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my poor kanata.........................
taso gangbanged...
taso got gangbanged
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I will destroy the Riot servers
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I love Towa!
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lamy, forgotten...
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Astro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPYJIe1sODg
Kamippoina https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n02m47K5RfQ
HoloARK! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-rTH21YZuE
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is mio incharge of building the base
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[Sad News] Towa died
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Nene is a whore
everyone is just dying all the time
This tiger now owns the base
>dead twa
Not showing your cool side to your kouhais...
they will never finish the base at this rate
taso is a comedian
that's the wrong way taso...
Nah she very visibly looks down, it's why she sometimes stops moving even when running away from a dinosaur, she doesn't know what key to press without looking at the keyboard.
stop provoking it, kanata...
Will they show monster willy
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Stocking food like a good wife
lamy at the beck and call of taso
Towa just sneezed directly into my mouth
it's a disastah
literally 30 minutes of them just pelting the dinosaur with stone...
Do it now onegai...
taso got it stuck for a second but her weapon broke...
kanata slowly remembering how janky ark is
i cant stop laughing. pekora cant take it easy
pekora is tilted
Yeah, Friend's
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Get Oujo off of Jett
Give me your energy
Oh, Miko's on with Mio
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Suistream soon at 22jst!!!
Fubumicomet Outlast Trials collab!!!!
Don't see Miko making her own stream but Fubusan also has one for her pov
Why aren't they playing ARK
That's not a monster willy, it's tiny and cute
she thinks her keyboard is broken
All of them have finished Outlast before, man
taso still trying for this triceratops instead of regrouping...
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Sans blague
Miko's too busy checking out the ARK server
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ths sabertooth is a fucking public menace
wtf don't mute your sneeze kanata
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the triceratops keep on calling for it's nakama against taso
but enough about pekwhoreleech leeching the entire hololive for her flop event kek
Now they are going to hunt that sabertooth menace
pekora should tame a dodo
taso almost forgot lamy was in discord because she was monologuing
kek their only objective today is killing the sabertooth
Im used to her retardation
>Jeremy Wong still crying days after this thread called his mother a whore
You should be used by now Jeremy... just like your mother kek
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But enough about pekwhoreleech
Why the FUCK are nekkos like this?
>Actually replies when he reads his name
Aw Jeremy you can't help yourself kek
Lapu stroking Oujo's ego
Which holos are in the ARK event?
he’s melting down lmao
marine likes miko more
when is she gonna stroke something else?
taso and lamy star-crossed...
holy based
Which holo has the sluttiest thumbnail for the Ark stream?
He needs Nene.
I'm not a chink though, I don't think Jeremy even watches hololive anymore lmao
Rare Soramata interaction
maigotaso can't find lamy
Lamy and taso should go window shopping again
Lot of okaluna this stream
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don't worry taso no one heard you wanting to drink lamy's water
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They'll have fun stroking each other's horns after these scrims
They probably shouldn’t be so picky about level when they only need the tricera for berries anyway
miko is gonna tame taso
finally the sabertooths are gone
lamy is a heavy woman
so when is this gonna get good?
kanata is too embarrassing in front of lamy
also kanata loves gorilla joke too much
taso thinks lamy's boobs are swaying hard
Subaru is a menace…
taso's hands are slipping
why akwa bocchi again
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miosha goes back to farming lmao i love her
lol lmao even
you can tell that no one wants miko there
she’s a pest and a leeching whore
>K: Lamy! Your boobs are bouncing so much
>L: Yours as well, you know right?
>K: Eh heh heh
Kek, these 2
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I have been happy every day since I met Mikochi!

FubuMiComet Outlast Trials in half an hour!
Suisei's frame https://youtu.be/RDM8pVvFmJM
Fubuki's frame https://youtu.be/mxUuC0xR8cI

Listen to Miko's latest orisong 「DAIDAIDAI Fantasista」! https://youtu.be/7wEkDdBa4QQ
Check out Miko's 1st Album 「Flower Rhapsody」!
Visit the website for more information about the tickets and merch purchases for Miko's 1st Sololive 「Flower Fantasista」!
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oh the dinosaur can destroy your base
The coomerbait holos, obviously. Koyori, Marine, Ririka
Just kill the goddamn bronto
lamy forgot she can only talk to taso..
Mio's so happy to get her own unchi
>Trying to deny his Chinese heritage
Your poor prostitute mother is going cry again Jeremy...
taso with the pass
- There is discussion and speculation about alleged relationships and infidelity involving various Hololive talents, such as Nene and a TV Tokyo producer.
- There is criticism and denigration of certain Hololive talents, with some being referred to as "whores" and their fans/members being mocked.
- There is debate and disagreement within the community about the ongoing Hololive ARK server streams, with some finding them boring or uninteresting.
- There are discussions about upcoming Hololive events and content, such as swimsuit 3D updates, solo lives, and potential collaborations.
- There are references to various Hololive talents' personal lives and relationships, though the accuracy of the claims is disputed.
- There is a general sense of toxicity, with users making derogatory and sexually explicit comments about the Hololive talents.
- There is a divide between different fan groups, with some expressing a sense of superiority over others.
- There are discussions about the management and business practices of Hololive, with some criticizing their decisions.
- There are references to external events and controversies involving Hololive, though the context and details are unclear.
- The overall tone of the discussion is highly negative, with a focus on gossip, speculation, and criticism rather than constructive discussion about the content and community.

AI seems to agree that at the very least the last thread was more of an anti thread than a fan thread
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35bots lost
kanata is too kind
Nice clutch from the horns
Flare is using a bow...It's over...
dino cruelty...
Fuck off vegan dinosaurs
Who asked?
lmao they just going full caveman now
this but botsagi tried to bot this flop event but it failed because no one gives a shit about ARK in 2024
Nenecunts lole
I had to miss the past 1.5 hours, how's Sora doing?
Replying to yourself won't make you less Chinese Jeremy...
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reenaction of how dinosaurs became extinct
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he's in denial
taso is too thirsty
taso pls...
I did.
kanata is being botti again...
The pregnant whore of hololive.
look at all the cuckfaggys seething. lol no one cares about this flop event
a second child
Mikochi Magdalene
>Jeremy is begging for mercy
Aw poor little motherless Jeremy is crying
they really want mammoth, is it really good dinosaur?
Do neggos really?
why is no one talking about pekoleech's stream here?
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I love Roboco

Even japs believe this
better get to grinding taso
aki talks too much
fuck off
its good for farming
flop ARK event can't even beat some literally who niji organ's koshien stream lol
Mammoths are not dinosaurs
Mio likes Subaru's massive boobs
Poor Marine clique hunting triceratops by hthemslelves…
punitaso wants more food...
Now Subaru's flaunting it and taunting Mio...
This is boring as fuck
taso can always count on hime for meat
Kanalunalamy shack
Its the best for farming berries so they can make tranq arrow. But honestly they should start with easier dino first since it only occupy one slot anyway.
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it's mad, it's mad that we're enjoying streams
taso snacking on hime's meat
Pretty boring without any EN interactions
What do you guys think of Roboco's forehead?
taso is too easily dehydrated
After four years, MioSuba ARK finally continues....
What's wrong Jeremy? Did the mean anons made fun of you whore mother again?
Rare towatowa interaction
oh will they finally able to defeat the triceratops
pathetic lmao
>lashing out at fobbers
nekkos are sad creatures
taso eavesdropping on boob discussion
lamy can hear you...
nnatan is poggin'
taso giving out her meat to sora
sora the builder arrived
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>Towa making a pipe system already for water
The most useful holo in the server
dude really is seething on cooldown lmao
Everyone loves Towa...
They're all just dying
>open Lamy's stream
>general quiet with Kanata talking to others in the background
so this is what being cuck feels like huh
taso is lost again there too many people talking
Soda sounds a bit different
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trust in the akupeko plan
Taso your ears...
taso can't tell where the sounds are coming from..
husbands are becoming feral...
the tree and and rock will respawn right?
my poor kanata...
my poor poor bottitaso...
why is wongchama browning out again?
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Marine's favorite dinosaur
This server seems more united than HC server
taso your spatial awareness...
Calm down motherless Jeremy. Maybe tomorrow you won't be Chinese anymore...
ao's huge cock
in the meantime taso will gather rocks
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Pekwhora's favorite dinosaur
Marine is going to be the server berry slave…
Lamy is (not) daijoubu...
Holy shit total death
>no one biting his bait
>starts posting doxx
Why are numberfags like this
lol this funny
>finally assemble everyone
>everyone get killed by the fucking brontosaurus
They all got wiped...
I'm actually really happy that pekoleech's event flopped kek
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What the fuck is wrong with brontosaurus
Post the cool one with sunglasses
taso get a ladder
She was the bait last time so she's moving up on the totem pole
lamy wants to die
lamy is beyond saving already....
just ditch her, kanata...
nobody cares about you bro, you're cringe and trying to be a thread celebrity is actual underage shit
Karma for killing his kins
taso is supportive whether lamy wants to live or wants to die
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No ARK for Raden today, she's gonna play Animal Crossing. She might play it tomorrow. Probably hasn't setup the game yet.
Ao is crying
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what codones a person to act like this?
The numbershart has been having a meltdown for days, samefagging and multiple phoneposting
Easy to filter though
someone just screamed like they were being killed wtf
Now it fucking carnotaurus. They are never going to get this triceratops…
anyone caught dinos yet?
Chloe has a great scream I'd chase her down an alley
>Suisei's doxx would faze me even a little bit kek, bro I don't care
It seems that you care lil SEAbro huh
see >>47376145
imagine thinking everything is about you, you are either actually underage, chinese or a white woman
punitaso don't eat the unko
Sora and Subaru together is nice
All of you are the same
Friendly reminder that pekwhora actually said that her favorite dinosaur is a T-Rex. And Jurard is a T-Rex homo flipsagi lmaooo this isn't a coincidence
i hate ao so much
I like how he claimed that he doesn't give a fuck about side branches and yet he's obsessed with some Homo like your average/vt/ard
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don't embarass taso infront of sora, subaru
what did Subaru just say? she built her own base?
You're all mentally ill
>Motherless Jeremy is the one shitting on Sui
Go figure no wonder even your prostitute mother hates you
don't lie kanata...
a seafag with chink blood, the worst kind
taso and lamy are communicating via telepathy
it's almost like that's where he's from...
taso can talk to lamy telepathically
taso don't explain the joke already...
I would never shit on Suisei, she's Miko's girlfriendwife. I just already accepted the fact that Suisei is a hafu
Ayame is so fucking bad...
She should maybe watch how pros are playing? Every time she looks like she has no idea what she's doing
Damn, the schizo has started following homosstars now? I guess he found his real home after Miko rejected hateful fans.
subaru is too gullible kanata had to do it
Nevertheless, Suisei is still brown
>Bringing spectrum out of nowhere
Kek way to out yourself little loser
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>just realized the mistake
miko not having a pov to not drag her average down
disgusting numberwhore
cry about it
kanata is thankful for mio's meat
You're all on the spectrum
Sure thing motherless Jeremy
Ramie is constantly lost.
not seeing any enshit or homoshit, you just suck at filters
fuck I thought it was Choco calling Subaru 'Subaru-senpai' but it's actually the whore Ririka
That round was way too close
oh they are attacking from the top nice idea
thread totally derailed
>only Heimin are talking about streams anymore
where the fuck is everyone?
taso badmouthing subaru in public
Fubumicomet is starting!!!! Get in here friends~
Choco is a whore too
I read this as "suspension of Sakura Miko"
As a hoshiyomi I'm disappointed since I do not like Miko.
Wtf is it eating
Burger hours tier thread
Both of you are shit fanbases, shut up and watch your streams
Notice that nobody is talking about pekwhoreleech's stream. That's because cuckfaggys are too busy shitting on other holos. They're seething because pekwhora's event flopped.
We love EN and holostars here, schizo.
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Lamy is such a hopeless woman she really needs me
everyone is live!!
And your mother is a prostitute too...
Yes, feed the duck
hehehe Yumi wants to make yumi
lamy and subaru talking through kanata....
What was the mistake? I don't see anything obvious in the design.
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No, I don't watch filipino girls
That alphas gonna fuck everything up
Marine is his mom?
The stupid triceratops challenge a fucking trex
There's too much shit going on I'm just enjoying the screaming on their grand quest to try and take down this one triceratops.
>it got eaten by the carnisaur
Heimin actually prefer posting about streams over shitting up the thread.
Thats why subhumans try to falseflag as heimin
fuck you trex
actually kill yourself
you're playing stupid after defending an en homo spamming schizo that you know is already spamming homos and now you're playing dumb just because god you're such an insufferable faggot
Mio trying to tame her first little guy
Koyo eaten...
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I fucking love Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko!!!!!

nyahello miko miko miko miko miko!!!!!
It's the lapshart
He's mad no one cares about valorant garbage
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they really hate Luna huh
can they ever kill the t-rex
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we love aomari here
right back at you, you’d rather not filter shit and revel in filth, shitting the thread with metapost instead of posting about stream.
>Lamy, Kanata and Subaru
What do we call this group?
he's hilarious, he's shitting on Holos for coomer baiting but when people told him about Kiara's coomer baiting he straight up went, dude who cares about that, you would think he would at least hide his preferences a little bit but not in his case
kimono folded the wrong way, Miko was dead
Oh god echosubaru
FubuMiComet started! Nyahello~
Since the 2 brown fanbases are fighting about numbers and a filipino
I love Marine, she is the best, the cutest and she has better roommate, in fact, she never did anything wrong
Unlikely right now
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Pururu is too heavy for this team
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The raid tomorrow will be a bloodbath
>penis umbrella
what's that about?
>Motherless Jeremy Wong is also the Marine schizo
So basically you spend the entire entire day doing this? KEK
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Time to leech!
this isn't /vt/ buddy, take your mtl 5ch screenshots there
Is fubumicomet in some public lobby?
Kanata is too powerful
classic taso
Yea it's going to be entertaining as hell
Why is he spamming 5ch screencaps now
After doxx, numbers and baits
Are you going to beg to watch Koala again
that's cool bro but not your discord
the same as Lamy they are made for each other
pretty sure the lobby is always public. I remember some randoms were spectating fubumiko arm wrestling before
Elf bow xDDDDDDD
Why do 35p care more about Pekoras stream than outlast?
>fail to hunt a single triceratops
>take out their frustrations on a helpless bronto
Why are they like this?
mtl 5ch screenshots were thread culture long before /vt/ was created, dumb newfag
don't drink towater
kek what happen to pekora
Miko stop playing chess...
You triggered the tourists
Good job
I like it when other members use their 3D models with Miko
do a flip newfag
Hime can make tranqs now
He deserved it
this ain’t clubhouse so there’s no guide for chess…
i wonder how the raid will be like
passed out because she ran out of stamina... dumb bunny
Lunahime the power leveling hero of the village
Miko wants to get better at chess, she wants to be a grandmaster
that bronto just killed them earlier, so he deserved it
these two die too quickly taso..
Suisei is too strong in arm wrestling....
perfect rhythm suisei
lamy believes in taso
fake introvert like pekoleech and mariwhore
What raid
mio incharge of farming
Kanata is being forced to carry both Subaru and Lamy...
Hime shack making paid off hard
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I want to take advantage of weak-armed Friend
umeda cypher?wwwwwww
What the hell is outlast trials? Is it not like the first game?
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Canon skin color.
Can you feel the 2020 enjoyment of ARK again
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Lamy has 0 gaming skills... perfect woman
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he realy can't help himself
everyday there will be raid on their base
Why can you hear some people like half way across the map
Subaru is too loud
taso needs more stamina
This flopped event still won't beat niji koshien afraid so
holy shit subaru is loud
shut the fuck up Subaru
some stupid party horror game like lethal company.
fucking kek subaru
maybe they are just extremely loud
did taso leave discord?
taso gets a laugh at someone else experience triple triceratops
fubumikosui sub 15k
take that leech
That's her Manager you fucking retarded /vt/urd and he's also a fan of hers and try the same things his oshi
Subaru screaming her head off while being chased as Akutan laughs from the sidelines is perfect.
Actually already debunked and only exists inside of schizos headcanon lmao unlike pekwhoreleech and jun's marriage now that's actually real
I think they're accidentally entering a global channel
It's as if the schizo isn't an actual 35p...
I can still hear lamy, kanata is probably just muted
Just another Mel case huh
Akuluna love
Lamy said Kanata's voice was echoing, so Kanata should turn off her discord VC with only having the in-game voice available.
No Miko's POV no numbers
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I believe in akupeko day 2
Watching Lamy play by charging in with a bow and arrow makes me realize that I have been taking Botan's game sense for granted
why are numbermonkeys so mentally ill
the taso-lamy-suba discord setup is so retarded
tensaitaso is getting too cocky...
The other day as every other 35p was saying nyaharoo he was still seething about Pekora, it's kinda obvious to anyone who isn't a shitposter/retarded he's not a 35p
oh yeah is hime making poison arrow or something?
What happened to Ao?
pekoleech's maximum display of leeching behavior
why is everyone dying from thirst all the time thats so annoying
just woke up. Has anything interesting happened?
no true 35p
Tranq arrows helps with taming should be smooth sailing now for the server
This game looks so bad I can barely see why are they playing this shit instead of Ark or like......fallout.......
Shut the fuck up Twap
japanese women attack bronto with their pointy stick
the retarded baby finally exited
Miko almost fucking died in the tutorial how
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this but day 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9
Kanata? just go to them you autist
why is the 'tri' from 'triceratops' pronounced as 'tori' instead of 'tsuri' like 'three'
You guys think this format is better than the old sports fest and summer festival in minecraft?
Did ayame even won a single game??
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Everything is sold out

Sakura Miko 1st Live "flower fantasista!"
Sakura Miko 1st Album "flower rhapsody" Limited Edition 17578 $37.00 $650,386.00
Essentials Pack 6523 $68.00 $443,564.00
35P Light Stick 871 $29.00 $25,259.00
T-shirt 815 $24.00 $19,560.00
Tasuki Style Towel 565 $15.00 $8,475.00
35P Happi 2144 $43.00 $92,192.00

Miko already sold more merch for her sololive than what pekoleech sold for sololive and 2024 anniversary COMBINED
They've killed a few dinos and died a bunch of times
There waterskin that they can carry around for water but nobody bothered to make it
nice thank you
taso your discord...
Sui likes to bathe in blood
The way Mio says Ririkas name is cute
just join them, kanata...
nope, lap picked some dead weights (herself included)
no she isnt
i want to kiss her foreahead
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i really want akupeko day 1 but aqua committed to solo kirito for now but i really hope aqua and pekora build their bases next to each other
Fubuki can't stop teasing miComet
skillcheck spinning thing is such a shit mechanic
messaging them on discord/ingame is too hard for retardtaso
because it has a bird like beak instead of tree like antlers
Blame DBD for popularizing it
luna bebi
EOPs can only react to the numbers.
Back in my days, we have actual lockpicking or pipefixing minigames.
So far, yes.
taso's bane is her thirst
is she avoiding them again?
perfect skin tone
robosers are too lucky
Fubuki studied the game a lot because she knew miComet will be absolutely clueless with the game kek
Not yet
It's bad when Lapu is one of the better performing players
kanata is too much of a menhera...
The zeroes are not "back in my day" quite yet, millenialbro
Hime's shack is the de-facto hangout spot now lol
Miko is fucking DEAD
She's trying to fix the discord.
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yeah, dont they become pretty much invincible when they get guns anyway? i wonder how pekora would balance the raids around that
Silence, child.
>only lamy can hear taso this time
telepathy is real
3:24:16 Subaru: it's so amazing how Kanatan just gets lost into the game. maybe she's doing something useful

3:24:33 Subaru: or she's got a tummy ache or something. Lamy: you mean she went to the toilet?
Finally they are going to tame their first dino…
who the fuck left all those boxes on the open field?
lol, no and hopefully they won't win a single one
Flare's corpse is being guarded by a T rex
was splinter cell the first
Because they're using the try and not tree pronunciation of triceritops.
take your time, kanata....
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ichimi's are spamming Ao's suki-kira page
Suichan noo
Suisei wishes to be this white...
by having more dinosaurs
punitaso is hungry
Taso don't overcompensate
towa fed taso
Towa saved Kanata again....
numberwhore is afraid her average going down because multipov collabs
that is why she only wants single pov in her channel
Suisei just kicked that poor guy in the ribs.... Violent woman....
Nice job
Watch your stream, brownsagi
ARK ai is way too janky to make it harder by just adding more
finally they got one
>killing the red one
Pekora there's over 20 people here I'm sure it would be okay if they took a second triceratops.
She'd get more numbers than the other two anyway
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They're having fun over there and Towa is just hitting rocks
penis big man?!
Festivals crying again..
Miko chinchin
Don't look at his dick, Friend
Why are you mad? It's not news that ichimi are ao antis
yab penis on Fubuki stream
the most useless bait in history..
kanata is triggering me
taso too reckless...
why are you even trying to solo the alpha, kanata...
Too strong
I can't believe Miko just stabbed Suisei...
Her singular braincell got overwhelmed and she's spiraling
The ban man
taso's death wasn't in vain
cinco w
well at least the base is taking shape.
big chisochiso man sure loves hanging around small chisochiso fox
delete this please
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>Molests a girl ONCE
>gets fired and memoryholed forever from now on
>Miko repeatedly rapes Pekora over the course of a year
>No consequences at all
Women really have it easy
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Lapu plays the best when she is on Omen
heckin' TASOchan was extra cute today
Why is it JP only? I thought everyone was Hololive?
yab now there's a penis on Suisei's stream...
Regloss is there too.
nice headcanons, schizo
Pekwhoreleech the numberleech yes
The bau bau dogs are joining soon
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someone should tame that ugly ass worm
How did they get Outlast permissions back from management exactly? Cover going back on their decisions feels rare.
Give us panties and old swimsuits back damn it
taso wants to see the first dino getting tamed
An EN already has a frame up ID is apparently too busy
It's just a pun on ソ and ン
You're leeching /hlg/ stop leeching numberleech
There really no need for 2, since they need to get dino with fighting power more than tricera for tomorrow anyway
fucking GRIM
Theyre just gen 7
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todoroki hajime a akatan
>worried about raid
they will not survive tomorrow
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Bae is joining tomorrow
I thought that the game now implemented streamer friendly mode but chisochiso man is still here, so I dunno.
>playing with censors on
Turn it off suityan
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I miss when Watame did shitpost songs.
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special generation yoshida pochita hanako T..
yoshida p special generation
gonyabbi :DDD
Yoshida Pote Hanako T New Generation (Narcoberry Slave)….
We don't want leeches
I know, it's kinda funny in the "exhaled out of my nose but I type kusa in chat anyway" way.
what happened to matsuri this time.
taso and koyori testing how loud each other are
Why is this the narrative people are forcing when Yagoo gave him a farewell tweet thanking him for his work, he clearly did nothing egregious, it's probably a contract dispute or he's just unreliable or something. They'd be nuking him from orbit if he touched someone.
Sakamata should have been gen 3
Raden's stream in 20 minutes!
they wanted to have fun before sidebranches join and need to be babysat for their entire playtime
Why was this post deleted?
guess it's going to be shit from day 2 onwards
oh someone left the server?
>Sui C-
>Fbk A
>Miko B-
Dead weight.....
おつみぉーん!Rough start but Mio had a lot of fun. Might not join tomorrow, will follow up. Hurry up and eat dinner, Mio...
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What was Oujo doing...
Taso is having conversation with 2 persons at the same time
taso having a conversation with koyo and lamy at the same time...
eviltaso tricked lamy into thinking she was talking to lamy...
why wear a mask over a mask?
I guess >>47376595 explains it.
taso two timing, sinful woman
>post with all holos instantly deleted
>numbermonkey reposting /vt/ posts and samefagging all thread not touched at all
very curious indeed
who the fuck give their dinosaur that name
Welp rip watametes in this thread...
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pekora has an eternal noel and marine in her ear
noel pekora and marine did for marines
is she using a skin whitener?
her skintone looks off
taso finally reunites with lamy
taso teaching lamy how to drink water
I hate that they made nuns creepy and horrifying now. nun porn was so hot.
Kanata is too kind to Lamy
himemori's unchi....
lamy loves taso too much
>hit rocks
>hit rocks
>hit trees
people enjoy this?
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Explain me the reason of the Ao hate
I hope Lamy fixes her PC soon.
Apple watch is sending warnings to Marine...
do you have like 3 days memory or some shit
lamy is lost again...
Towa does
taso almost got seduced by marine's whispers
Good shit
Yoshida Pochita Hanako T New Generation (Narcoberry Slave), the first tame of holoark server
Tame complete
It's been 3 years...
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yoshida hanako p special generation tamed!!
you did nothing...
She's anoying for sure but I don't want her to graduate like these people want
>hololive member celebrating their first ever slave
Marine is a slave for my berries
sexy obaasan?
Suisei please don't zoom into her granny ass like that it is not eroi at all
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she gave mats to marine earlier you know
uhh watching aqua's pov is kind of boring
she's literally missing every action
I honestly thought suisei would score higher.
Aw no ark tomorrow because of lessons damn you did well day 1 hime
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return to monke
She asked for it
taso the middleman
to be fair, she has a pretty big ass
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Kanade has been going around in circles drinking water for the last 2 hours, at least she's building something now
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I prefer the original
taso your memory...
How is Sui going in circles and is lost again
you and ao fell for the ichimi facade.
fubuki down. it's over.
everytime i see towa on pekoras stream she has been hitting rocks
What does that mean
taso seeing the rare baby interaction
you havent been missing anything
I can see why Ao got fired from multiples agencies before
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Hoping for more comfy farming simulator tomorrow
taso can't find sheep anymore
build your base now for fuck sake
poop is weighting kanata down too much
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IMNILose... again...
>10 people
If you don't watch Marine then you wouldn't get it.
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twatism... just hitting rocks for hours on end...
Ichimi don't hate Ao, it's heimins falseflagging as them because Ao "stole" Marine from Kanata. Yes that's their reason
Did Azki also join ARK?
that's the entire of sukishit, 5 losers samefagging all day. why do you think our schizo has them as heroes? he does the same shit except he's just one guy
Ark kind of sucks...
She can't just on day 1 or 2 but she showed interest in starting from day 3.
feral taso
my poor kanata...
my poor amanekanatach...
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Akwa is so small…
Sora's game crashed? I guess that's the end for today.
help fubusan, you 2...
women are so noisy....
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>yokatta bakade
Aqua and Subaru trying to sell infos that everyone already knew about…
lol what the fuck they are planning actually
taso that's vandalism...
don't edit your archive kanata...
Ayame will be so mindbroken by the end of this....
Miko baka...
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I wonder why Watame's taking an extra 2 days compared to Azki then? Did Azki start her lessons earlier for the world tour I wonder?
taso can unchi at command
taso shidded on demand
Argen is too ambitious for day 1, they should just get few direwolf and raptor for raid tomorrow. They are allowed to replace dead dinos anyway as long they don’t purposely kill them.
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Choco time
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I'm not sure if all of the encouragement that the rest of the team is giving is enough to get Pururu to play better
tasos unchi www
>miComet next to each other
>one of them ALWAYS leans on the other one
why are they like this?
Fubumicomet promoting drugs
>open Towa stream
>no Towa
>keep watching
she survived the last tourney, she will be fine
stealing bibideba from its rightful singer
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Raden's stream is starting get in here!
bakamata scaring taso for a sec
she survived HPS this is literally nothing in comparison
it's cute
was the last tournament a complete massacre?
Miko should sing bibideba and stellar stellar during her sololive. It's her orisongs after all
>gets back to civilization
>subaru is screaming
why the girls screaming?
deso you did nothing but talk to Towa today...
I ultra miss my daughter Neneti…
last tourney they actually had competent good players and won a bunch of games... unlike this one
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Towa is shitting
Bargain sales
>sakamata didn't notice she was naked until kanata pointed it out
How does this girl function?
AZKi's just a veteran, she even has a sololive on the 3rd.
Sui please check the doors before bashing them open...
no it wasn't... they had akarin and runa who could carry
This time fucking Ayame needs to carry lol it's very bad
remember when startend made a whole ass cover and just lose in the apex tournament?
that was pure cringe
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noedeso love
She is not, Kanata game is just bugged
Suisei: door? what door?
TASOchan pooped while farting lmao
>kanata modded game sees everyone nude
it can't be helped taso
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I love my ARK addicted wife Choco!
they had some epic moments
more like ultra based
I thought she started wearing clothes once Kanata told her.
Yagoo always defends the homos, they're his bros
she should probably go check it out....
What would you do if Towa appears then?
taso is too stupid..
Heimin don't care about Marine. It's us ichimi who care about Kanata's and Marine's bond.
We could watch Kanata and get fun stories about Marine but now with Ao killing that off and being the only person to talk about off-stream Marine we only get NTR stories about how they're making out off-stream and how little Marine cares about anyone but Ao.
because ALL homos started to shit on him which usually doesn't happen...
a lot of weird comments were made
that's why people are speculating
taso too unlucky...
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tomorrows raid is going to be a clown fiesta with only marine having a tamed dino
Wild taa
Towa is going feral…
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Suisei is brown...
taso wanted to be kechi but it just bit her in the ass
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I love Haachama's huge milkers.
These girls are psychopaths...
kanata finally reached lv21!
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fat goblin fixed
taso was gonna try fighting a triceratops but her unchi dropped to warn her not to do so
Everyone is too stingy with their tame slot unironically.
I didn't know that, what have they been saying?
You ruined the goblin
What a fucked up church
Left: SOVL
Right: souless
Exit time
So you just made her taller?
You should be happy that Marine actually met someone who genuinely wants to be a friend with her
kanata is trying to tame another one right now
Miko: A-
Sui: B+
Fbk: C-
ruined the womb
Ao ruined Marine
Nice score Miko
laplus must have been pressed for time to invite pururu
I think it's too high of a level...
taso leveled yoshida's stats instead of her own www
it's fine kanata...
no one will notice...
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Its sort of warranted since you cant really lose them intentionally but theyre going to get absolutely stomped
ganbare taso
Towa the NPC helping the new arrivals.
Other people like Pekora or Kanata don't really care about Marine and only use her for numbers, Ao genuinely likes Marine and Marine also likes her
That's what I'm thinking as well at this point
Nah, still looks like Marine
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Ao is not a genuine friend.
Watame has habanai recording, some 3D recording and a full health checkup this week
akwa has been showing more interest after the HC
taso's meat is pretty delicious
Dirty koyo
maybe no one else wanted to join
why is koyo being a slut
akua is so small
too many dirty jokes...
Hime scared akua
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I mean, does it really count as losing them intentionally if they died in battle?
Suisei wanted to visit Kidzania and fubumiko wanted to join as well
She checked but apparently they're already too old to enter...
karma for the murderers
these women are too retarded...
>Towa and Choco aiming to tame shadowmane
They are the only hope for tomorrow raid.
Too brown
The max age for entry is...25....
stop leeching /hlg/
Why is Raden so cute
who will be the sacrifice...
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Hag love...
>Blatant leeching is genuine friendship
wtf Kanata is too smart today
hololive no zunou, amanekanatach
miComet are Christmas cakes
Only fubuki is a hag...
I prefer holox no zunou, her tits specifically
both holox no zunou and hololive no zunou..........
Can you even enter if you don't have a kid with you? I thought that place was like a daycare center...
They are racist against dinos since they thought it was a wrong species.
Lapu has whipped out the Roboco tactics
Aqua will find THAT monkey
It will be like Shion joined ark...
Yeah you can still "play" at kidzania as long as you're under 25
pekor is a true solo player
tyogo tentei
How is that leeching? Marine genuinely enjoys spending time and hanging out with Ao, you don't see her acting like this with other holo
Sounds like a heavenly place for the resident holo lolicons...
taso wants everyone to fall with her
Suisei is 27 (same age as me)
That's why Friend is the hottest of the three
is this fun?
I'm enjoying it but it's going to be boring when they're all on flying dinos
What a bizarre opinion.
Kanata deliberately has not collabed with Marine in years so she clearly doesn't care about numbers. Pekora also avoids collabing with Marine even though she could do it every months if she just asked.
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taso your reaction time...
why mio why
Cmon Choco tame sum fucking spino
Miko looks like she could pass a teenager, she should just go and try to visit it sometime
that's karma for bullying a gentle dinosaur, kanata
dumb bunny you need to eat
shouldve banned pterodactyls
>starts killing it
poor sheep
don't tease the cat taso
I never said anything about leeching. I said Ao is not a genuine friend. She is destroying Marine's reputation among her fanbase and she's fully aware of it.
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my akutan... my poor akutan...
is that someone base or the respawn point?
Lots of interactions, yes.
Aren't the newest Miko images literally like 7-8 years old. She practically was one back then.
taso won't forgive the wolves
If you're not coming with your parents they need your ID
I need more Akuluna
The more ichimi is angry about Ao, the more time Marine would spend hanging out together with Ao
Gotta say... upset Ayame sounds pretty hot
Since they are sharing one base with limited slot I don’t think they are going to tame that much flying mount aside from few argen for transporting purpose.
Most of the tame will definitely be battle dino if anything.
stressed out miko
Momosuzu Nene, mi esposa, is the cutest
I like this pack.
>Subaru entire identity is just having loud voice
Why is Towa like this…
Well Miko should go visit it with her mom then.
Ao is hanging out with Marine in order to get a shrapnel of her popularity, because she herself is an utter failure that can't do anything but pretend to be a genuine retard.
they did it!
>Sui: obaa-chan even if you're angry your youth won't come back!
>Miko: don't say that... one day those words will come back to you...
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even when she gets in she's playing by herself and not joining everyone on their adventure
her pov is quite literally the most boring out of everyone's stream
Ichimi won
baby miko pussy
i wonder what pekora first dinosaur will be
Or maybe she just enjoys being friends with Marine and Marine also enjoys being friends with Ao. Not everything in life is about leeching
I like this team, really calming voices
I love how Choco says good morning to everyone at 11pm
she said what 3 she wanted to tame but i forgot and only remember the mammoth
everything in pekoleech's life is about leeching
>Fubuki can't be revived anymore
It's actually over
taso your melee aim...
Wyvern and Maywing?
im out
i cant stand this korean pretending to be japanese
Morning is whenever you wake up to start the day
Not everything, but their relationship sure is.
don't brag about your friendly fire kill taso...
During the mengen she was really excited to play with Pekora and hoped Pekora could rely on her again...
Suichan the prince is rescuing her princess Miko
kanata's aim is just too bad...
punitaso mishearing soba
maybe? I definitely see her wanting a maywing since the last time they played ARK she loved them
Ao need to graduate asap
She's back!
don't narrate their deaths taso
she livessss
taso left everyone 4 dead
Mio killed Okayu again
They got an item that can revive the dead
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The ptera HATES Subaru
well unlike minecraft, pekora probably not so busy with ark
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why miko is behind suisei
What's happening on ayame's stream is basically rape
All this people should be arrested
that makes little interactions that aqua has here and there with okayu and others that much more endearing.
Miko ganbareeee
miko went to the bathroom for 1 fucking minute and evveryone's dying
Where the fuck is Miko
please tell me someone already has their own base
Filipinos have this power huh
Laplus and her team suck so much
everyone's dead mikochi...
Now they're just bullying Miko...
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more than deserved, she shows herself only when it is convinent so the more miserable this experience is the better
Well it's not Miko's fault
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Oh my God
taso knows that okami are wolves
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miComet really love each other
im going to watch animal crossing instead
Another IMNILose...
Ah no wonder Miko was gone for long
She was puking from motion sickness... Poor baby....
mio is a sheep in wolf's clothing
don't use others as bait taso
yoshida p special generation is useful
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Does she really?
Miko zako...
I'm now a sheep shagger
is this her favorite dinosaur?
honestly fps makes me sick now too.
I played doom, bioshock and dishonored before with no problem, but I can't even play slow paced fps now without feeling like I wanna throw up.
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Everybody can only build in this central area, so this is all they've got.
At this point in the game probably
What are they doing?
Suichan wants to end because she can't stand seeing her girlfriendwife Miko feeling sick. Otsumiko!
They're gone...
The three of them will play Ark tomorrow
yeah tomorrow raid will be a massacre
that's a weird gift, taso...
taso gets off on getting insulted by sakamata
otsufubumicomet fags!
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VS when
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Hags that wear younger women's clothing are the best
taso is littering
ayame can't carry this
laplus has rose-tinted glasses in regards to ojou
taso will never forget bancho's geddan
FubuMiComet ended! FubuMiComet ARK tomorrow!
stop embarrassing heimin, kanata...
Chloe is too nice to hime
I thought the guy was supposed to be the carry
come on pekora time to tame some dinosaur
Everyone loves to pamper the baby
my promised MariKoro...
Chocosen…the bronto is too strong…
for supposedly being a pro he's offensively mediocre
wtf raden is pretty cute
taso seems to want sakamata to call her without honorifics
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love seeing marine and special generation walking around
but kanata keeps calling people with senpai....
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>Miko got motion sickness
>Suichan wants to end early because of it
>says she's going to make food after this for Miko
Suichan really loves her girlfriendwife Miko... this is what a true love looks like
>5 hours in
>only 5 Holo have stopped streaming
eh, maids should easily be able to do moe moe kyuns
taso wants a gun
Okayu is bullying Awka...
she knows not to fuck with the candy princess
kanata wants to rape bancho
I wish Ayame would learn the right lesson from all this...
taso babysitting bantyo
is he a pro? i thought he was just a streamer
I wanna fuck the candy princess...
great innit
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It's probably over at this point
Supposed to, but he's not. Someone mentioned in a previous thread that he was an apex player, so I guess the skill level isn't carrying over into valorant
Safe to say that the ARK revival arc is a big hit?
that it is better to play Valorant off stream?
sasuga taso with the layered jumpscare
lmao they get caught by brontosaurus crossfire
yes but who has the best POV
im starting to think it's subaru, whenever I see her on others streams she seems to be with 2-3 people just generally fucking around
Hime is too slow
[Towa Died]
taso enjoying the view
i was one of the skeptics but it's been fun
need better weapon pekora
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pekor... dumb bunny
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Filipinas are mostly family oriented. This means Suisei would literally abandon her music career to be a good housewife for her girlfriendwife Miko.
every time i open these i laugh at the cypher. goddamnit.
i thought yui was on the same skill level as lap...
pururu was a mistake
You do know Ao is a girl, right? In fact she's a girly girl. Marine hanging out with her is not a big deal.
>says she's going to make food after this for Miko
She'd never say such a thing, stop the delusions.
Pekora the bronto is strong and it can farm berries, it will be pretty useful to have
mio stream was comfy
It's been 5 hours and literally nothing of note has happened so far
use a stronger weapon taso...
Nametake in a few weeks.
Pururu is cool, but she really isn't cut out for this...
Not really, the event itself flopped even Marine and Aqua are getting less viewers than usual.
my bad, I checked better, he's part of an esports organization but he's listed just as a streamer
don't get so cocky when you are just killing a defenseless dinosaur kanata...
protect the woman taso
>how many people are there in hololive? 30 something?
that's right
Finally the rampager is down
Noel got eaten by a TRex
She literally said she's going to make food after this.
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second tame きTらああ
oh they cant tame it?

not enough level
ao never felt genuine, doesn't matter that she's a girly girl
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Mio struggling to get voice chat and general controls working until Towa came along was really cute too
If anything Ao is more at risk than Marine. We know Marine by now.
just can't make the saddle for it
Miko and Suisei are going to open their own family izakaya
They can, its just took a while to tame
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nobody gives a shit about numbers except you micomet turd lmao
the girls are enjoying themselves, and I'm having fun so far
We know she's a piece of shit, yeah.
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masochist squad
Atahuta was right
okayu is the first one to agree with taso that her headgear is cute
I don't like black chiikawa
Marine is literally the kindest more like Holo in the company. Everyone loves her and she's more popular than Pekora, Miko, or Fubuki. Everyone wants to be Marines friend.
If even Marine and Aqua are getting less viewers than usual, then the event is not a big hit. Simple as.
So what's the Ichimi's beef with Ao, genuine question. I see something about reputation but i don't really get it. Is it just unicorn shit, with Ao being too annoying to pass as tt?
>sui got the guts to try and hug her
>but is acoustic
>the not so socially inept miko notices this and saves her from the embarrasment
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this aint good. i think im in love with raden
that has nothing to do with what I said
nobody but you care about the numbers
you aren't welcome here and nobody likes you
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cat is lewding taso
There is no logic behind schizos.
ichimin are actually vile and marine had to address them badmouthing ao during one of her streams
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cat is an ojisan after all
>that argen is 150
everyone want to save their tame slot
Her head is still fucked
Utterly delusional, classic ichimi.
Then what qualifies something as a big hit if not the numbers?
tame slot limitation in a taming game is literal no fun allowed
pekora got her ass shoot
a nail that sticks out is dangerous that's a dumb idiom
if everyone has fun and the holos have fun
I guess you think MrBeast produces the best content on earth? Or those spics streaming themselves doing drugs for 700k viewers?
It should be limited per day or something
yeah but not for Miko.
that bad, huh?
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Ao is a bad person
Simple as
>spics streaming themselves doing drugs for 700k viewers
this is a thing? wtf
>big hit is when everyone is having fun
lol I bet you're also thinking the homos and sidebranchwhores streams are big hit too lmao
cam on kanata, get a tame before the force ending
3 is too little, it should be 5 and you can swap 1 per day. Lets you have some kind of roster for different roles while leaving the ability to upgrade as time goes on.
It's for Miko especially
Hime held that pee in for a long time
You can tell Marine is successful because of her devoted haters. Greatest Holo of All Time.
taso noticing the size gap between mukiroze and akwa
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i used to play ark with a "friend" and he would always try to limit the number of tames
literally the thing i hate the most when it comes to retarded arbitrary rules
didn't mean to quote
>no argument so he goes to accusing me of being an enbeggar
I accept your concession
they do it once a year
This is a cope made up by people that nobody likes
>no miComet in the server right now
yeah Suichan is cooking food and taking care of Miko right now
your friend is right and you were retarded to think server fees are free
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Damn those 2view indies having BIG HIT streams
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the fuck are you talking about.
it was a self hosted server. by me.
you know you can do that right? lol
wtf sora appeared when they were just talking about her earlier
Pekora's chuuni bird name will surpass Yoshida Pote Hanako T New Generation
pekora you can't make fun of marines naming sense
wtf ark is a dating game like apex now???
you hosted the server yourself and your friend wanted a rule change you did not want?
electricity is not free unless youre an arab
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Noel ended kinda weird, why so quickly and her diary was just three lines saying it was fun, she didn't even want to write dairy.
lol wut, unpopular people don't get schizos because nobody gives a damn about them meanwhile popular people get all the schizos
Maybe she was in a hurry
Aqua is slurping all over Sora
Fucking chuuni ass rabbit
the bird is tamed
Star Quasar...
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This is how hololive dies.
what the fuck is that name pekora
nta but there is literally an Aki schizo who can't see her without bringing up males
implying a self hosted server for two people would make a dent into my utility bills
find a better place to live
my internet is unlimited and electricity is cheap as fuck
3 dinos is enough for 2 utility/general use and their 3rd being their ultimate dino. These settings is fine for this ark arc
pekora is going to breed for aqua
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ARK fucking sucks
Ojou my poor poor ojou
Please win something
She won my heart
Aqua is propositioning Pekora for sex in front of everyone, how bold
She's a busy girl.
that is a big poop
taso laughing at unchi raining from the sky
doing what
Too small
i see what you did there
>electricity is cheap as fuck
please stop being illiterate and read that my argument was free not cheap
also you did not answer my first question
>free not cheap
I literally get paid by the power company every month
What do you mean? I missed when she decided she would end, when I checked she was asking if writing the diary was obligatory and then wrote very generic 3 lines and ended, also said she won't play tomorrow
I fail to see how is that related to my post
sora still playing?
taso getting triggered...
[Sad news]
Star Quasar is retarded
she's dancing with Okayu right now
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>unpopular people don't get schizos
>aki has a schizo
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jog your memory taso...
>pekora is going to breed aqua
stop making me misread things
Aki is a mid tier holo now
unfortunately nobody is gonna breeed aqua
I wonder if she felt motion sick. Ark has done that to her in the past.
she really is made for pekora
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kanata is not a DoM at all though...
>electricity is cheap as fuck
>I literally get paid by the power company every month
now youre just contradicting yourself.
i will just call you mongoloid matsuretard
With that logic Pekora and Suisei are the most successfull.
No, she's DOA
she's already doing plenty of that
I'm not the same person, just pointing out that your argument is dumb, because sometimes electricity literally is free.
ok, first, the fact that you're implying that any Holo is unpopular is pretty retarded, second, Aki got schizos exactly because she got more popular, that's for proving my point I guess
Uhh I don’t you need that many people for the rock dino Aqua
I liked Noel's POV...
Why is she making a new frame?
ENs and IDs aren't popular yet they have very rampant schizos. Same can be said about the homos
>Hosting server economics
starquasar master is useless
Yes? You can argue over exact order but those two would be top 3 either way.
Besides, Pekora's success is literally the only reason she for our local shizo's existence
So she felt the need to go back in and rewrite it because it was so shitty, still doesn't explain why she wrote that on stream.
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star quaser is a good bird, i'm sorry i made fun of it pekora
ENs and IDs don't get half the schizo bullshit in here the JPs do precisely because they don't have schizos. Telling people trying to spam about them to fuck off isn't being a schizo. No one brings them up impromptu unlike with Aki or Laplus.
Suisei IS the most successful holo. It's not even up to debate.
they both were getting 6k on twitch yesterday
it is 30% culled but no cull won't save laplus from 1k ccv lol
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Ao slut
>the fact that you're implying that any Holo is unpopular is pretty retarded
Are you pretending popularity isn't relative? Because that's fucking retarded. Certain holos are certainly "unpopular" within the context of hololive.
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my gf
Towa has acquired mushroom
below 1k now
I'm pretty sure such a big collab was very stressful for her. It felt like she's on a verge of a panic attack for most of it.
Been a cute little adventure with chocosen
they are still Hololive, also ENs unironically cultivated their own schizo fanbase back in 2022, the issue with EN is that they used to be much more popular but for some reason they decided to tell their fanbase to touch grass while they started mass collabing with Homos
bro what kind of place do you live where playing an online videogame makes you suffer this much because of muh electricty costs
like seriously
hope you can find a better job. or just a job, you talk like you're poor.
that wasn't me though
She was trying to rejoin but was having difficulties. Says right there.
In her pants
the banana...
Okayu and Sakamata are sluts
Hime is having trouble repairing this axe
cute taso
This guy really chose to watch Laplus's viewcount over any of the streams
holy shit just look at this
Fubuki is thirsty
at least someone is watching her
kanata accidentally saved a dying friend...
friend is too rude to taso who guided her to water
Post the screencap hahahahaha
It says after the stream ended she went back in to rewrite the diary, 日記書き直してる, and while doing that got bugged out and can't login again
So she knew that what she wrote on stream was too shitty and went back in to rewrite.
Compare it to HC Minecraft where she was writing raps every time, it's just weird what she wrote in stream.
maybe she should drink some water
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run starquasar
Imagine if that terror bird kills star quasar….
don't be creepy taso
kanata's brain is turning to mushes already...
akupeko my beloved
what would a Towa soup taste like
Oh fuck the terror bird is back
an aphrodisiac
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you better heal her pekora
Replace Subaru with Korone and we're good.
he said Towa, not Mio
Sakamata is a sheep
Towa, not mio+iroha
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>no Watame for 3 days
I don't think I'm gonna make it this time... I'm not strong enough
people are too shy to accept taso's gifts
is grim a numbershart word like gold and mog or something? there has not been a single good post with it
Easy level 40 before end of first day for hime
It's a YuGiOh card-ass name.
What will you do in the meantime?
every post shitting on Laplus and Ayame is a good post
Go back to /vt/
We love La+ and Ayame here
pekora cant make saddle for starquasar?
How we save laplus /hlg/bros?
Even nakiricucks don't care about her anymore
Do do don't do it anon
why are you not watching them then?
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aqua can, she's getting mats for aqua to make it
sakamata should stop trolling taso
the last lapmate...
graduation, some cannot be saved
>Nene's rrat is a recycle p-maru's rrat
Oh okay
>server open for 2 more hours
I'm not gonna make it...
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Pekora is such a chuuni
who the fuck names their dinosaur like this?
Wtf suddenly Suisei
A wild suityan!
I was though. I'm at work now
it's cool
>Nene's rrat is a retrace p-maru's rrat
punitaso is hungry irl
Sora's taking all day just naming her dinosaur
if you could name and tame a dino you would do the same, well at least i would
learn english retard
>Towa comes back to base
>First thing she hears is Subaru screaming
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really happy that kanata and suba played with Lamy
take it easy kanata....
your throat is still healing after all...
Okayu and Sakamata should do sex collab…
Imagine the asmr
>'grim' being a real word means it isn't a numbershart term
How many generations of inbreeding did it take to produce a specimen like you?
pektard and stamina management really don't go together
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dumb bunny
starquasar trying to kill pekora
So Towa and Choco are going to try and tame a couple of shadowmanes tomorrow?
Starquasar trying to drown Pekora
>That kanata
Show respect to Kanataso, dumb avatarfag.
They sure love their buzzwords
Every. Time.
kek it was so obvious
kanata is spending too much effort in drawing this kanatasochan...
I am sure they can do it today. There 2 more hours right?
Why is subaru showing everyone her tits
punitaso is too hungry she will eat anything
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so whats your favorite dinosaur anon?
yeah, 1h and 50m
its 25:10JST
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explain this retard???
miko is in the server?
taso got excited thinking about late night burgers
The nuggysaur obviously
this will never not be funny
and immediately starts a nudist colony
The one that can inflict 1000 damage per hit.
I don't think they're ready though?
Hime looking at butts again after yesterday
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fucking faggot ichimi spends all day shitting on Laplus and Ayame because Marine is too busy getting fingered by Ao to stream late hours
taso getting immersed with the color choices
Suisei only entered the server after she's putting her girlfriendwife Miko to sleep and took care of her
Miko is in the server you retarded falseflagger
Resorting to fanbase wars now that you got exposed? Classic /vt/oddler.
For me it's THEかなた
do /vt/ monkeys really can only speak using buzzwords? is this a consequence of spending all day shitposting?
Suichan is playing with her account
I'll stop when ayame and laplus will start fingering each other
what kind of lifeform is kanatasochan?
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You could've made some retarded post about how Suisei and her girlfriendwife joined together but instead you out yourself as a retard yet again.
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>Miko joining the server at the same time with Suichan
Gay gay gay gay aaaaaay
no i think i'd name it dinosaur..
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pekora please make starquasar stop flying
Same species as Kanata - living onahole
suityan your legs...
it's not finished yet
You're on the receiving end
run starquasar run
>trex come
>Pekora run away with star quasar
Can they sleep it like that then
yeah it's just the outline, kanata is coloring it in now
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>stops spinning in place and everyone starts screaming in unison
taso don't punch it...

fuck i didn't take the ss of finished kanatasochan in time...
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the way koyori called over pekora was extremely cute
don't look at other people diary, kanata....
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very cute

only lewd cats here taso
taso still angry at the cat that pushed her out..
heimin want to fuck this
on my face
Sit on my face, senchou
what does "heimin" mean?
my poor poor amanekanatach...
kanata's pc finally gave out...
this but Polka's ass
ark won't let taso write her diary
Yea chloe 1 on 1 with luna would be good
Kanata can draw?
That's how I want to die
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>losing weight
grim mogged
rural folks
taso will consult peko later since she can't reenter
this time, instead of a cat ark kicked taso out
You're an ass, but I'm guilty of laughing at that
I was on toilet break, did either of them mention the other?
post that porka pasta
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take it easy taso
>Nene on indefinite hiatus
>Botan on summer break
>Lamy can't get ARK working right on her 2PC setup and she can't contribute in this server anyway
>Polka going menhera and probably not joining
It's over for gen 5 ARK...
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literally Aqua
Teased her while she was picking berries and hime bantered back at her while giggling
I always liked raptors due to Jurassic Park but now they're pretty overrated.
take care of your throat Kanata...
more ARK tomorrow potentially
punitaso will have supper
Always has been.
Ah I'll have to wait for the archive, would love a collab between them.
>surprised at how fast they beat this one
>they have real weapons now and the bird to tank so they're doing 10x damage per hit and hitting it 100x more often instead of running around like scared chickens
It's impossible to say how they managed to defeat that triceratops so quickly.
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tyoko's unko...
Whole page of red...
Is it just me or Kanata's art of Kanatasochan isn't showing on other's stream? I checked Hajime's stream and it wasn't showing...
Gokisei quite literally saved summer 2023, we couldn't expect for them to do that again
the game probably have loading issues sometimes, like how kanata saw sakamata as naked when she was clothed
it's so fucking over...
my poor poor kanata...
Why does she hide in a box
how many dinosaur they have tamed?
Are Kanata and Kanataso somehow different entities? I don't really watch her
what does so even mean
eat well taso
Pururu is a cute muppet, but she's actually weighing this team down.
pekora okayu sakamata and lui almost got destroyed
Kanataso is the chibi Kanata I think
Marine's Triceratops
Pekora's Argent
Choco's Bronto (in progress)
Sora's Ankylosaur

I think that's all?
I like the 3 dino rule, fanarts will be consistent with their favorite dino
>Sora's Ankylosaur
oh so she the one riding that small blue dinosaur
the nickname kanataso comes from the 'n' in kanatan; in katakana it looks very similar to 'so'

kanatasochan is the new little gremlin mascot
Lapu... gone...
No lapu... don't leave me...
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kanatasochan is something that suddenly appeared in kanata's room, pretty sure that was the lore that kanata gave it, kanata and kanataso is the same person amanekanatach
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same time tomorrow against kuzuha team, also some prerecorded marvel stuff
>I always liked raptors due to Jurassic Park
I hope you understand your favorite dinosaur is a lie
I might be wrong (can't read names at all with this res) but I'm pretty sure that was Sora
pekora kuso aim
my favourite dinosaur is the one that spits acid in jurrasic park
lol haachama
God damn urufu killing hime after she got set up again
starquasar will die
and hajime's ark died too...
what a stupid game...
She was excited to face her old team members for this event, Karubi's team is stacked though. Maybe she will be able to beat Kuzuha's at least
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Yes, they are two separate entities.
Fuck, Sora spent so long deciding on a name for her Ankylosaurus and now "Ankimosaurus" has manifested by accident when it's too late
Star quasar….
>the one that spits acid in jurrasic park
That one is also a lie...
Why did they choose Sora to tame it again?
is aqua trying to level up?
pekora really needs to put her star quaser in the base before it dies from her being pektarded
They're all a lie, since none of them have feathers
Anon that's like questioning why they ask the Queen to christen ships
Utahraptor is real and is even bigger
Deinonychus is a bit smaller than the movie raptor but still large enough to easily kill a human
i'm also eating dinner now...
Yes, and the velociraptor which is what they had in Jurassic Park is actually the size of a dog and would probably run if you just shooed it away
starquasar killed pekora...
starquaser murdered pekora...
Star Quasar murdered her mother in cold blood

The drowning attempt failed but the cliff did not
i hope pekora allowed the member to change the dinosaur if they died in battle. the raid definitely will kill one of them
Hime soloed a ptero
Oh shit they got mammoth
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damn subaru got a lvl 150 mammoth
I guess all the Holo really want to hit the server limit on the first day
There's no cute pteros to tame
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Fell asleep just as it flew over the water...
They aren't even close?
He means time limit. It am hour away
The server closes at 3am
aqua's kind of...tryharding a bit too hard.
she's gonna get ptsd again
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Well this is kind of pinkish
no starquasar will die, this time
Bronto too strong
if one dies you can get another, just not the same dino again
Akwa is a terrible liar..
>velociraptor which is what they had in Jurassic Park
It was only called "velociraptor", it was actually an upscaled Deinonychus - the book about dinosaurs Crichton read before writing JP actually had a Deinonychus mistakenly labeled as a Velociraptor which is where this all started. That and "velociraptor" rolls off the tongue much more nicely. It's not like they completely out of the loop with paleontology, Lost World even has a character based on Bakker.
Sui just can't help it
oh, why not say time limit then lol
Poor mammoth is going to be a slave…
the mammoth already fate become a slave
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breeding with subaru forma ARK
server time limit is more accurate but it is whatever
Habanai was yesterday and today though Full checkup is normally 2 days and I honestly forgot/don't remember about the 3D recording, probably a day, so it checks out. Still sad that she's gonna miss most of HoloARK.
They extended the server time?
time limit extended
this time, starquasar will die. oh no sora cannot move
This is a dark precedent to set
Is the time limit only extended today or is it extended for the whole server?
>not a real hardcore
maybe for today only since it is day1
not a real timelimit
>set a time limit
>broke it instantly
interesting strategy
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>powerleveling hard to gift Pekora a saddle for StarQuasar
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i really love akupeko
Probably just today because they're not even close to ready for raids which are supposed to start tomorrow
Antis salivating at Pekora breaking her own rules again...
I can't believe she would do such a thing and add an extra 2 hours to the server time this truly speaks of the evilness this woman harbors inside her heart!
One of the consequences of Okayu's bimbo arc is that she sounds patronizing now half the time
>old okayu sounds fake
>new okayu sounds patronizing
Cat can't win
50 more keratin…
Pekora hasn't followed any set of rules consistently even once
Towatowa stuck to choco
jisas fckin crise, they all look the same, character creation a shit
Rules are made to be broken.
the mammoth still not tame?
autist recognizes autist
so the time limit rule was just an excuse to keep the autistic indo out, Pekora is too based
Towa gte bitchslaped to death…
The misadventures of the demon duo...
Big based wabbit
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Both of them, stuck to my cock
I took a break from ark for a couple of hours. How many tamed dinos do they have?
it was quite clear who "inspired" that rule
It's something about certain intonations that she hits. I use those when i praise toddlers or dogs
Flare can't stop whacking
What the fuck is happening to Flare…
All these chuuni names for the ptero
i wonder which dinosaur will die first
Star Quasar…
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almost every girl that tries Towa's clothes becomes insanely fuckable... how do they do it unlike Towa?
Damn dinosaur ruining the tame
Minato Aqua is Kirito
Towa is insanely fuckable though
step 1. don't have Towa's voice
>soloing everything so she can gift something to asuna
That's the theme, isn't it. She's a goddess that accepts onigiriya, faults and all.
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I came
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what the fuck is luna doing?
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They should host a holo concert in ARK
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The chuuniest name
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how? why?
Towa would never do this
What do towafeet smell like?
27jst means 3am right?
She looks like my mom...
They extended it to 5 for today but yes.
Can I have sex with your mom?
Yes, but it's been extendedd.
Images lost hard
silly chama if you want that dinosaur just ask them
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extended to help with the raid tomorrow
>says there's a time limit to deter a certain someone from tryharding
>extended the time limit
Towa got comboed lol
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pure virgin lesbian saint
>Open Lamy's ARK archive
>She's talking about Gamma
Why are EOPs incapable of learning not to randomly bring up other streamers? You monkeys have zero manners.
>Okayu want to tame a wolf
You just know…
what the requirement to tame dinosaur?
it depends on your level, I think?
Knock it out, feed it
I didn't know Kanata was doing R18 stuff...

Sex appeal
How can I mute just Miko's voice from other holos streams?
>Kanade's archive has 100k views already with an average viewership 2k
the pajeet running youtube is personally attacking regloss
jerk it off
The heimin that said it was a loading issue for kanata's art was right just saw it happen for the signs on hime's stream
they're flirting again
Who is born DD dies DD
Miko talks like a hecking bebber
Why isn't Miko streaming her POV?
Most of them just required certain shots of tranq bolt/bullet until they sleep.
Some require special taming like giving them fruits while you are hidden.
shut up choco
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Damn that's pretty close I can use that
is the "no building trap outside of base" rule still in effect?
Towa OCD…
I just saw that Ayame and Lapu streamed earlier, which dino did they tame?
then explain how starquasar got tamed by pekora. that bunny dont have sex appeal
Why is she pooing out her vag?
don't click this, it's laplus with poo coming out of her ass
man, ark is pretty shit now. palworld looks amazing in comparison.
heimins, your response?
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Just accept your oshi wants to fuck other men. Mostly other Japanese men to keep the bloodline
too cute
Well which is it
your mom is not my oshi yet I still have sex with her every day
Why do girls piss when they masturbate
why are there so many greynames in aqua's chat?
>hime crashed making the diary
Ark is a badly put together game
They are all the people that Aqua hates
What rule did this post break?
>listen to it
>literally exactly nothing like Kanata
you faggots joke about Kanata being deaf but holy shit you turds actually are deaf
You forgot your nene image
The other recordings don't sound like her as much.

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