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This thread is for the discussion of Nogizaka46, Hinatazaka46, BokuAo (Nogizaka46's official rivals) and Yoshimotozaka46 (on hiatus) and topics relating to them and their members.

(07/15) Sakaguchi Tamami & Seimiya Rei Graduation Ceremony at 35th single Mini Live
(07/15-21) Natsugasumi (BokuAo's first stage play) (BouAo)
(07/20) Osaka Gigantic Music Festival 2024 (Hinatazaka46)
(07/20-21) Nogizaka46 Summer Tour Kyocera Dome Osaka (Nogizaka46)
(07/20) FujiTV MUSIC FAIR (BokuAo)
(07/23) Yumiki Nao 1st Photobook
(07/24) Hinatazaka46 Saito Kyoko Graduation Concert & 5th Anniversary MEMORIAL LIVE in Yokohama Blu-ray
(08/02-04) Tokyo Idol Festival 2024 (Hinatazaka46)
(08/07) BokuAo 3rd single スペアのない恋 Yagi Toa center)
(08/10) Housousakka Matsuda Konoka
(08/24-24) Nogizaka46 Summer Tour Vantelin Dome Nagoya (Nogizaka46)
(8/27-29) Hinatazaka46 4ki Budokan 3 days live (Hinatazaka46)
(09/07,08) Hinatafes at Sunmarine Stadium Miyazaki (Hinatazaka46)
(09/2-4) Nogizaka46 Summer Tour Meiji Jingu Tokyo (Nogizaka46)
(09/07,08) Hinatafes at Sunmarine Stadium Miyazaki (Hinatazaka46)
(11/08-11/29) Nakamura Reno stars in the musical "Endless SHOCK/ Eternal"

Upcoming Sakamichi TV appearances: https://pastebin.com/c8tMgEmh (embed) (embed)
48/46 Group subs masterlist: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1B1HFVF5iQBgvjDrPnmwfbq0Iz6VvaOmDep0C2x8yoMo
Sakamichi subbed content: Nogizaka46: https://nogiarea.weebly.com/ | Sakurazaka46 3ki/Hinatazaka46: http://keyavids.com/ | BokuAo: https://twitter.com/bokuaocentral

48/46 Group live shows: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JnKp_AEeGUNTNePfY3C3AO4veiVi7frza82lRo44ejQ
Sakamichi H/S: https://senublog.com/?s=完売表 | https://ameblo.jp/seto-kasumi (no longer updated)
Nogizaka46: https://www.nogizaka46.com/
Hinatazaka46: https://www.hinatazaka46.com/
BokuAo: https://www.bokuao.com/
Yoshimotozaka46: http://yoshimotozaka46.com/


Previous Thread: >>47392702
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I think Techi is amazing
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Teresa Panda Hakken
We nearly lost this prized idol to a reputable sport.
Thank goodness she joined Keyakizaka (now Sakurazaka)
Thank goodness she became close with the members.
Thank Honosu for joining a good idol group...by supporting her activities moving forward.



Thread Converse Advertiser Kira-chan is here to sponsor your favorite idol. Which idol is interested?
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Terepanda? Hakken!
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My summer crush from Ishikawa (my eternal kumogumi gf and my sweaty wife know about her, but I have yet to tell her about them)
Kinozaka Disco, Baby!
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The cutest shinkisei across all groups
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Kinozaka Admission, Baby!
Yuho broke her blog post with this photo lmao
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Should have called ODKR for this one
herate yurina is flopped and dropped by her agency
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Kinoshita Ai deserved more (she is not for that and one day I will be able to protec her)
Good tickling is what she deserves with flashing her waki like this...
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O...One day I will figure it out and I will protec her. You just wait and see
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Bros, bros, bros, listen up, I just got this idea, I think we should now post some Kinozakas. But not just any Kinozakas. No, no, no. That would be way too easy. What I want to see are only the cutest, the most kinozakast Kinozakas you have. Here is mine
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>You will never have her be your bukatsu manager
Why live?
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I want her to be disappointed in me
Here for all keyakizaka members and the ace
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Is it just me or do these newer Japanese bands all sound like they have the same vocalist? I swear it's like they're intentionally copying each other.
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My eternal kumogumi gf (she is not for that and my sweaty wife knows about her)
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I don't really listen to male bands at all (I used to like Kana-boon a long time ago, but that's it), but this song is not bad at all IMHO
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Kira-chan, it's about time
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My daughter Nanochan and her preschool teacher who I have a crush on
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https://youtu.be/0MBrRcRXGew?si=_ZzonqWFZuNbfNGW&t=268 (with a time stamp)
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半分 based 半分kpop fan so not based
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she's an akbchad actually
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lick, kiss
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Look at these mommies
Kek at matsuda rina
She's known for being happy
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Visual group
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Suzy releases a PB but it's a fashion PB like Habu
Don't joke like that
(08/02-04) Tokyo Idol Festival 2024 (Hinatazaka46)
(08/03) ROCK IN JAPAN FESTIVAL 2024 (Sakurazaka46)
(08/09) Fujiyoshi Karin starring in the movie: Rookie reporter Torocco: If I don't do it, who will?
(08/10) Housousakka Matsuda Konoka
(08/23-24) 9th Single BACKS LIVE @ Makuhari Event Hall
(08/24) Vantelin Dome Nagoya (Nogizaka46)
(08/27-29) Hinatazaka46 4th Gen Budokan 3 days live (Hinatazaka46)
(08/31) 24-Hour TV Charity Live @ Pia Arena (Nogizaka46, Hinatazaka46)
(09/07,08) Hinatafes at Sunmarine Stadium Miyazaki (Hinatazaka46)
(09/02-04) Meiji Jingu Tokyo (Nogizaka46)
(09/07-08) Hinatafes at Sunmarine Stadium Miyazaki (Hinatazaka46)
(10/04) Ozono Rei starring in the stageplay "Yurei Demoyo Kaken, Aitakatoyo"
(11/08-11/29) Nakamura Reno stars in the musical "Endless SHOCK/ Eternal"
(11/23-24) Sakurazaka46 4th YEAR ANNIVERSARY LIVE at ZOZO Marine
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here we go
she is so grotesque
matsuo underrated cutie
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I want these three to abuse my body
Based af
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Cute Karin-chanzu
>Ito Karin-chanzu
We love Aruno here
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We love to bully Aruno here
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we love cute idles here
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very cute
Sounds just like Konno would say lol
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what are my chances of getting a hirao-tier gf?
Decently high if you don't have an asshole personality
my eyes on shogenji
Do you hate Techi with all your might?
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nogis are doing an insta live tomorrow from the MV filming location
Wow, Ten got mogged hard by Terepan on that picture
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comfy idol
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The genkiest smile in Sakamichi and the best imouto in Sakamichi
I'd wife her
Jesus, that is one awful Photoshop job...
Who the fuck looked at and said "yeah it looks good, use this pic for the promo"?
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Karin-chan is so cute
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they haven't shot the MV yet? I swear if we get another wave of delays because of that...
they're filming it today and tomorrow
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And they have what like a bit less than a month before the actual sales start? Kinda yikes. Probably gonna be a cheap trash like JaaNe just dancing in the field somewhere.
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they'll use some photoshop to make it better
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tenPuta kek
Nope, this isn't Tereputa kek
Say your prayers, little one
Don't forget, Airin
To include everyone
Tuck you in, warm within
Keep you free from sin
'Til the sandman, he comes
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>Hoho, you're approaching me, Airi?
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Friendly reminder that Kaki Haruka is the most beautiful woman in the country.
psycho eyes
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Thanks for the cheeks
*swiftly put her in my pocket*
cutie pie
Holy visuals
Yeah nah
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>青 おもろ (チョコレート食べながら)
But was it a burned chocolate?
Just did it to Erika
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dead suredo
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Wow, this girl is cute.

I really, really like this girl and find her so, so lovable.
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cutest shinkasen amongst slopes
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The bijinest
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pure runrun and vulgaten
My old oshi and my current oshi. Sorry Miipan.
I love this kid's smile so much.
Tensama should have went for the side slam.
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Violence is NG
Look at all the fugly Tereputa clones
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Hurting the chibiizu is allowed
Kek based Muto Keiji moment
Kek good one
It isn't
lunlun is anything but pure
She treated that boy in school roughly. Plus she plaps hard.
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I love them so much you wouldn't believe
Wasn't she caught gooning to a Youtuber when she was like 13 or something? I remember hearing something about that
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Violence by the smalls on the other hand is hot and encouraged.
airi lingerie photobook
Imagine giving her the roughest PLAP and staying in that position
Shiichan's pink and hairy omanko...
This but nude
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What is her face trying to convey here?
This is your Keyakizaka now
That's a good thing.
It isn't
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>Chuke and Yuuzu introduced as university graduate and student respectively
>Inori introduced as a girl who played the piano for 10 years
Please don't post the results, I'm gonna watch it later tonight
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I mean, folks?
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Wow, they really did that
That was today? Downloading
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Leave the thread because I will once I finish watching
>It's not up on aidoru yet
Not downloading.
holy k*ds
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Nakashima Yuzuki is a huge BokuAo wota by the way
No one cares
We know, no need to bring it up.
>When she opens Sakamichi General
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Yuuzu's face when she reads PLAPposting.
They answered 10 question in a row and won 1 milly yen. They chose to tackle the 3 milly yen question (the extra question) instead of dropping out and taking the 1 milly, but alas, they failed to answer correctly and their 1 milly became 0.
Greedy girls
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>Yuuzu sees where someone wants to PLAP her 300 times
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Next time team up Chuke with ODKR, Konnagi and/or Zono instead of Yuuzu and Inori
Instead of Chuke, just have the top three ODKR, Konnagi and Zono do it, or ODKR alone.
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If they had ODKR on the team, she would have either known the answer to the next question or convinced them to settle with the 1 million yen.
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Video of Yuuzu on Yoake? I missed it
Kek they're really running with it.
Which pic?
Funny how in the quiz show the narrator introduced them as the top graders of Sokosaku's academics test when the best one of them was ranked #4 (and tied with another member).
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Don't they know it's ODKR and Konnagi?
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baby please come back
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Here you go
ayamen micro bikini photobook
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>They cut the panchira
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She refuses to.
she can be naked then
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It will never happen.
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This video is illegal
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Our last hope for a barely legal meaty JK PB.
The final matsuris question was tricky. Reading the nips' comments, some got it wrong, too. Especially the Tanabata.
Inori is sexy now
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Is it immoral to get into a romantic relationship with a brain-damaged girl?
baby come back ;-;
I'd rather go back there myself desu
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Sharing the same aisu with the akachan...
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The moment you want to suck on the popsicle
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gentle and loving sex with zukki!
It's time for some correcting
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Don't forget to take the responsibility!
Very レイプable
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snek pits......
Where's the webm where that geinin was doing that to Airin?
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D-Doing what?
This but >>47400109 and unironically
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get Karin-chan away from airi!
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That's the one. Thanks.
Just stop.
How did he get away with doing that to a JS?
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Not for that
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After all, she's the akachan.
Enriko lost her mommy. Zono oneechan comforting her.
Any member pinched those plump cheeks yet?
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...are very smooth
This is eroi in so many ways.
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Girl/girl is still pure
I wish I could do that too
Does she "do" things to Enriko as well? I need to know.
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You've done it now
Come and get this PLAPing
*bows down to the 女王*
This will be a timeless iconic pic posted years from now.
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Gonna marry Miyachi
>Watanabe Rina wants to know your location
Zono apologizing to her Akachan daughter for being so late and not picking her up from school earlier.
Better be called Yuzuki Macho starting next week
>Hey kid, wanna /ss/?
She's indeed expressive.
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What is she looking at?
Miogood and Lilica making out.
Someone eating her umeboshi
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Yutsutan and Murayamapi doing this but unironically.
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You think they will do another Yuuzu challenge next week?
this picture is way too eroi
They corrupted the kid
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I'd love to see her fail again, that's for sure
It's definitely becoming a weekly corner.
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Oh please
Anyone have this pic but with a better quality?
Imagine the double cheekjob
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Bad Rina is going to give a speech at the reception
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I mean, the mouth is there as well
Lilica always targeting the 子供ず
Aidoru-Online are refusing to upload it so I watched a shitty stream instead. Was surprised Inori did more than Yuuzu.
Best quality?
Teresa is a whore kek
The Forbidden 3P
I don't know, someone posted it on a previous thread and I saved it
It's on TVer and yt-dlp can download stuff from TVer just fine without need of a VPN. I hope they never catch on because it's quite convenient.
Next OP pic, please
Even better. You're awesome.
There won't be a next time. The show got cancelled earlier this month, final episode airs in September.

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