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Is she a dragon or a turtle?
she is ugly
the matriarch is so slender, smooth, seductive, cute!
Idk, but she probably makes for a good broth
She's Gensokyo's Bowser
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What she angry about?
Yachie is a deerfucker

Saki is part of miko's ultra hard bdsm cuck sessions

You just need to make yuuma drink your cum to get her to fall in love with your dick
She found a human man who is nor on his knees worshipping her.
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I knew wolf spirits were stupid, but these posts were pathetic.
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She's a web-footed, beady-eyed, face-eating bastard. SHE EATS FUCKING FACES.
Yuuma would eat your face as well.
She molests fairies
Yeah but Yuuma would eat the whole pf you in one inhalation which is substantially less bad.
Yet there are still anons on this board who'd voluntarily submit and let Yachie push them down, hold them close and slowly nibble her way through their skin... facial musculature... cheeks... bite their eyelids off with her razor-sharp teeth... all while she whispers sweet nothings into their ears... she eventually gnaws their ears off too...
That would be terrible, haha
OF COURSE the Keiga would take an issue with lady kicchou's thread and bump bump others, so it reaches page ten!
but not on my watch! you will know why baby seals and even the alligators fear us!
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She quite the charming women
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autistic retard
I feel bad for Yachie fans after the UDoALG incident...
is she ok?
now that i think about it, is the effect of the lobotomy permanent?
Time will tell, she'll have to be an important character in a future game and not get humiliated again.
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Hey, you all still respect me right?
What do otters even see in this dork?
She so dangerous the ogre had to pierce her frontal lobe to nothingness not for too long hopefully
That would be hot, haha
No :D
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Do you love Yachie and her family
Seeing that art, I think Yachie would be the type who likes to appear at ease, in control, but that's only when things goes as she suspects, like In her first appearence.
But when it doesn't, like we see later, she goes into an angry rage more befitting a brutal mob boss.
Kind of want to write a story about getting hired by Yachie as a manager, since the otters have been shown to be fickle and Biten isn't a deep thinker, having to smooth over details of the bosses master plan as well as placate her mood when things don't according to spec.
If you do, how would you handle her power?
Would she forget to use her power when angered so suddently her obedient followers find themselves asking akward questions which just worsens the situation.
Or would she normally not use it much but when things go wrong she cranks it up so none of her followers can tell her that rushing into a wolf territory head first might be a bad idea.
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