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Tengu equals pure sex, no bullshit.
Not all tengu are Hatate
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Yes, some of them are even beyond pure sex.
This reads like an ad meant to entice human men to go into the mountain
Tengu that matter*
Threadly reminders:
1) That image is a canon one Aya put in her newspaper mostly read by village men
2) ZUN aproved its inclusion
3) Lewdsokyo is real!
Tengu show pictures of their panties for the same reason a mousetrap has cheese.
Does this mean all lewdsokyos are canon or just some?
Hatate too small to do paizuri
Only the ones involving human men marrying and reproducing with Yokai women
I'm surprised Reimu hasn't tried to censor the press yet
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Hecatia prevented that tabloid Aya was making from ever being published, as she's fully cognizant of how she could never hope to compete with superior Tengu fashion.
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I wish to insert my penis here
don't do it brother you will not come back from the mountain
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>distrustiful gonzo hacks, the race
>bossy cunts that'll backstab you at a moment's notice or just try to kill you for whatever reason

never trust a tengu. isn't this common knowledge?
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Those are just modern conceptions, in a long forgotten past, Tengu used to be allies of humanity, assisting and granting such knowledge that was unavailable, and participating in human religions, a human looking for medicine could obtain it from the tengu, in the modern age, we must instead look towards why we have lost such a special relationship and if we could rekindle such an alliance one day, althought, raising the human powerlevel could also help out quite a bit if you ask me.
The article that picture was attached to was a mild critique of tengu society. If they need to show panties to trick into reading it, they would need to go stark naked to entice men to go into mountain.
I think more plausible explanation is that tengu society simply values tasteful eroticism and see nothing wrong with it.
I mean, it's extremely easy to believe that Aya fucking HATES Tengu society, because she prides herself on truths and she constantly gets censored as a result
True, but on the other hand AFiEU had rather conformist tone towards tengu societal order, with the aforementioned article being the only criticism from Aya that I remember off-hand, so I guess the pictures used there could also be more conforming then usual. Not Aya's fault, lunarians are meddlesome.
Also, tengus have this outfit. Don't you find it pleasantly erotic, accentuating their natural beauty without making them overt or vulgar?
>>47345887 (me)
I had a crow on my balcony while writing above, observing me with its wings spread out. It flew away once I hit 'post'. I am both concerned and excited.
You have been chosen! They will be coming soon!
In general Aya fucking HATES being used as part of an agenda I'd say, otherwise she'd have released alternative facts.
I'm of the type that believes that Aya seriously hates the status quo and wants a true "free" Tengu society, AFiEU was mostly about Aya confronting whether she wanted to be just a mouthpiece of the regime or actually stating her opinion.
I personally think that Aya really wants freedom for both humans and youkai, so while she's constrained by Tengu society she still wants to work towars a reality where everyone is free
why does it feel this post is moving goalposts?
are there tengu on my /jp/?!
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would a Tengu post such obscene images of their own kind for dirty lowland monkeys to gawk at?
You are already too late, Anon is a goner
Do you even have to ask?
I've seen that outfit a bunch in fanart, but where does it show up in the canon works?
It's literally called "CoLA outfit" everywhere I've looked, come on.
If I fuse Aya with Hatate, will the result be Megumu?
Well I've never heard it called that, but to be fair I've never heard anyone actually name the outfit.
Also the only print work I've read is CDS so it's not like I would've seen it anyways
Doing them in reverse order, aka getting the worst ones out of the way first?
uhhhhh yeah
No, that results in a demon of another race. Fuse Aya or Hatate with an Element instead to go up the Tengu race.
nothing gets a crow tengu off more than knowing that some dirty lowborn unwashed human might be jerking his rugged cock to pictures of her at that moment
nothing does it for them like knowing that they've debased themselves like that
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did you know that if you reach the summit of youkai mountain, then you can enter heaven? pic unrelated.
The tengu psychology is so bizarre. They truly are incomprehensible monsters.
It's obvious from the fact that lovely Chimatan resides above Youkai Mountain.
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they however quickly get embarrassed when meeting a man face to face
Who are the elements of 2hu? Fairies?
I will never lose to Tengu. I'm simply too strong.
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if not a tengu, then what would you lose to? if you dont mind me asking.
i want to shoot my goo inside a 'gu
Is this asking for instant loss?
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Marrying Hatate!
Sharing a bed with Hatate!
Trying to roll over and get some sleep while an endless train of her bulls take turns pounding her so hard it nearly breaks both sides of our bed!
Stop talking about yourself in the third person, weirdo.
Just say you'd do the 'tattie like a normal human male, jeez.
I wouldn't mind filling anon's tengu wife up with some strong human seed.
Anon is far from being a normal human let alone a male
im an astronaut
Best Tengu!
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fat fuck Momiji couldn't chase me down if I was running down the mountain
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but if titmiji dosent catch you. then some malnourished flat crow tengu is going to swoop down and take you instead.
Saucenao didn't work, it's so over
If you can't recognize Tomonori's style on sight, it's time to leave /jp/
Ah, I suppose I'll take my leave then.
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Happy day
Farewell, Anonymous.
She is the fastest, she is the cutest, pure and honest Shameimaru! Proving that OP is right with just a smile!
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Would Aya count as a tomboy?
Nope. Too many pompoms.
What does sex with tengu feel like?
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The pom-poms are part of the (male) religious habit(although worn differently), they actually make her more tomboyish
There are no female tengu in myth, so they're all tomboys by default.
You can't generalize, even within subtypes. The difference between megusex and hatasex is the difference between a master's sushi omakase and a stale bread crust.
normally, no
>no female tengu in myth
No one ever talked about them. Whether because all who saw female tengu were killed before they could tell others about them, or because all who saw female tengu married them and never wanted to return, you be the judge.
>megusex and hatasex
Which one is the sushi omakase one?
the one who's royalty
Pic unrelated? If Hatate was a big shot, Aya would comment on that, like she did with Megumu.
hatate may be royalty, but only on papers. it's megumu's job that aya wants, not to just look important, but also BE important.
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"bra peek"
Imagine Megumu wearing Hatate's clothes though... now that would be a sight to behold...
>BE important
>it's megumu's job that aya wants
the only things aya wants is to not come last in the newspaper competition and a stiff cock up her cunt
I get it now. It's like how peacocks develop those big, conspicuous tails that weigh them down and make them more vulnerable- it's to signal success and importance. Tengu must be the same way with breasts. Biology is fascinating...
and how far ahead would she be if she were karasu daitengu? she would overrule what is news and what isn't.
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Now that simply slander. Aya sees the value of truth, but even more importantly, she hates when people in charge abuse their privilages. She stood up to Yukari of all people, when she suspected that gaphag might be abusing Ran. Aya isn't going to abandon all her integrity just when she gets high on totem pole.
If Tengu are pure sex, what would be impure sex?
the lunarians, obviously
Dualistic way of thinking, one that doesn't work here. See, sex has no 'impure' counterpart, 'pure sex' refers to the absolute being, from which all other forms are emanations. You can liken tengu to the source of light; as you move further away from them, the purity of sex weakens and dims, but ultimately all things are still part of that light of sex.
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Aya-san is too rude to be sexy
The tengu propaganda is getting a bit too much for my taste
stupid aya, ran is just a non-POSIX compliant piece of oomyodo software.
and where goes all that integrity while writing dubious articles on religious institutions?
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With a girl like her, you can have hate-sex and happy-sex both at once. Something must be wrong with you if you can't see the sexiness in that.
>ran is just a non-POSIX compliant piece of oomyodo software
That's oversimplification of truth. Wouldn't be interesting in itself, however there are certain individuals who benefit from crucial details slipping from public mind. And that's worthy of investigation.
>integrity while writing dubious articles on religious institutions
Spirituality is a grave concern. You need to keep religious leaders in check, so they stay true to their purpose. Little overcorrecting never have hurt.
Anon... do you want to realise esoteric knowledge in having sex with tengu?
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I would rather not be forced to eat feces.
matara-sama! please enact tengu odoshi! free us from the tengu menace!
I think he means that it's rumored Tengu would teach black arts to Monks in order to get them to stray from the path Hijiri, looking at you...
But really, I think the fate of those abducted by Tengu now is to be forced to do office clerical work!
Having to be some Crow Tengu's secretary, woe...
Kaguya, you should become a comedian.
Speaking of tomboys...
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So tengu kidnapping shotas is mythologically accurate?
I love the way this artist draws tengu.
This and monks. It would seem that tengu are virgin hunters.
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Yes, and feeding them shit.
Tengu being seducers and tricksters who lead people away from their path so they can feed them animal feces is well established in Japanese mythology. I wonder why there are so many horny posts about Tengus...who could be behind them?

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