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I love Kaguya
But she doesn't love you.
How does her feet measure up to Mokou's?
Well, keep worshipping her.
No, my pride and dignity doesn't allow worship
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They're sexier.
Mokou is prettier
Canonically incorrect
Someone post the CDS Manga pages that prove Kaguya isn't a NEET so that noon may sully her name without looking foolish
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Anon, she is a neet. Just not a hiki
Very kyute. Would headpat and give her free ice cream.
Canon lesbians
Canon lesbians
>Canonically [HEADCANON]
‘Guya is canonically beautiful, meanwhile Mokou the Hobo is mannish.
Go back to where you quoted this from.
And canonically in a sapphic relationship with each other which is why Mokou and Kaguya sneak out to the village together on little dates.
Kaguya's had hoards of man go on suicide mission to get her hand in marriage while Mokou, who lived at the same time as Kaguya and whose Father was one of those men who wanted Kaguya, and most other 2hu never ever were shown or implied to be pretty enough to gain the attention of the opposite sex. This is a canonical fact that cannot be dispute, and since 2D media sucks at showing the diffrance in beautiful between characters, is it the only thing we can go by. So the statement "Mokou, or any other 2hu for that matter, is prettier" is canonically incorrect
Fuck off back to dbz you spic
What are Kaguya's:
Five Impossible Requests?
Ten Desires?
One Hundred and Eight Earthly Temptations?
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Mokou is already canonically in a relationship with every boy in Keine's class.
Anything related to (extreme and comfy) pleasure in any form.
Those poor shotas
Kaguya-sama, I heard you were part if a faction on the moon who wanted to tread earthlings as pets, are those rumours true?
Yurifags are so impotent. Imagine fantasizing about fake made-up lesbianism relationships of two 2hus instead of fantasizing about dating/marrying or having sex with both.
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That's not true.
Would Kaguya-hime treat an earthling as a pet? Hypothetically speaking haha. I mean moon rabbits basically look like us anyway soooo...
Kaguya treats earthlings like lemmings to send out on missions. Earthling pethusband is more a Toyo's thing.

Somebody got to her first.
Do you think Kaguya goes out with Mokou to stop Mokou sexually assaulting lone boys in her spare time.
Yeah me. We're going to outbreed all of Gensokyou
I wonder if the reason why Reisen and Tewi are in a DS game is because of some experiment that was done for Kaguya to be entertained...
It seems your post had quite the opposite effect anon
>Five Impossible Requests
We already know those
Fat princess booty
That booty is exclusively for me to enjoy, find your own
Soft, pudgy and regal ass
Soft pudgy regal pale doughy ass
I want to sink my hands into that ass.
Gensokyo bootleg pokemon

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