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Previous thread: >>47328131

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?
>What are you looking forward to?
Subahibi but good. Does it exist?
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What a chad
Pee is cute though?
I don't whether I'm "healing" or "degenerating", but I'm starting to get stockholmed into liking big breasts, which increases my appreciation of modern eroge.
We call that brainwashing
I disagree, Identifying with ones captors is quite different than being conditioned into liking something.
I finished Episode 1 of Higurashi yesterday. I really, really, really enjoyed it.
I went with the original 暇潰し編 version. I thought that it would take me a long time to adjust to the art, but I actually fell in love with it almost immediately, it's incredibly charming.
I had the luxury of reading it completely unspoiled. All I knew going in was that it was "scary".
I actually began it in 2018, when my reading speed was much slower. It took me around a year to read the section leading up to the 綿流しの晩.
By that point I had spent so much time with the characters that I had grown to love them as my own friends. The shift in tone completely blindsided me. It felt like my heart was sinking into a bottomless swamp. The thought of reading more was making me ill and I couldn't bear to continue.
After a long period of deliberation, last year I finally decided that I cared about the story too much to not know how it ended. After rereading, then procrastinating, I finished the rest of it over the course of last week. Cicadas were chirping outside my window during the whole finale.
Finally reaching the end of the first episode feels like a major personal accomplishment. I'm really happy I came back. I already adored the first half of the episode, but knowing how it ends puts it in additional context that makes it more meaningful and more beautiful.
I do think the first half is the stronger one. The second half was extremely impactful; even on my second attempt I had difficulty sleeping each night after reading it. But as it continues and Keiichi's situation deteriorates it becomes exhausting and numbing. When I reached the conclusion more than surprised or horrified I felt relieved to finally have the catharsis.
As for the mystery, currently my biggest suspect is the 監督. I have no idea what his motive could be but nobody else would need to go to such lengths to hide the evidence related to him.

I particularly enjoyed the お疲れ様会, both just as a scene and also for what it represents for the story as a framing device.
I really like Keiichi as a protagonist. He always has something interesting to add to each situation. I found it comforting to be in his headspace. It's impressive just how much character development he gets. He begins growing at the start of the story and never stops.
I also liked all of the girls a lot. If I had to pick a favorite, it would be Rena. Being the driving force for a lot of the story's best comedy, there's much about her that's bombastic, but under the surface she's softly, quietly wonderful. She's the kind of girl who has no idea how beautiful she is. I'm happy to have spent so much time with her.

I'm planning on taking a break for at least a couple weeks before I start Episode 2. I want some time to digest everything that happened, but more than that I'm afraid of getting sucked into Hinamizawa and doing nothing but reading なく頃に for months on end.
Based on what I've read so far, if you're like me and know nothing about the series, I really recommend giving it a shot. I was sold within five minutes of starting, it takes no time to get going. It starts in the good part and stays in the good part for ages and ages. I'm happy I started reading it, and I'm really happy I saw it through to the (first) end.
Retarded text box.
But the tits didn't take you hostage, you found them captivating on your own. Embrace your inner neanderthal subconsciousness and be happy with the knowledge that eroge catering to your fetishes will die last of them all. More so if your fetish happens to be vanilla.
Welcome to the club, moebro. [s]Kampai[/s] Banzai even!
What is Aoba doing here lol
Yeah bro most of us just watched the anime subbed and then read the English translation of the VN way back in the EOP days...
There are only two big breasted heroines in this pic, the others are of average size.
I'm jealous I wish I could experience the vn unspoiled. Enjoy anon
The translation didn't exist in my EOP days but I watched the anime. Being able to read the VN unspoiled sounds like a great experience, I hope that anon enjoys it.
I really want to read this, but I always end up procrastinating because I can never decide which is the best art to enjoy the experience. I guess I should just pick the original...
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tits size powercreep in milkyfactory games and its consequences have marked a before and after in the eroge industry
I did watched the anime subbed more than a decade ago and now that i know every plot twist i don't feel like wasting 70 hours reading a mystery where i know every single plot point
Same with fate honestly, i read the VN translated back in 2011(after some friend was shilling me fate zero) and again, i don't feel like wasting 70 hours reading something
What makes a textbox not retarded?
It can't be explained, it's something you feel.
I'm fine with the size in their previous games but the maid one is too big.
>screenshot and file name
I think remember you from some /vr/ thread a while back. Good to know you successfully finished and used the game to understand the language better
I really like a lot of doujin art honestly. There's a certain charm to it.
Blatant advertising to try to keep eroge from losing money
Dead medium
There is a doujin for this?
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when does the training arc end? it's getting really boring really fast and I've already skipped a few scenes. I came for fun phantom thief hijinks not for a longass training arc!
I'm looking for the best eroge with actual gameplay. Preferably turn based RPG but not tactical RPG like FF Tactics or Fire Emblem.
>I'm looking for the best eroge with actual gameplay.
Rance X
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Be prepared for it to become a saturday morning cartoon in the chapters written after hackishi's ghostwriter died in real life.
>Rance X
Do I need to play the previous IX? I played Sengoku and VI only.
the answer sleeps within (you)
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that's a good track but i like this one better
Damn, I don't remember the last time someone I know created a homepage
That reminds me that's been years since I've updated my blog. Damn.
How long is the Select Oblige trial?
I want to start reading it and time finishing for the release
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I wish this faggot would die
not very long, you can probably get it done the evening before release day
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damn that ahoge got big
Fucking butchered
They really took the stripes out of the uniforms because they were too hard to draw, huh?
Asane looks pretty good.
Hinami looks good, never going to forgive them for butchering Misaki.
holy shit misaki
I just don't see how this anime can work unless they ishuzoku reviewers it
nukitashi isn't a vn you can make all-ages or cut out the sex
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This "adaptation" looks like shitpost to me. Manga Misaki >>>>>> this
Is Nukitashi good? I find hard to believe it with its Premise
it's great
I love bakage, so I think it's good, one of the funniest eroge I've read.
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Soulful adaptation
modern anime is just throwaway marketing garbage for years now
I would watch an Aku no onna kanbu 2 anime
>ishuzoku reviewers
Well it is the same studio. But the team that's working on it did Renai Flops, which was their most watered down (ecchi) production.
I mean, that's what anime is yeah. Even good looking anime productions have simpler designs than the source. It's just not feasible to expect small details to carry over well, unless you're a fan of GoHands' work. I also never really liked Nukitashi's character design.
The anime-only masses will now get enlightened and learn Nukitashi's message about what is needed to create a society where everyone feels welcome.
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We will never go back
Tomoyo was my first true love.
Ouch. I should finally play the game this year.
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big if true
>big if true
Big what?
おちOちん, obviously
can't you read?
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I shouldn't have laughed this much.
Kek, looks like shit. Source material is shit too but in a different way, Summer Pockets gonna mog it hard.
is haruuru any good?
Was Umineko and Rose Guns Days also written by him, then Ryukishi returned to (not)write Ciconia?
>She's the kind of girl who has no idea how beautiful she is. I'm happy to have spent so much time with her.
This is such a soulful description, anon.
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>pink haired heroine is the naturally slutty one
going the Bishop route I see
setsugekka best girl
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This is the first time I see demon race with beautiful angel wings
Otomeki delayed to October 25th
Like Shigeru Miyamoto once said:
>Delay a game, and it WILL be good, no matter what
I guess it's a backlog summer.
>going the Bishop route I see
Aren't all girls in bishop games naturally slutty?
kinda goes with being rapebait.
God fucking dammit I already preordered this at Trader expecting to be in Tokyo in Aug. Now I've got to haul my ass all the way up there in Oct again. Fuck fuck fuck.
Anyone got a 100% save for Popotan?
>Tokyo in Aug
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Are you attractive?
Yes, but I am probably more of /blog/s type than yours. And I am not actually interested in having sex with random /jp/fags and really just want to be friends.
Well I'm heading up there like five times that month for Comiket and Anisama and some other things. If you hang out in Akiba's eroge shops long enough you'll find me.
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What a great read.
how's the english translation?
I'm going to move up that shota trap game in my backlog now
We need more VNs where you rape your imouto.
I started Django last night but only read until after the OP played. Not sure what to think. It's actually my second attempt at reading Django and I'm more interested this time. Compared to other Nitro+ and Urobutcher it just hasn't hooked me yet.

Can someone who's played it tell me a bit what to expect or if I should drop it already?

After the intro of Django I also started an older moege and in the first 15 minutes a witch was chased by fighter jets, which was played for fun. Then she shot them down with lasers, which caused mass destruction. The next part is what hooked me. The MC was in the flames and destruction, as expected. But not only could he not breathe but he also had his intestines coming out of his sides. And then it turned out that his right arm was blown off and he was bleeding out crawling with one arm. When he coughed up blood the witch apologized to him and the OP played. I went to bed after. Right now I'm more inclined to reading this weird witch 'moege' than more of Django. I like Nitro+ though.

I noticed recently that first impressions are usually right on the money and I don't want to waste my time. The writing style also makes a big difference in how I like an eroge and how fast I can read it. I finished 2 plotge in the same time it took me to read a quarter of a 3rd plotge. All 3 were equally interesting but the style of the 3rd slowed me down and I didn't enjoy it anymore.
Does anyone have a copy of 俺たちに翼はない R (the all age one)? Been looking around the net, and still cant find it
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Good god.
New orcsoft is kami.
It's a love letter to spaghetti westerns from Urobuchi, if you don't like them you will not like Django that much.
they call themselves orcsoft cuz their girls are ugly like orcs
I feel sorry for any retard that played it in 16:9
Mined. Thanks anon.
Hopefully will get cancelled
Why did I read all the best most emotionally impactful VNs when I was young and now I can't find a single VN new or old, translated or not that gives me the same hit?
It's over isn't it? The good times are over. I'm too old to enjoy things, games, books, vns. Tears in the rain...
Hentai Prison
Looks like the kind of slop /vn/ would eat up.
Can't fucking believe there was ntr in two routes of this VN. day ruined.
No wonder you can't enjoy things anymore, you're retarded.
Even worse, it is cartel slop.
underage discord /vn/ bros sure are desperate for attention
Anyone played Gun Knight Girl? How bad is it really?
GKG was one of the top rated vns on release year, it is not bad at all. Bad would be the newer Fumi stuff like Cafe Stella and Criminal Border.
>Bad would be the newer Fumi stuff like Cafe Stella and Criminal Border.
But these are both good games.
They are bad.
What are some good chuni games besides the obvious ones (fate, dies irae, muramasa, etc)
Criminal border is great. It's in my top three franchises where MC is a down on his luck loser who accidentally invents a super drug and tries to monetize it only to wind up accidentally involved in the criminal underworld and realize the only way to survive is to become the ruler and that he actually enjoys and is pretty good at being a criminal along the way.
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I miss toneworks so much
Are they actually dead for real?
I know they haven't updated their twitter in two years, did they die a quiet covid death?
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Haven't heard anything since they fucked off from Visual Arts before tencent gobbled them.
Not like this. I got into their stuff too late. Is there any developers that will fill that niche?
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If you want passage of time moege that doesn't going full retard with the comedy, there's only https://vndb.org/v11373 and it's very short compared to one tonework's route, and the ending is meh. Other than that, search for VNs with after story fandiscs, but those tend to have bullshit drama or comedy. So yeah, you're fucked.
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I mean, it's not like it's gotten worse over time.
You can still read Gin'iro haruka and Hoshi ori, they're still kamige.
When they released Hoshi Ori perfect edition in 2021 I had some hopes for GinHaru getting the same treatment but I guess it's all ogre now.
I'll suppose I'll re-read them for time to time. Nothing can fill the void left by toneworks.

>Osananajimi to Juu Nen, Natsu
Exactly what I'm looking for. Thank you. Good thing it's short. I can use it to practice nihongo.
>Good thing it's short. I can use it to practice nihongo.
What difference does a work's length make in terms of learning Japanese??
Is it filled with weird philosophical ramblings like other Yoru no Hitsuji titles? Not that there's anything too bad about that but I'd like to know.
It makes it feel alot less daunting. Basically it's all in my head.
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No, the symbolism is only the flower thing on the scene transisions, otherwise it's pretty straightforward. Too bad the loli phase only has 1 H scene and no penetration.
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Noooo Reina! your cute bangs....
What the fuck is this?? Why is the walkthrough for Seine and Wakoto missing??? WHO DELETED THEM ON THE FUCKING DAY I WANTED TO READ THIS VN???
Is it gone for anyone else?
Time to take he azarashipill
They were never there to begin with: https://web.archive.org/web/20161126160414/http://seiya-saiga.com:80/game/hibiki/lovelycation2.html
There are only easy mode walkthroughs: https://seiya-saiga.com/game/hibiki/lc2.html
Lack of side characters
What kind of RETARD makes a walkthrough but doesn't finish it?
They operate in a 1000 yen budget please understand
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spotted (second) best girl. hopefully se won't fucking die.
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idol fags are crazy
Girls don't poop.
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Shit mom. Having a divorced mother in moege shouldn't be allowed, ever, let alone accepting it.
I was wondering when are you going to show up
This, we need divorced heroines instead. What's the point of making the MC's mom the divorced one?
Added to my learning list. Never seen this word before
>Added to my learning list
can you stop it with this retarded gimmick already
>this retarded gimmick
idol fags are crazy (2)
uwaa is this true?
as true as this
Believe it or not we are often frequented by newfags
When you see his spam just report and ignore.
That first one is obviously a troll and you just fed him...
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Did SCA-DI fuck up by not giving us the Kei route?
What does it mean?
Yeah https://web.archive.org/web/20120306014604/http://www.makura-soft.com/sakura01/chara.html
So sakuuta is super good right?
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I want my references to H20 which I've never played and the Ruriwo route please...
Lifechanging even.
Scadi should publish all the botsu scenarios of sakuuta.
kill yourself
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Don't worry it's fake
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very good, I love the art
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This sounds fucking disgusting, but I actually did find a curry sauce recipe on the internet that used cola.
Not sure if it's different with curry, but basically any flavorful liquid can be a base for a nice pan sauce. My go-to is cranberry juice, but I also tried white wine, pomegranate juice, and even sprite(or 7up, I forgot). None of them disappointed.
I use chicken broth for curry usually. I couldn't imagine any carbonated drink instead. That sounds horrifying to me. But I guess it's not like I've personally tried it.
It's the same thing as adding a few cups of sugar.
we don't drink the carbonated slop here
I live in glorious USA so that would be high fructose corn syrup not sugar in most cases.
Fructose is a type of sugar. It caramelizes all the same.
Great now I want to try making two broths: one with sugar and one with corn syrup and seeing if I can detect a flavor difference. Sorry for /ck/ offtopic.
Isn't fructose healthier than Sugar though?
The jury is still out on that one, but I would guess added fructose is probably worse than added sugar. Naturally occurring fructose, i.e. fruit, is perfectly fine though.
>add sugar
I mean sucrose (table sugar) there to be clear before someone gets autistic on me.
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Fructose is a type of sugar, and basically all sugar is bad.
It may have a far lower glycemic index than most sugars, but it can only be processed by your liver. Too much of that can make it fatty, which ultimately leads to the same effect as other sugars: increased blood sugar levels, insulin resistance, and diabetes.
The only sugar you should want to consume should be in fruits and maybe honey, but that's because they have stuff like fiber, vitamins, and minerals that buffer the sugar and reduce its negative effects.
Just abstain from sugar all together. That's for fat people. Also makes you mentally ill.
Imagine not adapting to a true 日本人 diet with natto, miso soup, fish, etc at this point while posting on /jp/. Disgusting.
HATE what they did to this cute white in her end.
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boy it's a good thing none of those things are problems that exist in eroge
this but completely unironically
Imagine posting on /jp/ and having a healthy リア充 diet. You should be subsisting on only the unhealthiest conbini snacks and die of a heart attack at 35
I've hated fish since my childhood, I think that I just genetically find it disgusting.
But you won't be able to read more eroge if you die early, bro... So many cute eroge girls just waiting to be acknowledged while the rest of the world ignores them. Not having their games read means they might as not exist. Sad!
Does anyone know if Scadi is working on a new eroge?
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Non nukige where the MC is a teacher and the heroines his students (JK or JC)? Other than Amairo? Recommendations? Preferably moege.
I wonder what they could do now. 90% of their talent, from artists to writers and composers are VISUAL ARTS employees. Even if they had a budget, who the fuck would make a new tone work's game?
Last thing he said is that he couldn't open a bank account for a new studio or something
>Last thing he said is that he couldn't open a bank account for a new studio or something
Thank gods.
Why does he need a new studio, what happened to makura
Waiting for the teaser site of sakura no oto. Any time now.
>This, we need divorced heroines instead
You're probably shitposting but my white knight fetish to save depressed hags in unfulfilling and abusive relationships is woefully underserved by moege.
The best you can hope for is heaintei nukige.
>Ruriwo route
still no confirmation that sakura no oto is going to be a thing, toki was a disappointment but man misuzu made me want more
I also curse that faggot Scaji since an Oto Rina route is impossible and how Rin was treated in Toki
>toki was a disappointment
Rewrite or rewrite+, what is the proper way to experience it?
>Not having their games read means they might as not exist.
Because your limit is the limit of the World?
yeah, only i matter.
Then you are not a real reader, we care about the heroines.
>how Rin was treated in Toki
Quick run down of it?
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New Purplesoft, MOON GHOST
Mikage + Sukoyaka Gumi
Low price VN
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Lots of maids this year.
Screen time, mainly. Not as bad as poor Shizuku with her 10 lines but still. If oto ever become a thing, I want at least that Rin and Naoya have some time to talk to each other without any distractions.
Does Rin go against SCAJI philosophy as I've heard other anons mention? I'd really like to see a 1v1 between them without anyone holding back.
Nah, I think Rin was seeing how Naoya would answer her to firm her resolve, because in the end she says 本当は、私もそうだけど
I read sakuuta and sakutoki, have very little idea about what actually happened in both, rated both as 10/10.
I forgot what exactly the ending in the original rewrite was since it's been too long, but I enjoyed rewrite+.
I need this but without titty monster hag art. Bonus points if you can also make them worse.
Two games announced while koku does his ntrshit baka
He can keep his shit art to his shit NTR games.
I need a summer themed VN to escape the void from devouring me.
>Low price VN
I don't ever remember paying for a torrent or for downloads from those shitty file hosts?
Aozora stripe and Mizugi shoujo
Are you retarded?
File deleted.

New Poorpoorsoft, LIP MONSTER
While it's a step up from the abomination that was CB, the art is still far from fappable. Try harder.
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SFW pic.
Still better than Koku.
I wonder if he got fired from purplesoft or something, his doujin game has way worse art to the point im sure the koku designs are actually owned by purplesoft and not by him
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>since an Oto Rina route is impossible

It could always be a what-if route with Naoya having his real happy end in a rejection of life imitating art and giving birth to new art in return. The aesthetic Wildean themes felt like a loose thread in Toki and that bears some revisiting, so it makes a good excuse. Make them faggot besties, LGBT icons of friendship, and maybe sex buddies too.
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It just seems to be side profiles that the artist sucks at. Every forward facing sprite in the trial looks decent enough.
left's pants holy
Always sad to see poor people with not enough money to buy undamaged pants.
That's a cute jirai-kei loli. Though the garters could be sluttier.
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They can't even afford undamaged pantyhose. It's very upsetting indeed.
This is like yuzuge without kobuichi/muririn art
They went full retarded with those pants, is that their attempt at a new 絶対領域?
They look like vtubers
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Would make sense.
left most looks like an old baba trying too hard. probably into giving golden showers to the protagonist
Time to wait for the new releases to get posted.
I don't bother consuming franchises that have been ruined by terrible legacy sequels.
Why does it seem like the quality of VNs has dropped like a rock?
Just your bad taste.
By quality you mean story quality or budget quality?
I don't think it was worse. It had flat tints, so he could make it faster and it had more on the nose ntr/rape type of scenes.
What sort of quality VNs are you looking for, bro
I don't think the quality has decreased, but it feels like there are fewer long VNs than before and more short VNs or those with just one main heroine and a few subs.
Good. I like v-tumor designs but not their 3DPD "content". It's the best of both worlds.
define quality
why not just slurping on a lolipop instead.
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I feel like I'm the only person who wanted to read this before Select Oblige and of course it gets paywalled whereas SO doesn't.
Girlcelly torrent will probably come through in a few hours hopefully
I miss her old channel.
Just read something else in the meanwhile, waiting 3 days is not a big deal.
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I knew I saw that uniform design somewhere before.
FYI: The 2DGF torrent of Select Oblige is the only one with a working crack. I even tried using the SoftDenchi script myself on other releases and no dice.
Already read the new Purplege trial while waiting.
How was it? How long is the trial?
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Pretty short. Probably like an hour.
The scene at the start makes it seem like it won't be a pure moege, but the rest is standard stuff besides the part after the OP where you choose different locations on the campus to gather information and afterwards the MC confronts a heroine and there's a mini Gyakuten Saiban-esque trial. Unfortunately that's when the demo ends and the post-OP stuff I just talked about is pretty short. I'm hoping it's more fleshed out in the actual game.
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Any VNs for this feel?
how about working and buying your vns
I would if I didn't have to jump through 5 different hoops just to do it.
fair enough, this shit is getting harder and harder
>how about wasting time you could've spent reading vns
The worst thing someone outside japan could do is giving them money since that will make them think they can get money from gaijin
So i pirate to help them
I usually don't care much about plot especially in moege but the entire premise of the new madosoft just doesn't make sense. It's the usual filthy commoner entering noble schools but he starts from 2nd year? Literally why? Just for obligatory kouhai and senpai heroine?

You just need to rename the crack
Like the time you spend posting here?
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Just finished the secret ending of Majo Koi Nikki. My mind is a fuck right now. How do you even get a hold of Dragon×Caravan nowadays? I can't find any links to the PC port. Is Vita emulation even a thing?
Why does it look like Nukitashi?
I think someone mentioned before that the Korean one linked from vndb lets you play in Japanese.
what's a game with some cute dragon girls that's not dra koi
Koku just loves ntr and always wanted to do it but purplesoft only let him draw the cover for that one mediocre ero asmr.
He's tweeted he's still working on something for them, dunno why haven't announced it.
What's the moege?
>>47393983 I'm just going to read venus blood hollow
are you retarded?
no one consistently spends 8 hours a day every day posting here save some extreme cases
I spend 12-15.
Basically every waking minute I'm here.
Ah, the hottest character is voiced by Nana and not sexually involved. Fuck off, Hook.
i might have my timezones fucked but looks like this was leaked an hour before your post, and 2 hours later it ended up on nyaa anyway. does anyone here actually buy the physical editions of these though?
>does anyone here actually buy the physical editions of these though?
We're no Tailon of course but someone from here ripped and uploaded .iso of Milk Factory's HD remaster, which ended up on sukebei and both 2DGF and girlcelly (and then everyone else) reuploaded it.
I need some more recommendations for VNs with silent, stoic, dandere, outcast heroines. The ones who don't communicate with any other heroine or back ground character. Not really shy, just socially detached schizoid girls.
I do but i don't upload anything anymore, unless anon ask for a game i own.
Are there no other option aside from anime sharing and ryuugames for VNs that have no seeders? I'm getting tired of waiting 3 hours to download each part of the zip.
too bad justice and tailon disappeared right before or during covid

well this is probably a stretch but if you or anyone else can share disc images of the latest hooksoft or poison motion games i can share some of their DLCs in exchange
Unless you can get into the super secret VN club then just hoping someone on here has what you want and is willing to share it is as good as you'll get.
Alright, I'll just ask here when I have trouble finding a VN.
If you're okay with 1fichier links, h-suki can be useful, although a) you'll need an account and b) they paywall more and more stuff lately
i will never be able to listen to bj anymore without imagining how they do it
I don't feel like watching youtube videos; what is she doing?
sucking finger
surprise asmr near the end
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I got one last VN in me before summer ends. Which one do I go for?
They're both incredible VNs however for me, Kono Aozora was the most impactful. Shizu was truly special. Make sure to read her fandisk.
>>47396177 (me)
God I still get butterflies in my stomach thinking about Shizu. She is unforgettable. Her end was perfect, completely perfect. The OST brings me back to that moment where I felt such great true love. I cried with bittersweet nostalgia in bed for a few nights when it was over. I've gone through 53 VNs since and still haven't read such a good VN yet.
What did you think about Maruto's other works?
The World's Most Forbidden Love was really good. I haven't read any of their others though, the thing stopping me from reading Parfait is that none of the heroines just stand out enough for me. Now that I think about it I feel like I felt the same way about Kono Aozora, the heroines seemed plain until I got to know them more and began to like all of them more, like Majikoi.
kinda crazy you haven't read WA2 and Parfait yet looking at how much you liked Kono Aozora
With WA2 I kinda avoid highly popular VNs by nature, also it's too long if the only heroine I care about is Koharu who's personality doesn't really tick all my boxes anyway. I like stoic danderes and whites.
Strawberry Nauts -ストロベリーノーツ- Full HD Memorial Plus
Hit F5 while browsing Hooksoft's website and it showed up.
>Full HD remaster of a HD remaster of a SD release
4K rereremaster when?
Finished Seine's route in LovelyxCation 2, I need more genuinely autistic girls like her, she's perfect
Another Avesta BGM https://files.catbox.moe/kq11u8.mp4
Just finished Subahibi
Why the fuck was the Hasaki h-scene so short? I'm genuinely mad.
man i always hate these fucking arab style tracks why they keep doing it
I remember something about scaji not planning h scenes for her initially but was forced to make them last minute
Yuki's was pretty standard though, only Hasaki got shafted
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Pretty sure it's for this character theme. He seem to have arab style.
Speaking of arabs, anyone got the white skin patch for this? https://vndb.org/v47880
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He's just tanned bro.
I fear the day filthy DEI-brained westerners get their crooked hands on VNs.
did someone make an unko-san on his head or is that just light
A post that unironically needs a "what?" response
Fuck off from social spaces you purposely allow yourself to be in, subhuman.
Is it just one or two schizos, or does an actually large amount of people prefer to read VNs set in a season matching real life??
As a side note, what do they do when a VN takes place over multiple seasons?
I preordered Secret Love (仮) and Select Oblige through Sofmap's online service but they won't let me pick it up in person so they mailed it to me on a fucking Friday so of course I'm not home to receive it so of course I have to wait until fucking Sunday for them to come back. My weekend of eroge ruined.
So they mail overseas, huh?
Maybe, I haven't checked.
How much they paying you?
VPN over to a-s and grab the games you've paid for from their shitty links, you have full moral right to do so without the unnecessary risk of torrenting from within Japan.
Mostly just a few autists. And I asked that before and they said those don't count as seasonal VNs so they read them whenever.
It just make sense to read them during the same season, it's more immersive.
He's indian
Pretty sure is the former
The level of immersion a story have should depend on how well its composed, not if it matches the month you play them
Of course christmas and new years are the exception and can actually feel better when they align with the real life date.
I'm not super autistic about it, but it's not like the idea doesn't have any merit. If a VN has a heavy focus on a certain season, it doesn't hurt to put it off for a few months so you can immerse better. I assume everyone here has a pretty big backlog anyways.
I still read too slow to keep up with seasons/holidays and can't read eroge all the time because of other stuff so I assume there are plenty like me.
You meant best girl Umi, her route and side stories are absolute perfection.
Childhood friends are the most boring characters in the world.
You need to go back.
Absolute trash taste.
They can be boring, but Umi's set up is perfect and her character development is the best in the whole VN.
I like girls with real issues too, which indeed helps.
Yes, it's the same NBR which always generates the most obnoxious characters.
childhood friend heroines are great if the MC has molested them since early childhood and they remember.
Why are BR imouto so superior to nbr?
NBR can do literally everything a BR can and more, all without the BR headaches.
Unless you want a donor to scavenge the organs from or something.
I'll pitch in here and say that childhood friends are either fantastic or boring for me. There's almost no in between.
NBR doesn't align with my wish fulfillment so it's therefore fake and gay. Don't want some passive aggressive cunt who doesn't have my DNA.
There aren't any.
This is what anime/ln/manga readers makes themselves believe to cope with the fact that they never win
they never win in my VNs either because I just skip their routes
When has the childhood friend EVER genuinely been the best girl? They ruin ever piece of media they're shoved into. All because they're the 'safe' option, slop made for the masses to suck up, all the actually unique and interesting girls are pushed aside.

Your kind need to be wiped out.
I was holding off reading Astral Air because I'm expecting a remaster and I'm right
What about VN where every heroine is a childhood friend
It's not unusual for me to like the childhood friend the most in a moege. If you want a specific example off the top of my head, I liked Mio the most in Owarinaki. Although that VN technically had multiple childhood friend characters.
Fucked up babies
>le retart babies meme
Irrelevant. Also having kids is gay
It's not sex unless there's impregnation
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>Also having kids is gay
Having a son is especially gay, you literally put another man inside your wife
>potato face son
Bet he's retarded from the incest and into cucking his dad
What VN?
>new madosoft is NBR
Literally fucking why. Fucking niggers. What a waste of potential.
>I like girls with real issues
Which "issues" specifically does she have? (I haven't read the VN)
Forced to prostitute herself to support her family
all the other girls are better anyways so who cares
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MC turning gay in real time is hilarious
Uuh... really? Pretty sure that the VN has "Only Virgin Heroines" and "Sex with Protagonist Only" tags on VNDB...
You save her before she actually has sex
What VN is this? I'm too lazy to type the character name into vndb
Wasn't that in Natsuzora Kanata..?
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Yome Juu. From the trap route obviously.
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If the supernatural blood powers were real, was the mom's plan to bring back Hasaki and the dad actually completely correct and possible? If Tomosane didn't fuck it up would his mom have brought his dad and sister back as ghosts like Yuki in that one end? He could have had a forever loli sister and he ruined it.
Subahibi's last chapters were such a shitshow it will never not make me mad
it would have been much better if the story stuck to Takuji being the main personality who got fucked up by his mom instead of whatever the fuck it tried to do with tomosane
I don't think it was that bad but I don't like a purely supernatural explanation, it would make the character(s) way less interesting. I don't think the Takuji personality is the "real Takuji" at all.
It did kind of undercut the emotional moment of Tomosane breaking down from guilt and horror of accidentally killing his brother when Takuji starts going "ooo ooga booga i'm gonna possess you niisan ooooo" with a knife in his chest
I hated the whole possession thing, but even the fact that Takuji is thematically relegated to an evil personality get me the wrong way, it negates his entire character in it's my own invention and doesn't even really make sense since Takuji was just a bullied weak ass otaku there before Zakuro's suicide. The whole red hearing about Tomosane being created to destroy Takuji's personality because Takuji hates himself was much more interesting
I don't think it was a red herring, I think it was basically true. Regardless of Tomosane being the "real one", the "Takuji" was the dominant personality for years, and de facto the real one during that time, I don't think most of the understanding of what's going on with the personalities in Jabberwocky 1 is that far off. Tomosane is the original personality sure, but he only had the chance to come back because "Takuji" hated himself so much he wanted to die.

I also didn't like the possession shit and Takuji just being a villain in the last chapters. I wish they did something more interesting with him/explaining what he was in the final chapters. I don't think his character is negated per se though, since even if there is an order we're shown the chapters they all happen at the same time and are equally relevant, and its not like we just forget about IMOI. It's just disappointing that the Tomosane perspectives never give a shit about understanding or reconciling with him at all
I just find it incredibly frustrating because if the ending was handled a bit better the whole thing would have been a 10/10 for me, instead I'll just have this terrible after taste every time I think about it
Overall, I think Takuji's character had a better conclusion in TnS remake so I guess it kinda make up for it
I was a little underwhelmed by some parts of Jabberwocky 2, but I'm overall satisfied with my personal interpretation of the story. Just disappointed some really interesting ideas weren't dug into more.

I still have to read the TnS remake, should I read the original TnS first?
the remake is basically the original but with new content and some rewrites so no it's not necessary
I hate Tomosane in the same way I hate Naoya
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too chad for my low self esteem
Savior Takuji was a bigger chad than either could ever hope to be though
But Takuji is a chad in a ridiculous and disgusitng way which is funny. I'm also mad that Tomosane grew a beard and ruined Takuji's perfect hairless body.
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Finished 青い空のカミュ
I didnt understand most of the game but I liked a lot.
I loved this game.
Umi's set up is that both her and Wataru would have been a couple for years already but her mom eloped with Wataru's dad leaving her husband years ago and because his family is the most important one in the island Umi basically became a slut's daughter and most people treat her like shit and would give her a ton of shit if they ever got together, she's fairly unstable and needy because of the low key and high key bullying she got as a kid because of this.
This is all common route stuff btw, not big spoilers.
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here's the DLC in case you didn't have it
it looked like the more interesting of their releases, too bad they died after it
Did they actually die? I thought they were just slow because that's how every VN companies are.
there hasn't been a word from them on their site or twitter for 4 years now, if they aren't dead they're doing a great job of hiding it
I enjoyed everything about this game except for the h scenes
>ruined Takuji's perfect hairless body
/blog/ raid hour yet?

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