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Previous thread: >>47274563

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JP: https://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/
Game Updates: https://en.kancollewiki.net/Game_Updates

KanColle STAFF Twitter: https://twitter.com/KanColle_STAFF
C2 STAFF Twitter: https://twitter.com/C2_STAFF

Air superiority calculator/fleet builder:

Combat Mechanics:
JP: https://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/?%C0%EF%C6%AE%A4%CB%A4%C4%A4%A4%A4%C6
EN: https://en.kancollewiki.net/Combat
EN: https://en.kancollewiki.net/Category:Game_Mechanics

Drop and construction statistics: https://db.kcwiki.org/drop/

Fit gun for BBs: https://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/?%CC%BF%C3%E6%A4%C8%B2%F3%C8%F2%A4%CB%A4%C4%A4%A4%A4%C6#h7905b57

Equipment upgrade values: https://en.kancollewiki.net/Improvement
LBAS values (as of 9-15-2023): https://files.catbox.moe/3uqpmb.png
LBAS simulator: https://noro6.github.io/kc-web/#/

Useful Akashi upgrades table: https://akashi-list.me/
Useful composition/damage set-up tool: https://jervis.vercel.app/en

Quest tracking tool (For older quest chains): https://tsunkit.net/quests/#/search

Event Guides and Info:

Current server ranks: https://senka.su
EN ranking guide: https://en.kancollewiki.net/User:Minhfongboy/KC_Phase_2_Ranking
Analysis tool: https://bonodere.famluro.es/ranking/ranking-tool

Asset Cache Proxy: https://github.com/Tibowl/KCCacheProxy
Electronic Observer (JP): https://github.com/andanteyk/ElectronicObserver
Electronic Observer (EN): https://github.com/gre4bee/ElectronicObserver
Poi (for non-windows users): https://github.com/poooi/poi

Anon's museum bluprints: https://files.catbox.moe/o82d1a.rar

- The next event will start on 7/27 and will feature Gloire, a French cruiser, and a new Yuugumo class DD. The MO will take place in Europre while the EO will take place in the pacific.
- Richelieu will receive a kai ni with this event maintenance. The remodel will require a resource that is only available if you clear the event on at least easy mode.
- Hatsuzuki has received a kai ni. She requires 1 action report, 1 blueprint, 2 new model armament materials, 30 dev mats, and some resources. She has 4 slots and can equip radars in the hole punch slot.
- A new piece of equipment the "Fleet Communication Antenna" has been implemented. It raises the possibility that your support fleets show up. It can be obtained by new missions or by trading in 20 teru teru bozus.
- May ranking rewards have been distributed. They are the AU-1 +3, Do 217 K-2+Fritz-X +2, THE BIG SEX TORPEDO +2, and the Loire 130M +8
- As of mid October 2023 The terms and conditions for the DMM games platform have changed. After 1 year of inactivity games on the platform will have the right to delete your account information if they wish to. Put simply IF YOU GO ONE YEAR WITHOUT LOGGING INTO SHIPTHIS YOU MAY NOT BE ABLE TO SEE YOUR SHIPS EVER AGAIN.
-The following ships will receive another remodel at some point in the future:
-->Kai-II: Hatsuyuki, Shirayuki, multiple Type A DDs
-->Kai-II side remodel: Kirishima
-->Kai-IV: Shigure
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Please look after your Lv.1 Ushio
Operation Olympic
My Lv.100 paizuri boat.
>We are running behind schedule
You think after 30+ events, they would understand that they work slow as shit and never complete any event maints on time. Maybe push your timeline back 24 hours.
That's not true, they've completed a maintenance ahead of time in the phase 2 era.
Think we will ever get Aso, Ikoma, Kasagi and Ibuki?
How many bings until gomen?
They already gomened. New opening time is "Before the Paris Olympics opening ceremony"
Will Richelieu Deux get a unique touch? No.

Richelieu Kai and Jean Bart Kai get a touch.
I still barely understand what takes so long. The DB backup is the 3 or so hours, but then what takes the other 5+? Moving JS files and jpegs around should not take so long.
I wanna fuck Pepsi hair
https://twitter.com/KanColle_STAFF/status/1816872541673418804?t=XM7gct9LotGF077LaD0j1g&s=19 Baguette touch is real
Based fellow hair enjoyer. I really wanna fuck haruna and zuihou's hair (raw).
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Mogador (4 slot DD) and Valiant (Can use QE Touch alongside Warspite)
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Brits will never get a fast battleship.
Are the French cruisers being done by someone else?
Is that not parsley?
Looks like Yona's artist to me
It's hishiakari
I think the French cruiser is Glorie, who'd be Hoshi Akari.
>no interesting or crucial equips
Unironically whew.
First event I might have to marry all the new girls
Thanks God no Americans to marry so I can keep trying to catch up on my backlog.
Abyssals win again dammit.
There's the new material for baguette deux.
Eurojank, boring. The crab thing is kinda cute.
What is that behind Airfield Princess and why is it a pair of breasts with hard protruding tips?
Loire Skilled is the first 3 accuracy night scout. Theoretically should give a higher FP and crit rate boost than anything before.
FAT destroyer
Looks like some weird lifebuoy thing.
Finally another 4 slot DD, shes really cute.
The 3 mouth on the bottom with the horns makes me think of a manta ray.
It's a pillow (maybe a floating inflatable one?) stylized after an abyssal buoy. Meanwhile there's a smaller one under her feet themed after herself, judging by the horns and eye highlights.
Need Mogador thighs
Is it just me or does Airfield look younger in this summer sprite?
Please understand, 3/7 potential bong fast battleships would make Kongous seem like weird cruisers posing as battleships.
I like the girl with the Dazzle camo. She's cute.
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Akira's style has changed over the years.
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Fuck, Marry, Kill.
Fuck, kill, then fuck again.
Dangerously cute.
freckles bote
>THREE different CGs and poses
HA is unstoppable. KMF
Best season has started in earnest
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>No sakura
Mogador is cute as fuck. Any reason in particular she's 4 slot?
She's a big girl. A hair under 3000 tonnes displacement, 8 5.5 inch guns, 10 torpedo tubes.
>completely different CGs and you STILL can't choose between them
>Richelieu Deux has 122 FP
>More than Iowa or Nagato Kai Ni
>A whole 25 more FP than Bismarck Drei
So this is the power of baguette cannons.
I want to sleep between the thighs of the new boss
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>>A whole 25 more FP than Bismarck Drei
Kriegsmarine bros... It's so over. The frogs completely mog us...
I don't think even Tirpitz or Puddings sisters can save us...
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What a beauty

Hoodie is the cutest one.
>best euro BB is even better
incredible powercreep though but still based
I love this forg :)
Ugly frog
please don't talk about yourself like that, anon
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>Giving certain ships specific new "You should save me for the EO" voicelines.

That's kind of the fatman.
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Where's that eel going?
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Into a meal so it can be used as energy for night battles
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I feel like either the artist or Tanaka has a Nevada bias
Henderson-chan lookin more jailbait than usual, noice.
Because that isnt Akira, thats Oguchi, the one that came with the motif and the weird shading they used to have before Akira got the job.
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That fits then. Looks like she has considerably better FP than Tashkent. Great thighs too. Quite a nice surprise, hope she's easy to farm.
Uoh... my small wife... erotic...
I've learned to be worried when I see a japanese girl with an eel
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My lv. 1 Paizurislavetittyonaholewife.
Wasn't Oguchi the artist for the regular enemies?
Last time I checked Akira appears as the artist for the original Airfield sprite
Fubuki is cute.
I still get a chuckle from his placement of Mount Amagi on the map...
Someone wants more carriers, it seems.
Houshou deserves the mating press
dusty vagina, barren womb
>found the admiral who is going to be beaten up by the Kido Butai in a dark alley
Now now. Impotence is no one’s fault.
He’s gotta cope somehow.
Imagine being attracted to a flat hag
There's nothing wrong with liking flatties.
Being attracted to flat chests is already halfway there to liking boys
Holy shit, E2 already looks fucked and there are summer Nes at every single pre-boss node. This is gonna be fucking ass.
Any drop information for Rodney in this event? Might go back just for her
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>We finally have a Battleship to lead the Boku fleet.

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