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July is Rumia‘s month. Rumia is very hungry and she needs a lot of love and food.
Nice threads are what all true anons strive for.
What is July her month?
>July is Rumia‘s month
Fuck kinda secondary shit is this? It's 7th of every month
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You will crave Cabbage
You will eat Cabbage
You will enjoy Cabbage
You will…
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Eat za Onions green
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Rumia is a big girl!
Your own thread is dying and yet you choose to keep posting your shit everywhere else.
Why are you such a bad /jp/sie? Go away.
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>Your own thread is dying
>you choose to keep posting your shit everywhere else.
You have mistaken me for another anon.
>Why are you such a bad /jp/sie? Go away.
No need to be rude. It's just an image.
Post boobie Rumia
My beloved monsterdaughterhunterpetmotherkillerwife is so cute!
WTF am I looking at?
/v/-core thread
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>July is Rumia‘s month
Rumia day is on the 7th of each month. July being Rumia's month makes no sense.
Uh it’s the 7th month of the year of course she holds dominion over it
Rumia is celebrating she just ate an entire human village
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oh no you have been captured!
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Based on what?
on the contents of his character (lolicon)
Imagine the weight difference doing this with rumia before and after she eats and the her trying to feed you like a bird chewing up whatever she brought back to you to show her intense love towards you
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Rumia tried to bite off more than she could chew.
thats me in her hands, tummy, and cute cheeks
I think the goofy images are way more representative of Rumia. She's the epitome of easily confused, ineffectual Youkai who're are easy to befriend.
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update the fucking kemono
Kemono is dead. Again.
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Dark but roomy.
I wish spacejin drew rumia more
She's so cute when she's happy!
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What the quack am I looking at here
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your nectar collector
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Yassy tards should jump infront of a train no one likes that garbage
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I was just passing by, but yes, you really should jump in front of a train. Do it.
what, don't you like your Rumia cannibalizing Flan-chan doujin
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ok and? You will never be human

there is far better doujins out there
God I wish that were me

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