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Last >>47374587

Oni Wife Edition

▶What is this?
/egg/ — Era Games General; also known as the “Era Games Thread”.
Era games are a group of (usually) Japanese-developed text porn games.
They’re not exclusively related to the Touhou franchise, but it’s one of the series with the most Era games.

▶Games usually discussed here
eraTohoTW — Comfy Touhou dating simulator with time stop shenanigans.
eraTohoK — Tactical game about conquering Gensokyo through any (absolutely any) means.
eraMegaten — Dungeon crawler based on the Shin Megami Tensei series, with tons of characters from other series (Fate, Touhou, Madoka, etc) included.

▶Useful Links
Guides and downloads for all Era games. For TW you should get the eng-development version, eng-release is several years old.
Japanese wiki.
Report any bugs you find over here.
Compilation of development suggestions for TW.
A link to the Flan dialogue folder + beginners’ template.
A folder link that contains the images used for the Touhou characters.

Git repository that has latest official builds to any of the games, you can sometimes find more recent versions than the ones on the wiki.
Git repository for a fork of eraTohoTW maintained by the /egg/ community.

Automatic translator which copies text straight from the game. Comes with an optional customized built-in offline model. The password for it is "era".
Direct link for the latest version of Sugoi.
Fetches the latest version of TW, K or Megaten from the official git, no login needed.

▶How to play?
Run anchor.exe (or Emuera, depending on the game), Japanese locale is advised so you don’t run into untranslated text.
If you wish to manually update, delete old files aside the sav and dat folders to avoid any bugs.

If you’d like to either edit or add your own portraits, the files are located within the ‘resources’ folder in webp format. You can use paint.net to edit them.
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I wanted to fuck Seija's feet so badly.... this game failed to deliver.
I missed the last thread but I hope that anon does go ahead with the Hisami dialogue he had planned, it sounded fun.
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Nah, it's a crap idea. Hinges entirely on "moving in" on existing love and even leans into you being the "second best" or a "practice" option instead of actually doing anything with the sandbox nature of the game. Or even leaning into actual pure/devoted love towards player. It's shit. If he decides to write for her I really hope he drops that part. The only people who would enjoy that are yurifags (cuz yaass implied LESBIAN 'canon' fuck hetfags) or fags that despise yuri so much they would fuck a lesbian without caring if she loves you or not. Or ntr fans because someone got stolen from someone else in some way.
The idea is reminiscent of the shit Sumireko's route pulls, except you're just picking up an unwanted hand-me-down girlfriend that does not care about you. Has a LOT of bad implications to it and squanders the potential, imo.
She could be an unique case that fully falls in love with you on day one, she could try to get you to become an oni, she could have "normal" behavior until yearning and then get progressively more unhinged yandere the further into the relationship you go, she could try to drag people into a relationship with you, she could act aggressively masochistic, etc. Hell, it could be a bit more generic take on her that doesn't do anything unique, and I'd still like that much more than what was proposed.
My strong oni wife...
your entire suggest hinges on pretending zanmu doesn't exist when hisami's entire character revolves around zanmu
desu a lot of 2hus are fairly one-note in the games and only fan stuff elevated them
I'm in the camp that Zanmu should be thanking (You) for taking the awkward part of their boss-subordinate relationship out, but you can totally scrounge some stuff if you think a bit
for instance, my Kikuri agenda requires me to mention their roles in the Izanami/Izanagi myth

fucking hell I just looked up ZUN's interview and he only had this to say:
>it doesn't seem like she gets money. There's a lot I don't know about her either. Hell is really just nothingness, isn't it?

or how about this angle:
>A beautiful "catch" for Hell, who uses sweet words to drag anyone who carelessly approaches Hell down into it. She tries to lure people into Hell with words, but if her target runs away, she'll chase them to the ends of the earth.
>She apparently receives compensation for each soul she drags to Hell. She promises that she'll share the compensation with dead souls, and thus lures them in.
a gyakunan scammer (笑)
No, the idea is good, and provides a unique angle, which the game needs more of.
It's not even NTR, nor a hand-me-down, as you put it, since she just has a one-sided crush that Zanmu doesn't care about.
Fucking the crush out of Hisami and replacing it with myself.
Crushing the fuck out of Hisami and replacing her with myself.
Hisami and Minoriko mashing grapes together
Footfags go home.
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That was supposed to be a yuri joke not a footfag one, you know like "clam slamming"... grape mashing... nevermind.
I have almost no idea what is happening in the Devil Children Manga, with Mirai's route not being implemented apparently but I more or less get the gist of it..

The only thing I don't understand is, what the hell kind of name Elegy.
What angle?
>It's not even NTR
It's literally stated by the writer to be pseudo netori, which is a part of the ntr "family" of fetishes. It's the entire plan. >>47384868 All her lines at the start are supposed to be about how much she loves Zanmu, and most of them during yearning. Now that I look at it again it's even worse than I initially thought. It's like you guys want to read hundreds if not thousands of lines about how she tells your PC how much she loves and wants to fuck someone else.
>nor a hand-me-down
I said it's an unwanted hand-me-down that does not care about you, for the majority of your relationship. And there's way more to the bad implications than that, depending on how she's written. I don't want to doompost, though I will say that if a girl's route is defined solely by loving someone who isn't the player, then there is absolutely 100% cuckshit involved no matter how you look at it and there are other games where this kind of thing fits more than it does in TW. K for example. That game could use some OC support.
Is she even romantically interested in her, actually? I thought she's just a massive masochist.
Elegy is Elegy. What's there to get?
Who the fuck name their kid Elegy?
Wannabe demon kings, mostly.
based alcoholic
So Lucifer name his children like a normal guy, anyone else is trying to be chuuni.
Can you actually make wishes on stars in TW?
She's a buddhist. That's almost worst.
plap sleigh simple as
Sure, if by "a star", you mean "Matarajin moonlighting as a panty god", and by "wish" you mean "offer panties as a tribute for power".
Azel = Azeru/Azellu
Elegy = Elezi/Ellezi
Could it be?
Damn, mildly disappointed, not going to lie.
I wonder if Hazama's husbando still lurking those threads.
I remember his posts fondly. Those were a definite first grade schizoposting exihibits, don't take me wrong, but they were charming. That man was obsessed but pure in his own commendable way.
eratohoA SUCKS
What the fuck? Having the Norn's Key stabbed into his head was enough for Azel to gain power over it?
What power?
The power of voodoo.
So, what's up with that custom Byakuren pixel-art sex scene commissioner?
What happen to the fusion system? I remember being able to fuse Setanta with Makami to get Cu Chulainn.
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Pic related.
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It seems Makami can't make Cu Chulainn. Sorry for this. Have a good day, anons.
I don't remember Makami being in that special fusion at all. It was always Inugami, Orthus or Kerberos.
so you would rather have TW be full of OOC OCs?
Doesn't like every english OC character have at least a single line of OOC?
So do the jap ones, but the point is to keep them as "in character" as possible. You think it's canon that Momoyo actually goes into heat when she ingest human saliva? Or that Parsee is Zoroastrian?
>Doesn't like every character have at least a single line of OOC?

this is the same dude that goes around as Louis(a)
To be honest when I said I'd write Hisami as "Netori-like" I wasn't even sure I was using the correct word. Now I'm wondering if I used a different word people wouldn't have an issue with idea.
they would, we had the same discussion months ago - there also was a split between "keep cuckshit away" and "it isn't even NTR"
This is a porn game, taking certain liberties within reason for the sake of titillation is allowed and expected.

I wouldn't call changing a girl's mind about a one-sided obsession very netori-like. It's more like lesbian correction.
But this loving obsession with Zanmu is OOC. She's not in love with her, she's just a masochistic idiot that was unaware there was an incident going on and iirc did her job wrong just to get scolded. As if it was just another day in the office.
It's like she's the old fanon version of Tenshi, but actually real, and not a fanon invention.
Nta but I don't even know who the fuck is Zanmu kek.
Basically >>47397425

You wont entice cuckfags because its not cuckoldry enough, and you immediately repel everybody else more normal because they dont want anything even remotely hinting at that sort of content. It's a lose/lose situation.
>this is the same dude that goes around as Louis(a)
Or Hikaru.
In other words, he's not a retard or chuuni and hadn't devolved as such.
Imagine SMT Lucifer with nicknames from animes from today.
>But this loving obsession with Zanmu is OOC.
>人間のくせに地獄を支配する不思議な僧侶、残無のことを一方的に慕っている。(She has a one-sided adoration for Zanmu, a strange monk who rules over Hell despite being human.)

secondary begone /throw salt
That doesn't imply love. She's an obsessive individual that seeks out opportunities to get punished, and who's supposed to punish her when she does her job wrong other than her boss? It's like saying the part about chasing her victims to the ends of earth also implies she falls in love with randoms she sends there.
iirc she only mentioned Zanmu punishing her. It was never "God damn fuck, I can't wait for (you) to beat the ever loving shit out of me in danmaku." It was always "If I bring (you) to Zanmu, she'll punish me right?"

>it doesn't imply love
True, but there's clearly something about Zanmu that does something to her. Maybe she just smacks her in all the right places. All I'd be writing is her obsession transferring from Zanmu to (you).

Kinda regret bring it up honestly, I'll probably just write for Biten making her a stereotypical battle monkey.
>/throw salt
the first thing you have to learn when writing for TW is that this community's opinions are absolute dogshit and divisive 100% of the time so really you should just ignore them and write what you wanted in the first place
they'll just not use your dialogue if they don't like it, and you'll have a better chance of getting some nugget of real actual feedback if you've already written the thing
That's just a pshychological aspect of being punished by someone who's above you in a hierarchy. As an example, if you work in a company you don't care if you somehow piss off some random client off the street off, but you do care if you piss off your own boss. She's just twisted in a way where she seeks that feeling out.
>but the point is to keep them as "in character" as possible
Nta but "in character as possible" can mean a lot of things, but the only thing it mean the most is that it doesn't mean much.
Fuck it, poll time.

I'm aware of that, but I'd rather not write for a character when the majority have no interest/disdain for it.
>you do care if you piss off your own boss
Nah I don't, I'm built different.
>You think it's canon that-
I don't even think it's canon that any girl in Gensokyo would give anyone one of (you) their time of the day.
excuse me, Rumia would enjoy some fatty legs of mine
Can I ask a question? Are you into yuri/shipping?
Opinions on Renko and Maribel?
>those are the only two options
I mean i'd prefer Hisami dialogue but its the kind of thing you'd have to handle delicately, and not just toggle off all mention of the other part of the character. Like trying to write either of the Aki sisters and not mention the other one.

So my vote goes towards monke
Think my issue is that I'm terrible at explaining exactly what I'll do.
It's not gonna be a blanket "remove Zanmu", but moreso change Zanmu lines to being about you.

Idea I had is
>she does something retarded
>'slap the bitch?'
>insta obsessed with making you hit her
>over time her obsession shifts to you
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Yes but I love cuckquean'ing them more.
No strong opinion on either of them unless it comes to ıɹɐʞn⅄.
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fucking Zounose
Hullo! I stumbled unto this thread while I was searching more games like EraTohou. It's nice to meet you all, and would it be possible to get recommendations for other games like this? I think I quite like the seemingly complex, heavily-text and system based games like EraTohou and CDDA. I looked through the other Era games and they seem quite interesting too! I just want to build up a catalogue.

Thanks for reading this and I hope you have a wonderful day.
Who writes like this on this board? Use the wiki or the repo and sort it by "stars". https://gitgud.io/era-games
Less collecting, more playing. EratohoTW is comfy.
How's eraAS?
Frankly it's a little refreshing against the usual nasal tone.
Someone's already botting the poal.
I will reverse bot it now and make monkey win. Five to six. Give me a moment.
Vanilla ape > cuck grape
Now he's falseflag shitposting.
It's fun how rent free Pedy lives in your head fairypedo lol
^ If anyone still had any doubts who's doing it.
Seven to fifteen. Grape will lose.
Eight to fifteen. Grape will lose.
Interesting shizo-posting, I'll align with whoever is against AIslop.
AI is the bane of existence and society, a poison stolen from genuine artists. Reject AIslop. Reject AnonTW for its acceptance of AIslop. Reject grape for being a shit character. Yurifags ruined her. She isn't even romantically attracted to Zanmu.
I found it mildly lacking in content, but it does have a nice sprite and character system.
Combat is not very engaging, too rng dependent, grinding girls isn't very fun either because they don't talk much, events get repetitive, even the ones for girls with some writing like the cafe manager. She just drains your dick at the end-of-day event report everyday. Story is also kinda hard to follow, but it's kinda... I dunno. Hyper advanced society lives in a bubble, freely edits genes, and gets raided by eldritch horrors every week. The rest of the world is utterly destroyed, and there's a persistent dog in the ruins that really wants to fuck any girls that appear in the first zone.
I dunno, it feels like a lot of options are there exclusively to get cucked. I turned it off and I'm pretty sure some jobs, the private rooms and the corporate infiltration just don't do anything at all. Who knows how much content there actually exists just for that.
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Damn what a shame, thought it looked promising.
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eraRL was a disappointment but eraSQN was a nice experience. That was some quality monster fucking. Glad I gave it a chance.
Oh, no, I mean definitely give it a spin, just don't expect miracles in writing. I had plenty of fun playing it for around 150 days before getting bored.
I do not trust the poll.
My standard for writing is terribly low as long as it's laughable or the gameplay is good.
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Virgin villager dialogue 2 is the best girl, followed by Carmilla the vampire and Lucifer the fallen angel.
special mention for training (You)r daughter.
Okay, here's some tips.
You're not limited by the amount of people you can recruit, but you can only give events to 20 girls you can freely select and switch at any time. The more people, the faster you gain levels, the more skilled people appear, stronger warriors, more races, more popular idols, more facilities open, etc. You're probably expected to steadily switch out your recruited girls every couple of city levels. Or just keep adding on to the pile. You can help them get work exp but I dunno how much that helps an old character compared to a new one, stat-wise.
If you get a lot of lactating girls, you will be able to actually do things in a single turn without having to wait for your action points to normally reset.
Set up your Class D personnel in your not-SCP research facility and let them passively provide you with their unique points. Just check in on them sometimes, you will have to resurrect them manually when they die.
The Resident menu is a little confusing at first. You can set up jobs and change appearance through it.
You can also upgrade your existing girls through combat exp and cash, but it's not worth(or possible?) to max them out.
You'll have to manually select when a girl gives birth to a baby.
Scouting is like, whatever. You have to do it to get some combat exp. Do it every turn if you want, you will get some cool artifacts you can equip. You will need to have a couple of capable fighters at all times though, the raids have a damage check that you must pass. Don't worry about your girls dying during defense, you can't 'win' it.
Jeez anon that sure is a lot. So it's like that archon city management game named free cities? I'm more about games that have (you) in it too if you get me.
Never played free cities so dunno.
You do have an avatar, but you can't go out fighting yourself. You're like a head honcho with implied unrestricted government tier access to everything and influence to do anything you want. You basically only walk between cafe dates solving woman problems for your girls, and love hotels to fuck your loyal subjects in. One unique combat girl is practically fueled through sex with you.
kaguya but purple
Why even discuss something that won't happen? Hisami is not getting any content.
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Zanmu is shorts oni.
Hisami is purple Star.
Anyone tried out Eramaker2? I thought most devs would jump to the newer engine by now but it's barely mentioned even in the Japanese forums.
Didn't even know that existed. What does it have over normal eramaker? Does it have something EmuEra doesn't do?
Best for me was Honeybee #2. I also liked Lucifer, Tamamo/Daji, and Jubjub. Valkyrie, Harpy, and Goblin get honorable mentions.
Scylla and the BDSM queens seemed good to, but I didn't finish their training since they seemed built with FeMC yuri in mind.
>eramaker2 guidelines
>What is eramaker2?
>This is a free and open source training SLG template created by Circle Baku using KiriKiri2.
>You can create training SLGs relatively easily.
>We would like to thank everyone involved in the development, including W.Dee, the creator of KiriKiri.
>We would also like to thank the people who helped with the development of eramaker1 and the many users who created interesting training SLGs with eramaker1.
>Features of eramaker2
>For example, CG artists who create CG collections can easily create training SLGs, voice actors can easily create training SLGs with voice only, and doujin novelists can easily create text-only training SLGs. Of course, you can create a full-scale training SLG with everything, or you can quickly create a simple training SLG with only character data, and you can also develop it into a complex one between users like with eramaker1. The games you create can be distributed almost freely, whether paid or free, commercial or doujin.


Found it through this project:
>Never played free cities so dunno.
You should try it.

>One unique combat girl is practically fueled through sex with you.
>I thought most devs would jump to the newer engine
Only if porting existing content is trivially easy
It looks like it was released on 2009 though and newer projects are still made with Eramaker 1.
She doesn't regenerate stamina naturally. If you want her in fighting shape you have to give up the cum.
Fate inspired I see.
It's VN type garbo, nobody cares.
I think the plan sounds more like a train autist going on about her special interest for 50000 lines until her brain switches one day and (you) become her new fixation.
>Genuinely want monkey
>More interested in seeing Hisami written even though I'll probably never bother to romance her
Fuck it, Hisami. I'll just hope battle junkie monkey is next.
You said she'd constantly blab on about Zanmu, the entire time. It would make most of her content just Zanmu-focused. You could call it whatever you want, it still would be pointed out as NTR with that description.
>I'll just hope battle junkie monkey is next.
She will be unless a better idea for another character pops into my head.
Only real thing I have for Biten is 'battle monkey' and instead of turning into an Oozaru by staring at the full moon she just goes into heat. but I'm not sure that's even possible to code.
It should be possible to code, given Keine has a portrait for the full moon.
Define "staring at the full moon".
It's like when you break into Yuuma's bedroom after she leaves work and stare at the sky until she eventually returns home so you can surprise her with tea.
No, I mean like, a desired trigger for the event.
Should it immediately upon the appearance of a full moon, regardless of anything else? Or should it only happen if she's actually outside? Should it have a chance involved? Or should it only happen if the player interacts with her, be it through some common interaction or through something specific like COM495?
The details matter.
I don't know, I'm the one planning on writing for her.
*I'm NOT the one planning on writing for her.*
>[Gaze at Sky]
>Biten: "What you doing faggot?"
>"Lookin' at the full moon, nigga what the fuck do think I'm doin'?"
>Biten: "Shieeet mang, wish I could look at da moon when it's full."
>"Nigga the fuck 'chu talking about, just crank yo' dumbass head back and look!"
>Biten: "Can't mane, my grandmammy told me not to."
>"Dawg, why the fuck yo grandmama telling you not to look at the full moon? Just look! Ain't nothin' bad gonna happen sheeiit."
>Biten: "Yeah cuz you right, lemme see what shit I been missing out on."
>Son Biten looks up the full moon glowing beautifully in the night sky.
>Biten: "Damn nigga, dats a nice ass fuckin rock."
>"Right? It's nice one nice ass motherfuckin rock in da sky."
>Biten: "Yeah, shame it's got those fukken cracka ass moon peop-- ayo hol up..."
>"Yo, you alright dawg?"
>You call out to Son Biten, but her eyes are fixated on the full moon. Her breathing becomes heavier. Sweat trickles down her now rose red cheeks. You begin shaking her to snap her out of her trance like state.
>"Dawg! The fuck's the matter wit 'chu, it's a nice rock. But it ain't that fuckin special homie! Bro, speak to yo' dawg! Dawg!"
>Biten: "... I gotta NEED to BREED!"
>Son Biten is now in heat.
>Sexual Frustration: YES%
>You are pushed down.
>Objective: Survive.

Something like that is what I had in mind.
Obviously at lower affection she'll tell you "No, I'm not looking."
Biten speaking like a GTA SA character is a pretty weird thing to imagine. But it does make sense.
Wtf there's a casino in TW now? Does it has any actual games?
>Objective: Survive
I hate how everytime you guys talk about TW, or about making things for TW, it's end up being femdom.
>he isn't strong enough to reassert himself
Sounds like a skill issue to me brah.
yeah, god forbid someone makes a fucking joke
Jokes are forbidden.
>Why does the game where superhuman women and legendary monsters want your penis have so much femdom talk
It's just a way to start sex and this is exactly what makes sense in the context.
You're free to push her down at any time yourself, as long as you're not completely wasted, you know...
Champ, you are in the wrong fandom if you don't like femdom. Touhoufags are notoriously submissive.
TW is so tame and toned down that I refuse to believe that anyone genuinely thinks this. TW Gensokyo might as well be a theme park.
Speak for yourself, I made the joke and I don't like femdom.
I love strong women, because the idea of breaking them in turns me on.
Being dommed by a strong woman? Ew no.
Can barely stomach a woman riding me cowgirl style, and I mean that unironically.
In what puritan hellhole did you grow up in?
Lad, what about what I said was 'pure'?
I can almost smell the insecurity coming off this post.
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Lmao, look at yourself.
I'm not the one who gets triggered over a woman being on top.
Oh no! Anon has a thing for domming women! That means he's insecure!
I'm not insecure there Freud, I just know what I like. And what I like is domming strong women.
No, it's quite specifically the last line that makes me say that. The post was generically boring internet dom stereotype material up until then.
Oh no! Anon has a sex position he doesn't enjoy! That means he's insecure!
The fact you have to resort to the weakest deflections possible to avoid even engaging with what is being said only continues to prove me correct. If you were secure in your sexuality you wouldn't react like this.
Oh no! Anon has normal tastes, that means he is insecure!
Man, stop being a clown.
I just said
>"everytime you guys talk about TW, or about making things for TW, it's end up being femdom"
You people are braindead or what? No wonder you are losing to EraMT.

Fair fair, but the immediate line assuming you will lose doesn't inspire confidence.
They hated him because he told the truth.
If you weren't so insecure, you wouldn't let a joke affect you so much.
>If you weren't so insecure
Not that Anon. Idiot.
Ah, I see we're already at the part of the thread where someone spends the rest of it seething.
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Why are all hags into him?
Megaten fags, please save this thread. I can't take this shit anymore.
their eggs are drying up
read Journey to te West nigga
Since Tower of Confinement kind of soft confirms that Blasted Tokyo takes place in the/a future that means the SMT IV backstory characters (specifically the CDF) can be reasonably used as characters in an OC/game crossover storyline. Though that's not really that big of a story seed given that they're at best disposable alignment reps, and at worst 'at least they're not OCs'.
Watch 90's Journey to the west, anon. It's a classic.
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Bug or Nuenis?
personal preference says bug, but nuenis has more content including actual nuenis content too
Which hu has the most futa content?
Probably the sex fox.
What can I fuse with a Zoma in eraMegaten?
Look up the fusion guide txt file in your eramegaten folder it lists all the special zoma fusions. Though, any 'special' zomas (such as the soul hackers arena fight one) are exempt from this and are just dead ends for fusion.
>Considering the issue of Alex being killed off because people forgot that she was a woman, we decided to display her face graphics during events.
Funniest dev message of this year so far. "Megaten players don't care about women" confirmed.

You use Zomas to get demons of Hero race (like Yoshitsune, Cu Chulainn, Jeanne D'Arc, Guan Yu, Masakado and so on).
To get a Hero you need to fuse a highly leveled Zoma with a specific demon: like for Jeanne you need to have a Level 40+ Zoma fused with Pallas Athena. The easiest Hero to get is Cu Chulainn. You just get Setanta through normal fusion and then fuse him with Inugami.
Zomas also used for various mods like Melty Blood and Madoka.
I see. Thank for the tips, anon. I think the summoner girl's shop sells some hero demon like Jeanne and she tells me that zoma can make hero demons.
teh Nue has the hottest dialogue of the entire game, period.
I cannot moonrune
>Considering the issue of Alex being killed off because people forgot that she was a woman, we decided to display her face graphics during events.
Huh? Why? What the fuck?

Don't forget Emperor/Koutei who is good because...
Because of what again?
Because he is a chinese mercury powered super computer. Duh.
Historical figures sure changed from back in my days.
Koutei's awakening skill gives Pierce to his Havoc skills and also heals the party every time he crits.
>Pierce to his Havoc skills
I mean, that's great, but what happens if you go against something that got Abs or Rfl Havoc?

>also heals the party every time he crits.
This is also cool, but crits aren't really reliable even if you go pure luck, meaning less damage. Plus, it would be useless if you get one turn killed, or if one of your demons get killed.
I hope he got a portrait tho.
>but crits aren't really reliable even if you go pure luck, meaning less damage
Advice and Third Eye
Also a lot of Havoc skill are multi-hits, meaning more chance of sneaking a crit in
I don't like Fate for flanderizing a LOT of their characters or just completely whitewashing them (looking at you, Nero) but sometimes they can make an actually cool shit like Sigurd and Li Shuwen, or make something so dumb that it actually wraps around to be amazing, like Paul Bunyan.
Does it guarantee crits thought? Is it worth the skill slots? And again Abs and Rfl.

Lucky you, I don't like Fate, period.
What an odious trasfire full of retcons and retardation. All style, zero substance, and you only get the style if you watch the animes.

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