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How has Chiyari Tenkajin affected your sense of beauty?
What was your initial reaction to her, and how do you feel about her now?
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>What was your initial reaction to her
Looks fucking stupid.
>how do you feel about her now?
Looks fucking stupid and she's a cute dork.
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>initial reaction
crackhead aunn
I require this fucking thing
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>initial reaction
Aunn really let herself go, huh. What a dumb design.
I MUST make more porn of this DAMN LEWD CREATURE!!!
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she's wonderful
she's wonderful
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Initial reaction was she's a weird ass long necked goober
Later reaction improved when artists started drawing her with shapely breasts under her shirt
Fan art that depicts her as a goober gremlin is still great though
There aren't enough flat Chiyas.
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I really like the pictures where Chiyari looks like she's Yuuma's pet project or responsibility
>What was your initial reaction to her
A bloodsucking 2hu? I want her to succ me dry
>how do you feel about her now?
Still the same
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Flat chiyas lost.
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Weaker than monkey.
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everyone knows chiya-chan is supposed to have big, fat, heavy tail (singular)
Need to breed this chiya
We should all breed the flat Chiya so that the species can survive.
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it's too late
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I love when she is depicted with fire like that. It just looks so cool.
What the hell did he see?
How could he see anything without eyes?
Where we're going, you won't need eyes to see.
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The smell is evocative enough.
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She really is the perfect blend of mischievous, cute and sexy.
This image has it all.
but she's NOT FLAT
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Beauty is neither flat nor fat. It's about how you use it. Chiyari has mastered both.
A humongous, fat cock.
I don't get it...
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What's the difference between Mokou 2p and her?
shawn is stinky because she's poor
chiyari is stinky because she's lazy

also, one is hungry all the time, while the other is full of unhealthy snacks
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She hasn't because I've always wanted to sex a tshirt wearing alkie.

>initial reaction
yeah that's a 2hu
I want to stack stuff on her horn
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>while the other is full of unhealthy snacks
What kind of sounds does the Chiyabelly make?
>What was your initial reaction to her
What the fuck is wrong with her neck
>how do you feel about her now?
Why doesn’t anyone point out her neck in the original art?
Typical gamer neck
Tupai is fashionable, while the hobo dresses in a way that would even repulse the monstrous inhabitants of hell.
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tupai oppai
no... flat... please...
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Agreed, no flat, please.
Yes, this magnificent creature is most certainty perflat.
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Very cute! But that's a scary tail...
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that tail? right up my ass
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