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New York Peach Edition


Delisted thread:
this bitch ai generated
Porn addicts wwa
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Closest JAV studio to Legal Porno?
what happened to this sway bitch? she was one and done?
bot post, but I'll take the bait

Legal Porno aka AnalVids is a distributor of porn videos that also has exclusive producers on their own.

So you are looking for a studio that distributes javs and produces their own one? there are plenty like Prestige, SOD or WILL (ex-DMM)
I like watching amateur stuff too to look at uncensored pussy haha
>PIED with real women when I was a (western) porn addict
>no longer have PIED with real women now that I'm a JAV addict
maybe it's the censored ma〇ko not desensitizing me?
No I mean studios that produce similar gangbang content.
>my face when on /jav/
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I miss she.
knowing what she's now become breaks my heart
all these bitches are YAMI and you must accept it in order to fkn enjoy jav without being burdened
back when she still used her bunghole...
You won't get away with posting this here asshole.
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Why are you posting a Korean movie star?
It's a HUNTA night for me
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Hags love Disney too
massage penis daily
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share your techniques, sir
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manipulate mouth while stroking for maximum enjoyment
last time i heard about her an anon said she was on Twitter speaking english like a sassy zoomer and asking for money and stuff
I have GOT to see this.
Can you show me?
She did like 10+ titles, I wouldn't consider that a "one and done" but yeah sad she left
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Can I have her name please?
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we miss she
Aihara Kihane
She has like some 3+ and even 4 hour titles
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Thanks dear.
>Tfw ywn marry a prostitute who looks this pure
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Pretty Woman (1990) really did a number on entire generations of men it seems.
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I already do this
In the past, I would be totally expressionless and silent but now, I just let myself fkn enjoy with wild abandon. My repertoire of Mouth Manipulations© is always growing. My soundboard of grunts and groans is expansive. You're right that is completely elevates the experience. Sirs, let your bodies be honest and fkn enjoy to the maximum without restraint!
Shes stroking her dick???
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sure, grandpa
I like my women like I like my cars: used, well oiled, small and yellow
I prefer Bratty Woman (before 2022)
I prefer japenis women, no matter what. I will fkn enjoy. In my whole 120TB+ /jav/ lifestyle certified, 19 years journey, I only have deleted 1 (in words: one) jav
>Me: Mom I want Genie!
>Mom: we have Genie at home
Genie at home:
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same. i parfer japenis women as well.
sir are you implying that anri is inferior to whatever you are comparing to?
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>Nana Maeno Center Village release in 2 weeks
Father Time truly waits for no-one...
no sir, it was the jav I downloaded and deleted. Young me saw anris beatifoul legs on the cover and downloaded it instantly, only to realize how they butchered our girl. In the 2h there is like 7min of her, with a small handjob and a lil bit footjob
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javs for this feel?
tell us more about this feel, sir
back to light makeup, gorgeous, you love to see it
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I've been jacking off to pfes-060 for 3 days straight. It's so fucking hot
I don't think about you at all
>"the only thing that scares me more..."
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reasons for partaking have never been so clear
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thoughts on ibuki's physique?
She is literally perfect. What do you want me to say?
say that nozomi is a hideous subhuman who should never be seen in the same frame as such a goddess
I would move to Japan to marry this white woman.
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If Yuma's smile has soul healing, war-ending properties, which is the world destroyer?
j*ne lovej*y's dirty greasy leer is the binary opposite
she makes even the most most righteous saintliest men (like me) want to embark on a destructive warpath of disgusting unhygienic sex with her!
I just fapped to her "How to sex title"
I'm >>47389742
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Based Hibiyan
Seems Akari Kaise botched her nose, sad
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>hag molesting youngster
just found my new thing. thank you!
recs are welcome.
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hibiki is not a hag, leave her alone!!
I've been seeing this bitch in jav for more than a decade
do we have girls that are 10 years in JAV, or more, but still looke "young"?
what the FUCK is that supposed to mean?!
question probably doesn't suit this thread but do any western companies copy the jav level categorization, codes, and stuff?
also who is your favorite newer petite small cute jav women?
that guy his dick dam big i wish mine was big as his :(
she was really hot begging for it and sniffing it
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Taku's life my dream.
Suzumura Airi
Sadly no cUMIkiss at the end
cute father and daughter
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VRTM-090 is a classic.
which one is the hag?
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Flattery won't get you anywhere darling.
>i can't tell if "hag" is an insult or a complement no more
i've spent too much time in this place
my dick don't work no mo!
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Japanese Adult Video makes my chi〇po work better than ever!!!
>literally their reaction when seeing my long, skinny chinpo
Failure's not flattering
> 2008年
> AVデビュー。
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I was rereading some old threads in light of the new Kotone bullying. I love this place.
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sirs? are they gone?

Well fuck I used them to keep track of fc2 pages I like
lets hope they will be back, after all it seemed like they worked as advertiser for dmm and other sellers. Maybe they forgot to pay the server bill?

i'm scared bros
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It's sad, it was a great tool for searching FC2 titles (not that i watch them anyway but still).
any jav featuring vtuber voice actors?
you have like gorillion AVtubers out there
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kek good times
reminder: Yuu Kawakami did absolutely NOTHING wrong!
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she and her hounds are a real threat and you know it
behind that warm smile, the big comfy eyes, the soft ripened mild mayo features, and the gentle semi-hag demeanour lies a vicious abuser of young lesbians

that's because she's the happy mushroomwife
all those other girls could eat shit (literally in Luna's case) and I wouldn't care
love this monkey so much
do you agree with my assessment that she must have lovely banana breath?
actually banana bread breath
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I think it needs more research, let me work on it.
this bitch looks fkn insane
now I understand what moves people to protect others
persona non grata
In the future porn will be seen as art.
>turn lights off
>light up candles
>grab cherry scented lube
Yep, it's Nene Tanaka time.
he is so lucky...
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Any JAV stars that look like current day Hikaru Shida (The JAV star doesn’t have to have dyed blonde, just similar body and face)?
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Another pic for reference.
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And her ass
Got dementia, hag?
I don't like your tone.
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>he doesn't know
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Do you like my kotone?
that picture is too gentle on her actual features
not even Yuu's dogs are that much Mayo
Her breath is actually fresh and minty, nothing outrageous.
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How nice of Remu to wear an Umi shirt
the fucker who posted that June webm just made me break a 2 month NOfap.

jesus fucking christ, you can't let your guard down even on a blueboard
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Manko Honjo is almost 70, she remains hot with 0 surgery.
Whats your mentally ill whore's excuse?
Think on the good side: your psych is safer than Vanillabro's.
Kana Momonogi's ghastly, monthly changing acidic smile is a good candidate
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vomit bros will be eating good this August...
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I don't want to imagine the smell anymore, sirs.......
Monaka is so fkn homely i love it.
Is puke the new bukkake?
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It should've been me...
I fucking hope not
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I hope it is. There is nothing better than watching the girl at the beginning with her make-up on point and just seeing how it gets destroyed at the end of the scene and her face and clothes covered in fluids
code pleeaaaaaase?
Who is she?
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MISM-250 Morioka Miyu. Poor girl is not even 2 minutes into the movie and is already spilling the juices
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Puking girls are the best
Someday a new puke goddess will rise to detrhone our beloved retired puke Queen Saya
I agree. Saya was among my favorites alongside kagami sara and ichijo mio
do pukebros imagine the smell when they watch their JAVs of choice?
/jav/ strongest now faction is the pukechads
shut the fuck up, J*ne. nobody believes your shit. nobody's fapping to you. nobody's breaking their nofap streak to your porkass
if I was stranded on a desert island with no fap material and your JAV washed ashore, I'd throw it back into the ocean
She injects herself hormones.
How much foreskin has she ingested?
foreskins, foetus stem cells, whatever it takes for eternal youth
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Virgin blood bath? Golden Dawn alchemy?
Any new releases as it pertains to Oyakodon?
>imagine wasting a delicious egg for Oyakodon
Nene I love you
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Manko Honjo is no witch or vampyre, shes just cute
Anyone know the code for this video?
Anybody have any fucking manners?
Your mom has
yua mikami had the best manners in jav
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how can you say you love her if you won't even eat her big bucket of poo
Yeah she stuck her pinky up like a proper lady sipping tea when she held on to a dick to suck it.
This is going to sound like an incredibly stupid question, and it probably is, but I have to ask it. I don't watch much JAV or (live action) porn in general but from what I've seen, with the Japanese porn censors, can't it sometimes be hard to tell whether it's in the girl's vagina or her anus?
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I've been with a few women in my life and one thing I've noticed is that the female anus is incredibly close to the vagina, in fact they're barely an inch apart.

I'm not sure about other guys - but doesn't this disturb you? It feel like a design flaw in women actually -- like they're supposed to be so feminine and beautiful yet this ghastly little oversight is ruining everything.

Somehow it feels to me that women should be more aware of this flaw and it should affect their confidence. Whenever I see a so-called beautiful woman walking down the street so care-free thinking she's all that I just remember her anus is only 1 inch away from her pussy and laugh her into oblivion.

Women: Please accept that they're too close together, let it negatively affect your confidence and so make yourselves more readily available sexually as a result. Afterall, we're having to sleep with a creature whos ANUS is only 1 inch away from the vagina --- you should not make this difficult. It's unappetizing enough as it is. We're doing you a favour.

Men: Do not let women forget this flaw, and do not forgive them for it. Remind them of it constantly less they get inflated egos and think they're all that

They're just too close together, sorry, but its true.
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It's almost always never the anus. JAV itself is kinda averse to butt stuff and so it's for low ranking actresses or like 2 specialist who do it regularly.

Also no censor on the anus so they zoom in on that (before it gets the penis) for anal titles.
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Guess who.
why isn't fully shave a thing in japanese?
they need to get with the times. i thought they were advance
niBBa ur not watching enough jav
there are bitches who are exclusively bald down there
most japanese men prefer paipan https://files.catbox.moe/ot8qd4.mp4
name 5
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Does your broke ass mentally ill bitch owns a boat?
I think you might be gay.
this post-walled saggy granny doesn't own a boat fuck off
Is boating recreationally big in Japan? The only time westerners think of Japanese islanders' relationship to the ocean is when talking about all the sea animals they eat.
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Correction, she owns a boat AND a bar
all she owns are a poor reputation and a worn-out pussy, you mentally ill retard.
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Someone sounds jelly...
>It's almost always never the anus
Not even toys or fingers?
>Also no censor on the anus so they zoom in on that (before it gets the penis)
That's true but from what I've seen it gets censored when there's any penetration, not just from a penis, and that's where the ambiguity comes from. But without that information, can you see this being a real problem for someone? I just want to know if I'm being retarded here or not.
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Would you a stinky NEET hag?
her breast still fkn nice
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where is the jav release guy and his links
probably started his weekend early
weekender normie fuck
Yeah, looks bad for her age. Mogged hard by superior hag in her last title.
Only someone very gay would attack Maki...
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1.) Yeah butts stuff is about as taboo in JAV as non-consensual stuff is taboo on the west. Clearly labeled, not mixed with anything else.

2.) That's the epistemic ambiguity in the heart of JAV. There was a leak of pre-edited, uncensored movies years ago and in a certain scene you could see the actors mimic sex but have no actual penetration. Every other leaked scene does show penetration but it still brings up the possibility that a certain amount of scenes doesn't have actual sex.
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ENKI- and 459TEN- come to mind. Just plug those into supjav
>she's a dom in this
dammit, I wanted it to be the one where she gets raped by her younger brother
Is this a no leak week?
No, but my javfu still has her youth and beauty.
what upcoming titles are you leaking precum for sir
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This guy gets paid to stare at breasts and leak precum in his pants all day.
I am an incredibly upset individual and JAV is the sole cause of my upset.
Some korean plastic monster I bet
>Yua after 2019
He doesn't get paid enough, poor guy
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I wish I could get paid to stare at breasts.
goof morning sirs. please enjoy beatutiful japanese breasts today
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I love boobas so much.
damn Saki be looking ripe as fuck
how does taiwan afford all these great events. are koreans and americans just too prude to allow this?
Yeah, you love to see it.
>he doesn't know
and damn that webm looks weird without all the text in the post
how can I get a kokomigf?
can you shut the fuck up?
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o-ok... you can keep talking.
source? or at last the girl's name?
you mean youthful as fuck right?
Ahh Go Away Vuck-
I will not say it one more time.
There is zero chance for it
You will be cursed nine times
how did she retired? and why?
she just disappeared or were there Graduation/Celebration?
Probably living a happy life with a fkn sir, lucky basterd.
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Do not disrespect me ever again.
Good Morning and Happy Friday, sirs.

It is with a heavy heart that I make the following public service announcement:
It is a dreaded Long Month© with an occurrence of Tuesday V (i.e. a month with a "fifth Tuesday") which means no haishin today for the usual DMM/FANZA (WILL) owned ecosystem of subsidiary studios (besides some COMPLETE BEST omnibus compilation releases but nobody cares about those).

Note: there may be new releases from studios outside the aforementioned, more standardised DMM/FANZA (WILL) ecosystem unaccounted for in this post. Please actively share them with your struggling, famished, parched fellow sirs.

How's everyone feeling?

I don't even have the strength to gloat, sir.

Good day, knowersir
the fact that he chose today of all days to pull his stunt is pretty funny though
he fkn enjoy jesus chrise
I watched sone260 and I have to say Cursegirl is starting to look interesting imo
Too late her curse backfired she should just retire quietly and go back to doing onlyfans.
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I will always be grateful to Arina and her cum covered face.
Truly a miracle.
Unrelated pic?
or is this another Arina different from Hashimoto?
Fuck you guy.
plsease post examples sir
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Mister, I can't do that on a blue board.
Some retards thought it would be a good idea to discuss JAV on a blue board.
Cutest butt licker too
I miss real semen in AVs
Feel free to leave asshole!
you forgot to censor something in that pic, be careful...
Everything is covered up in that picture you fucking schizo.
I understand, but I meant to say, post examples as in codes
I know of SSNI326 and SSNI182
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I have a story to tell you all.

For the past four years, I have been thinking in my own way and giving my all to the work in front of me in order to please the fans who have always supported our activities and the staff as much as possible.

However, in the last few months, I seem to have been pushing myself too hard in my approach to my work to the point where I didn't even realise I was doing it, and I seem to have exceeded my limits both physically and mentally and am exhausted.

I have decided to take a short break from work at this time.

So I'm sorry about that.
Tomorrow's live streaming will also be at this time.
I have to cancel it this time.

I am very sorry.

I hope you will understand that I will return to work as soon as possible and will do my best to be active again.

Ayaka Kawakita

Saika has announced her hiatus.
It's over for JAV.
I didn't read any of that but bye whore.
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>I know of SSNI326 and SSNI182
That's basically it.
SSNI-326 is 12/10 legendary movie.
>me right now
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Sir you can't say that sir.
Sir you are rude sir.
Sir we will send yakuza team to your address please stay home sir.
Sir you better apologize sir.
Sir Kawakita Saika is #1 Japan sir.
Sir we expect you to mourn sir.
she prety but she fkn boring
Her cock sucking skills are on par with Nozomi and Jun Suehiro, which are currently among the best
Those too are boring whores.
tell the class about your interesting whores then
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Stop calling these fine ladies "whores".
They are Japanese so even if they fuck on camera, they are still pure unlike your W*stern ones.
yeah sure, don't cry about it later
everyone will make up weird shit about their breath
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imagine garen gf
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what word do you prefer?
They're JAV bitches.
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STOP cropping my pictures!
bye whore!
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this is a PSA
from this point onwards, I will no longer be referring to JAV actresses as "whores", "prostitutes", "bitches", etc
instead, they will either be "broads" or "hardbodies", depending on their physical fitness. if she is fit, the latter will be used; for everyone else, the former will suffice. no further granularity or more comprehensive systems will be needed.
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I wuv Karennchi~... This dork...
you posted this months ago but not once have I seen anyone referred to as broads or hardbodies in the /jav/illage. you haven't been a sir of your word
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JAV Wives
>they don't already have a breath report
right, got it, so they're literal whos anyway
>teacher Saika will never test you how much did you learn about her Saika Sucking Special on herself
Japan hates /fit/ girls.
imagine if that lollipop was the tiny but shiny pink glans of my chinpo!
I'd suck on Saika's feet harder than she can suck on my dick.
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Can Remu alone save the industry now that it's in decline because of Saika's retirement?
The prevalence bush is what makes JAV superior
Prestige is yesterday's studio making yesterday's JAVs for yesterday's sirs.
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she kinda boring
not everyone likes madonna you know
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it's friday, see you partakers on Monday. bye!
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YOU are kinda boring.
Remupipi is nice and I coomed many times to her last nice movie.
this is a PSA
from this point onwards, I will no longer be simply fapping to JAV streams, downloading 1 or 2 titles, not knowing names etc
instead, I will be FKN enjoying the jav lifestyle, depending on the village guidelines. if I run out of interesting titles, the village will be consulted; for now, the recommendations will suffice. no further granularity or more comprehensive systems will be needed.
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>Tuesday V
>Saika gone
Yeah fuck this
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Prestige often hires glasses-kun for nice facials and that's what makes them so good and better than the other boring studios.

Idea Pocket was known for their facial bazooka and bukkake series and now look at them. Pathetic shallow husk of their old glory.
her derpy retarded happy smile in that title made me diamonds
hagposters living rent free in your brain kek no one even mentioned them
it's all fake
but the fact that facials matter that much to you to the point of redeeming a dying studio is weirdly based. keep it up sir
Retard sir.
Remu incest was amazing
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How handsome can Nene's host club host husbando really be for her to endure so much JAV filming just to support her splurging on him? Totally not trying to dox the guy btw sirs
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How long will it be this time?
who is this? please.
Anyone know an alternative to msin? Looks like it's dead
looks like a plastic korean
Not my fault that Japs despise their natural looks and want to look like sex dolls.
Arata [Hashimoto] Arina

Our finest work.
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thanks i guess. she was cute enough before, no need for plastic sugary

(You) will pay for this.
bitch got plastic sugary inbetween?
finest in this context means sharp, as in sharp edge because she could cut glass with that fake nose and shaved jaw, not finest as best or even good, fuck not even mediocre
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Imo? not really
These are different pictures during her career, so far only 2 anons in all the times I posted them were able to guess which one belongs to before and after her first hiatus, and not because her face was different but due hair style and eye makeup style
bitch got aegyosal surgery
look it up
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horey sheeeet koreaaaa
code me sir
why do I fkn love jav so much? obsession? addicktion? YAMI? destiny? no it has to be provision!
Feed him
btw... for a 31 year old, she looks pretty young
well she was a madonna debut and is currently working as their sleeper agent out in the field
when she's reactivated with the special code phrase "you love to see it"... well, I won't spoil what happens next but I think you'll love to see it
Kek, I would love to activate Jun on me.
>gatekeeping the javwhores
ok you can keep it
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That would mean the top spot would be up for grabs. This could lead to a new age of JAV!
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Samoari made a trailer for Nao Masaki's birthday event and it has the same energy as a cartel execution video,
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I need JAV whores with stubbly armpits or at the very least armpits that have darkened over years of shaving
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Live Nozbuki Reaction
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This is how /jav/ gonna be if they ever meet the women they call boggos
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Every frame a painting
I'm unhappy with the work she's done to her face but I've never referred to Mina as a boggo
for me, boggos are a league of their own (Eimi, Maria)
I do, Mina is an aboggomination now, she's so off it makes me cry whenever I rewatch her past titles. I only like checked two of her new ones after the hiatus and is just sad, looks like a ghoul in comparison
I'm still amazed at how good MIRD-237 (The latest thanksgiving event) was.
It was perfect from start to end and it was almost 8 hours.
Bros, I miss Haru Minato
>not sure if baiting or tourist
what does my sirs think? Did he disrespect me or is he thankful?
I think he’s Riatarded.
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My problem is that it feels like becoming a doppelganger for Karen Yuzuhriha.
I will become a women? wtf?
I'm getting so tired of Dr. Kiminsteins monsters... Who is the least bogged actress right now?
Ten Ayase and Shizuha Kitamoto
Miru is the natty queen of jav
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I would have 5 riatarded children with her
wait 20 years and you get double the retardation
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Good day sir. I had a long day and i totally forgot it was T5. It feels really bad, i even received a new HDD... Saika being gone is sad too, i'm not a big fan but that's a household name. Plus she's really pretty.
Pushed herself too hard? By only making the most boring of content at a creatively devoid corpse of a studio? Fucking bitch owes us reipu.
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Remu is the true queen of JAV. Prestige needs to upgrade to 4k and put her in new ejaculation officer and chest feces ntr titles.
in that code she made a guy cross dress then fkn ravaged his bungholer
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Considering how much is there on film I wonder if they have funny BTS thing left on the cutting room floor.
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>Sumire onionkekking in the background
Conceptualize the aroma
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This sir was asking for it.
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Kano-kun looked so excited in the last live, i miss him already.
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Kanochan does NOT have a penis!
WHAT THE F is that supposed to mean?! aAHHHH
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I've heard about this theory.
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imagine she flashes you her bush at disneyland
I was surprised by this moment because turns out a good amount of girls had bushes, and that was a really nice to see.
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Lose weight.

Or else...
Bushes are for boomers.
Girls must shave in our day and age.
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Javs for that sight?
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Why would I be at Disneyland?
I've lost 23kg so far!
dunno dasd002?
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Write Momozono's joke.
I love ladies in kimono, it's crazy
A Momozone 漫才 channel would be kino. She needs a duo though.
Wait, Ibuki seems very experienced...does she have one?
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>cover has 4 sirs standing in the back, javlet is sitting on a chair in front of them
>only scene where all of them are present, was to make the picture
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She's actually lost alot of weight really fast but her tits didnt get smaller.
Damn her face looks 15 years older than the rest of her
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wait till you see the back of her :^)
>that face
>she's younger than me
overexposure to the west has prevented her from ripening gracefully like an ordinary japanese woman

Her haircut doesnt do her any favours because she purposely exposes her giant 10head. but she has lost alot of weight to be fiar.
What if I don't want to be fair? She deserves total humiliation!
Code pls
tourists could see a japanese weather report and ask "code? CODE?!"
Walther P38
Why do her oppai look amazing while clothed but go missing as soon as the top comes off?
seems to be pachinko commercial wtf?
Code? Code? Code? Code? Code? Code? Code? Code? Code? Code? Code? Code?
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Fkn fishlets
I already provided the source :^(
its Kana Momozone and the one is from a Pukechinko (kek) festival commercial and the from her gumi shop
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Code Red
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jav destroyed my brian
>mf on he right dissociating until hairy manko is mentioned
he is literally me
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JAV improved my brain.
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That's glasses-kun, the face destroyer.
rediscovering how perfect yui amane is


wait I don't understand and subtitles are japanese, what is she saying???
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Hiatus, she's heading to england for a few months after feeling burnt out. Also because she thinks she had a past life there and fortune telling told her to go.
>even more me right now
>2024 isn't over yet, they won't stop retiring
this THE year
Hana haruna has only done like 3 vids the entire year.
Project JAV is coming to the end.
Momozono looks very bemused here! but not as bemused as me watching her
kokomi sakura(sexo)
FKN KEK, you can see The Noz influence on Ibuki's mannerisms
Fkn, now i want a Yuri Honma(SEXO) x Kokomi(sexo) collab.
Project JAV: REvival is commencing now
>fortune telling
She's dumber than a bag of rocks
says the porn addict
Her figure and vinegar glares were built for reipu.

I am AI upscaling my SOE-681 bluray for extra strong vinegar
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>meanwhile, hagchads fkn enjoying the New Era/Second Golden Age of Hag JAV be like
Admin must've stopped paying for the domain and moved on
WHERE IS Hana Haruna?????
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She looks too cute for all this jav shit man...
She needs ugly basterd cum on her face
sirs... jav seems stale these days...
she is 82 years old btw
those worn panties fkn reek of sawdust, old library books and petrichor.... it is inherently comforting(and erotic)
please does anyone know the code?
i see it
i can tell she really REALLY loves food by her mouth manipulation plus her fat face
why do javs insist on talking during sexo?
I don't want to hear any iku and kimochi just fucking moan like a real person
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not all JAV barks are made equal
some like "chōdai" are absolutely based
hello, welcome newfriend!
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>absolutely based
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need monkee gf
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That's a reptile though. Me? i want a virgin monke.
Chresus Jristo
Dont ever tell me faleno girls are shit when Ena (and also Meisa) exist
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>big ass small boobs
Is she pure?
Imagine waking up next to her, I'd be eating that ass for breakfast.
Pure as a recently fallen snowball
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The purest.

She quickly left Faleno, that's a great sign she's one of the great.
recommendations for javfus with big honking fake booba that are also not fat?
pretty face couldn't hurt either
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whoa WHOA
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It'll be our little secret sir.
i wish studios put out photobooks of their movies
the cover art usually looks great but then they cover it with text and labels
the screenshots are usually good too but if they just touched them up and put them in higher resolution they'd be great
>still no news about Ami Tokita
So I'm indecisive, should I go for nylon, hemp or polyester?
Moka aka ERIKA
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*knock knock*
Nah sorry I can only watch tpin015
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You're all mentally ill...
You know how some stars have those movies were they lick and kiss the screen?

What's the code for the one where Yu shinoda does it?
db.msin is still down, we dont know sorry
I must post the pasta
>Looking at JAV section on Mandarake for shits and giggles
>Find a large amount of results for really skeevy looking stuff by "Tomio Sakayama"
>Can't find any info on it, JAV codes don't even return any results
What in God's name have I discovered?
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no no she can't do this to me...
Nevermind I found it.
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My wife Ai Hongo is the cutest of them!
she looks great but her movies were so vanilla


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