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Youmu thread
Read the catalog
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2 bodies and 2 threads, that's crazy
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Youmu needs more doujinshi.
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The other thread is shit though.
of course it is
its common theme is the shit part
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Is Youmu shit?
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Nah, I think it's more about your presence in a thread.
Do you think youmu would get mad at me if I told her her theme sucks? It really does, in my opinion...
Previous Thread:
her theme is good and fits her very well
Who has the best theme of all in your opinion?
It's not that bad, just doesn't make me feel anything and is unnecessarily intense
It's hard to put a finger on just one. I listen to a lot of them a lot. As it happens i like stage themes more than character themes. I like Chen stage theme, suika iamp stage theme, koishi, retrospective kyoto. Scarlet sisters have good themes but neither is as good as flandre stage theme, also can't forget my beloved alice stage theme. Yuyuko theme is great. DDC mist lake is good
>unnecessarily intense
she's a stage 5 boss with 2 swords that's both alive and dead and does a cool boast about being able to cut basically anything, both ancient temple and hiroari shoots a bird fit the intensity of that I think
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>unnecessarily intense
why? because you didn't start it or just butt hurt someone else took her as a waifu?
Nah, none of that.
I was referring to the first several responses to OP.
Were you the one crying for the jannies to ban all "hateful and cuck" responses?
Its alright, I like her stage theme. But Border of Life is the best in Touhou 7
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No, but I 100% agree.
Those kind of posts make a thread shit, don't you think?
>unnecessarily intense
Leave the thread and never return, Byakurens thread is 2 blocks away if you want something soothing and less manly.
Youmu is FLAT as her blade
That's a good thing
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Flat. Is. Justice.

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Youmu's secret wish is very simple.
I remember thinking that this was one of the weirder ships back in the day but I guess the point of connection is that they're both extremely fast
relax, she'll slow down time for you.
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It's funny that ZUN's explanation for the slow down in PCB is that Youmu canonically can concentrate hard enough that time slows down for everyone, things lose their color, and no one can hear any sound.
I like to headcanon that it's her learning how to "cut time" as she described it in IaMP or SWR, it takes 200 years and right now she can only slow down time briefly.
how fast?
Real fast.
Hope she sees this maybe she will sex you in the afterlife or something
they told Youmu:
>dork, go back to the gardening club
who's laughing now?
Ha, look at the dumb chuuni dork thinking she looks cool!
Wait, is that blood on your sword?
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You were the true retard for laughing at someone with a katana
Cute meido.
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Hold on, this isn't Sakuya
Considering its her body thats just masturbating
That begs the question, how does this version of masturbation feel for her necessarily? Does she even feel anything?
The only thing that has been said about Youmu's senses is that she can't see through the ghost half because she hasn't opened her third eye or something, that may or may not have been joke-ish dialogue in Imperishable Night.
In Grimoire of Marisa she briefly posits the idea that Youmu's ghost half may be the 'main' body because she can shoot danmaku from it but that's also not really a serious or canon statement, as far as it can be implied, both of her halfs are Youmu and there's no main body
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On a scale of 1 to Youmu, how much of an autist dumbass I am for making a full ass Touhou themed Bury the Light cover with the Youmu herself as the center point?
Fucking cringe mate but I did my best and its one of the things I am the most proud about, and I would and will do it again in the future but with Flandre and Symphony of the Night instead.
Hey man go for it, bonus points if you manage to sneak in Theme of Eastern Story or one of Youmu's themes in there
I did, getting the midi to work was very annoying and it was a excercise of trial and error, but I managed to put some Till When and Border of life in the mix.
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Hell yeah
You can't say all this and not at least catbox us a little demo vid
Could also explain why her eyes were red in PCB, that might be the effect of messing with time
Did this ship ever have an explanation beyond the guns and swords thing? because it feels like it ended up being Youmu's second most popular ship for whatever reason
>5 stage boss
>belive themselves to be more important than what they actually are (only on the outside)
>want a break they cant recieve
>inb4 why not sakuya
Same reason a lot of memes and ships take off and lot of them dont, there is no reason, dont look too hard into it.
>>want a break they cant recieve
I don't know about Reisen but this doesn't happen with Youmu at all. And no, the aya "interview" is bogus and isn't an example.
Its more of a thought of mine, Reisen wants to stop being the one who gets ordered and wants to give the orders, like she did on the moon, instead of beings Einteis communal onahole.
>he aya "interview" is bogus and isn't an example.
In this case it might just be fandom interpretations, which as we all know sometimes just makes things up or exaggerates things, specially since game Youmu is mostly just talks about slashing things in front of her.
Reading some of the IN dialogue, Youmu does remark that Yuyuko and Eirin have some similarities, presumably in being really indirect
Because it's contradicted by the rest of canon. Youmu supposedly gets "no free time" but is seen all the time wandering around, training her sword skills and even going at parties with Yuyuko sometimes. She has apparently such little free time that she leisurely reads a book at some point!

Combine that with the fact it's an article from Aya, who is described as exaggerating some of her articles to gather more interest
Youmu had a sheltered life until PCB and she'd just begun frequenting Gensokyo when the interview happened. By the time she bought a book in CiLR, she had already resolved a few incidents. She clearly got some free time and an allowance by then.
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Meido dork.
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So damn fast she leaves lightning behind

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