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previous >>47371589
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Neru the Angel of /alt/
>Woyuta wearing angel wings and all white
She wants to be Neru so bad lol
is this /alt/?
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Ever since anon said this idol smells nice, every time I see her now I wonder what she smells like. She does look like she smells nice. Did you smell her anon? I would like to smell her to see if it's nice
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I would love to sample the aroma of every idol and make a 25 pages long tier-list
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damn wtf happened to narlow. their full album was released the other day and not a peep.
>build a group around a bipolar lunatic with an eating disorder
>she can't function half the time
>group goes to shit
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I had a random dream a week ago about seeing a post on Twitter about Narlow's final live, which is strange because I don't follow the group nor listen to their music.
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In Sanma's Palace, there's an episode about people not taking baths called 'Bath Cancellation Threshold.' Recently, people who don't take baths are being called that. Just to clarify, I'm actually in the 'Bath OK Threshold,' surprisingly. I need to soak in the hot water every day or else I can't manage.
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it's regular
She was stood right infront of me for about 10 minutes watching another group at taiban... thought she smelled amazing but maybe I was just digging her pheromones. Should’ve tried to hook up with her afterwards but didn't even take cheki to be honest.
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I can save her.
ain't nobody saving nobody
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that's hella nasty and she's an /alt/ adjacent busted bumboy granny at best. would be better off in the pointless off-topic music thread (or preferably nowhere). thanks for stopping by.
It would be sweet to have a big terrarium in your house with Aina in it but you would probably have to feed her live mice or something and always be scooping Aina poops and it would be a hassle
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I'm seeing double here. Four puddings
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gravure when
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I'd ask if there was a demand for that but there probably is
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I think we all know there is only one way to revive this general. Blood sacrifice. And not some train jumping literal who, there's not enough majik in that. We need the biggest fish in the ocean.

It's time to throw Ano into the volcano.
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34 year old do be looking cute
what kind of freak show is she visiting?
No, obviously. Being a honorary member of yurumerumo doesn't count.
But she indirectly caused a lot of damage to this thread by spawning ano.
Well, i guess it's not Goto's fault she copied her so much.
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goto is such a nothingburger, only seething fagtanos think she's wirth ripping off.
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oily gravure when
was she the only one who was in two groups?
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In 10 years nobody will remember who ano was
no one knows who Kanno Yoko is
goto mariko wishes she was ano so bad. too bad she's a forgotten bumboy granny and midori are overrated shit.
I'm counting both these as a (You)
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> need more exposure
> go oppai massage for youtube content
aww shit the (You)s keep coming.
I won the thread right out of the gate with that b8
where pudding?
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marikofags seething about their shitty lives vs superior ano.
I bet she smells ripe after wearing the same outfit for a week. Imagine the pheremones
what's worse, seething about a shitty life or leading the absolutely charmed life that ano does and still constantly seething?
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>which category do you fall into anon?
she's just based humbleseething whilst fucking superior bandmen
>wishes she was ano
Only if ano sings an opening or ending for Precure one day. If that happens, sure.
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ano is shit, she wont even do a real voice reveal
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anochads are cool. marikofags need to crawl out of the womb and stop stealing their basedboy neetbux. if you can post online you can get a job, asshole.
don't worry, i get enough money to actually travel to japan and grope my idol's thighs
What makes an idol go here vs. /main/?
>he thinks he's gonna one up me with this b8
They fuck different set of producers.
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Is Kinopo /alt/?
^only the cool one who left. no idea who these other troon members are.
Non was also a concurrent member but she graduated and went back to her original group earlier this year
Best Kinopo is the one with huge ears
>(You) economy thriving

it's settled then. into the volcano she goes
She's a gigantic autist and a nerd
/alt/ idol you wish have career ending, potentially crippling and dare I say even possibly life threatening injuries?
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Nobody, because I'm a kind and empathic person.
Oh wait, Seiko is still alive. Her.
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Very pungent aroma, indeed
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Nobody ever posts Meronbatake...
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Eh, it was fun. She had good reactions. She was also pretty cute there with her face buried in the pillow.

Makes me remember about that episode where they invited themselves in Stimulates' house and Kirara was hammered kek
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didnt know ostrich had such huge conks
hehe, silly!
>your autistic gf at 8am on a Wednesday
you know that's because they're shit. don't make me say it.
If nobody posts a group you like then you do it.
I don't like them.
I like GARUDA.
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mishina ruka
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Ostrich Man...
I would like to know where you found that if possible.
no problem
Thank you.
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Ignore everybody. Mariko was /alt/ before /alt/ was /alt/. She is grandmothered in. Also, she is legit insane.
Support cat Tim
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she cute
By that logic we should grandfather in Jun Togawa. Get into some real grannyposting.
^these boomer bumboys wish they were yoko ono.
sure thing but who is the og cute boy
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This is what /alt/ used to be about
Nobody in Japan knows who Yoko is.
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This seems ominous. You never miss a SuperRaychan Friday. What's the deal?
>you're right i do never miss a SuperRaychan friday
>i told you it's always friday here on the ship
>but you get an extra tuesday this week anon
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I had to look up Jun. You may have raised a point there: that /alt/ should have some element of idol. Togawa was no idol, so therefore not /alt/. Goto performed at TIF once that I know of, but was she ever a real idol? Probably not. But I stand by my statement that she is legit insane and should be honorary /alt/ at least.
Looks like this has been debated before, ELEVEN years ago!
Shut up Derek
Everyone knows Yoko Ono is the chick who broke up the Monkees because she wanted her boyfriend Davy Jones to make more bubblegum pop while Mike Nesmith wanted to go in a more minimalist psychedelic direction
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high kick granny is older than mariko
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The new nanimono song is so shit just look at the MV in the OP it's auto tuned as fuck
How old is this bitch? She looks young.
>Due to several members being unwell, we will be cancelling our appearance at this weekend's live event.

narlow bros..

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It's not a debate, she never was an idol. And Defstar pushing her to perform at TIF 2013 without the backing band is believed to be one of the main reason she quit that agency. And all those comments on cutting are still disgusting(who knew that it'll become a trend).
Just like calling a troubled woman "insane".
i want to go camping with piggs and put mayonnaise on my pizza
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Uchiyama No!
I like how they cut the pizza with scissors
ikr it didn't even give me a seizure
Hanakomuro syndrome is spreading like covid.
i currently have covid
i am also insane
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Erotaros drops toilet clogging logs in hotel room bathrooms confirmed by Mountain Dew Mio.
who is she heiling?
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is that the fishing girl? she's hot
it would be hilarious if she accidentally reviewed some Nazi music because you know she would write a glowing review
She's 28 but looks like she's 15. Pedobait like Marina Nagasawa.
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no she doesn't she is very obviously in her mid 20s. wtf kind of high schools are you lurking around lol
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good job, tamuco
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>like her past time before becoming an idol
Imagine going to refresh your dong in a gloomy place and when you cross the door this cutie appears ready to comfort and please you.

That's kind of depressing as hell, perhaps she was trying to survive, helping her poor family or loves money no matter the consequences.
Its wild to me you know her as the fishing girl..

She's been in multiple idol groups and in one now.
Bro are you blind and retarded, she looks like she's 20+ and has for like the last 6-7 years.
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I've never been to a rub n tug. I have a friend who used to go to them and gave me some tips but I never went. The massage part seems just as or even more important than the handjob. It's a natural progression of tension release and relaxation. Even though I never tried it I can see how that became a thing. I think it realistically falls under the umbrella of healthcare even with the prostitution aspect.

My homie told me to ask for Suzie he said she was the best. I think that was a Vietnamese joint though.

woah so she only barely changed her name for her idol name? that was a huge mistake
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Where's the beef?
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yikes is there a women's only safety car i can get on instead of this one?
She still has the tongue stud
dang i missed the eggplant episode from a couple weeks ago
I saw that shit how old do you have to be to get pierced in Japan? It seems like none of that age restriction stuff matters when it comes to piercings and tattoos. I swear you are supposed to be a legal adult or something but is that not the case? I knew all kinds of kids that had piercings and gauges and tats when they were 15 but I never asked how that happened since I have no interest in that stuff.

If a legal guardian brought you their 5 year old and was like "give this kid a sleeve and a couple of soundcloud rapper face tats" would you do it?
I watched a bunch of her old vids and Ano def copied her style. Hopefully Ano doesn't copy her aweful life decisions as well.
Good lord. She needs to get help. A far cry from her days at WACK.
Ano's getting sacrificed to the volcano
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She was chidol. She's been getting paid for getting naked for the last 20 years of her life.
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did she have a fishing show back then?
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Enter your room, see this, what do?
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Looks like the GPS in plush toy incident hit Kishi Miyu pretty hard.
throw that in the garbage bin
walk out of the room
close door
>Hopefully Ano doesn't copy her aweful life decisions as well.
It's too late for her to drop everything to maintain integrity.
But not too late to become an alcoholic, i guess.
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Mooove first Music Video to be released soon
Mooove first JAV when?
wasn't that incident ages ago?
and the fucking banner has the members mixed up lol
Start raping
I still laugh when she was making fun of poor people when her herself was poor LOL
>first MV
that's kinda insane considering they've been a group for a while now
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Just met my oshi for the first time. Would recommend
You guys wouldn't get at least one vaccum blowjob with this mouth before kicking her out?
How is it even possible to be this ugly and get this popular?
Pretty normal for live idol groups
No thank you
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the crack pipe idol
I said I'd rape her of course I want those DSLs on my chinko
> I had to look up Jun.
This gave me brain damage. There are people who don't know Togawa Jun here.

Anyway, personally I don't care if people consider Mariko alt or not it's up to everyone but to be clear she composed songs for an idol group and performed with them and she also did various "idol show" lives which basically consisted of her performing her solo career songs but organized as idol live event back in 2012 or so which I guess was too way back for people bandwagoning her now to even know about.
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Post Komari, I love Komari
>composed songs for an idol group
For a bunch of idol groups. Also produced and engineered a lot more but finding specific songs is hard since she doesn't list them in her bio.
>organized as idol live event back in 2012
She never played an "idol-event" type show until TIF 2013. You probably meant that period in 2014 when she left Sony and was doing a billion different types of shows("idol" events, street performances, acoustic shows, getting arrested) to promote the Shibuya-AX concert.
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18+ in most places and she already gotten piercings before FIRS when she was a bit older than 19 so the legal guardian thing didn't apply, and no.
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i like green idols
did you get that pic off Instagram or Threads? on Threads she said she was 15 in that pic
Threads and so I know nothing then. I could see her father allowing her to get her tongue pierced though, he seems pretty cool
Was this shoot at like 5am and they're all grumpy and tired?

Would it kill them to smile? Lol wtf.
that chick that overrates herself has aged like 20 years in the past 3 months wtf
Imagine wearing spiky leather armbands in you 40s.
Fake teeth.
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