say rtk works like jack shit.
its dumb to learn how to write the kanji before you can even understand basic japanese
unless you want to
>its dumb to learn how to write the kanji
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a long long time ago, i initially used a magic board in order to not waste so much paper until i got the hang of things. served me well.
you got me fucked up if you think im gonna sit down at a desk with a pen and paper wearing some glasses n shit trying to learn moonrunes
yall are a bunch of nerds
ftk forgetting the kanji
990 *nods sagely*
I know what’s being said here but I’m confused what is that Sa doing there? 最初に感じたのは眩しさだった。
same thing it does here and everywhere else

nothings dumb if you want to do it
some people like kanken guy love kanji so much they learned it before being able to pass the n1
you are now ready to sub vtuber content
run along now
oh no ppl love wanting to do dumb shit and subsequently doing that dumb shit

trust me i know i love doing dumb shit *posts*
I am honestly offended you’d suggest I’d ever watch vtubers
難しい difficult
難しさ difficulty

重い heavy
重さ heaviness / weight

美しい beautiful
美しさ beauty
someones gonna make the reference i can feel it
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Any dict to yomichan that shows the dialect for things like 来とって
Do you not know how to use a dictionary or are you just dumb?
even just glancing at the catalogs of b r9k and gif has a terrible effect on mental health
Thank you I either forgot this or somehow never encountered it
Feel retarded since it’s such a basic concept too lol
not so basic once you throw the み suffix in the mix. oh, which to pick
fucking SEX

I know it's not so necessary in today's society but thinking about this recently has me thinking whether I actually want to learn this language. I've been sitting at about 600 cards of the core2k for like a year now because I always get sleepy when I try to do anki. Sure I love japanese music and anime and vtubers and shit but I'll never be able to write shit (given my clearly low motivation) and it'll probably be a decade before I can actually watch shit without subtitles. And I'm certainly never going to be able to live in japan, perhaps never even go visit.

Whereas I could learn some alphabet language and be able to write it easily and live in the damn country within those same ten years. Or study something actually useful instead of a language, idk.
still have still same problem with 的 attached to nouns
I go to Japan in November for my sister's wedding does anyone know in traditional Japanese wedding is the little brother supposed to make speech in Japanese?
ps1 version is awful.
"だめ" indeed.
>i never made it to disc 2
Yeah i can tell.
You're just getting older, this is arguably the golden generation of anime
yeah the loading and music seems pretty bad on 5 and 6
did you know the stand alone versions of 4 5 and 6 for ps1 were only sold in コンビニs in japan?
uh read that post again homie
sorry I'm under a lot of stress these days
*relaxes grip* sorry man i just can't help but choke out dweebs
choke me daddy
90s anime is objectively superior to modern anime at least in terms of aesthetic value
aesthetics aren't as important as the writing
show me anything from the last 20 years as well-written as Patlabor 2 and I'll go get the broccoli haircut and start saying "skibidi rizz" like the rest of you
have you watched konosuba?
says user not found
find deez
fix font
That looks so good what pen are you using?
I've gotten past 10k so I just mine almost every word I see now
huge truth bomb incoming that may make you all feel uneasy...

japs do not use the question mark symbol the same way we do. it does not mark questions
I humbly disagree.
how do i start mining
ive been doing wanikani and just got to level 17 but i feel like i can just do it on my own now
Install Yomitan, Anki, get the Anki Connect plugin, and go nuts
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man i dont care about all this fucking kanji shit i just want to know what the questionably aged girls in my japanese pornos are saying
i care about the kanjis and porn is for lonely gay faggots
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based af
yh dunno
I’m quitting this place. You guys all suck and so does this godforsaken language.
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what does this mean, what kind of mazoku is this

>lonely gay faggots
how do you know so much about me we haven't met
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See you tomorrow!
ah! of course!




>you don't understand: there's just no posts!!
>no posts?!
>no posts!
no one does this tho
we already discussed this recently >>46842132


Ten tips for practicing Easy Japanese in the medical field have been introduced:[11]

Organize your thoughts before speaking.
Keep sentences short and use clear word endings to separate sentences (end sentences with desu or masu).
Avoid honorific forms (sonkeigo) and humble forms (kenjōgo). Use polite forms (teineigo) instead.
Do not prefix words with "o" (to the extent possible).
Use native Japanese words rather than Sino-Japanese words (words of Chinese origin).
Avoid excessive use of foreign loanwords.
Rephrase expressions to increase the chance of their comprehension.
Use gestures and actual objects.
Do not use onomatopoeia.
Do not use Easy Japanese when speaking with a person with a high fluency in Japanese because it can be seen as rude.
ive seen some people complaining about this saying it's actually harder to understand for foreign noobs because they don't use kanji etc
>targeting foreign residents on "Japanese for daily life", 62.6% of the respondents chose Japanese as the language they have no trouble with in their daily life, while 44.0% chose English
how do I ask a japanese hair stylist if they can cut white person hair without sounding like a fucking idiot
fuckin walk in and flop ur dick out so they know u mean business (in japan and in life in general a good first impression means everything) and then say haircut o`negaishimasssss and then point to the picture of the kind of haircut u want that u brought with u and say konna kanji dessss

and before u know u will have done some basic ass shit that any retard tourist who wasnt socially impaired couldve done
haha! you're so right, bestie
talking to yourself for hours is based
Anyone read any vinnies lately???
everytime ive gotten my hair cut somewhere new in japan they ask if i colored my hair
Japanese output is bullshit, just speak in katakana and 99% of the time they'll understand you. ヘアカット、プリーズ!サンキュ!
feel like that level of communication is just too cringe u gotta at least use a little japanese to show them u have some ounce of basic human respect for their bugpeople and this is especially important since ur trusting someone to give u a haircut
u stoofoo
loser mad
go to bread the suns out
if instead of spending 44 billion acquiring shitter that money were poured into research we'd have light sail probes traveling to alpha centauri at 20% light speed right now
some idiot would build a light sail and then fly it into a bunch of space rocks and shred it to pieces

theres no hope of humanity leaving this planet and frankly thats a good thing
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what we need is this
space surfing is def infinitely cooler
why do these nerds think this a place for them
the place for you is 6 feet under
as a star trek fan or "trekkie" i dont mind sci fi nerds so much
good show
i mean 251 of course
the place for me is between some saggy bba floppers
six feet under is also a good band love that 1 they did with ice t

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dont care about the seething of low iq faggots who spam ugly hags for attention and cant write baby kanji
um why is the homo flag in there

even science couldnt be protected
danger link do not click
korean japanese reading time https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kpy_GsT0H7w
we should fix the earth problems before we go to space
unfortunately even though the last hour or so of posts were complete dog doo doo now that the vshitter is here we can all come together and take solace in the fact that we are at least better human beings than him
The audio for this clip is currently not available. It will be recorded and uploaded shortly. Thank you for your patience.
can be done in parallel
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we should leave for space before we end up on this graph
what media player, srs, and plugins do i need to make cards for sentences and vocab with the audio from anime?
u need the kys player and plugin pack from https://kysplugins.com/ it has everything u need

yeah, that'll do it. thanks
i just keep a txt file with words i didnt know that i feel like remembering
usually i end up deleting it tho
heres one i got on there rn 出羽守
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got that
die Jews
toranni ge-mu
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imagine not playing a great game bc some midwit spouted some bullshit your way that one time. you're the epitome of sheeple. celeste is an excellent game
as for me it's victoria 3
you see that a lot on twitter as a joke
it's what they call japanese who go to america and start talking shit cause they always say アメリカでは…

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