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Meeting WNL Fans in 2024

Post your favorite Japanese announcers and alt girls (athletes, race queens, youtubers, etc.) who don't fit anywhere else. Follow up to /ww/ - Weather Waifus. *WARNING* Casters aren't really idols. Your favorite(s) WILL announce marriage and you WILL want to kill yourself.

前スレ >>47354693

>5ch Announcer Forum
https://agree.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/img8/1695243512/ -- /faaag/ outpost on the English (ghost town) side of 5ch
https://github.com/JDimproved/JDim -- desktop client (Linux native, Windows under WSL)
>Recent announcer gravure
https://ranking.net/rankings/maker-syelh8 -- WNL casters only
https://i.warosu.org/data/jp/img/0469/85/1717513390839664.jpg -- 2024 お天気キヤスター総選挙 from FLASH magazine
>Watch live
https://aqstream.com/jp -- TBS, NTV, NHK, Fuji TV, TV Asahi, TV Tokyo, etc. in browser
https://rentry.org/faaag_tv -- above channels and more for mpv/vlc users
https://weathernews.jp/wnl/timetable.html -- today's schedule
https://smtgvs.weathernews.jp/a/solive_timetable/timetable.json -- json version
https://rentry.org/faaaglookalikes -- AV, gravure, and idol lookalikes
https://civitai.com/user/shimesabaEX/models -- AI art models
https://getnavi.jp/category/entertainment/weathernews/ -- GetNavi interviews
>Weathernews schedule + sortable links to past streams. Find your favorite caster's past WNL and AU Pay streams
https://jsfiddle.net/ykh46jz5/ -- browse AU Pay stream thumbnails
>Put your favorite caster on a chocolate box!
- WeatherNews #1 - https://itest.5ch.net/medaka/test/read.cgi/ana/1712705407
- Airi Yamagishi #3 - https://itest.5ch.net/medaka/test/read.cgi/ana/1701861297
- Akira Kawabata #1 - https://itest.5ch.net/medaka/test/read.cgi/ana/1710467214
- Ayaka Matsuyuki #2 - https://itest.5ch.net/medaka/test/read.cgi/ana/1701791623
- Ayame Muto #9 - https://itest.5ch.net/medaka/test/read.cgi/ana/1710278968
- Izumi Maie #4 - https://itest.5ch.net/medaka/test/read.cgi/ana/1710376033
- Mayu Uozumi #4 - https://itest.5ch.net/medaka/test/read.cgi/ana/1710245951
- Mizuki Tokita #20 - https://itest.5ch.net/medaka/test/read.cgi/ana/1721896728
- Momoka Aohara #5 - https://itest.5ch.net/medaka/test/read.cgi/ana/1714674111
- Nana Takayama #5 - https://itest.5ch.net/medaka/test/read.cgi/ana/1717825507
- Naoko Takayasu #6 - https://itest.5ch.net/medaka/test/read.cgi/ana/1710375884
- Riena Kobayashi #6 - https://itest.5ch.net/medaka/test/read.cgi/ana/1710282449
- Rinon Oshima #27 - https://itest.5ch.net/medaka/test/read.cgi/ana/1720048381
- Rinon Oshima F1 - https://itest.5ch.net/mao/test/read.cgi/f1/1710479500
- Saya Hiyama #39 - https://itest.5ch.net/medaka/test/read.cgi/ana/1712778747
- Saya Hiyama #60 - https://itest.5ch.net/medaka/test/read.cgi/ana/1720433439
- Sayane Egawa #3 - https://itest.5ch.net/medaka/test/read.cgi/ana/1719534392
- Senna Ogawa #4 - https://itest.5ch.net/medaka/test/read.cgi/ana/1710283388
- Takehisa Yamaguchi #5 - https://itest.5ch.net/medaka/test/read.cgi/ana/1710243913
- Yui Komaki #30 - https://itest.5ch.net/medaka/test/read.cgi/ana/1719964845
- Yuiko Lisa Okamoto #3 - https://itest.5ch.net/medaka/test/read.cgi/ana/1710248064
- Yukari Shirai #4 - https://itest.5ch.net/medaka/test/read.cgi/ana/1710252825
- Yuki Uchida #8 - https://itest.5ch.net/medaka/test/read.cgi/ana/1711680049
Coffee Time with Ayaka
Thank you for the new thread!
kek. I never refollowed Saya. Just noticed that she took a Bose sponsorship and goes to the gym.
Thank you for the new thread!!
if nonchan doesn't show up somehow at the live viewing special it's over
dont speak with your boyfriend's cock inside your mouth, dicksucker
I have a crush (and a huge boner) with Ayaka. If her pretty, smooth face had some aesthetics white ropes from my thick cum...
still salty after over a year, fucking incel?? you really have tennis prick's cock inside your ass lmao
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Yukki sighting
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lmao incel schizo still angry
It looks like he's finally been getting some sleep lately
Yuki was always this busty???
looks like she's grown a little since college
Did she ever wore something figure hugging and fit while at WNI?
Yuki was the prettiest WNI caster from the moment Ayame left until she quit herself. No wonder she won Miss Sophia 2017. Her pretty face and her smooth lips are enough to feel “things” down there. I miss her so much.
non is prettier moron
Non is flat as a wall and she aint coming back lmao
No. Non-chan is pretty and very cute but Yuki, Ayame and Mizuki are way prettier than her.
jealous incel wackos
i'd love to wake up next to ayaka (after steamy, hot sex all night long) and stare and get marveled at that perfect pretty beautiful face... just imagine her waking up, telling you "good morning", french-kissing you and then going down there to help you deal with the huge boner every man has when waking up by using her smooth, soft lips and her delicious tongue...
fuck u nonfags

ayame will always be the prettiest all time wni caster but yeah, yuki and miichan are pretty close. airin too, even now but when she was younger... omg
sophia uni president did her and enjoyed that rack for sure
not a nonfag but fuck you

losers like you would kill for a girl half as pretty as nonchan
I need a blowjob by Ayaka, the sex goddess.

Meh you Nonfags sure got super low standards lmao, but she aint coming back.
those hips hnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggg
go fuck off already, you people make this general unbearable
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Mori Kasumi mogs all casters/announcers posted here (except Honoka).
shut up wacko
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Pic not recent
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they got my favorite Fujiko girl and 3 others to do gravure for an upcoming weekly playboy
dancing in swimsuits at TIF too
I didn't recall Yukki's hips being that wide. I wasn't watching a ton of WN back when she was working there though.
Nobody cares
who’s this stunning woman??
Shut up, pillow rapist. Go and suck your teacher’s cock, fucking fag.
go to hell
good for japan, woke free country where this patriarchal sexist content can still be broadcast on tv

there are some leggy yuki pics from her miss sophia days, she was so underrated
dont know her name but i already love her
You are cringe
She should work adding some thickness to her lower body. She's pretty, but there's room for improvement.
>She should work adding some thickness to her lower body
I already love her that way but it wouldn't bother me if she actually did it. She's hot.
I'm more than ready to do it to hot sex sex sex dimwitted Mayumayu. She makes me so horny.

Seems yellow logo will be over soon.

Have they announced the schedule for next month's au PAY shows yet?
no. I'm sure they will on Ayaka's stream
She said she started working out her ass in preparation for her gravure shoot, but just a month in advance.
She's what I imagine Mi-chan's body would look like in underwear.
Mayu on air
(link posted by >>47398840)
PS: Something looks different in the background to me (maybe are just my eyes or a little difference in camera settings)
>Seems yellow logo will be over soon
I hope
Exposed armpits?
It doesn't have me jerking off on her.

>Exposed armpits?
It looks like it is (sorry for not being 100% sure about that
PS:Upscaled pic using
I'm waiting for her to raise her arms
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Mayu rn
>Mayu rn
well, Mayu has a new hat
>Japanese “comedy”
I agree with you, I am not amused at all
yeah, they announce it on the last show of the month
>Something looks different in the background
I double checked with Monday's Morning and yeah, seems the camera was moved a little bit to the left, or Mayu's chair is a little to the right from her perspective (on Monday you could see "WN" on the background, today it's only the "W")
I've been doing it to Mayumayu sex sex sex all night long since her shift started, no matter her prudish outfit. I've thrown my sticky, white seed five times already and though I'm too tired, I'd love to go on.

I'm free tomorrow so I'll do it a last time tonight and sleep until noon. I'm sleepy so I'll do it furiously to the women on >>47398075 and >>47398080 as I fantasize with Mayu wearing those bikinis.

Good night, folks.

Yuki super underrated, she got eclipsed by Ayame and Saya.
I didn't like her hair style with the short straight hair which made her face more round.
very sad i wasnt watching wni when yuki was around (i started after she left last year), she's so pretty

gonna look for those miss sophia pics, i want to stare at her legs for hours on my phone as my other hand is "busy"
>I didn't like her hair style with the short straight hair which made her face more round

she looked pretty even that way but yeah, long and/or messy hair looks much better on her, she's stunning despite being so short
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me in the middle
*sigh*... looks like I'm doing it to Yui
I wish Yui's husband would post her swim wear pics
I can't stop thinking about how loaded his phone is with her beach and bedroom bikini pics. Same with Nana on her Okinawa honeymoon.
i can't stop wishing i could smell and keep for myself mayu's wet white panties
stunning yuki, lucky sophia university president
Ayame wearing a Yukata for the Bon Festival forecast filming
Reposting with pic #2 attached
Sorry, Nozomi is the fastest train service on Tokaido e Sanyo Shinkansen
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hot milfs on a rainy afternoon
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wtf is this event tonight anyway?
It's kind of like last year's fan meeting, but spread across the whole country at the same time.
sexo group
pure sexo
The three look smoking hot but Ayaka is driving me crazy and giving me the hugest boner I've ever had. I'll start doing it to her right now.
Kissu on the cheekus all 'round.
Ufffff, that was great. I love Ayaka so much...
Ayame Muto is and always be the prettiest and most beautiful WNL caster in the entire history. Facts.
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a threesome with ayaka and airin is nirvana to me
Cute imperial family beauty.
Charming auntie and cute nieces
me in the corner
id totally fuck them all night long, and the next morning too
nympho momopin, right after recording that she was riding bashi's dick
I want to suck her milkers and become one with her:

been a little... like a normal shift but with more casters and connections outside?? wheres yukarin and riichan???

so boring it's the third time i've wanked to ayaka and yuiko's screencaps
Sorry Ayachi, wrong Keyword ranking ww

>wheres yukarin and riichan?
I was wondering myself the same thing... They were scheduled to appear at Makuhari Shintoshin AEON Theatre... Anyway, I saw Yukarin had Coffee Time shift... Maybe changing programme at the last moment
Yukari and Riena indeed are there as per their Twitter accounts but no connection so far.
I wasn't there when they begun but, thanks to report posted by >>47402393, I learnt they were present.... Anyway, thank you very much
They just played a recorded video by Riichan. If I got correctly there will be no live hookup with Aeon Makuhari theater.
and nonchan didnt make it today, im heartbroken
other casters can be at the live viewing special but mayu cant. sad.
Hey, look who's back!!
nice vid, so sad no live hookup, i was looking forward to it
sixth time
Should be https://imginn.com/p/C966HzIvZwj
meh, i wanted her live at the special

wnl is nothing without nonchan, my days have been so sad without her superior figure, voice and hosting style
just imagine a threesome with ayaka and ayame... ayaka giving you head and ayame french kissing you very slowly, with both skillfully using their tongues to give you pleasure... and later they kissing and scissoring each other before you becoming one first with ayaka and then with ayame... ill leave the rest to your imagination

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