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austere edition.
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Previous: >>47364323

All AKB sub-groups and related Japanese *48 groups welcome.

FAQ: https://pastebin.com/vnf5EBHe (embed)

(07/06~08/03) SKE48 SUMMER Tour 2024
(07/26) SKE48 Ichinomiya Tanabata Festival
(07/27) CBC Radio Summer Festival 2024 (SKE48)
(08/02~04) TOKYO IDOL FESTIVAL 2024 (AKB48, SKE48, HKT48, NMB48, NGT48, STU48)
(08/08) SKE48 8-Kisei 8-ri no 8-Shunen Concert Pachi Pachi Party
(08/15~17) NMB48 Summer LIVE 2024 in Zepp Osaka Bayside
(08/17) Oshi Temple Festival Idol Night (SKE48)
(08/25) SKE48 Hayashi Mirei Solo Live "Ano Koro no 301 wo Mitsuketa ~Boshi no Shizuku ni Negai wo Komete~"
(07/20~08/25) TV Asahi Roppongi Hills Summer Festival SUMMER STATION (SKE48, NMB48, STU48, HKT48)
(09/21) This Is NMB48 2024 in Hibiya Open-Air Concert Hall
(10/02) SKE48 33rd Single (TBA)

>Useful Links
Theater Schedules and Ticket Application: https://ticket.akb48-group.com/home/top.php
Live Shows: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JnKp_AEeGUNTNePfY3C3AO4veiVi7frza82lRo44ejQ
48/46 Group Masterlist: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1B1HFVF5iQBgvjDrPnmwfbq0Iz6VvaOmDep0C2x8yoMoA
yummy eyes :3
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Mizuki leaked phone pics scandal.png
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i like eriko.
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The bushido team spirit is strong in these girls.
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shame on capcom. woe betide them.
teresa mi amor
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what set they claiming?
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papa anons we still consider her as a baby.
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is her insta/x on ske48's site?
Oh wow, I didn't know she made SNS accounts. Her twitter is omura_anzu, her insta is azaz__920
woe betide ske48 webmaster
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sakura & chums - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fo-vC8Ye140

please do enjoy.
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Chicas lindas
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Nos gusta Ano chan

did it to yuiri
Even Sora struggles with pretending to like that screecher
I bet omori smells lovely
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Make Oguri Centre Again
i want to see what she looks like without a mouth
Based wadasan, we love this song
crazy how wadasan is that pretty with no filters
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Yukitan kawaii
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do be looking cute
we liked her speech here https://youtu.be/51lFmdChOA0
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i wonder how miku's lower pits taste and smell like
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Omori and ano won
Lao Gan Ma! Lao Gan Ma! Lao Gan Ma!
ano is so cool
we want to be her
True, she supported UNLAME.
You should want to be more like Ari Sato.
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ano probably makes more money than every 48g member combined
ya think
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bald and ugly?
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stop, friend
The cutest
fuuchan done nothing wrong
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finally a cute girl
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cool aidoru
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bro is starting an exercise trend with Koi Tsun Jakarta.
don't post abominations
it looks like a crab claw with the shell removed. i like it
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stop being weird, moroni
purefriends don't click that link
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pupu (sin filtros)
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Good girl
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chiyori nakanishi is a beautiful woman
I'm glad she was there to comfort Yuiri in my place.
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Day 202 of posting a Yuki Arai picture everyday of her championship reign
it's like mariyagi and chaewon combined :3
Apologize to Mariyagi this instant.
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prob part of some show that won't air for a while and she doesn't want people posting telephoto shots of her huge zits.
reminds me of typical taiga dorama scenes of some feudal lord's concubine walking around with a smile of superiority
What a bitch.
she ain't no angel
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angels mentioned
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done nothing wrong
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i want her to use my tummy as a trampoline :3
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her head is huge!
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Ano-chan with no long looks like Chiba Erii.
They do have similarly deformed noses
I hope that's authetic Norwegian burger and not the vegan version of burgers.
why cant ano be our centre instead of baldy
no baldy friend
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where is her 1hr sex tape?
clickbait, 1% de piecitos
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anyone happened to save this vid? I missed it and they private it for some reason
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Pon a esta chica a hacer gravure ya
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>thinking someone that got certified to be a kindergarten teacher is going to do gravy
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omori is my best friend
such a lovely face :3
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we like this girl now?
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>Matsui Jurina appears in Weekly Playboy on July 29th for the first time in about 6 years! Cover, front page and 45 minute DVD!
>no front nudes
sapphic idol desu
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when is their ロボキッス cover being released?
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they want us to believe azu isn't beautiful
they want us to believe Walken is not bald and uggo
on the buckfast
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let's be nice, friend
eviscerating lemon slices rind and all, no wonder ano was later posting on x about offing herself, how can she compete
we don't like her here
we want to see miyuna wear soraras goggles
a bonnie ned indeed
we think she's cute since that stardust drama
we like the new Nagi and backup dancers song
we don't like you anymore since this desu
I want to see her cosplay as Gadget Hackwrench as well.
what the h*ck friend
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we don't like Walken or her posters
which one?
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what song?
[Breaking] Ricopi announced marriage

I don't know this. Is this MUM48?
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Sounds like every other Aki-P produced song desu.
Post cute girls with glasses. I saw a rare big tits student yesterday, unfortunately, I wasn't wearing my neck phone.
another terrible take
post Aichan fakesis
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Why don't you post her?
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I do
we are out
we don't want to see that busu
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We always have
They are correct.
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Um this is literally CP.
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坂本真凛 x 川村 結衣
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So sexy
I'm falling more and more in love with Zukk
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Day 203 of posting a Yuki Arai picture everyday of her championship reign
Yamauchi Mizuki desu
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i've just spent an hour reading allkpop's comment section pls post cute girls doing cute things
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my dick is bigger
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jo haseul
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https://files.catbox.moe/2zrwyj.webm Akiyoshi341
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finally, the thread oshi
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azu in charge of variety after all
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Zukkii saving this video
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>not liking erii and remi
Remi barely appears
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>I wasn't wearing my neck phone.
filipinosis is mad creepy
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Cutest in the world and maybe the return of daily SR Amichan
pls photoshop her mouth out
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Cute fingers.
Inoue Nagi vlog desu
cute チコリータ
theire centre is much prettier and funnier than ours
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we want to see her cosplay as Nicole from ZZZ
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their lynn is much better than ours
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are boys (male) alt
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>[Sad news] NMB48 Sumino Wakana's photobook first week sales 619 copies...
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maybe her face isn't compatible
you can tell she has implants
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(09/01) SKE48 Prima Stella Shizuoka Performance ~Iitai Koto ga Arunda yo Yappari Prima wa Eien da~
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flatq is freaking cute
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compatible face. bbl.
This reminds me of Annie from Shaider.
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You're the only retard who thinks she is flat desu
studs up tackle, that
holy WOMAN
flat as a pancake
remi can be smooched starting october 1st
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hiyuka is tall now
lovely head :3
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The world needs trannies genocide.
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thanks for the eyebleach, although the webm already provided some at the midpoint

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i'm going to roll these mint imperials about as if it were their eyes :3
The cutest
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cute ear :3
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Who has the best thighs?

Just like the rest of her
Hikarun is not doing well. Please pray for her.
maybe she should consider streaming mother 2 on twitch.
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佐藤鈴香 is sex!
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AV debut
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NEW >>47401137
NEW >>47401137
NEW >>47401137
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godslayers slaying gods long after they've diverged paths.

Remember, love makes you stronger than fear.

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