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>Music Channels

Sakura Gakuin: (dead)



Latest @onefive live


Muto Ayami

>SG Graduate Projects
Yuzumi ASMR (Wed, every two weeks):
Neo Sato in Repipi: (Intermittent)

Oshibudo episodes:

Oshibudo movie:

BM Pro-shots (up to date)
BM Pro-shots (old version)

Previously on /bmsg/ >>47340428
this thread will be super wholesome
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I agree \m/ \m/ \m/
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I love Su and her walnut brain.
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>that sax in THE LEGEND
damn good
Futa Moa
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Delete this. Moa is all girl >:(
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>Forces you to sell one of your kidneys, an eyeball and part of your liver to pay for her lifestyle.
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She has a girl penis.
gumi, nnnnggggg.........
In which Su has a penis and fucks Moa while calling her "mommy"
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Open the fucking pit!
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I can look at their feet for days
what does Moametal pits smell like?
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Momo looks incredibly cute here
Su with a penis is hot asf. I also like how in this story, Su calls Moa "mommy" even though Moa is actually younger than her lol
What do Futa Su's balls smell like?
In wich Su is a fucking woman and fucks Moa who is also an actual woman

Okay but in this story Moa is already a woman though. And it's been well established by insiders and the real Babymetal fans in this general that Su actually does have a penis in real life. Where do you think the author got the inspiration to write this story in the first place? https://archiveofourown.org/works/54063547
It's 2024. Women can have cocks. All the hot women have cocks. Get with the times.
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Babymetal fans are 94% more likely to identify as LGBTQ >>47350415
You can say this about Jpop and Kpop fans in general. Everyone knows that Jpop and Kpop is gay asf. Who cares?
I was waiting for the right time to share that page, the only page that mentions Babymetal. It also says they were in the top 10 most popular Japanese artists in the United States in 2023.
Shut up weeb
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babymetal viene a Chile!!!
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Wena conchetumaree. Que se avispen los true a verlas tambien po y que no se llene solo de frikis fomes
Any more pics with a choker?
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She know what she doing. I bet she’s had her toes sucked by Gumi.
I just want Su to peg me desu
My "SU PEG ME PLS" sign is going to be so big that I'll need to ask other people to help hold it up during the concert, I hope other fans are ok with it
Hopefully you are not going to be an asshole who holds shit like that above your head and block the view for everyone behind you. Because if you are that kind of an asshole I hope someone "accidentally" elbows your skull
Shut up Granny Su faggot
Moa is all Head!
Hopefully someone cracks your skull at the concert faggot.
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My fav Moa pic at the moment,
Can't wait to take many cool pics of her when I finally get to see them
Why so hostile?
Ignore him, he's the angry schizo he comes here to fight people twice a day
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For the Kano bros
I wonder when it would be reasonable to expect a new song or album from Babymetal
I know The Other One was released just last year, so it might be too soon to think about a new album... however, as we’re entering a "new era" for Babymetal, I’m curious if they have been working on new songs
nice tummy
As long as they do not make populist life guard collaborations
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The next song that is not a collaboration will be out in the next 3 months

Holy shit Kano! Where is this from?
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Ring Donuts dance practice video
This was for you

Thank you fren. I don’t think Kano understands her powers.
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Enough about crime statistics
Mariri's body is a crime. She steals my cum.
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i'm bout to add to the rape crime statistic
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The only crime I'm guilty of is loving Moa's big beautiful head.... and petty theft when I was in my rebellious teen phase.
Su has relentlessly lewd ears and I’m sick and tired of BABYMETAL & SAKURA GAKUIN GENERAL pretending she doesn’t.
There is a link to pre-save Kaguya, releasing on 8/14
She used to not. But Amuse has worked tireless to turn our nakasans in to sleazy yanki fap material and not much else.
Realistically how much time does Su have left before Miko replaces her?
Never gonna happen. Stop the incessant bait posting.
So someone calls me a faggot and tells me to shut up and when I respond to that you ask why am I so hostile? Why aren't you asking the other guy the same question? Oh yeah because you are samefagging
>I’m curious if they have been working on new songs
BABYMETAL is in a nice place because the girls or the kamis don't make the songs. So even when they are touring they can have people working on that so I would be really surprised if they didn't have atleast some songs that are ready/almost ready and only need to be recorded
There's a difference between telling someone to shut up and wishing violence upon someone. You have issues.
well... I think it's not that simple, nowadays the girls are much more involved in the creative process and contribute to the lyrics (Although lyrics can sometimes be written at the final stage, that's not always the case). Even the demos and initial drafts of songs require Su's vocals, so she needs to record many demos before the final version; They need to know her range and what types of songs suit her voice
I imagine that while many producers and musicians are involved in the creation of the songs, they work together with Koba and the girls to consider how the song will be danced to or presented live. Even in the early stages of songwriting, they must consider that the songs will lead to choreography, so they need to be danceable. I'm sure Moa and Momoko have some authority over what types of dances they want to perform or are capable of doing. I'm aware that Babymetal is a huge project, it's a big team behind the girls, but it's not like they don't have any say in the creative process. that's why they're so vocal about what artist they would like to collab with
sorry for the wall of text
nice tummy, I'll fap to this now
if being called a faggot triggers you that much then I don't think 4chan is for you
Are you new here? Do you also whine about people saying KYS to other people in here? Because if you do then you should really leave 4chan
Yeah didn't mean that the girls don't do anything at all. It's just nice that people can lay down the groundwork on songs while they tour and then when they do have some downtime. Like when they are having now they can record stuff or add their own ideas into the songs people have already started for them. Same goes with the choreo ofcourse.
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shut up
you're literally the one whining because someone called you a faggot lol
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we'll get through this
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Yeah and you are whining just because I'm whining. So what makes you think you are any better? Don't even bother answering since we both know you are just doing your "le epic" trolling and I don't want to shit up the thread more than this. So here is a gif of Moa and kindly just fuck off
lol stay triggered faggot you're the only one whining here and the main person who shits up the thread with your whataboutism meltdowns
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Stay true, keep on track, uphold wholesomeness and stay metal \m/ \m/ \m/

Hypothetical for everyone: @onefive and Babymetal members have switched places! Who sinks and who floats? Who flourishes in their new role and who cakes it?
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Don't be so mad all the time.
That would be a fucking disaster desu
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RATATATA is now officially in the top 10 of most popular babymetal videos of all time. Pretty damn impressive since all of those other videos are like 5-11 years old and RATATATA has only been out for about 2 months
I don't hate the song and I'm so hapy for the girls
But it's kinda overrated
I can't even Imagine Su dancing like soyo
It's a song like PAPAYA for me. Don't really listen to it on my own time but during a liveshow it's a HUGE banger and so much fun since everyone (including the girls) get's really hype during it. So pretty much a perfect babymetal song since the liveshows are their primary focus
Moa and Momo would probably do better than Su in a more traditional idol setting but yeah Su is just so perfect for her role in Babymetal that it's hard to picture her doing anything else. It makes sense though since Babymetal was in part built around her.
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The Sultry Empress.
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A story in which Moa jerks off an 18 year old and Momo sucks him off.
Su has a huge girl cock and I’m sick and tired of BABYMETAL & SAKURA GAKUIN GENERAL pretending she doesn’t.
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These two are so hot! Dont sleep on them if you like Girls vs a dude action, or Girl vs Girl action
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Kano the best dancer and Momo the petite rapper on the sides, Gumi who is a good singer and taller in the middle, and Soyo can be the piano kami
I wanna read a story where Su has a penis and fucks Momoko. I can imagine Su balls deep thrusting into Momoko as she sucks on her big tits.
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BABYMETAL will be featured on a Tak Matsumoto album coming out in September.
Everything Onefive does is with direct input from the girls in part or whole: merch & designs, clothes & hair, lyrics & choreo, music videos & visuals, setlists & track orders, social media, Kano even did lighting. These are documented in interviews and videos.

So blame the girls for their own decisions and doing what they love, not their 30 something year old female manager or some nameless corporate bogeyman.

Suzuka loves hamburgers haha uwu
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Moa is so fucking cruel for not letting me eat her secret omurice
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BABYMETAL will play in Argentina aswell
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fuck messi and fuck babymetal
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Don't be rude
Wanting to fuck messi sounds pretty gay. However wanting to fuck babymetal is based so atleast you are half good
Being gay is based af what are you talking about?
Would you still love Su if she was fat?
>being gay is based
Being gay is gay af
go back to twitter homo.
Most of all I love her voice and I doubt being fat would change that so I would say yes. Ofcourse my lust for her diminish though.
i was having colonoscopy but then i hear "it's time for you to byebye" shit. niga it's @onefive. they then started emoting on my ass they need to be stopped
It's "bow down", "bye bye" sounds like some mafia shit lol
Finally they are coming to my country, I can actually just walk to the place
that's not what they said to me
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this might be just what i need to buss
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What is going on here
miki is being a little slut and doesn't have her legs crossed
If that lil bitch give us bikini pics someday imma die
I want to kiss you to death
I want to die in your arms
Man I'm so proud of myself I wasn't watching her legs and I'm usually a pervert
fresh was so good back then
I want to kiss every part of her body
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everything is connected!

It’s really not. Only if you’re Moa. And you’re not Moa. And if you are Moa, can I rest my nose on your perinium?
Yui will never come to Chile
She escaped to Argentina, like Hitler
Soyo needs a Latino boyfriend
Sana is live right now
>babymetal comes to my third world shithole, a dream come true
>have no money for a ticket
>there's a fag that will give me the money if I let him suck my dick and eat my ass
talk me out of this please
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Why is she so hot?
yeah, me (sí, yo)
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For me, it's her enormous tits
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Momo a cute.
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Would you give her chocolate?
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I would give her the world
I would kill for her
now I hate this outfit, she looks so much better now
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Based and Moapilled.
I would take the deal. Atleast you don't have to do the sucking or get fucked in the ass.
find ways to make money you lazy fuck, it's not that expensive here in my shithole country
if nothing works then yeah let the fag suck your dick is not the end of the world
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>Due to the complex history of evolving meanings and contexts, there is no clear or agreed-upon definition of the Third World. Strictly speaking, "Third World" was a political, rather than economic, grouping.
so where's the second world?
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>directed by gumitin tarantino
What did she mean by this
Should I cancel my knee's operation to see babymetal's concert? I don't think they are ever coming back here
Moa wants us to give her money, she is more important than your knee
Our lives don't really matter, we only exist to make her happy
no bully pls
yeah but I have to let a disgusting fag get near me
I already have a job that covers most of my expenses, but I don't get any leftover money for stuff like a concert
Love this little woman lots
Eliminate all unnecessary expenses
just stop eating for a week bro, it's not a big deal, fasting is good for the body you're gonna look great
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we worship Moa
Guide us with your enchanting smile, and we shall abandon all reason
Our lives are devoted to the sacred pursuit of your every whim and wish
No sacrifice too great, no task too daunting in your service
Our existence is meaningless without your guiding light
Oh, Divine Moa, to you we dedicate our all
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sup niggas
I'm 90 pounds already
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Just keep your little nip hands off my burgers
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Surprise new video
>「SAWAGE」 Live Performance | @onefive LIVE 2023ーNO15E MAKER:Overgroundー
damn there's like 0 choreography
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Yeah, they just have fun with the crowd during Sawage, like the water guns at the last festival
oh ok I get it now
I wonder what are the girls doing right now
probably having sex with their respective boyfriends
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Found Soyo's youngest fan

Amen, the cutest in Babymetal
Imagine if moa was my girlfriend haha
that'd be so cool
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Sorry but she is already mine

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