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File: GRkVYWkawAA480l-1_png.png (31 KB, 600x300)
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Oh cool, a good thread about this.
The community stuff is dead but the videos and the rest are coming back online, which is good. No idea how they're going to clear the air with any "serious" creators after the doxxing incident but at the very least it means that people can start archiving and reposting stuff when the day inevitably comes.
So they lost?
cool. just in time for hiroshima nuke memorial
>user informations leaked
>a bunch of steamers and creators doxxed, including people that left years ago
>takes two fuckign months to get the site back up
>all of this while being backed by kadokawa
japs are so fucking incompetent
>The community stuff is dead
I wonder if community-exclusive videos will still be accessible.
Almost definitely not.
>The community stuff is dead
How is that going to work for 生放送, aren't all streamed tied to a community.
Tell me about it...
Wew, looks like the e/b/in gachimuchi videos I posted there like a decade ago are still safe, which is good because I don't even have them on my HDD anymore.
impressive. NND will never die but that website badly needs to fucking get updated. I mean it. Its stuck in 2012 with its format
>doxing incidence
Which one? There are too many to count.
If it's work, don't fix it.
>Its stuck in 2012 with its format
Let me guess, you prefer Tiktok or Instagram-like interface, right?
i'd rather the place be navigatable for fucks sake. not everything needs to look like TikTok.
Are comments preserved?
I liked having simple reading practice while watching homo videos, and youtube doesnt have enough コメ付き videos for my liking

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