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Aye Aye, Captain!
I can't hear you
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What I've dared, I've willed; and what I've willed, I'll do! They think me mad—Starbuck does; but I'm demoniac, I am madness maddened!
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Severely underrated 'hu.

I want to annoy her by quoting Warcraft 2's naval units at her at every given (and not) opportunity.
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Death and she, Life in Death, they throw their dice for the crew
She wins the mariner and he belongs to her now
Then, crew one by one
They drop down dead, two hundred men
She, she, Life-in-Death
She lets him live, her chosen one
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Do you think she read Moby Dick
Dunno, but she sucks my dick.
Do you think she pleasures herself with fish
Do you think she'll ever get Miyoi.
Ahoy me cap'n! seas lookin luvly aye?!
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Most definitely, you know that dolphin love visiting her when they need a hand on with their needs.
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sexy ho
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Here one link to it
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Back to the deep water with you
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Do you prefer your Captain with a seaweed patch or without? Asking for a friend.
I prefer with an ivory leg and harpoon in hand
Stop posting hentai screenshots without the source, please.
this picture is fucking terrifying
with her harpoon thrust toward the sky?
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I wouldn't mind if she harpooned me, if you know what I mean.
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You don't want me anymore
So I'll just walk right out the door
Played a game right from the start
I trust you, you used me, now my heart's torn apart
So I'm sailin', yeah, I'm sailin' on
I'm movin', yeah, I'm movin' on
Sail on, sail on, sail on, sail on
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Fuck the brown water Navy. BLUE SEAS FOREVER! SAT KONG! SAT KOMACHI!
She sleep in a strange way
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Please describe the manner and length of the alleged sex.
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bed-breaking pelvis-shattering life-changing baby-making sex
until one of you pass out
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I'm gonna be honest with you, Minamitsu scare and I don't want be anywhere near her.
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I want to be with her and reanimate her dead womb.
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"You fool!" exclaimed Komachi, "Now we shall both drown! Why on earth did you do that?"
Murasa shrugged on Komachi's sinking boat.
"I could not help myself. It is my nature."Murasa say "But now we shall both surely drown" said by Komachi "Lol", "lmao" chuckles by Murasa
How does Gelbooru compare to Danbooru?
well you can actually use more than two tags and the majority of artists who DMCA danbooru don't DMCA gelbooru
Davy Jones' locker
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not on my watch
I started working on a 'Mitsu piece, but keep flip-flopping on the details. Skirt? Shorts? Wet clothes? Shirt lift? Smile? Scorn? She looks good in every combination...
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Well whatever it is, I hope to see it soon, good luck on your piece.
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Don't be wash away yet, there still time to enjoy before we sink
this ship will not sink lads
Would Murasa like the show Flapjack?
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this Murasa design is pure sexo
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Be careful when being near any deep water, the dark water have habit of not letting anybody go.
this artist made me fall in love with Murasa
they're so nice too, even responded to my English message.
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Agree, my friend, I wish great blessing upon you and the amazing artist.
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I just realized her name is not Murasa but Minamitsu. Her name is 村紗水蜜 (Murasa Minamitsu) using Japanese name order, as displayed in-game. Last names are first in Japanese, so in English it would be "Minamitsu Murasa". Also, the fact that captains are referred to by their last names.
Look at ye, handsome lass, eyes as bright as a lady.
That coat worked wonders for her design.
That's actually a pretty cool crossover (and also one I never expected to see)
yeah she's the only touhou character who is usually called with her last name by other characters
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sleeping under the sea
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Danger like dagger now! Come quick!
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One piece swimsuit Captain is love and sex, lots of sex.
Yeah it is one of my defaults for grabbing.
playing dress up with dog
Do you think Kyouko ever borrows Murasa's coat for her band shows?
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I hope everybody in this thread is staying cool and hydrated.
Not more sex than love, surely?
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"Oh Murasa and our new regular, how're you doing, are you getting along?" Hijiri asked.
"Just peachy! I just showed him our new fountain, he was pretty impressed!"
Impressed by the fact that you almost drowned me in such a small pool without anyone else noticing.
"That's good, say, how did you first come to find us anyway? By reputation or..."
"I brought him! Saw him looking all mopey in the lake and figured he needed some friends!"
Ignoring the tipping over of my boat, the pushing me to the bottom of said lake before I passed out, and the CPR session thereafter.
"Ah I see, it is quite troubling how some are becoming more distant these days."
"Right? Everything's better with other's am I right?"
Like the booze you snuck just a day prior, the entire bottle you made me chug, and the unspeakable acts that came after.
"Of course, but ah, where does the time go, I'll leave you two to your sight-seeing, so much else to do!"
"Yup, plenty of sights to see." Murasa said, as she wrapped her arm around my neck. "Both on land and in the sea..."
Please help.
Tell me anon, do ye fear death?
I want to lick Minasexo's tummy.
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"Hey" "Care to lend me a ladle?"
Here you go.
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Do I look like the kind of guy who shimmys about with a ladle?
No, and frankly, you don't seem like the kind of person I can trust with one! What's a sketchy-looking lady like you doing swimming up to my boat anyhow? I've read the Iliad, I know what's up, and look, If I'm gonna commit suicide by ocean terror, it's gotta be a kraken okay? One of those deep-sea fellas with a beak that breaks ships.
I want something me and the boys can see and say 'oh yea, full steam ahead fellas, this is good day to die!' you can drown us AFTER your older brothers break the boat okay?
In the end, Indecision reMoved the most contentious element Altogether. Thereby, it came out way more perverse than the original iDea. Oh, well. Not Enough real artists concern themselves with the Captain's seaweed patch anyway.

Very nice, glad that you share it with us, thank you.
Without, I don't like seaweed patches in general.
why is she like this?
>the CPR session thereafter
>the unspeakable acts that came after
I am going to need a more detailed retelling than this.
I'll take my chances, ma'am.
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Is Murasa really worth killing several people for?
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>seaweed patch
Aye lad, she be the greatest bounty I ever lay me eyes upon. Not even the toughest sailors could lay a finger upon thine booty
What's temple procedure for hybrids?
Doujin source onegai
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I don't remember this dark souls boss
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>Severely underrated
She's a background character
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Captain Sex.
She's a playable!
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Murasa’s girlfriend
I thought that was Ogin for a second
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Shorts Captain > Skirt Captain > Pants Captain

(swimsuit is a whole other over 9000 Captain).
But that's Futo's girlfriend....
What kind of swimsuit, pray tell?
One piece or racing/schoolgirl style. Or a bikini with a towel worn like a thigh cut dress. Bikini top peeking out of her sailor outfit would be nice as well. A sweaty bare nothing but bikini Captain would be too much to handle.
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It’s rare but I love it when artists draw Murasa in this kind of outfit. It’s much more befitting for a once feared ship phantom.
Nue is not a whore
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Cap is a good girl. Anything naughty you think she did was actually the other one.
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Imagine the smell
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this sailor trains hard!
Canon lesbians
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The things that happen at Myouren Temple when Byakuren isn't looking...
No one calls her that
three extremely dangerous predators
they want to lure you in so they can steal your genes
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Canon art! She's a confirmed cutie.
You're an indecisive one!
My god, whoever drew this Murasa nailed it perfectly, just look at that face, she is incredibly attractive and beautiful.
I did. And you quoted it. Dummy.
In don't have one on hand but I can scoop water with my hands if it'll help.
Minamitsu the gravure idol ship specter.
Hey, everybody's chipping in as they can. Unzan makes bank on pretending to be a statue. 'Mitsu does a photoshoot from time to it. It's not like anybody who buys those shady tengu newspapers would ever show up at the Myouren temple and recognise her anyway!
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Geez, Anon. Control yourself, why don't you?
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Life at the Myouren Temple must be pretty boring
She put them all on and that's all you have to say?
The other Shanghai
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>strong enough to throw anchors
She might be as strong as an oni
pero pero
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Anon I think your system may be compromised
Maybe the anchors are actually really light.
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I want to believe the opposite. I like to imagine Murasa as one of the stronger youkais in Gensokyo.
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Myouren crew is stacked!
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>Murasa: 59 -> 65
She's sinking!
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The sinker becomes the sunked.... Oh, the ironing.
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Don’t worry, Byakuren will save her.
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I liked her better in a skirt.
But there are dozens of skirt 2hus already in Gensokyo.
Well thats like, your opinon, man
Yes, what's what "I liked" means.
Don't drown
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They make a great couple.
Is this a lesbian thread now? That's fine.
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Don't eat my bump again, 4chins...
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I wonder how many pirate ships Murasa sunk? Surely every ship wasn't full of virtuous merchants.
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How many slices of bread have you eaten in your life?
I sea what you did there
A sailor shouldn't be this picky! Think about the scurvy and whatnot!
Real sailors don't eat, they only drink
But she's not supposed to drink...
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Mice don't particularly like cheese...
Holy shit, you’re right.
I asked the scary-looking woman at the Mouyren temple out on a festival date because I was feeling lonely and desperate. Instead of coming in her usual garb, which I expected, she wore a yukata.
It suits her...
Girlfriends on a secret date?
Then you wake up, right?
Ah, anon going for a romantic walk by the canals under the willows trees... a watery grave... hanging out forever with that silly spector on her boat!
Need aya-zunwife.
But maybe Nazrin specifically likes cheese.
Nazrin specifically likes pussy.
She's a mouse. Mice don't like cats.
We can settle on her liking gooch cheese

this is a lie spread by Big Dairy meant to keep mice from enjoying cheese like the rest of us
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