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A thread dedicated to mainstream idols, but local and amateur idols are welcome here too.

Previous >>47190413
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did anyone got the mega links for j idol?
I bet oshi Himari has soft soles
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I made a mistake and poisoned my instagram algorithm
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She is cute
Why didn't we vote for her
what's that
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junior idol
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gotta repost because she's cute
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Need more cute butts
Japanese idol
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I don't know who this girl is, but i'm assuming she's some idol and I have nothing else to post.
Sexo thighs
Sexo armpit and tumma
Sexo pits, thighs, and butt
Sexo tits
Sexo butt
Girls run around in bikinis even in Japan now?
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>the oldest one (Ririka JC2) is cute
>the JS are sexo
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Actually ridiculous, holy sex
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you can only pick one /main/
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I just got a quest, anyone know any good VR idol videos on youtube?
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I just want a Suu gf...
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impossible, girls arent real
a Suu robot gf would be ok too
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never change, anon
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Homare sure has been doing a lot of highleg shots
her influence is rubbing off on momonyan
They both have to know at this point
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everything developed but the chest
best way to be. small up top and thick down below
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This is the exact opposite of true
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Nice rare lins.
so you want huge tits but a tiny non existent ass. boy you are backwards
If you're gonna be a half Japanese I guess the top part is the best half to have it
she might be a late bloomer still got time or maybe I am coping
Stop being perverts
"They can imagine whatever they want in their heads" im glad she gave me permission
dum bitch selling pics of her pt tits and doesn't want old man comments
i mean i never understand it why type something that she wont see most likely her parents that run the account. just look at the pictures one handed like the rest of us
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>I sent her a lot of eggplant emoji, why isn't she falling in love with me?
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our cute thread oshi is ripening nicely
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theres always exceptions
google just says "tight"
it knows everything
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I love gravity
crazy physics for her age when it comes to japanese girls
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just noticed the thighs too, she's actually so hot holy shit
she needs to be doing way more than some small time idol group that probably isnt going anywhere
who is hims
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hims is Nanami from meruchu under the dianna project umbrella of idol groups
thought she was older she looks 20ish
nice hips and booba
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>cuts off feet in pic
15 and she got blessed by whatever god gives teens big boobs and thighs
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15 is perfect idol age
Are there U15 vtubers?
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just pretend they're u15 like you pretend they're girls
The only god worth believing in

And god bless him
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She's so beautiful <3
Does anyone know her full name, tia =)
オーバンドルフ凜 Lin Oberndorff
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>Lin Oberndorff
Fantastic Thank You anon x)
Spiral really likes hafus
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gotta see that oshiri...
not enough bum posting in here
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got no butt pics but how about legs and thighs
>got no butt pics

You’re dead to me, anon
looks like a brownoid
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the best
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Nice legs and bum, just what the doctor orders thanks anon
where is her belly button :j
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In Japan
why does she strike me as a slut that loves spending time with guys
she got it removed so she won't have to deal with perverted comments about her heso ever again

nah it's probably right underneath the belt area
meant that pic unless i'm blind missing it somewhere
its from the pb
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Oh it's her again, no wonder her body was so erotic
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Such nice legs and ass, I assume you have the whole pb? Pretty tempting desu, bless japan as always.
Yes it's nice for 7$ but JP made it really hard to get the full size pics
Wait what, how? What do you have to do?
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Who is that on the left?
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How do you determine if a girl is /alt/ or /main/?
The images have to be hosted somewhere so usually you can find it through web developer tools or just downloading the page. But they hide the page when you click off it, they make you reload and relogin when you do anything, and even detect when you load inspector tools. You could probably block the script with your ad blocker but I couldn't find it so instead I used an agent switcher to make the website think I was running on a different system then I was and that let me bypass the restrictions. It was just a matter of ctrl+f an image extension but even after all that they encoded all the images in base64 with a string so long cnping it in firefox freezes trying to hold it into ram
But using a decoder seemed to work just fine but then they split the biggest image into 2 chunks so x2 the work to stitch them together in photoshop
Shes cute but didnt care to spend more time on her fully clothed pics
that stomach looks male
I feel like I only understood like 60% of that, but either way it sounds like a lot of effort. Appreciate it though, you’re a legend. She really is cute, the whole package.
fucking jews
thanks for the effort
if you want you want it to be ? I don't kink shame
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no nanane don't go down that tunnel!
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Who's the beauty on the left? <3
perfect, Rest of the channel isnt this based sadly.
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nvm, I accidentally found her =)
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Amazing vid ty <3
Nice body at least... love me some daisy dukes
holy shit she is tiny i need more
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anyone in need of a maid
my insta recs are suddenly full of jeets wtf
Some performance, Hot AF
Here's an Alt link, as that one above has issues downloading >
>that tummy
Noice. I looked her up and found tons of pics where she shows off her ass.
I found it funny that she wasn't even singing, just lip syncing, and her dancing isn't very good either kek. Everybody knows why they're really there I guess.
Sad to see even nippon has negro music now though.
>underage girl dancing provocatively in front of a bunch of old men

>music made by black people
Based, I agree
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Who is she?
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Delicious Coco
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I just discovered her last night, and to be honest I wasn't listening to the music, had it muted. She's super provocative and sexy in her dancing, great flexibility and hot body. <3

For those interested, here's her twitter page >ma_na_mi_cho_pa
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Is there a full video of this on the net? I can only find two deleted youtube pages >
BLACK SUPERIORS ダンスイメージ  Thank you peopleSTREET

thanks =)
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Wowowow, Fantastic, Thank You so much. I spent so long trying to find these online. You're the best =)
Long time no see
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>Long time no see
Long time no sea
manami is ugly and disgusting
she is my all time favorite.
holy based
name ?
twitter or instagram ?

first girl (most to the left) name and socials ?

name and socials ?

whoa are your top 3 idols to follow on twitter ? going to make an account and need recommendations
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thinking about sending food to Japan
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I'm sorry you fell that way
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thank you !! : D
shame about that face, probably why she must act the sluttiest
Imagine Himari acting like that.
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Possibility with deepfake!
huh, nitter is working again?
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it's owari da...
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I wonder when is the IV coming out...
thread purified
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She's so incredible. No wonder Manami keeps feeling the mog and reporting her Twitter.
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name please?
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nah we're good but thanks
too much uggo
not enough himari
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Much better

We love SPATIO Ayaka
What a slut
I approve
WHOOOOOO I need her in my life and social media feed
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>gay shit
cute isn't it
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finally someone posts cutie
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Does youtube suddenly give anybody else awful recommendations when clicking on these?
I'm getting unrelated garbage and childrens cartoons...
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first one is normal, the other two are random popular things, it happens in a few videos
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