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Monster Girl Wiki: https://monstergirlencyclopedia.miraheze.org/wiki/Monster_Girl_Encyclopedia
Monster Girl Archive: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/
Content Aggregator: https://anubis.moe/
Writers list: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/writerlist.html
Fanart Galleries: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/fanartgalleries.html
Nextcloud Archive: https://st44244.ispot.cc/nextcloud/index.php/s/HYyFwJMp588a4tE
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Ice to see you.
What a cool lady.
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Need to lick Succubi feet.
I think that dragons and lamias should jointly rule the world.
The world belongs to reptilians.
I think that pixelated cg art of Jenny Nicholson, Internet famous YouTuber, should rule the world.
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Somewhere in an alternate universe, there's a monster girl schlicking it to a cartoon picture of you, wishing that you were real.
Sallys and other fire-elemental girls not being able to handle spicy food is cute.
What a loser
Yog-Sothoth you worthless yahoo, you're supposed to open the gates
I think you're wrong on that. Pretty sure Yog-Sothoth actually IS the gate. So somebody else has to open her up, if you catch my meaning.
Nah, Yog-Sothoth is the gate AND the key. Someone just needs to wake her up.
Yeah, wake her up... in the VAGINA.
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Ever need a coconut broken, she's your crustacean
do you guys now any futa fanfiction? no homo
No and it's not the place for that. Please ask on /d/
It's very rare. I'll write some someday.
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Bob/BobAnon on TFT now fuck off.
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Blue and purple are sexy
Locating my closest MG police officer and burying my face in Officer Delf's open cleavage.
She can taze me, pepper spray me, she can try to subdue me. It won't work- once I'm in there, I'm in there. She's going to have to learn to live with the fact that her tits are going to be molested 24/7.
I can break these cuffs.
I'm gonna turn that smile upside down.
Needs more skai watermarks
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I don't have the GIMP skills to replace her tattoos.
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Ask your friendly local dark elf to teach you gimp skills.
what if you are banging your wife and then you see a skai watermark on her womb?
Ya se pasaron de retrasados de nuevo. Me voy a poner a escribir.
Oh shit, my wife was a Leanan Sidhe in disguise all along
I don't speak tacocat
>Wake up to monster girl next to me
>It's a cu sith
>"Hello love, I've been waiting for you for such a long time <3"
>Immediately close my eyes
"This can't be real."
"This can't be real."
"This can't be real."
>"Oh sweetie, I'm quite real <3"
>Internally screaming about how I managed to roll a 1 and end up with one of the worst girls
>"Aww, what's a matter? Didn't want to fuck a furry?"
>Try my best to wake up from this nightmare
>She puts her large paw on my face, caressing it
>"Hehe, I guess that'll make the rape that much more exciting."
Anyone else feel like they'd roll a 1 on the Day of the Rape?
idk about you bro but i feel like i'm going to get exactly what I want.
Besides, when I see her, I'm going to be doing the one doing the raping.

Do you think a monster girl would agree to throw you if you asked, provided she was doing so to help you rape a different girl?
I feel like they'd support "true love" involving a fastball special but you also might just end up with two wives.
A healthy corrected smile
It'd likely depend on the individual and nature of her species.
A 1 is just a 10 you can't see the end of.
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Ryus are top grade wife material, demure zipanguese goddess erotic.
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What would you do if you catch your wife or girlfriend doing this?
Point out to her that waterballoons are useless if they bleed out in advance
>Oh, what a day! What a wretched day!
>Against all fortune, portals have opened and rape-seeking monsters are pouring out, busily establishing happy families in a widening radius.
>Worst of all, the cutest girl of them all is up there, shooting arrows into the fearful masses!
> And you're here, on the ground, unable to reach her. Bound once again by 「gravity」.
> Suddenly, a shadow looms! The sun, eclipsed!
> Looking behind you, you see a massive red woman, with a tall pair of pointed horns. Her muscles ripple menacingly, but not quite as menacingly as her smile full of sharp teeth.
>"Hey, boya. You're mine. I got you first, that means you're mine."
>Her eyes glaze over, lost in her reverie.
>"My very own drinking buddy...needs a bit of meat on your bones, but we can work on that. Still, that's that and this is this. Drop the pants."
> She has you pinned against the wall in a kabedon - you push back, locking eyes.
"Throw me. Her. Now."
>You don't think she was expecting pushback- she seems startled, tracing your extended finger to the flying archer.
>"Her? Well, I don't exactly blame you...but can't you let someone else have her? I found you, you're mine."
>You repeat your demand. Negotiation is over.
>"Well, alright..."
>She picks you up effortlessly and, with perfect form, pitches you into the sky.
>You ascend and for a brief moment come within reach of the cutest girl in the whole world. Your eyes lock. Locks of her hair slip through the tips of your fingers.
>And then you fall.
>Crashing into the parapet of a deli, you descend ungracefully through several stories and land painfully.
>Blood runs from your face- you think you landed on one of your fingers, judging by the accusatory way it points back at your face. You've definitely broken a rib or two.
>The large red woman, her new concern a far cry from her previous attitude, rushes back to you. Her eyes are full of tears- it almost crushes you to make her cry. Almost, though.
>"Hey! Hey! You missed it! Just give it up, I'm taking you home before you get yourself any more hurt!"
>She scoops you up, the same way a dog scoops up an unattended sandwich.
>"No, not again!"
> The red woman shudders.
>"If that's what you want. But this is your last try."
>Once again you are lifted high above the world, the wind deafening you.
>One of the cutest girls in the world hovers steadily in the air, her beret tipping back as she observes your ascent.
>Once so small and distant, she grows larger as you approach. Her face shows a mixture of surprise and bemusement, up until you clasp, in a nine-fingered grip, the collar of her garment.
>Assuming you still had all of your teeth, you smiled at her as she futilely tried to stay aloft, weighed down by new ballast.
>Seconds later, you feel a pair of thick arms catch your slowed descent.
>"So, are you satisfied yet, or do you need another go?"
>The catch of the day smiles at you, stepping down and looking you in the face.
>You nod.
>The two cutest girls in the world share a knowing glance.
>"Let's get you checked out, then I think we've got something more important to do then dinner."
"Mow important 'hings, like introducth' ouwselveth?
>"Something like that. Magic can regrow teeth, right?"
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I trust in fate. I will end with one of my fav specie or with a close one with the good psychological profile. Worst case scenario, I will have to negotiate with a dark elf so we capture each other soulmate.
Speaking of fate I remember someone saying in the last thread "KC big news."

So where is that game update?
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We could all use cool helmets in these trying times to stop monster kisses.
"If you want children, all you need to do is ask."
That was me.

You haven't the post on his X? It was posted yesterday.
The latest installment of Comic Gairaku is available on DLSite now!
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That sounds really weird desu. And also a setup for disappointment if she ever sees the real you.
nice stuff
more like this
Yeah, unlike them we're the bottom of the barrel
And what about your disappointment when you see a monster girl, huh?
>meet your dog girl wiafu
>sheds everywhere
>doesn't deal well with being alone
>hogs the bed
>mostly only concerned with sex
>wants you to walk with her ten miles every day
>confides in you that she always wanted a man who wouldn't think she was dumb so you feel bad for thinking she is as smart as scooby doo
The sahuagin was really cute, thanks anon.
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>Travel to Desert Kingdom
>Make way to the capital !Memphis
>Hope to woo over some stuck up palace priestess anubis
>Arrive in town
>City is super quiet
>Make way to the temple of the underworld
>Look for an anubis
>Get tackled by a jackal
>She's been graped
>Get raped
>Turns out the whole town was graped just a couple days ago
There go my chances of getting a haughty anubis.
Graped autism dog is good too.
delf rape by a man, so outrageous
Dark elves have horns?
Yeah that's a wolf on her way to being domesticated
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>Inside your kobold there is a werewolf
>The werewolf inside your kobold:
it's call suck handle
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thank goodness for mamono mana
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Go suck a bus.
bait used to be believable
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InsaneAnon's are my favorite Anon archetype.
No, you were just dumber.
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>arms wide open
Temperature goes up
My desire to cool off by proneboning a bottom heavy loli Ice Queen goes up
what the hell was atlus cooking with unicorn overlord? alicesoft inspired game with the porn taken out?

I will now play your game.
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i think, i have a sweaty girl fetish now
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Sounds far from ideal but I think it's workable, especially if she responds well to being treated like a dog as long as you aren't TOO overt about it. Plus, Scooby wasn't THAT dumb from what I remember, mostly just an impulsive glutton.
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Immediate unprotective mating press
>divorce mge girl
>she can't move on
>gain new annoying yandere stalker girl
>ask flayer what flaying feels like
>"If you've ever played Psychonauts then you know what to expect"
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transparent dresses are both impractical and nice
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Big Sister is gonna send you to a love camp. You've been single for way too long.
time to sneak into a monster politicians home
I'm single because I'm too shitty for family life. Don't want to ruin my potential wife's future. Please understand, Lilim-sama.
And I will be single until the day I die.
Ok, can I get the forms to choose my desired wife please?
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>love camp
Is that what she's calling her bedroom now?
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theme of me resisting arrest and running from the Eros Enforcers as they try to give me my state-mandated wife
>The succ also activates her bearhug (it's a higher level than yours
>Then her wing burrito
>Then her tail wrap
I hope you weren't planning on going anywhere.
"Love camp" is just spending time with a lilim as she painfully psyches herself up to get to second base.
and here i thought i was going to get some monster teen pregnant
I'd go camping with a lim. I bet she sucks at making smores
Wouldn't it be funny if Lims were one of the few monsters a human man could rape? Not because they're weak, but just because they're giant dorks.
But this one time, at Love Camp...
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>Lilim biting her tail and hiding her eyes behind her hands as she gets pushed onto the bed and panties slowly slid off
A shy and passive lim sounds very cute, actually. I want one.
They've got professionals that can fix you up. Now stop whining it is basically just a forced summer camp for single men. Or would you rather to go to the ""labor"" camp?
Dangerous choice of words. Hope you are alright with wisps getting dibs on your soul.
Yeah but you still gotta attend. Your future wife will be at the camp and you will engage in romantic activities together and you will be released after being evaluated by an Eros priestess.
>Or would you rather to go to the ""labor"" camp?
i'm not a good midwife
Sure, as long whatever you present me is 100% what I asked for. Otherwise I legally allowed to leave the camp.
There's room for concern if she has 3 or more Skai watermarks or only 1 watermark.

If she has 3 or more, then obviously she belongs to Skai himself, and I shouldn't be doing anything lewd with her.
If she has only 1 watermark, then she's a discount monster girl.

So 2 is the number of watermarks you're looking for. Traditionally they put them on the left and thigh. That's how you know you're legit. But one on the womb? A weird placement, but not underheard of. As long as she has a second watermark and no more, then she's kosher.
Cute sith.
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>Bargaining down the danuki to $150 per 5 minutes of breath sniffing
I got a good deal. Originally she was offering $200 per 10 minutes of breath sniffing. But I got her to come down in price. I feel blessed to have these good haggling powers. I outwitted a danuki on this one!
I told you I'm waiting on my Sabbath acceptance letter. I'll find a nice witch when I've learned a little magic.
Nice try, smartass, but you aren't. The dating lecture is about to start soon I suggest you pay attention.
>It's actually just a camp for male on how to date and care for mamonos based on your preference
Grim but at least now I know how much teasing a kiki can take and how to comb beastgirl fluff
Whats the "labor" camp like?
That would actually be interesting, I'd go to one just to learn all about the different monster races needs and how different they are from each other.
Oh sweet, another terrible thread.
It is where you help girls get into labor and all things related to that.
finally i can get my tailpussy maintenance certification
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>sad anon noises
Which church are running these camps? Or is it the state?
with large reservoirs of water
How about green and purple?
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its thick tail thursday! Post the thickest tails!
Thanks Doc
>cheshire sends you shooped daily dose pic with (You) fucking her ass
How would different monsters react to men crying and being vulnerable in front of them?
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nyoh my lord
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Need cow wife.
The game is dead people just don’t want to admit it
Whoever said that monsters don't do anal is wrong, they are designed for it with such rears
need cow wife(tarantula)
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>Fell for the “monsters are hard to impregnate” meme
>Now have a dozen daughterus
>And have half a dozen more on the way
How do I offload these girls fast?
are there Rent a Danuki services? i have the money i can pay.
You just throw them at random boys and men
can you not infest the world? things should be at peace, not chaos
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You're listening to Midnight with Mindy, and we're going to be playing our first request of the night, let's hear it for Love Power!

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There are plenty of cows to choose from
Indeed. There's a charity designed to matchmake lonely danuki with men who want to experience one. It's called the last gasp of love investment broker.
I'd like to rent their youngest Danuki
I wpueld rather choose one that won't kill me during sex
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Smart decision. I'm sure she can even learn from you.
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I'd stay off the mountain roads if I were you, I hear there is a ronin robbing travelers for all their worth up there
In what way?
new ritual post just drop
hope she remembers the time they spent together when she makes it big in the future.
To save time anon just bags up all his belongings beforehand to give to her.
>Come home from work
>Monster wife is singing cheesy power metal songs in a gentle singsong voice
What flavor is she?
What I really like about himari was how even though she felt like a generic catgirl it was hammered in that she was barely domesticated rather than tamed.
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>power metal
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Hey, hey Anon, hey, hey, hey Anon, hey
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>how to please your cu sith
>massage her beans
>call her a good girl while she gives you a blowjob
>don't forget to scratch her ears
>offer her a place as the little spoon OR at the foot of your bed
>remember to give her a treat of extra sex if she's being a good girl
>go running with her at least once a day
Without condemning or condoning, I understand.
>Sniffing young danuki breath
The forbidden breath!
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Classic argument, she wins the debate.
Photograph taken from the future
>Meditating on what it means to sniff breath
>Contemplating the intimacy and how it connects a couple together
Been doing this for hours everyday now. It's led to some powerful experiences. I strongly desire to share these profound, internal experiences with a danuki one day.
The future is bright. (milk is bright)
>ethereal, glowing milk
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Damn, how many pounds of meat does she have to eat per day to keep that snek body going?
Imagine the grocery bill.

Bitch is definitely a glutton. Sneks don't get fat; they just get longer. 50'+ snek is the equivalent to 400lbs+ landwhale in human terms. How much you think that snek weighs, 1500lbs, maybe more?
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>t. based Echidna husband speaks
>no imp to call me a cool dude
No gonna lie, it kinda hurts inside.
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>Damn, how many pounds of meat does she have to eat per day to keep that snek body going?
Cold blooded creatures need way less calories than warm blooded, so that helps.
Still, the grocery bill will still ridiculous.
How different would a shog born from an echidna be from a normal shog?
Just the experience of growing up with a different mom and sisters.
Slimes being born from an actual mother sounds like a disturbing sight.
In the case of echidna, it wouldn't be that bad. They lay eggs anyways. So, the egg would just have slime in it, like a humpty egg. Except instead of humpty egg, it's shog. And once it hatches, you're greeted with a cute little "tekeli-li?"
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I don't know which weasel(s) I like more
Guess my only solution is to find electrically charged kamaitachis or raiju triplets.
I think she'd end up taking after her mom more--into dungeons and magic. But she'll still be a shog, so she'll be all about a SUPER CLEAN dungeon. And the dungeon master should be her husband, obvi.
She'll hatch from an egg, though. So, not THAT bad. I'd imagine her popping out in a very organized, clean way to avoid making a mess.
Best weasel incoming.
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You don't know cheesy until you come home to your wife singing Eternal Champion.
A new commission. Rosa after a fight with some demonic beasts. I hope you guys like it!
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Shit. I apologize people. I didn't notice the nipple slip and it appears the mids were considerate enough to know that was an accident. Hopefully this one that is romantical can compensate.
I like to imagine that automatons give birth like a gacha machine. You hear the little clicking noises, then a clunk and a little plastic ball with your baby in it rolls out.
Nope. No daughterus for the robot fuckers.
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I love romanticalizing elves
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mamonobama son
>somehow getting indebted to a loli danuki selling "lemonade" at a make-shift stand and paying off a loan to her with an interest rate of 90%
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>be me today
>walking along a lakeside barefoot
>feet suddenly plunge into a shore of mud
>so deep that it swells over my feet, squeezing them from all sides with a wet squelch
>not even rough or unpleasant, it’s impossibly smooth with just the right amount of suction
>holy fuck that feels good
For fuck’s sake, why can’t I be a normal slimefag
I think imps are underrated. She's a cool girl and deserves more attention.
I actually like their imp talk. Maybe not all the time, but from time to time.
Long Mamono are sexy.
>Weekly grocery bill: $1200
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Remember that when you marry a witch you are instantly married to her familiar too, this is not negotiable it's their culture
You lost that title the moment you entered 4chan.org into your browser.
Worth it.
She can't even wrap her whole body around you. There's too much of her.
>Become successful MonTuber
>Suddenly get dreams about railing loli monsters
>Whenever I see a loli monster get a hard-on
do a audience meet and greet
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It's just one demon kiss, what's the worst that can happen?
Read the fine print.
Now re-read it.
Now read it again.
Okay now flip it over, and sprinkle lemon juice on the contract.
>anon has not left the kissing booth for 3 hours
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I'm sure she's thinking that it's just one human kiss, what's the worst that can happen?
>anon and demon were later find passed out with their lips still kissing
>they have been dubbed kisssluts, much to their embarrassment
What if I only want to marry her Familiar?
good ends
it hurts
Big squishy pads.
A hellhound with a creepy smile keeps appearing in my dreams. What does this mean?
I had a dream I had a catgirl last night. It was really long and pretty detailed. It was nice. Not the best, but nice.
i just turned 20
what the fuck
i cant even drink yet u want me to have a girl
no way
im poor, no job, in a basement and have mommy issues
no way a monster girl wants me
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You don't need money where you're going.
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Fat, ugly, bald, hairy, facial hair?

Perfect man for Sabbath lolis. Sign up today!
>mommy issues
Anon sneaks out of his parents house.
He has to get the mail first every day.
Gotta make sure they don't notice he's subscribed to Mommy Issues, the most Mommy-Centric Mamono Magazine ever created.
The centerfold is a woman kneading dough in a slightly flour-covered apron.
Over a ribbed turtleneck sweater.
With her hair pulled back into a loose, sensible ponytail.
Is she a holst? The mailman might've misdelivered my issue of Domestic Wives monthly in that case. The newest issue is supposed to contain a bunch of comfy recipes no one will ever cook for me, I'm looking forward to it.
Wait she's not wearing any clothes besides a scarf!
Next Gaira looking good
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Cute. I'm not really a lolis guy, but I like baphs. They're just neat.
Ushi. So, you're close!
Why don't you go ask her and find out?
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I only like the cute gaira girls.
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It is said that monster power is inversely proportional to the amount of clothes they wear, and it is believed that the most powerful monsters in existence are members of the Sabbath
Give me your weakest monster.
They're all about that ease of access.
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Miss Arachne is being CRUSHED by STRONG HUMAN ARMS.
No, but it seems this way because their clothes will shield you from their overpowered mana
She later ate him
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K, you don't have to keep trying to sell me on her, I already like spiders!
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Who de-boobed my fox?
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You have encountered an Elven warrior.
ill put clothes on her to reduce her damage
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Lightning resistance check
>obscene zapweasel love-making sounds
>womb tattoo
Uhhh you sure that isn't a succubus in disguise
Miss Kiki has a BROOM tattoo.
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you're being paranoid
you'd better spend the night to recover
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he would never
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Lotus position with pink angels
it's too intense
But they're brown.
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Perfect for slow romantic sexo
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Do you like weasels?
Only when they come in a three pack.
Built for paizuri
That's clearly an intercrural design with paizuri enhancements.
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They literally make my hair stand on end.
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You have arrived at Rabbit Village, populated solely by Rabbits. What will you do now?
Turn it into Rabbit City.
go to the carrot store and buy some big carrots for a stew
Keep walking
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The rabbits are now in pursuit.
I'm not interested
rape the rabbit girls till i become the father of a rabbit girl army
or just fall asleep in the local inn and do the local quests
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Would you a incredibly dominant Kikimora?

>"Ara ara, what's my good little boy doing out at this hour? And where's your collar? What if you get lost how will you get returned home? Come follow me now, we'll get this on nice and tight, then I'll tuck you in bed, OK? I may even let you rest between my breasts if you're a good boy. Just relax, listen and obey me and I'll take care of everything, you'll never have to worry your precious little head about anything ever again~"
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N-no mom, I only read it for the articles, I swear!
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yes please
God, please use one of the thousand mamonos made for that instead of dirtying kiki into that.
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>Wah, waaaah wah wah wa wah waaaaaah waaaaah waah wah waah waaaaah wa waaaaaah waah waah
Damn, how mature of you. I can see why you need a new mom.
let me guess, she pegged you too.
>meanwhile, someplace else
Miss, please leave before my mom smells out I'm in distress. Let's not find out how a plucked kikimora looks like
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poor kiki. keeps trying to make herself a mother figure to boys who already have startlingly overprotective mothers
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meanwhile in an Orderite noblegirl's residence
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>what's my good little boy doing out at this hour?
>after climbing into your room through the window
where does she get the gall!
>femdomfags constantly cry about maledom, even though its rarely brought up
>femdomfags constantly inject their fetish everywhere, even in submissive monsters
Why the double standard?
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seethe some more
>The main focus of “Monster Girl Encyclopedia” is light femdom
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Because the thread is populated mainly by femdomfags, do like me, and stop caring, it's a pointless argument that only dirtied my name. Post what you want and hide what you dislike.
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hrng... not the sensible, conservative mother look...
Yes, but we take turns being dominant every few days, and it's mostly an act for feistier and more dramatic domestic love.

The nursing handjobs would have to be preeetttyy incredible for me to sign off on full-on momdom. I'd love to let her try.
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She'd go in on that. You wouldn't be making bets like that if you'd ever experienced one of her nursing handjobs.
There is much unrest in the streets. The world is going mad. Take me away, kiki-san...
Really? It feels like nearly every time something like that gets posted you have people screaming for a raging mushroom or saying they'll kill themselves. I genuinely feel like the population of this thread has changed.
Anybody who complains about maledom or femdom is and always has been a faggot.
Yes yes, fuck (and marry and impregnate) the frog
Femdommed by the frog.
wheres the wurms? bring the wurms!
im more of an ice worm kind of guy
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It's one guy waging war on all maledomfags for some mysterious reason. Didn't you notice the schizo way of posting?
Anyway, post maids.
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I feel like you are jumping to conclusions.
No I don't. You're one of his enablers
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Girls should watch their tongues.
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bites are romantic
I will not believe this 'pophis propaganda
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post lilims
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I heard brimstone smells like fart gass
Granny hair succs
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Beast said at one point he was gonna make an OC that would wave the English flag.
Wonder what happened to that?
its rotting eggs or garlic, both contain sulfur
its MGE, so lava "flesh" probably smells like burnt scented incense
but lava is mostly silica, so it wouldnt have a smell
i still think it would be given a scent that would want humans want to stick their dick in it
why would it need a scent, theyre firm, yet pliable heat source, a perfect spot to rest an aching spine
>it wouldn't have a smell
Lava Golem trying on perfumes!
Burned pinewood smells nice.
post dragons
Hang out with all the exotic rabbits!
>Trying to shame anon for waifu posting
That's a new low
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What are you talking about? I post waifu pics all the time!
It me. I'm the waifu.
Rawr! Sexy Waifu Tiger Hands!
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trained succubus knight would be cool to fight
>c'mon, do something heroic
Why is her womb tattoo an Autobot symbol?
Miss Valkyrie is finally exiting her goth phase and letting her feathers grow back. Not gonna lie, I'll miss it. I always liked goth chicks.
>Why is her womb tattoo an Autobot symbol?
It's prime pussy.
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Fucking birds building nests right outside my window.

I feel like this is spawn camping of some sort. Demon Lord please ban harpies from doing this.
Look at this pansy being afraid of some birds.
They stare at me menacingly. This should not be allowed. This is my home, but they're setting up camp on my property? I will not tolerate squawkers.
Throw firecrackers at them.
Their bones are hollow, simply lift them and do what you want.
Black harpies are pretty smart and are good girls. Give them some food. Unshelled peanuts are good for them and getting them out of their shells gives them some stimulating play.
They have talons that are sharp and dangerous. And they can bite! And have superhuman strength. I don't think I can hold them for long.

I want them gone. I don't want to hurt them. I'm not mean.
Burn your house and stay in it
If you invite one into your house, the rest will leave you alone. Just pick the biggest, meanest one and she'll protect you from the rest!
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>no big-titty succubus imouto trying to seduce me
life is so sad and disappointing
Got anything better to do?
Making newfags and pests seethe is too entertaining
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>Equalfags enjoying the best of both worlds
>Equalfags ignoring the shit-flinging contests
Aside from actually getting her pregnant, nothing makes her happier than going down on her.
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>Dodge minotaur's overhead axe swing
>Get caught by bullshit hitbox on her butt when she lands and instaloss
fix when?
>imagine just not grabbing her when she goes mid air
int build, im taking a guess
There is not a build that can snatch a 300lb, 8'4" women moving at 30mph out of the air
im doing the moomoo land early so i can get the milk resist items and magic boosting farmer overalls, but this mino is filtering me with her hips.
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how'd you get out of the starting town?
there is, its called drinking mino milk and lifting heavt stone build also 8'4"cow woman would weigh more than 300 lbs
Here's the counter
>drop your weapon
>forward roll to dodge under her and 180
>kancho her ass as she comes down
>one-shot everytime
ah yes, the flower opener
a classic techinque
tutorial succ fight is easy if you just use ice magic on her tail. not sure how other builds fare. the only real challenge in starting town is getting fetishes/weaknesses that will cause problems later. avoid talking to your busty cow neighbour or else you will get boob resist down permanently.
I just don't think you understand the kind of leverage it takes to stop a heavy airborne object moving with significant momentum. This is a knowledge check. If you try and do that, you're going to get taur'd no matter how many of your attribute points you dumped into STR. You have to dodge and wait for her to land, you can't just tank everything.
I think they should put miss mino in a more late game area. She's too scary! Maybe instead of fighting a dragon you can fight miss mino in a dragon outfit.
not with that attidute u can't
i did it with ease, i grabbed ms mino just as she jumped
Now shes stunned and red faced
I won the fight
damn nerd
Impregnate the demons
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imm grabbing miss haku next and hugging her
she'll calm down and forget about it.
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Imagine having daughterus that bigger and more muscular than you.

I need this with minos.
P'orcs are good too for this.
imagine haku but she's built like a minotaur
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well, she does like hugs
Loving Jinko daughterus like this are perfect.
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that's last meta. now they all got delayed auto-tracking overheads to catch dodge rollers
and if you roll directly into them you take oppai damage
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do not use charm on the mino boss.
>tfw you have three beautiful yet dumb as brick wurm daughters
>the shenigans they get up to are so fucking dumb and cute you really cant get mad at them
>Wurm daughteru shenanigans
You mean like tearing down the town's water tower because it's round, and they wanted to use it as a ball?
i use penerate with my cock on the mino boss
works 100% of the time
on all bosses in fact
all they need is a good dicking
tho that locks into an ending
Can they at least nerf one of minotaur's chest/butt damage? It's not fair that she does bonus damage with both.
Just circlestrafe around the minotaurs. They get disoriented easily.
that happened once
but thing like trying to see if the moon is made out of cheese so they jumped there
or the time they thought miss ryu was their aunt. or when they tried to fly like their auntie, ms, dragon by rolling up into a ball and rolling down a hill that had a ramp
they landed on poor old miss lims car
but it wasn't a probelm to pay off since they like collecting shiny things. which was punishment enough for doing that
if you kite her into a corn maze her pathing gets bugged and she's stuck there
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>"the magical girl transformation!"
>"It's made my power over 9000!"
I recommend flapping a red cloth in front a comically large pit.
Minos are built for mean spirited maledom
Does it work if I paint a tunnel on a wall?
Not mean spirited, but Mino was the one on the illustration showing raging mushroom's effects.
maybe the matador outfit was a bad idea
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i prefer kind-hearted gentle cuddledom
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Monsters are for slaying with legendary swords
Even gentle maledom on a big girl works too.
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I know I could just emulate that unicorn game on the switch. But is it really worth it just to see some elves?
that elf is a bit older
elf ass
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so stealthy
yeah, my penis has a +5 enchantment against vaginas
The tour guide said it is dangerous to go to the Malef district alone but I am sure a quick peek won't hurt.
Well, she could sneak around mountainous areas ass first towards the enemy and pretend to be a boulder.
>tfw this fox tries tailing you
>since her massive mofu instantly gives away her postion
>when ever u turn around she just acts like a mofuball
blends in perfectly with the mofutrees
>which are really tall 9 tail fox ninja girls
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kunoichi ass-assination
I imagine her way of 'assassinating' her target is to just completely smother them in mofu.
>tfw ywn be a dumbass knight that keeps making his party of holst healer, elf ranger, haku mage, and wurm tank worrying bout you since you do stupid things
do these get translated anywhere?
>clumsy kunoichi climbing on ceiling above sleeping target
>clumsy kunoichi wakes him up because she's clumsy
>clumsy kunoichi, flustered and in a panic, falls off ceiling and lands ontop of him
>cries for help muffled by kunoichi cake
>mission somehow successful
Funnily enough, the one in your linked post was just translated today
im going to the city of cake
where all the monsters got them big asses and thighs, real wagons they be carryinh
but i think its mid game
i heard u had to pass a trial of tits to get there
The clumsy kunoichis are the most highly trained of them all. It takes a tremendous amount of skill and discipline to consistently accomplish their missions while making it look like a complete accident every time.
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Monsters are made for making monsters.
>throws realm silver shuriken at guard
>misses completely
>hits lamp behind guard by accident
>lamp becomes chochin obake lampo girl
>subdues guard for her
>way is now clear
how does she do it?
>Kiki that gives your member a nickname
>"My little banana!"
>Human men are for making monsters
>human kingdom keeps sending knights to your home to stop the source of the monsters
>but so far none of them have made it past your daughters
>lovingly go down on your cait sith wife
>bonding time afterward as you both cough up furballs
Cute but gross. Make sure you have a spit bucket on standby, maybe some tissues too. Don't wanna get the bed dirty when you're cuddling her.
>tfw ur the father of most of the wurms tha roam wurmland, the land near an human city of adventures
>funny enough, the city isnt hostile since your kids help save the people in danger, and ask for the cute boy in the tin can (a knight)
>replying to the furry /trash/roach
Yes. He replied to me, so I replied back.
It's basic human decency.
He's been spamming us daily for 2 years with his autistic shit, people like him neither count as a human nor have any decency.
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I'm all too familiar with this place. I've been here for a decade now. Regardless, try being kind and understanding for once. You'd be surprised how much more effective that is. Plus, your monsterfu wouldn't want you to be bitter anyways.
Miss Haku will see you now.
>try being kind and understanding for once. You'd be surprised how much more effective that is.
Not very effective on those that mistake kindness for weakness.
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>mistake kindness for weakness.
Sounds like p'orc-brain
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My Monster waifu spits acid and kills
why is high orc choco?
because that's how boars are. and its hot
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Dormouse, huh?

Less bitching, more monster girl posting.
I can't take a womanlet dragon seriously, sorry.
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It's okay to be wrong sometimes. We all make mistakes. Rarely do we have all the facts, and we're quick to make assumptions and get mad at others.

I'll admit one myself right here and now. I used to think foxes were better than danukis. But I've been shown the errors of my ways.
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Does anyone here know of the Quest Failed visual novel?
bratshire gyatt
It's a patreon never ever.
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I don't know why foxes have such a bad reputation. They're really kind.

Balrog schoolgirl sex
Don't take that offer, she wants to squeeze at least 15 kits out of you over the next millenium.
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they're kind as long as you dont accidently participate in one of their many marriage rituals.
Would she really? With a nerd like me?
They're untrustworthy.

Best to go for a proper canine like a kobold, kikimora, or werewolf.
cause I'm just a teenage dirtbag baby
they are tricksters
Which monster girl would help keep me limber?
Lizard are sally are the top 2 options.
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And stiff.
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Zombies since you will stretch together with them every morning so they can stay limb too
its not that hard to avoid. just dont go outside when its partially cloudy.
or sleep with your window open.
or give them a bucket of chicken.
or address them by their first name.
or ask to touch their tail.
or let them cook for you.
or spend the night at their home.
If you happen to catch her eye it's time to mating press the gyaru queen (of the school)
So, what you are saying is, if i want to date a Kitsune, i have to do those things, in that order.
>or ask to touch their tail.
This is why I always touch tails without consent.
>Tits bapho that's chill and relaxed
>Grinds her pokemon game so she can share good, rare, version-exclusive pokemon with you
>Also is a good cook and gives good massages with her paws
>Makes a killing with her alchemical potions
>Has an obsession with star-shaped decorations that are plastered all over your house
Is Squigly supposed to be a Zombie or a Wight? she seems too competent to be a Zombie
She's an undead from a completely different IP. Why would she fall into any of those categories?
I would never get tricked by a fox.
I would get tricked by all the foxes. I'm just a big dumb gaijin who wants to take lots of pictures with the friendly locals and eat my French fries with chopsticks.
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So i have been thinking a lot about monstergirl tails lately. They are supposed to connect to the spine and there are two main possibilities.
The first is the one most used in fanart, where the tail forks from the sacrum in a semiperpendicular angle, which means the main human structure is preserved. This however, makes it awkward to sit on anything with a backrest, and isn't much better for spooning.
Then there is the second option, where the sacrum bends outwards instead of inwards, and forms the tail naturally. It starts somewhat lower, but provides better balance, as there is no extra weight pulling at an angle on the spine, letting the legs carry most of the weight instead. This is the objectively better choice.
>flying on the back of a huge dragon
>land at your destination
>dragon transforms into loli dragon girl
>dragon girl says she's tired
>pick up dragon girl and put her on your shoulders while you walk around
Why tire out the dragon when a car works better? Is it because she'd have to sit in a booster seat?
it lets her feel useful
I found a snake skin once.
Shortcut over water.
I guess she's a zombie since she's very cute
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>undead with magic powers
>has a servant (Leviathan)
>doesn't do resurrections like a Lich would
>Computer, zoom in
D'aww, the little snek made a jungle gym out of a storage box! How cute! Sorry, were you saying something about monster girls?
The "cars are better" argument isn't quite as strong for flight-capable monsters since they can travel in straight lines and my not even have a speed disadvantage.
I'm retarded. Is your picture the former or the latter?
The latter.
cars pollute the air and Dragonia is an eco-friendly country thats not corrupted by capitalism yet, where each city is designed as a walkable/flyable city (husbands can walk 5 minutes to get groceries, dragons can fly their husbands to work and back home, every big store and shopping mall has loads of open space for glides and a flat roof for landings)
ok but what if i do not have a dragon in dragonia?
I don't want to rely on some gross lizard to get around plus I like disturbing the peace with my loud car
the city is still walkable and you can even cycle to places, but you should still consider the benefits of marrying a dragon. Lots of scenic places in the cities are designed with flight in mind, and Dragon wings are strong enough to carry a man to those places for a picnic date or something
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Then there is the interesting topic of split tails. You can always just stick another tail beside the first with the lazy option. With the realistic one it's a bit more complicated. The tails would need to part after the sacrum, which means there would be s small section where you could see a thick clump of tails fusing back into the body, like a fan. Older, multitailed kitsune and similar mamono would lose some mobility on the lower section of their tails as more bones fuse and get stronger to support the extra weight.
Hair is less complicated. All the cases can be reduced to either the hair can only be found on the tail, or it fades into the skin of the back. Similar for scales
Where it gets interesting is when the tail splits midway, like with some nekomata. This would mean a vertebra would need to expand, and the muscles on each side would follow each half, new muscles sprouting from the split to allow individual movement. Cats, for example, have six tail muscles. This also means the higher muscle strength on the outside would mean the tails tend to lay separate when in rest, and that nekomata tend to wrap their tails with the outside of it, instead of the weaker inside, as they would need more concetration for the latter.
My maid has been acting weird, I think she wants something but I can't put my finger on it
She's not very good at put things into words either
>Omnivorous: prefers wild grasses, etcetera.
Giving miss haku a wild dandelion as a gift!
She's gonna burn her tits
This image pleases me greatly. I will answer the call.
Indeed, it's a primordial thing.
>fox calling for mate
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birds > dragons
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I like berds. They'd give great hugs.
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Imagine getting wing burritod by beeg harpy
>Go to Ms Wunderwurm
>Get Ms Haku some "really wild grass"
>Make some really wild cookies for her study session
Reminder that genies canonically have feet.
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And those silly little shoes that curve at the end
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The ribbon, it does nothing!
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Purple rape-noodles
G-g-ghost blowjob
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I should draw them
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What I expected: Supreme Ruler of the Twilight Desert, Queen of Queens, The Purple Mistress of the Sands, Bringer of Darkness, Commander of the Corrupted Legions, She Who Brings Pleasure, The Great Corrupter, Nether Goddess, Venom Liberator...

Wait, no, not the love bite!
but she's all smoke from the thighs down?
Anon sells his left arm one kidney and one lung in the black market, to pay off the debt before it gets too big.
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If you look closely you can see the rest of her legs.
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I hate mgq so much its unreal
They were poisoning each other's wine, please understand.
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Sure is dead in here.
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Time for you to be the star of the show and start posting then.
We could be talking about SNEKS right now.
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Just the way I like it.
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Great, now we can get swarmed by cute girls and take them home without repercussions!
Yeah but they both used the same poison and they both spent the last ten years building up an immunity to it.
Given the shitposters, random links goo unfollowed.
can monsters still eat human flesh and just choose not to, or are they incapable now?
This (rest in) peace is what all true warriors strive for.
Thinking about how I should be coiled up by a shirohebi so yandere that regular shirohebis look like normal, non-jealous, not crazy ladies who respect their husband's autonomy fully.
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You okay?
what situation would call for it?
maybe dark slimes
Thanks the fr*g for that
Dang snek done bit me on my sit-upon. Somebody's gonna have to suck out that poison. Now don't everybody jump up at once.
idk, you have organs you dont strictly need to live, so you could as a sign of love have them surgically removed to be given to a monster
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Not shitposters, I just rarely open Pixiv links because I don't feel like logging in and rarely remember about the frontends.
Uh oh, Sahu is blaming a good girl for killing activity on her Lescatian scroll forum.
its for more jiggle physics to force more lag when you look at her so she can catch you easier
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Horn too small
No, the french maggot is the reason why everyone left but everything will be back to normal now.
I only render a simplified approximation of my surroundings, for faster processing speed.
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My automaton says I'm the only one she renders in 16K.
I just wonder what the Demon Lord is up to
Trying to fulfill the increasing demand for lilims.
i wonder how would different oakshott types effect how the cursed sword would look and act
like a type 10 and a type 18b girl
Giving birth in front of a bunch of weirdos
I really want to make a Zombie moan of pleasure
I love this dork so goddamn much
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Loli Demons are for lewding without a contract and maledomming. Seductive brats get the ear and spadetail nibbles. Little monster wombs and fat blue loli asses are for creampieing. Slow sex and marriage promises for young demonic sex fiends
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>salt water
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so wurms are the best girl, either as a hag, a normal girl and even as a loli
wurms are scary
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they are not, she is adorable
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>Attract the attention of a shirohebi
>Wanted the attention of the ryu
This is a monsters ideal size
Now all she needs is a baby bump
What is having a vampire and a dhampir wife in a harem like?
Constant bickering, arguing and catfights.
never go out in the daytime, all dates are in the evening and night
constant poetry recitals
You mean dramatic speeches? I wonder how much time a day they spend posing?
They can call it whatever they want, as long as they stop doing it extremely loudly on the roof when i'm trying to sleep
The poison's not for them anymore, it's for anon who has to serve as the taste tester during their meetings, and they've already secretly come to an agreement to share him. They're just waiting for the toxic buildup to exponentially increase anon's cum production and virility to one-man bukkake, guaranteed impregnation levels before launching a dual seduction assault on him.
>when your mg discovers puns
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cute and punny
Chubby cat
um actually cheshire and bogies have been doing puns for thousands of years more than humans so um you are actually just using their culture so say thank you and maybe marry them? thanks.
I want to be an ATC for Dragonia festival markets.
My desire for crazy snek is strong.
the puns existed before the chesh and bogie existed
i dont think sumerian bogies existed
Bogies have existed since the concept of a jester/clown/joker existed.
>Sumerian Bogie messes with your copper order
>The complaint to Bogie of Ea-Nasir
>Chesh tried to get recompense for her precious metals
>She tried to get the Bogie arrested, but there was no copper to apprehend her
>that poor tanuki who 100000 years later is known as scam artist
>even tho she aint and alweayys tried to give anon his fair share of copper
>A kobold walked into a tavern and said, 'I can't see a thing. I'll open this one'.
please laugh, it'll be 2000 years before they invent clapping
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Anyone else want their face covered in lamia saliva after getting assaulted by long, warm, thick, slimy tongue?
They both need the wind to make their capes billow, it can't be helped.

Imagine, a world where you take your medications and stop caring about people on an anonymous imageboard.
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So why not get yourself a nice bunyip to nose rub and cuddle?
Or how about a belly-dancing lamia?
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Fuck the weasel
Do you have to give her space for clit polishing sessions, or will she become like a land based jubjub and be on your dick at all times?
Depends on how good you are at dodging lightning
Lots of fencing, helping the loser recover lost essence, and giving the winner her reward. (also essence but she could theoretically ask for anything else)
Anon is too far gone to figure it out.
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Yet its popularity is unmatched.
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Every day.
imagine ancient dragon cult in mge
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i hate life on this earth. why can't i be kidnapped by angels already
If you are in the car anon. You might just be fucked.
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I would like for an angel to declare that the earth is too dangerous and an unfit dwelling place for me and to condemn me to an eternity of nuzzling and suckling her fat, soft, angel titties in her heavenly abode.
Awww. I have been drinking and am hungry so I have STRONG empathy for this woman.
i wanna seduce an angel into sin and be the reason she falls
and have her be a cute tsundere
who tries to correct this sinner
We are currently in the suffering dimension, no skipping.
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you two should go steal someone's barbeque together
Man, I am too old and tired for that shit. Let's just BUY some barbeque and eat it. Then take a big ol' nap.
asking ms angel when you can go home
Not a fan of dark skin or fur tail. I want those cool, damp scales on me.
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As soon as an eternity of peace, comfort, pleasure, and love has passed. Don't worry little one, it'll fly right by.
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Send her to the snow lands for correction
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>"This is Heaven, Anon."
>"This is your home. Your eternal home."
>"This is where all men and women are meant to be, united to God forever in eternal bliss and happiness."
>"Even before you were born, this was meant to be your home."
>"But long ago, humans become a fallen race."
>"But thanks to the mercy of God, they can still be redeemed by faith and good deeds."
>She gets quiet for a few moments
>"But some choose not to come here; some choose not to come home."
>"Some reject God."
>Her tone gets even quieter
>"Their hearts become filled with hatred and selfishness, and they can no longer come home with us here."
>"My heart breaks for them."
>She starts to sniffle a bit
>"But it's a choice they made, and our God respects their decision not to come home to paradise."
>A tear goes down her cheek
>"You won't be like that... will you, Anon?"
He's been throwing a tantrum all thread, don't bother with him. Instead imagine how nice it would be to own a farm full of Holstaurs.
Surely angels are not secret shotacon perverts who prefer their lovers to have the bodies of young boys? That's not very holy!
But if she's cold, wouldn't that make her EXTRA cuddly? If I spend anymore time as a water-bottle I might heart pupil and then we'll never leave.
You take the holst farm.
I'll take the p'orc farm.

Do we have a deal?
I will never turn down an opportunity for Holstaurs.
apopsicle my beloved
Treat them well, okay?
They're good girls and have a strong sense of community.
I will marry and impregnate all of them equally.
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lookin fluffy
Meow! Mrrrrrrow?
If you met an apophis that was a very upright, strict, and unwilling to use her venom, would you love her as she is or would you try to goad her into awakening her inner grapist?
it'd be easier to ask her if she has a sister
become the grapist in the relationship yourself
sure, you dont have venom but you can bite her
Last I checked most people in here don't want to die from having sex with a monster like what happens all too often in MGQ but nice try friendo.
It's just a vgtard or the mick subhuman
you wouldn't milk a fox
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I'd milk a bunny, though.
>I understand. No venom. Very honorable. You do credit to your kingdom.
>But you do have to bite me.
>It's a universal expression of love, you know? I would hate for your fangs to get in the way of that. That would be cruel. You deserve a full life no matter your differences.
>I trust you. Go ahead. Right here on my neck, this spot. It's really soft. Here, I'll stop talking and fully relax it for you.
>I'll let you know if I feel any venom, I promise.
Try me
>as soon as ms. apophis sticks her fangs in anon's neck he lightning-quick rams his pointer finger in her mouth and judo strikes her venom glands
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I don't care about bogeymen to shadow box so have a dying star fox.
If you spread apart her fox tails, can you find a tiny little bunny tail in the middle?
No man who has tried ever emerged again!
I love old foxes
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It's the pest, he found a new way to get on everyone's nerves.
Funfact, the nerdy vampires have bat ears and bigger fangs.
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Foxes in general are pretty nice.
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In this world, it's milk or be milked
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I dunno, I feel like even if I milk I lose.
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We can take turns milking each other
Highly molestable ears and kissable fangs.
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Would you a porc?
Yes of course.
That little pig is going to let him in. If you know what I mean.
And I think you do.
He's a building inspector and he's going to inspect her building!
Please do not sneak up on her and grope her ears when she's studying.
How else will she learn to raise high level undead?
If she didn't want me to molest her ears then she shouldn't have such molestable ears, honestly it's her fault for temping me.
I have defeated the Demon. Now she cannot exercise power over me. Now she relies upon ME to take care of her.
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Damn girl, are you a construction worker?
click bait article titled Unsolved MG Mysteries
that one? a complete fabrication, made up by our writers
yes, i would breed p'orcs
Yes, I need to make sure she has 'strong foundations' and is 'up to code'
I got into an argument with my friend who INSISTED that orcs were fat. I pointed to her stomach and went "LOOK THERE'S NOTHING TO SQUEEZE, SHE'S JUST THICK AND HAS BIG BOOBS" and he just kept saying "fat". "dude she's fat". "she's so fat though". My god it was so rude.

Anyway to answer your question yes, and I would feed her until she got a paunch that fit in my hand while we spooned.
id respect her alot, the use of venom seems morally dubious.
I'm physically incapable of answering that in the negative.
id be pissed if i was stuck with a fox as my wife
>Cool and conniving demon who secretly gets really excited but has to play it cool
>Contract is style over substance
>Old parchment, black ink, extremely fancy cursive
>Appears in a pillar of flame floating with a quill next to it
>Calls two demons to act as witnesses to your signing
> her mom and her sister
>If you read the contract you’d see it’s pretty basic stuff like loving each other forever but you’d also see embarrassing stuff like helping her pick spurs from her wings and hair and sharpen her horns
>Energetic, airheaded and Galko-esc demon who is secretly a mastermind 10 steps ahead all other demons
>Contract is substance over style
>Written on printer paper with those gel-pens from Office Depot
>Has doodles, stickers and glitter all over it
>Smells faintly of those old smell markers
>Pulls it out of her purse all crumpled up as she apologizes for it’s sorry state
>As you read it you see it lays out diabolical plans of how she will become the Demon Lord, as in Lord of Demons, not the Demon Lord who rules all of the monsters, with your help
>And then devolves back into lovey dovey stuff telling you to call her cute nicknames in public giving you a few ideas
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Goodnight Anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, remember to consider greenworm.
As she could be lurking anywhere at any time.
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alas, cruelest of fates
Gimme the chuuni dork. Gonna hug her and love her and team up with her sister to bully the fuck out of her.
Eros fox, very dangerous. Well known to smell very good and be even softer than the usual foxes.
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She could be in your garden
Or your fridge
Or your fruit bowl
Or even your bed (eating your sheets)
Overly-practical Genki Gyaru Lex Luthor is my ONE hyper-specific fetish what the fuck get out of my head
Obviously I need the first one in my life. I don't need all the hibbity-bibbity of hanging out with some Lord of Demons type. Too much drama. Too much politicking.
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I love the dead. Frequently.
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My favourite
>id be pissed
Next time don't wash right after she marks you with crotch rubbing and she won't have to resort to that.
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