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What did she mean by those last two?
>bloodline prosperity
Does she provide surrogacy?
The last villager who signed up for this ended up with a legion's worth of human-tsuchigumo babies.
It means exactly what you think it means.
Hot. Where do I sign up?
Experiencing romantic fullfillment and bloodline prosperity with Marisa Kirisame!
>romantic fullfillment
But Marisa... you never got romantic fulfillment yourself...
Cause she sold it all. Keep up.
if you'd waited 20 minutes longer it would have been exactly one year to the minute
Oh wow, it literally has been a year and he finally started to post it on ao3 too.
How can the self-proclaimed magician of love hold that title if she never experienced it herself?
Could Marisa set me up on a date with this disaster of a creature?
>he finally started to post it on ao3 too
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She might agree to go on a date with you if you foot the bill, but I hear she's already in a relationship with her landlord.
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you wouldn't believe me if I told you
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"Hope you like spiders!"
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Well y'know
I didnt read it yet to see what changed but its cool that it looks like a diary idk
She's just capitalizing off an untapped market
I would prefer a celestial myself
Just FUCKING set me up with your shrine maiden friend, PLEASE.
KMS season 2?
Hoping so
Can I ask for someone closer to the village? Preferably a fast one, as well.
Does it matter if they have... bigger than usual ears?
Having my children of course.
damn it, now i have to settle for youkai extermination and treasure hunting.
Not sure about bigger, but I've heard that pointy are all the rage nowadays among intellectual girls.
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This is the kind of client Marisa attracts
Sanae? You got it!
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No, this time is different from that other anon. I'm not getting maimed and repeatedly taken to the Eientei clinic trying to date youkai or set up with spider youkai. I'm sticking with a human and I'm fulfilling both of the latter two with you, black-and-white. Start losing some clothes now we're going inside your 'shop' and I don't care if you enjoy it or not.
trying to pull something like that is going to get you taken to the Eientei clinic, anon.
I fancy my chances pressuring Marisa into having a child with me over trying to date or otherwise have unwanted run-ins with youkai.
Reimu would never do that
...You know any celestials by any chance?

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