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What have you done lately, /jp/? Any goals you're currently working towards?
I see videos of people playing and i notice that they move way less schizophrenically than i do. It feels like my keystrokes are somehow longer?
The Touhou98 Experience v2.00: https://nyaa.si/view/1743332
Touhou Project All-In-One Pack: https://nyaa.si/view/1743411
Thprac: https://github.com/touhouworldcup/thprac
Touhou 1cc Tracker: https://doopu.github.io/1ccTracker/
Maribel Hearn's hub for Touhou tools and information: https://maribelhearn.com/
Lunarcast replay archive: http://replay.lunarcast.net/
Silent Selene replay archive: https://www.silentselene.net/
Pndsng leaderboard: https://thscore.pndsng.com/index.php
What's your favourite spellcard name? I like Ultimate Buddhist. I like how it sounds really dumb yet describes the spell perfectly.
What you said reminded me of Complete Clarification and I really like that one. It has a nice ring to it and sounds calming somehow.
I also think Scarlet Gensokyo is an extremely badass name for a final spell that also gets bonus points for tying into the story of the game.
Hell's Tokamak
The juxtaposition of science and fantasy is always cool, but most of all I like how absurd it is when you think about it, why the hell would Okuu know anything abut the Outside World's fusion technology, it's not like eating the Yatagarasu comes with free terminology course. Or did she learn the term from Kanako?
Since the last 2hu gameplay thread I've gotten my second Normal 1CC, which was with HSiFS. I'm in some anomalous minority which actually loves the gameplay of it, but the last levels and the battle with Mai and Satono were a real pain in the ass to learn.

I've also 1CC'd MoF and DDC on Easy.

I'm currently trying to 1CC TD on Normal, but it's been slow going. The actual moment to moment difficulty of it seems very manageable, but since the game is so stingy with extra lives every mistake really hurts.

So in total, during the about six months that I have been playing these games I have Normal 1CCs from PCB and HSiFS and Easy 1CCs from EoSD, IN, MoF, DDC, WBaWC and UM. I think that's OK and I have very much developed as a player during this time.
Since the last gameplay I've gotten my EoSD Lunatic 1cc with Marisa B, rounding out all four shot types. Also, I beat Flan with both Reimu B and Marisa B.

How does PCB Lunatic compare? I've done a bit of experimenting and so far Lunatic Letty, Chen, and Alice seem harder than Lunatic Rumia, Cirno, and Meiling.
PCB is easier in terms of resources but when it comes to the patterns the difficulty really goes through the roof
I just started out the other day with Imperishable Night, the first real roadblock is Marisa
not sure what i think about not just my, but also bullet hitbox being smaller than it looks
I think you just have to get used to the bullets. I used to suck at Marisa because the rotating star-shaped bullets confused me.
UFO is bs
I completed SA with every shot type but I just hate UFO bs. I'm sure I'll 1cc it someday when I do a few more practice sessions but fuck so many spellcards are garbage
I just started play scarlet devil as my first game.
I'm going for a normal 1cc. So far I've gotten up to the 3rd stage boss.
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I've just finished Ten Desires on hard. Now I want to move on to DDC but I have a problem: the game crashes automatically when I try to run it full screen (my toaster has a screen size of 1366x768.) Is there a way to fix this?
Tackling SA for the first time. It doesn't seem difficult until stage 5, I don't understand its reputation. I've 1cc'd most other mainline games on normal, the easier extra stages, struggled through most of StB, and 1cc'd TD on lunatic with all shot types, but that's over the course of over a decade with long breaks.
Do people not like SA because of the difficulty spike in stage 5, or is there some other reason?
Try running it in windowed and then enlarging it to fullscreen
Personally I always felt that SA's normal felt harder than most other games in the series because of two factors, imagined or not:
- it always seems that a lot of bullets are flying faster than they should on normal difficulty, this game has absolutely no desire to chill
- quite a lot of spellcards require prior knowledge to effectively capture or even survive through without bomb spamming, especially Parsee's and Satori's, their behaviour can simply take you by surprise and it took me a few retries to come up with effective strategies
The resource management system is not too bad, but I don't like the fact that the game punishes you with worse damage after using a bomb, quite rude, but not limited to th11
I've 1CC'd all the games from HRtP to PoFV but I've been stuck on StB for months due to completionist autism. Before that I also tried to get all the spellcard comments in IN but thankfully I stopped short of doing all the last words. Now I kind of understand what ZUN meant when he said adding unlockable omake compromises gameplay.
>only playing Normal
>completionist autism
Always strive to have at least as much skill as you have autism, anon.
For me Marisa is more difficult than the next stages.
But when I do Stage 4 A, the part where Reimu goes from side to fucking side makes me fucking mad
In most of the other games you don't get anything special for 1cc'ing other difficulties or capturing spellcards, it's just a self-satisfaction thing. I think in 3 or 4 you get a different drawing at the end depending on the difficulty, that's about it.
Been grinding my reading and dodging skill for the past month, stuff like PDH, MCT, GT, etc. I've improved massively particularly on Hijiri's first spell, I'm closing in on 60% caprate on that spell, compared to an abysmal 5~10% when I started out.
Nirvana's Cloudy Way in Purple
Planning to do LNBNV in the future?
Maybe in the far future? For now, the best I can pull off is a mid-low miss TD LNBNT.
wtf are you literally me?! I actually went to 1cc every shot type and extra up to PoFV and got stuck in the last 3 stages of StB, MoF deciding to crash weirdly didn't help. But I would move on with main games and play a bit of StB at the same time, but focus more on maingames, you have up to 19 for now to git gud at danmaku and beat the photo games.
>move way less schizophrenically than i do. It feels like my keystrokes are somehow longer?
As in you movement is stuttering or like if your keys got stuck? I would try a different keyboard. Although the less schizofrenically sounds more like your constantly moving.
>Been grinding my reading and dodging skill for the past month, stuff like PDH, MCT, GT, etc
Do you time out on them or just capture them over and over again? Maybe I'm going to time out a spell/pattern whenever I feel stuck
It depends on the spell card. I like to capture GT but timelocking PDH is really fun + it trains you to focus for an extended period of time.
200 yojana in a flash just sounds ridiculous and i like it
Majority of shot types suck.
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recently did my first extra stage 1cc. It was for EOSD. Hard but it took me less time than I thought it would.

I also beat that same game on hard for the first time. What is other hard mode that is relatively easy to beat?
Just beat 19, I feel that ZUN has lost his touch, Dimensional Dream and Flower View were way better.
Try EoSD hard again but without the extra starting lives while the memory is still fresh.
so which retard touhoomer at TWC decided it was a good idea to include survival into pofv? there's nothing fun to see them playing like a pussy instead of scoring which is the best thing this game has to offer outside of PVP
Playing a competitive multiplayer game's single player mode competitively is so weird. They really should've just arranged a PoFV invitational instead.
One of the worst things about TH19 is that Zun made a significantly better game over 25 years earlier. As jank as TH3 is, there's still more to it than TH19.
I did the same and also got stuck for a while on StB, but moved on after unlocking Extra and giving its stages a few tries.
yeah, I already did that but with ReimuA instead of B. It was a bit more comfortable for me even though she has significantly less damage.
>old good new bad hurr durrrr
Who are you quoting?
>Who are you quoting hurr durrrr
The newer games are worse because ZUN is aware that his playerbase is shrinking every year so it doesn't matter how good the games are.
I don't think the player base is dying. Is it?
It is. It always has been. Even when Touhou first broke into the West years ago,most people didn't bother with the games because of their reputation of being frustrating and impossible. Many years later, the majority of fans are more interested in Fumos and shipping and memes then the games. How many times have you heard "You don't have to play the games to be a fan"? Even ZUN has accepted this and says you don't need to play the games.
You have the rest of the board to bitch about this. Talk about the games in the gameplay thread or fuck off.
You don't need to play the games to be a secondary. But imagine someone who hasn't read a single Shakespeare play saying he's a Shakespeare fan because he watched a bunch of loose film adaptations on TV.
This is the gayest gate keeping ever. Like those people who say they aren't true fans if they haven't read the books even though the movie/tv show was better at capturing the audience.
If you don't like "gate-keeping" then get out of /jp/, pretty simple.
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Update: I beat her!
By the way, what is the "slow" stat?
honestly the so-called gatekeepers would look a lot better if they had anything better than a couple of 1ccs (lunatic at best + a few ""challenge"" clears like Extra NMNB or LNB)
every time I come across some cringy Twitter thread (mostly from the Japanese side), it's ALWAYS some low level scrub. I'm not implying the secondaries are any better since they're pretty obnoxious about being nonplayers, but I get quite a lot of second-hand embarrassment from both sides
When your FPS drops below 60 FPS, if your slowdown rate is really high, the game won't allow you to save the replay. So as long as it's under 1, don't worry too much since it's probably a minor problem, like when you are fast-forwarding dialogue, which can decrease the FPS somehow
I see
I have more respect of people who at least try to play the oficial games and beat it no matter how many continues they have used.
congrats anon!
ZUN making his games a little easier would solve so many problems but nobody is ready for that.
Difficulty won't change a thing, we already have easy mode if you feel that games are too difficult. shmups are a niche genre.
You are implying the game isn't becoming more braindead, even now that you don't have to 1cc the game anymore to complete the story, yet people still aren't playing it
I'm still not sure how the slowdown rate exactly works, whether it's just the amount of frames that go below 60 FPS, or if the degree of lag also has an impact on it.
Anyways, many replay archive sites invalidates replays that go above 5%, so anything below that should be fine. Using Vpatch or OpenInputLagPatch (the former being more popular) should keep it at 0.0% most of the time.
still tryina beat SA. okuu is giving me brain damage, I hate her last two spells.
Assuming you're playing on Normal, you can camp right at the center during Okuu's penultimate spell since the bullets aren't angled awkwardly like in higher difficulties, allowing you to tap only the horizontal keys to dodge.
As for Hell's Artificial Sun, try to get used to the movement when dodging the red bullets. Once that becomes second nature, you will be able to subconsciously dodge the red ones and focus on the white pellets only. Its a very easy spell to get consistent at, even on lunatic.
Touhou is reclining.
But seriously, the audience is indeed thinning out as there is much more competition from the various new hip media that keep popping up that erodes the attention of what's left of the playerbase like gacha or vtubers. In the past, the only competition was KanColle, and it was evident how the focus of artists and gameplay channels shifted towards it. Now imagine there are 5+ KanColles with new ones coming up every few years.

>ZUN making his games a little easier would solve so many problems but nobody is ready for that.
You're right, the "people" for whom the games being made easier for aren't ready and will never be because they're fucking secondary casuals. If they can't put the effort into clearing Normal which has become treated as a low standard recently compared to a decade-and-a-half ago then they shouldn't be catered to.
Which ones are you having difficulty with?
Dunno why, but I dont want to learn patterns, so I just rely on dodging and then bombspamming final boss, playing on normal-hard
>ZUN making his games a little easier
is he not already doing that with addition of things such as cards in UM?
The degree of course has an impact on it.
I'm not sure about the formula, but I'd expect the slowdown rate to be close to 50% if the whole run has been done at 30FPS, for example.
Those two are nothing compared to her first one, unless you're trying to bombskip them.
currently trying to 1cc mof on hard because of the bs bombing system. so far ive managed to get to kanakos last spellcard twice. after dying those times i chose to finally learn it but i still dont think im ready yet
my hands are so fucking cold, my fingertips are about to fall
I hate EoSDs start of stage 1 so much, having to collect all of the power items by hand drives me crazy after playing other games with autocollect
Can I come to your place? The sweat at my fingertips is making my buttons slippery.
Try warming your hands under hot water before playing, and make yourself a hot tea or coffee to have something hot to touch and hold.
Every single time
Its not even that cold, my body's weird, when doing exercise it takes me long to warm up
I like it. It makes stage 1 more involved than other stage 1s in the series. Helps that EoSD's stage 1 is super short.
How do I cure this mental illness known as "moving too much"
Just practice. Moving is a natural reaction to not feeling safe.
wtf Reimu is so much easier than Marisa in IN
figures, given that reimu is easier to play having this homing shot
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Capturing Mountain of Faith perfectly feels awesome
>capturing perfectly
How do you capture imperfectly?
bomb to clear only a few bullets and without fully depleting the spell card bonus
yeah, you can cap like that, but it's cheap
Its not a capture if you die or use a bomb anon
I think he's talking about how you can bomb before a spell card is declared and clear some bullets without sacrificing the bonus.
(16:36 if it doesn't work for some reason)
I know the bomb system is broken in MoF, but is losing the power really worth it?
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At least MoF gives the boss hyperarmor when you bomb before the spell starts...
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I meant no bomb no miss, forgot that "capture" means just that
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If you got it from the all-in-one pack, read the readme. If you got it elsewhere, go grab it from there.
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Happy Aya Day!
Sanae's last two spells don't drop any items, so there is no point item loss from not having full power. The beginning of the final stage replenishes the power immediately.
How exactly bomb gain/loss works when you lose a life in Imperishable Night?
This isn't mentioned on the wiki, but I noticed I lose bombs if I have too many of them, but if I have none I gain some
Whenever you start the game and whenever you respawn, you always get three bombs.
makes sense
>I noticed I lose bombs if I have too many of them
I'll just assume you're talking about deathbombing; it'll always cost 2 bombs unless you have just one left
>but if I have none I gain some
if you're playing nether team, you'll always get a bomb for each cleared stage if you have less than 3 bombs
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so now I reached the point where I got used to the first few stages
so I get bored playing them
so I get sloppy and complacent
so I get pissed off and do even worse when I inevitably make mistakes.
That's a dynamic I've experienced before in these kind of games, so whatever. Time to slow down.
Time for more practice mode in later stages.
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If I lose my last life against Miko but kill her during Transce does it count as a clear?
No. Trances automatically end after the last spell card of a boss and you'll die and game over then.
I changed the monitor and it works properly now, thanks anyway
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I don't play fighting games but how good are the official Touhou fighting games themselves? I'm just mindlessly mashing buttons.
That depends on what games you're playing.
- IaMP is kinda janky and the story mode is hellishly hard, you'll need to cheese battles to win them which is not fun at all. It's Tasofro's first fightan so it's passable.
- SWR is a much improved version of the former which changes all of the odd design/control choices to a much more "natural" feel. Very fun and a nicely written story too.
- Hisoutensoku is an expansion pack of the previous which made a few changes to some characters (RIP Alice) and others to streamline gameplay, paced much like any other fighting game.
- HM is the first of the floating fighters which (compared to the next two) feels like a regression just like how IaMP was janky for the previous two, but not as bad. The popularity system didn't make sense sometimes but it was quite a novelty and fun at certain moments. Also, each character having a gimmick was nice.
- ULiL is the same like SWR for the floating fighters. The popularity system is dropped in favour of the occult ballz which is honestly speaking is pretty meh.
- AoCF is just ULiL but tag team. Kinda fun but the story mode is really short, or at least feels that way.
- Gouyoku Ibun isn't a fighting game, but since it's your pic, I'll just say that THAT game is one where you'll be mindlessly mashing buttons.

tl;dr tierlist (gameplay)
Soku > SWR > ULiL > HM > AoCF > IaMP
tierlist (story mode)
SWR = ULiL > HM > Soku > AoCF = IaMP
>I'm just mindlessly mashing buttons.
I refuse to believe anyone does anything else when playing fighting games
Thanks for the write up. You’re right, Gouyoku is not a fighting game now that I think about it. It’s hard for me to get into them since I’m so used to playing bullet hell, pokemon and FPS games, hence why I asked whether the touhou fighting games are fair or bullshit.
I don't like the fighting game scene for this same reason (besides being populated by competitive metaplayers who ruin the fun of the genre), but that's a bit unfair to the 2hu games, they're not that sweaty to play.

You can skip IaMP and jump right into SWR or HM. If you want to play it for completion's sake, then just do Marisa or Patchouli's story mode since they have quick and spammy attacks to brute-force through some of the more bullshitty story mode spellcards.
You can return to it and do the other characters after you've gained some experience with SWR and Soku. The playstyle isn't the same at all, but at least you know what to expect.
You should shake them for a few seconds and stretch your fingers before starting to play, it helps with blood circulation.
is it autism to clear a game with every shot type?
Playing bullet hell games is autism.
You haven't beaten a game until you've cleared it with every shot type on every difficulty, this is common knowledge.
This, I'll never beat them all truly. I've made peace with that.
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Playing as Murasa in SFW is hard to learn, but I found out Okuu is completely trivialized.
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Don't forget about 'properly' clearing IN, too.
Oh yeah, 96 1CCs
Her thighs and legs are very good in that art, midriff too. Artist knew what he was doing. Canon Okuu proportions.
Why don't we do this for all the games? Like, if you clear it without pressing shift it's a whole another 1CC. Autists would love this.
I'm playing MoF and I just noticed that the spellcard labeled "no. 1" is a hard spellcard. Does that mean hard is actually the base difficulty for 2hu?
What the fuck
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>I just noticed that the spellcard labeled "no. 1" is a hard spellcard.
It's because Shizuha has a spell card exclusive to Hard and Lunatic. It's pretty common for stage 1 midbosses to do this.
>Does that mean hard is actually the base difficulty for 2hu?
Most people say Normal is the base difficulty for 2hu, though I've seen some people argue that Hard is the base difficulty because there are no Lunatic-exclusive spells (not counting functionally different ones like Nitori's final) and because ZUN calls Hard "arcade" difficulty.
Got my first Luna 1cc recently (in TD) and it was the most satisfaction Ive gotten from a video game in years
Whats another easy one I can go for next?
Congratulations! I felt the exact same way after my first 1cc.
Rather than going for something "easy", I think you should go for whatever seems interesting. Whether that's something like MoF, something like UFO, or even TD with another shot type, so be it and have fun.
You might also want to check out some games in MAME. If you can get a Lunatic 1cc, you could comfortably get a 1-ALL in a CAVE or Raizing game.
Speaking of MAME games, here's the pack compiled by someone at /shmupg/, the only useful thing I've ever got out of checking out that shithole once every couple months.
IIRC ZUN has said he usually makes Hard difficulty first, then scales it up for Lunatic and down for Normal
I also remember reading something of the sort, but I couldn't find some source when asked.
Thanks, Ive actually been interested in CAVE games for a while but havent tried any yet since I always heard theyre crazy hard, but I guess nows a good time to get into them
do super players use keyboard or controller

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