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Wake up /jp/
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It's not healthy to sleep all day long.
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You're going to miss breakfast, it's time to get up
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I'm up
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Thread is sleepy
Reisen must study harder to wake these bedbugs up
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i have been awake for almost four days

sleep deprivation makes your brain do weird things. i thought i saw a hand popping out of a gap this morning and if i didn't know better i'd be in the esoteric loony thread doing whatever it is they do there
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I never went to sleep in the first place
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sleep is good, go to sleep /jp/
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What sound effect do you hear in your head when you look at this?
Now excuse me while I take my cat-nap thank you.
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Another night without sleep. Maybe I get to rest tonight...
>account is full of gachashit
Finally... I get to sleep....
Morning is now here and I was only able to get ~30 minutes of sleep...
another "coffee" thread...
it's better than green tea

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