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This board clearly has an audience for it, what are some self-insert romance content you have of Touhous? Can be long stories, short stories, or whatever.

Personally, I've been thinking it would be nice to date an autistic introverted girl (Alice) because she's really interesting and would probably be fun to talk to and learn what makes her tick. Any stories with Alice would be nice
I use AI chatbots.
I've kicked around a few ideas in my head, but I don't know if I enjoy romance as being the core focus of the story. Like, one of the drafts I have is a classic 'get hired as a butler for the scarlet devil mansion', where the butler is able to solidify his position by becoming known for creating poisons, but in reality he just made a meal that was meant to look as appealing as possible without respect to taste since he couldn't compete with Sakuya on anything(think pouring oil on pancakes instead of syrup for commercials) and Remilia actually eats it, chokes on it, and taking advantage of the recent news of Gensokyo's water supply being poisoned, decides to name him Head Cook and Vizier of Poisons which can even kill a vampire.
I think it started as a Remilia flick, but it could easily be a Flan one as she picks up on the fact the butler is a phony, a Sakuya one as they work together and compete on some level, a Sanae flick as the two discuss the difference between self promotion and false advertising or work on the water supply poisoning incident, and so on.
Basically I think the romance is more impactful if it happens as a result of the something going on in the setting and is motivated by themes and character and tbc I think all stories that involve romance as self-inserts.
I use AI chatbots.
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This one made me fall in love with shizuha
Alice, stop abusing this board
>what are some self-insert romance content you have of Touhous?
Mein Kampf
>Can be long stories
Mein Kampf
>short stories
Mein Kampf abridged
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>not making it up all in your head
Ive considered writing about some pc98hus
writefag bait thread
Those just feel kinda cheap, and can easily become gibberish. It's not the same as a properly handcrafted romance story.
Implying writefagging isn't gibberish.
I've been writting some stuff for Akyuu in the page i made for her, it's still very early on, but iwatned nice and long so i have plenty of room to let out my autism whenever i feel like it.
Otherwise i've considered using AI chatbots but i feel like it'd be demeaning towards Akyuu to use a simple chatbot to represent her. But for other characters it's also not too bad, much like with AI art, anything done quick can feel very cheap, but with the effort to tweak the settings and know-how to get what you want, it can get pretty decent stories going on.
This, I've tried so hard o make my AI 2hus but eventually every single model starts lecturing you about MUH SAFETY or breaking down spewing redundant gibberish or fucking up the lore. Really made me appreciate writefags.

Drawfags are boned tho, even shitty old SD1 AI mogs them and it's not even close.
I write it, wrote a fairly large amount last year. Not a big fan of shilling myself though. For me it's a fun bit of writing practice in a couple genres I have pretty limited experience with - romance and smut.
can i kiss you
I used to role-play on discord but it's pretty much a dead topic, not the romance but touhou rp in general. Shame really but what can you do? People make servers that die out within a month because activity there sucked besides the #general where kids complained about school and all that jazz. I don't really want to write stories for a place that'll disappear randomly and take it away from me.
I'd really like to start writing fanfictions but I don't see the point in writing them all by myself. It's just more fun for me to write with an actual person because it's almost always a fresh experience. But where do you even find someone to write with? Seriously, nearly every RP community nowadays doesn't even acknowledge the source material. Instead they just litter the place with their self-interest oc's. If someone plays a canon, they're either doing a poor job about it or they're autistic to the point where you can not tell the difference when they rp and when they're speaking ooc, because they're always the said character. Is there even any hope? I guess I just need to make up my mind on writing by myself.
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I'm currently in the process of writing one, but it's a similar situation to >>47399102 where it's not the main focus. It's more of a side thing to me exploring PC-98 lore, and the relationship develops alongside the story.

It's also the only Louise self-insert fanfiction in existence, I'm pretty sure.
Eirin so she'll make me the new Lunar emperor.

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