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Schedule: https://774-schedule.ai/

Official website: https://www.774.ai/

Previous thread: >>47094518

Link to download the old Minecraft Server: https://www.774.ai/special-micra-2020-2022


【Inaba Haneru / 因幡はねる】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0Owc36U9lOyi9Gx9Ic-4qg
【Hinokuma Ran / 日ノ隈らん】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRvpMpzAXBRKJQuk-8-Sdvg
【Kazami Kuku / 風見くく】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXp7sNC0F_qkjickvlYkg-Q
【Yunohara Izumi / 柚原いづみ】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW8WKciBixmaqaGqrlTITRQ
【Seshima Rui / 瀬島るい】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_WOBIopwUih0rytRnr_1Ag
【Hira Hikari / 飛良ひかり】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFsWaTQ7kT76jNNGeGIKNSA
【Tsukinoki Tirol /月野木ちろる】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqskJ0nmw-_eweWfsKvbrzQ
【Konan Mia / 湖南みあ】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4PrHgUcAtOoj_LKmUL-uLQ
【Sekishiro Mico / 堰代ミコ】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDh2bWI5EDu7PavqwICkVpA
【Saionji Mary / 西園寺メアリ】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwePpiw1ocZRSNSkpKvVISw
【Shimamura Charlotte / 島村シャルロット】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYTz3uIgwVY3ZU-IQJS8r3A
【Ryugasaki Rene / 龍ヶ崎リン】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2hc-00y-MSR6eYA4eQ4tjQ
【Oinomori May / 狼森メイ】https://www.youtube.com/@May_Oinomori
【Hebiyoi Tier / 蛇宵ティア】https://www.youtube.com/@Tier_Hebiyoi
【Akane Canna / 茜音カンナ】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkpqb53xiOvOgNYEbNpFSyw
【Suzumi Nemo / 涼海ネモ】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBJ6nejlzes6mm9UruaxQsA
【Touri Sei / 橙里セイ】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBxw5bdrbKO7E60E4s3KgQg
【Ieiri Popo / 家入ポポ】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_hjHmi-ODGhHlSzD16p5Pw
【Kohaku Yuri / 瑚白ユリ】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGyywYAJd2O5Y7yUyr7qBRQ
【Souya Ichika / 宗谷 いちか】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2kyQhzGOB-JPgcQX9OMgEw
【And Uge / 杏戸ゆげ】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3EhsuKdEkI99TWZwZgWutg
【Kanade Kanon / 花奏 かのん】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmqrvfLMws-GLGHQcB5dasg
【Kisaki Anko / 季咲あんこ】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChXm-xAYPfygrbyLo2yCASQ
【Amaui / 天羽衣】https://www.youtube.com/@Amaui
【Hinata Mashu / 日向ましゅ】https://www.youtube.com/@Mashu_Hinata

Nanashi inc friends

【Camomi Camomi / 鴨見カモミ】https://www.youtube.com/@camomicamomichannel
【Komori Met / 小森めと】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzUNASdzI4PV5SlqtYwAkKQ
【Suou Patra / 周防パトラ】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeLzT-7b2PBcunJplmWtoDg
Oinomori May is a sexy adult woman.
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Hika's summer voice was very cute. It's a bit short at 4ish minutes, but I guess I would've SCd the money otherwise anyway.
Thinking about getting Kiki's membership to download the videos.
sPoOkY Nanashis
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A dumb baby made for bullying
I only know ui, syahu, and baby nico...
Ichika ended up showing something on stream again?
Wow, they actually announced that they're holding auditions. Isn't this the first time?
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Yomi = Kuromu
the other two in Muniampel = Hashiba and Haibara
Merrysan = Hinako
I've been catching Chris' Pixiv Sketch streams and despite the crappy audio issues, she sounds so fucking girly and normal.
As always Mary has good taste
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holy shit
>This post
>The tweet
>10 minutes apart
Biden didn't take that good.
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I didn't even see that yet until like a minute ago
what sort of powers hide behind this visage
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Tanaka is getting live 2d
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>want to download some streams
>yt-dlp chooses webm video that has half the bitrate of best mp4 avc streams by default
>the syntax for choosing formats is a total clusterfuck of nonsense that makes regex look tame in comparison
Programs like this are a case for why autistic people should be kept locked up in camps.
-F to get available formats
-f video+audio to get the formats you want

What is so hard?
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I completely forgot about this. For some reason it feels weird seeing Popo next to Anna.
It's so good.
i don't even have an iphone popo
Canna is too cute. I don't know how she does it.
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gasaki's nuggies...
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is the lion gremlin thing hiding in her bra?
You can always shake your monitor.
Did she say when?
And so snother Hoshikawa was born.
thats a good thing, the world doesnt have enough perfect cumdumpsters.
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Left to guard the purse
Speaking of Hoshikawa, I just saw this on my TL
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This one would have been nice too would match with Tier's outfit
So, anons? Anything to share?
>the lesbian again
they're just gonna make fun of people with a fetish for smoka women voices
or handholding
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https://x.com/Hikari_Hira/status/1816286572209397979 She's really starting to make it in the world
Baby's Birthday stream https://www.youtube.com/live/JKTcIi1GPbM
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>oo yee arrr oh
is patora going to cover the OST to this game
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My money is on Tier or Sharu with Mashu as the underdog
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do we call her "June" now?
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i don't understanding, is it like animal crossing?
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After watching the trailer I have no idea, some sort of Clash of Clans thing maybe? Definitely not impressive looks like it's designed for the typical tedious mobile grind https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wneifLUIFNE
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