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I’m tired of loving this menhera, I don’t know how anyone else can do it. The constant need for her to take her BPD medicine, the endless accusations, the emotional outburst, it’s all so tiresome.
She almost forgot to tweet the frame for today
That was definitely last minute
stop making these threads
Man NND is coming back that’s a shame
Oh I got my niconico refund, nice
Did you do anything
Well it was fun to see her actually take a break while it lasted

September and October are going to be so bad for Noel now. fuck
She give any hint about the costume for the upcoming FC?
Nope, just that it’s a new outfit
Pretty cool of her to talk to Baelz, Kanata, Lui and Kanade more. She's got a lot of friends in Hololive as always
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ARK is only fun when you get the dinos. then again, im glad Pekora has taken charge for these events. They're really fun.
Like a crack addict two months into rehab
No I think NND said community streams are completely dead
god damn she's probably not doing ARK today. this had to absolutely murder her.
Nah I think it’ll be good for her since she’ll have people to talk to instead
no, Communties are dead, but streaming is fine. NicoNico Community is the ability to like and follow specific users and create subgroups.

The User Livebroadcasts ユーザー生放送 are what community streams were, but she limited it to people who joined her Community.

only the Community part is dead.
so she can do community streams again? damnit. i really dont want a relapse on Noel again.
Full menhera meltdown on X
i dont blame her. she's not gonna play ARK now and this weekend is fucked GOD DAMNIT I FUCKING HATE THIS STUPID ARCHAIC PIECE OF SHIT WEBSITE SHE STILL USES
yeah I agree
the world would be a better place if everyone got off twitter
That’s a shame I was hoping the community streams would be gone for good since those are the worst for her mentally. If I read it right it looks like the app will still be down for a bit longer
I guess no stream today then, wonder if she’s hanging out with flare I remember her saying she had something today
she said she had a meeting today
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Ark soon
Why are people so eager to prove they have boyfriends?
So that they can prove to the world, and most importantly to themselves, that their irrational hatred was actually rational the whole time.

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