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Why is there no thread for the strongest?
Is /jp/ afraid of her power?
Ice Ferry
sad bump
*casts Trisagion at you*
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She is very unruly and not befitting to the board's culture
The summer heat has not been kind with the fairy.
My beloved tomboyish daughterwife
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I usually wait until the ninth of every month to post a thread. But im not complaining though.
That's not Clownpiece
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Cirno is probably THE 2hu with the biggest falloff in popularity
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I wouldn't say she got a falloff. If we go by the polls, she's actually gaining popularity recently, riding on the EoSD upwards trend. But she's definitely weirdly unpopular around /jp/, and I still don't know why exactly.
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>Go Broncos Go
Cirno goes to school in Colorado?
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something something, autistic rage because she's the most popular touhou outside 2hufags (making her the most popular 2hu by numbers), so almost every normal with access to internet has at least seen her once or twice, giving her the title of 'normalfag's favourite 2hu"

this causes a lot of seething among /jp/utos, because if normies like it = its bad (something /v/irgins would be proud of), and so Cirno is unpopular among them
I'm going to cum in that water
>this causes a lot of seething among /jp/utos, because if normies like it = its bad
3rd worlder tourist-kun, your newfag is showing
But no pretty much, she's popular as a meme and it upsets some people. Its just autistism, same reason everyone uses > to quote instead of doing greens as intended
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Ahem, "no you"
jp and v are just the same board with different faces, an artfag should make a drawing of those boards in a tsundere relationship (jp is the tsundere one)
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eh, I wouldn't say that could explain much. It's not like she's hated, and people in /jp/ are very true to their tastes. There's a thread up for almost every one of the top 10 in the polls, and people don't really seem to bother. Also, there's a thread up for almost all of EoSD, which is the ultimate normie love game, yet you don't see anyone complaining. I think /jp/ is accepting of all tastes as long as they're genuine, and it's not like Chiruno's threads get negative pushback. Even some characters that are somewhat disliked due to their fans get regular threads here, like Koishi, so that wouldn't really explain it. Chiruno is genuinely unpopular here; it's not that people think of her negatively, it's that they don't think of her at all.
Personally, I think /jp/ is just afraid of her power. She's the strongest and that's not easy to deal with.
Cause 2hu is in it's death bed.
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Gensokyo is known to be in the USA
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Curiously, there is a Cirno thread on /bant/ virtually 24 hours a day. Guess most of her fans really are a board away.
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I wouldn't say they're fans, it's more like they use her to shitpost. You'd never call the people that used Momiji gyate during 2016 her fans; it's a similar situation here. A fan must truly care about the character beyond her fanon, and love her and everything about her. That's also why Chiruno seems so popular but in truth she spent more than a decade outside the top 20 in the popularity poll.
Besides, I went there and saw no thread for her.
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What other ridiculous secrets has the Ice Fairy been hiding from us??
We're all aware of her great might & prowess, yes, but is she truly strong enough to survive an extended Texan heatwave summer? How would she Cope?
I just assumed the end result of that would naturally be >>47386965, if not some sad puddle lying around somewhere that just gets soaked back into the ground or evaporated.
Then she just respawns again in like a week. Endurance!
Texas is western Gensokyo
The secret is that Chiruno can actually withstand summer.
We've already saw her during summer in many of the manga. While she is a bit affected, she still survives it; I think that it has to do with the fact that her power *might* function with her absorbing the hot air around and thus making it colder. Summer makes it so she has to absorb more hot air to generate a similar amount of cold, so she might suffer a bit more, but she's not going to melt.
She's clearly thought of everything...
What a menace.
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It's only natural, as she's the strongest.
Summer never had a chance!
I want to drink Chirumiru in real life

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