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Previous thread: >>47380911
op is a faggot bitch and i own u
why was my thread deleted i was first and it was the active one
this is it, /djt/ will heal, starting with this thread
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we are so back
no bum in the op. janny is an arse man.
kirheis wouldnt be a useless woman and hed also be fucking dead
wtf spoilers
kek and based

you had, uhm, 36 years or something
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why do the mojis in the search bar look so ugly and pixelated, how do I fix this?
by uninstalling windows and installing gnu+linux
Quick question: if I'm reading something and there are a lot more than usual kanji words that are typically written with kana only (according to frequency dictionaries) does that mean that the writer is a pretentious smartass, or I'm just reading something closer to actual literature for once?
it means you switch to mac os. your learning will be more efficient on a better os.
not really I find kanji versions of words with the kana tag are common enough even in sloppa that you might as well just mine the kanji over the kana.
I'm a noob though so just b urself.
It can be for either reason. Bungou Stray Dogs does that very thing for literary effect.
wotd: 強制送還
Is there really a point where the only thing you need to do to get better is read more, listen more, mine everything you don’t know and do this for like a year?
jamal won
>a year?

Two, three, whatever don’t be pedantic
I’m just saying is there an eventual plateau period after like 6 months where you basically just gotta drill words into your head once the base of the language is second nature
Is that even legal anywhere outside of japan
You should doublecheck jpdb because a lot of the time the "usually written in kana alone" is bullshit.
I only compare the number index.
I kind of assumed it's easy enough to get a good rough estimate with enough data
I don't know, sorry. I'm not at that point.
I don't really think a plateau exists unless you let yourself get too comfortable and stop challenging yourself
wotd: 痛車
I could’ve worded it better I meant at first you’re learning, words, grammar, really honing your listening and reading comprehension
But, after a certain point you still have to improve but just not in such large increments per week, month, etc, with a lot of it simply coming down to vocabulary
>no problems fully understanding podcasts and light novel readings
>pick up a meiji era short story audiobook
>feels like i'm back to my first year of learning, catch less than half of the words
As for me, Super Vegeta.
How much of your favorite anime will you be rewatching without subs once you get fluent?
none of them. i'll be bored of anime by then.
downer ngmi mindset
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where were you when djt was kill
djt was always kill. it was bots posting to other bots. crowdstrike pulled back the curtain.


>a lot of the time the "usually written in kana alone" is bullshit.
and vice versa, I'm reading a novel from the 80s and it starts with さいごにきまった all in hiragana, plus some more random ones like わたし and つづく. But then everything else is full kanji. No clue what the pattern is.
it can mean when part of it is written in kana
あと一月もすればセミファイナル 0〜_(,'3」∠)_
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Why was the ku form used here?


So after studying Japanese on and off using different methods for several years, I think I can say in hind-sight that the best method for learning Japanese would have been the following:
>Learn the basic hiragana/katakana
>Learn basic grammar
>Then build vocabulary through listening practice
>Later you can learn the kanji that goes with words you've learned

I tried all the methods of just learning vocab for reading, using kanji, and all of them are slow as fuck. And you constantly keep forgetting stuff you already learned because there's nothing to create a strong memory/impression.
But I think there's something about the human brain that's just better at learning language through sound. The vocab sticks so much easier and that creates a solid foundation for later learning the kanji that go with it.

Anyway, thanks for reading my blog. Please subscribe for more posts like this one.
It's adverbial, so it's describing how the action should be done, otherwise the speaker would be saying "replies are short."
where's anki
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been on this on and off for a few years but never got past 1-2 months of consecutive studying so i'm basically at stage 0 still

core 2k feels like a robotic "press again until you guess right" and listening/reading is still 99.99% incomprehensible to me except graded reader stuff like ロリの狭くマンコが好き

feels like im not gonna make it. do i just brute force anki and ignore whatever is incomprehensible during my input? do i need to up the amount of my immersion? what am i doing wrong?
You need to actually look up what you don't know in a sentence. If you have a dictionary, then it shouldn't be incomprehensible.
aren't you supposed to immerse from day 1 onwards? at that stage (basically me), i imagine looking up 9/10 words or more surely can't be an effective method?
Well, ideally you'd add the words you don't know to an Anki deck, but apart from that, no, there's not really a more effective way.
Thankfully lookups are painless with Yomitan.
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How often should I pause to look up words when watching anime? (I use a pop up dictionary)
If you pause too much, you'll end up like nukemarine.
>they kept onii-chan in the english dub
You could tell me this is an abridged parody and I'd believe you
what's the TL;DR on that guy? i tend to not engage in communities and the content creators in them.
as often as you don't understand them
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duolingo is bad and you shouldnt use it


its sad duolingo used to be so good but about 1 year ago they deleted all the community discussion and replaced all the based lessons with these trash ai scripted lessons
試験どうだった? is better ;)
is kaishi worth bothering with if I've already done tango 1 & 2 or should i just continue reading and mining
>i imagine looking up 9/10 words or more surely can't be an effective method?
why not? if you don't know 9/10 word in every sentence then without lookups you'll waste like 95% of the time on incomprehensible input
this you? lol >>>/v/683860710
it depends on whether you handle constant pausing or whitenoising better. i started out with auto pause after every sentence and now for some episodes i only pause 2 or 3 times
don't worry about it, it had nothing to do with pausing. his problem was lack of consistency and not immersing nearly enough
No, it doesn’t have anything you don’t already know.
no, i dont know why you would assume that considering he's implying he knows how the -ku form works better than mtl and translators
On top of that. He’d be whitenoising >90% of what he was hearing. Any time he’d try to interpret what he thought the other guy was saying, he’d be wrong.
I think he really thought the language was gonna teach itself.
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immersion jikan da
i didn’t really consider that
now i feel dumb
Metoloido? Metloid? Metro-Ido?
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You’ve already been caught being wrong about Japanese before


stfu unko
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>downloads rom
This but unironically

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not enough japanese movie subtitles out there compared to anime and dramas even though movies are superior
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this map isn't very accurate
怒ってる印象が出ちゃうかも >:3
Metroid Omoroid ;3



even anime is kind of scarce unless you watch the mainstream stuff. and then a ton of the available subs are always desync.
literally best bet is the uploader has incl. jp subs inside the .mkv container.
Lil Unko talking to himself now, kek.
there are subs for like 10k hours of anime on jimaku. its more than enough to get you to the point where you dont need subs for most stuff

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