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Totally and definitly an earth rabbit
The moon part was actually the suit. When she took it off, she became an earth rabbit.
I headcanon that Reisen switched to wearing earth rabbit clothes after LoLK beacuse of that, even if the schoolgirl suit was really nice.
Rabbit of earthly desires
ywnba earth rabiit
t. Low rank lunar noble
Earth rabbits simply have the earth lifestyle down to a science
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Stand aside, there's a new earth rabbit on the block!
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seiran my beloved
You will never be a real earth rabbit, you have no mischievous instincts, you have no independent spirit, your hair is of a silly color, your shoot light bullets from your fingers, you are a moon rabbit twisted by Eirin's drugs into a mockery of Daikoku's perfection.
Those ears look buttoned on.
I don't believe this is even a rabbit at all, let alone an Earth one.
It must be some kind of delusional cosplayer.
That's a rabbit.
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Not just any rabbit, but an earth rabbit
Just because you keep saying it doesn't mean it is true. She will always be a moon rabbit.
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rabbits can die from loneliness
Don't question the narrative you've been fed anon, it's best not to ask questions unless you want to end up like the last person who did...
Totally and definitly my wife
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Get back to work!
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All work and no play makes Reisen a tired rabbit
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Earth clothes
She's do not look like a rabbit form here tho.
That's not a rabbit. That's a rapist!
Earth rabbits when Reimu is out of town and they have to baby sit her adopted hell spawn loli.
Just because she looks a little different it doesn't make her any less
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Inaba Miko
useless bunny, only good for paizuri
Reisen straddling and pinning you down!
Reisen nibbling away at your mind with her powers!
Reisen gobbling up your thoughts until all you know is her!
You want be to just ignore the obvious threat of a Lunarian that was born with a power that threatened the utterly sociopathic upper brass and thus forcibly implanted with antennae to put her under Chang'e's control until she glitched out and escaped to Earth and entered into servitude to the two greatest traitors of the Moon (assuming that wasn't all planned to begin with)?
Are you insane? This "rabbit" clearly is a threat to the peaceful existence of Gensokyo and needs to be put down while we still have control of ourselves.
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These conspiracy theories are dehumanizing (derabbitizing?) against a poor young moon rabbit that managed to escape the totalitarian hellhole of the lunar capital that wished to send her to die at war, all she's looking for is peace that can be found in earth and gensokyo and yet she's blamed for all of the moon's transgressions against the earth, in fact, you're probably using a theory made by lunarian falseflaggers
>all she's looking for is peace that can be found in earth and gensokyo
Are we talking about the same Earth and Gensokyo?
>all she's looking for is peace
Udonge wants to have the same amount of power she used to have in the moon without all the responsability that came with it. She wants to have the rabbits follow her orders and when they disobey to punish them, alas, no one listens to her and the only person she managed to punish was Marisa(communal punching bag).
I won't accept liber or slanderous accusations
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This but for moonies
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FUCK the moon, freedom for the moon rabbits
define freedom
That's uh, kinda difficult, I mean I'm no philosopher
Reisen really has some of the most flexible interpretations, from petite and lean to curvaceous and tall, and they all work.
Why are moon bunnies so buck broken?
Freedom can meen a lot of things, but what anon is referenceing is crearly the moon rabbit's lack of civil and personal freedoms. Moon rabbits have no protection from government oppresion and lack acces to natural rights such as freedom of speech or movement.
They could rebel and join Junko during the 2nd Lunar War, but they choose to stay. The only way to achieve freedom is to start from their minds. In the end, only Seran and Ringo were able to understand that.
Useless rabbit
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it's neat that her bikini has some green camo patterns for some reason
tactical bikini
Go back to the Moon you dumb drug dealing rabbit
Tewi with the assist!
>buck broken
do the moonies really do this to their bunnies?
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it do be like that
Even among the moon rabbits that stayed on Earth in LoLK like Seiran or Ringo, it is only because they actually managed to SEE the Earth for what it is that they embraced their stay on it, most moon rabbits don't have that privilige due to the complete control over information that the Lunarians have.
They get treated like 2nd class citizens and fight all the wars when most moon rabbits don’t care about the conflicts but they don’t do anything about it
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Attached pic
Fuck marry kill?
>Fuck marry kill?
Reisen or Youmu, Sanae, 2hus are made for caressing not killing!
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Man I love Eientei's new medicine advertisements
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enjoy your used goods, fool
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Something like this
Fuck, Marry, Kill (from left to right)
The only limit to the different interpretations of Reisen is that she must be taller than Tewi at least.
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Don't be mean, anon!
All that means nothing in face of the freedom from impurity, which is the only real freedom. The rabbits are lucky, better to serve on the moon than to be emperor in the land of filth
anon, "buck broken" implies that lunarian men break the will of uppity male rabbits by sodomizing them

wwwwwwwwwwwwwww useless
Reisen Udonge Inaba... She needs a hug
"Buck broken" implies a bit more. I recommend you watch the hit documentary "Buck Breaking (2021)" by Tariq Nasheed for more information.
I want to bully this "earth" rabbit...
All her character development was for nothing. She's still a pathetic bunny...
Unfortunately, it's not like embracing her earth bunny-ness erased all the PTSD and stress.
Trauma stays with you
A gentle reminder that Reisen never participated in any war. She fled before any combat occurred.
You don't need to fight in a war to get PTSD, I mean, the lunarians heavily exaggerated what the supposed "war" anyways considering there were basically no shots fired
I know, right? think about it, 3 million rabbits on casualties is a bit too much, even considering their natural prowess at... "offspring generation". and with no shots fired?
are they trying to frame their incompetence on the poor critters?
ain't dat just down right peculiar?
So that's what they did in the punishment room...
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well.. lemme tell ye somethin', them rabbit times ago built some rammin' ranches up the moon capital. formerly a place for some space cowboy folk to hang, relax.. now a buck breakin' field that is now, a place to fear uh, A place that no moon rabbit dares go near, de place rabbits work hard to avoid for! aand if ya wer'to ask me why t'was erect, ahh'd say it was built for us, de human folk, after de war that was. dem rabbit masters later on woulda mount in otha' rabbit folk, and i ain't got no honest clue fode reason dat was. ya heard nothin' from me dough, we never spoken ya hear? got some mooon rocks to mosey over
I know it doesn't really correspond with canon depictions of Tewi as a bit of a shithead but I do imagine she takes on the role of older sister to Reisen and tries to get her used to earth and to lighten up, since it's rather cute, and I do like the trope of the older sister being smaller than the younger sister
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This "bnuuy compliance engine" was invented by Yagokoro Eirin of the Lunar Capital for #buckbreaking use on the peach orchards, it was sometimes mounted on a lunarian steam engine to help moonies chase down rabbits who tried to run from it. It was so powerful that it could cripple or kill
That's antilunaric.
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Remember to do the following : pic related
Anon you shouldn't pet that rabbit...
This image feels straight out of the late 00s
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Olympic Udonge
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reisen after she finds out I punch all her plushies when she leaves the room
>Needs Shooting glasses
Fraud bunny...
When Tewi is mean to Reisen I get really angry and want to punch my computer
They actually just block line of sight to allow the shooter to focus only on the target, pretty low tech all things considered.
They sure look kick ass thought
Why use that rage like that when you can just rape correct her instead?
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I don't understand raping people you dislike. Wouldn't having sex with someone you hate be the opposite of arousing? Just beat them up.
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Earth rabbits must be friends, no violence!
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Headpat this wonderful creature.

But she’s so nice!
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She has white fur and red eyes, those rabbits are dangerous.
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>A rabbit? Why is there a rabbit here?
She’s a coward who ran away.
And you're a fat retarded faggot that can't even run. Yet Reisen isn't out there insulting you.
But why would a moon rabbit, which is what Reisen is and will always be, and an earth rabbit be friends?
Horrific! Seiran should start a Buck Breaking Museum to show Gensokyo all the hardships her kind endured.
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Imagine spending a day baking a cake just to drop it
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tewi finds her stove unattended and she cranks the heat up so it burns and reisen thinks she fucked up and starts bawling!
This is why Reisen lives eternally stressed out and depressed
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ok but what if Tewi was nice to Udonge sometimes
she'd gain nothing from it because udonge is a dumb useless sociopath rabbit that's only good for following orders
since she doesn't respect tewi even if tewi was the nicest person ever to udonge she'd still be a total bitch to tewi. Well, not completely a bitch, as she is nicer than that, but she would definitely just order Tewi around.
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it's unfortunate but reisen was meant to suffer
The ZUN-approved punching bag of Eientei
She may be weak, a coward, and selfish, but she is not a sociopath, otherwise she would have never gone around Eirin's back to create the rat repelling cat statue
Yeah, she's nice. But petting her head can trigger a reaction that's can made her surprisingly more clingy and hot. A incident with a rabbit on a heat state can happen really quickly!
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I’m sure it’ll be okay. Reisen is surely in control of herself. She’s not some mindless and instinct driven creature!
Reisen flirts with married men in the human village
Do rabbits like it when you fondle their tails?
as far as I know it's not particularly recommended and there's better places to pet
damn, why do I find this erotic...
I'm afraid not
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Are you really sure about that?
You never know when it will come in handy...
Of course Reisen would assault a human child that traitorous little rabbit is too much of a coward to take on someone her own size
No. Reisen is a good girl. She wouldn’t actually do this. Lies or exaggerations meant to defame her!
This rabbit is a menace to society.
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Look at how nice she’s being to that young man though. She’s so committed to ensuring his comfort with how thorough she’s being here. Absolutely nothing exploitative or nefarious about to happen and I can totally trust the sweet rabbit girl and her unusually alluring eyes.
This, Reisen is an innocent and pure bunny who doesn't appreciate the libel!
People who make lewd or rude remakes about Reisen are worth less than dirt!
Shut up, Youmu. We all know that you're no better than Reisen.
She has a penis
which one taught the other on how to violate men?
I just wanted to give her a headpat and a kind word or two. Say NO to mistreatment against bunnies like her.

I am not a silly autistic sword dork who may or may not have issues with consent.
>Say NO to mistreatment against bunnies like her.
This, you even made sure to pat her head for less than 12 seconds AND put on Eirin's special deodorant so you'd smell doesn't trigger her breeding instinct! Always practice safe petting with your bnuuy!
But I didn’t take any of those precautions. I should be okay. Right? She’s a good rabbit!
I'm afraid not.
Shit. If I disappear or anything happens to me, delete my browser history and tell my mom I love her.
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I got you bro.
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Reisen will come to the classic /fit/ realization soon. That no matter of muscles will stop her from being a doormat.
She never actually wears thigh highs as far as I'm aware but I'm glad a lot of fan artists add that in anyways
What a servile little creature.
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I'm posting it
Reisen? Ruined.
Grimfags? Erect.
ZUN? (laughs).
Hotel? Trivago.
Reisen? Improved!
Me? Erect (in the punishment room)!
ZUN? A genius!
Hotel? Trivago!
Well if we split the word up we get "Free Dom" but that can be interpreted in many ways too
I'm more of a Gouf guy, personally.
It's wabbit season
Zun? HACK!
Reisen I'm horny and need an onehole, are you free right now?
男性向18禁同人誌 <<東方>> うさぎうさぎナニみてはねる / 卯林 / こもりきり。
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the question is, was she the one being punished, or was she the punisher?
The whole context makes it most likely that she was doing the punishing. Not only does she say it right after kicking the door to scare Marisa into being quiet, but you have to remember that she was the Watatsuki's rabbit. She would have been the one doing things for them, and punishing dissident rabbits (although given what we see of the moon this probably just means rabbits that couldn't be bothered pounding mochi that day) would probably have been one of her duties.
Nah, it's just Rei'sen that had a low skill mochi pounding job. Reisen's colleagues in the Watatsuki's forces all seemed to be experienced in military matters, even if they didn't take their training very seriously. If we go by the SSiB's battle they have about the strength of a fairy maid, maybe Koakuma if they have superior Lunar armament.
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Useless rabbit
it's bunny day
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Made for yuri sex.
Very true.
t. yuri babaschkov
Reisen was an elite rabbit on the moon and after she came to earth she was a vehement racist against earthlings for decades. She also, yknow, abandoned her comrades to die on the front lines of war. She is a character with muddy history.
>after she came to earth she was a vehement racist against earthlings for decades
Good thing she turned around then! Personally, I'm a fan of Rabbit Youkai so more of them is always a good thing.
well yes

she has a very slow change from "elitist cunty deserter coward rabbit" to "surprisingly enough: proud heroic rabbit"
I feel unsafe around this rabbit...
Don't be silly, Reisen is a good girl
Just look into her eyes
She'll make all your worries melt away
how does it feel to be as weak to "hypnotic suggestion" as alice, anon?
same as alice! same as alice!
>Enjoyed torturing dissidents for her masters
>Ran away like a coward the moment she had to fight for real

ZUN really is a master of making cute yet totally unlikable characters.
Alice isn't weak! Other touhous are just strong!
>Reisen as the boy for anal
>mating season
I like her even more now I want her to torture me (sexually)
reisen calling me earthling slurs while i take her lagomorph womb to the pound
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Short ear!
Dirt eater!
Mayfly monkey!
Apollo ape!
Ground grub!
Apollo ape sounds awesome actually
to me, it's "soil huffer"
Yet all of them combined are still weaker than "moonie"
rabbit rabbit
that's next week
This week.
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insane how youmu is so much better than that slut
what I wouldn't give to get lost in her frilly dress
no 2hu is a slut! they're all virgins and waiting for me, specifically
What's their relationship like? How often do they make love?
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time to die, bunny
That time hasn't yet come.
moon rabbit moon rabbit
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Useless bunny only good for the sex appeal.
A small tribute to Reisen.
Firstly: She is rather cute. Her hair is long and her ears are floppy. Her eyes are like tiny rubies and her hands are dainty and gentle instruments.
Secondly: She is dutiful and good-natured, always doing what's asked of her and being someone that can be relied upon.
Thirdly: She is not above all hardship, but she has conquered it in the past and given back to those who've helped her. Reciprocating the kindness given to her to the rest of the world.

I therefore conclude that of all the rabbits in the world, Reisen is the most deserving of love!
This is the most agreeable and verifiably true post in this thread
Also she fucks villagers with her hypnosis eyes.
This post is libel spread by lunarian agent
Look at the lewd bunny though. You know she loves flaring brainwaves in human males to make them docile, obedient, and turned on. In fact she's one of many girls not allowed within 500m of Keine's classes.
>lewd bunny
She wears a shirt, a tie and a skirt. How is this lewd?
Her dressing up as a schoolgirl is what's known as "aggressive mimicry"
Why does she hate NEET so much?
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It's pink Renko without the hat, you cannot convince me this is in any way lewd. When she was weraing the suit, maybe, but now, no way.
I wish ZUN would bring the suit back.
Anon, I hate to break the news to you that nor all 2hus are virgins. I'm sorry for your loss
True, most of them have only had lesbian experiences they insist don't count!
I want to headpat her and give her praise.
she takes out a piece of cloth every two games where playable. what will happen next time?
Like Tewi, she will run around barefoot & gets caught making extra money "servicing the human villagers with her feet" for extra cash on her.
i will retroactively give them their virginity back so i can take it from them. junko is not safe from me
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This thread is like 70% big boobed Reisen. Why do fan artists hate Reisen's canon body shape? Is she not beautiful flat as ZUN intended?
Luck rabbits feet and all.
small tiny rabbit Reisen is adorable but artists will always lean into drawings curves for obvious reasobs
How will the lunar capital survive if all their rabbits keep running away?
the retard bunnies are cowards, it's only high class rabbits that can make it in Earth. See Rei'sen, she's the most brave of all lower class rabbits and she still chose to return to the moon even though she had a place to stay in Earth. Sure, she got a promotion after returning, but most rabbits are such big cowards that they even feared fighting the fairies.
She didn't choose to go back, she got deported. And are you going to tell me that Seiran and Ringo are high class rabbits?
Everyone that doesn't have to pound mochi all day long is rabbit elite.
>she got deported
False, if she didn't bring the lunar cloth with her Eirin would've allowed her to stay. She was always going to return.
Without the cloth she couldn't have come in the first place.
But she had the chance to discard it and didn't do. She clearly planned to return from the start, or was too much of a pussy to embrace Earth wholeheartedly.
Seiran and Ringo didn't even have second thoughts about staying.
I don't trust that rabbit
No youkai can be trusted more than the moon rabbits (ignore that Moon Rabbits aren't youkai)
Reisen rapes convalescent shotas
The moon part was actually the suit. When she took it off, she became an earth rabbit.

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