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This thread is for the discussion of Sakurazaka46, Hinatazaka46, and Yoshimotozaka46 (on hiatus) and topics relating to them and their members.

(08/02-04) Tokyo Idol Festival 2024 (Hinatazaka46)
(08/03) ROCK IN JAPAN FESTIVAL 2024 (Sakurazaka46)
(08/09) Fujiyoshi Karin starring in the movie: Rookie reporter Torocco: If I don't do it, who will?
(08/23-24) 9th Single BACKS LIVE @ Makuhari Event Hall
(08/27-29) Hinatazaka46 4th Gen Budokan 3 days live (Hinatazaka46)
(08/31) 24-Hour TV Charity Live @ Pia Arena (Hinatazaka46)
(09/07,08) Hinatafes at Sunmarine Stadium Miyazaki (Hinatazaka46)
(09/07-08) Hinatafes at Sunmarine Stadium Miyazaki (Hinatazaka46)
(09/12,13) Sakurazaka46's 3kisei solo LIVE @ YOYOGI 1ST GYMNASIUM
(10/04) Ozono Rei starring in the stageplay "Yurei Demoyo Kaken, Aitakatoyo"
(11/23-24) Sakurazaka46 4th YEAR ANNIVERSARY LIVE at ZOZO Marine

Upcoming Sakamichi TV appearances: https://pastebin.com/c8tMgEmh
48/46 Group subs masterlist: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1B1HFVF5iQBgvjDrPnmwfbq0Iz6VvaOmDep0C2x8yoMo
Sakamichi subbed content: | Sakurazaka46/Hinatazaka46: http://keyavids.com/

48/46 Group live shows: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JnKp_AEeGUNTNePfY3C3AO4veiVi7frza82lRo44ejQ
Sakamichi H/S: https://senublog.com/?s=完売表 | https://ameblo.jp/seto-kasumi (no longer updated)
Sakurazaka46: https://www.sakurazaka46.com/
Hinatazaka46: https://www.hinatazaka46.com/
Yoshimotozaka46: http://yoshimotozaka46.com/


Previous Thread: >>47396007
Now this level of greed was not needed. Should have taken the winnings and...oh, no spoilers.
Watch "Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader" featuring Takemoto Yui, Nakashima Yuzuki, and Inoue Rina - and please support them in every way possible afterward.


Thread Converse Advertiser Kira-chan is here to sponsor your favorite idol. Which idol is interested?
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Chibiizu masterrace
found my new profile picture
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Kek based
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Lmao not Totoro chilling in the house
post cute nogis
(08/02-04) Tokyo Idol Festival 2024 (Hinatazaka46)
(08/03) ROCK IN JAPAN FESTIVAL 2024 (Sakurazaka46)
(08/09) Fujiyoshi Karin starring in the movie: Rookie reporter Torocco: If I don't do it, who will?
(08/10) Housousakka Matsuda Konoka
(08/23-24) 9th Single BACKS LIVE @ Makuhari Event Hall
(08/24) Vantelin Dome Nagoya (Nogizaka46)
(08/27-29) Hinatazaka46 4th Gen Budokan 3 days live (Hinatazaka46)
(08/31) 24-Hour TV Charity Live @ Pia Arena (Nogizaka46, Hinatazaka46)
(09/02-04) Meiji Jingu Tokyo (Nogizaka46)
(09/07-08) Hinatafes at Sunmarine Stadium Miyazaki (Hinatazaka46)
(09/12-13) Sakurazaka46's 3kisei solo LIVE @ YOYOGI 1ST GYMNASIUM
(10/04) Ozono Rei starring in the stageplay "Yurei Demoyo Kaken, Aitakatoyo"
(11/08-11/29) Nakamura Reno stars in the musical "Endless SHOCK/ Eternal"
(11/23-24) Sakurazaka46 4th YEAR ANNIVERSARY LIVE at ZOZO Marine
can I get those sock pics of Teresa by the pool?
Thanks, dude
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I really like this picture
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Grave of the Fireflies > Totoro
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I watched Totoro but not GOTF. What am I in for?
Who's anus m i looking at?
Where is this webm from?
Don't, It's for your own good
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A tearjerker.
Aya (called roughly)
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Oh dear
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was catching up with archives and came across this my ribs are paining with laughter
What a DORK
Many are saying that.
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Anyone got video footage?
>I do it just fine usually
>What's the probability of you succeeding?
I love this woman so much it's unreal
Hirate hater and bokuao solo both(one) missing
Yep fr fr
Kawashima: Can you do something else? Such as belly dancing
>Yuuzu belly dancing
Based Kawashima-san never missing a beat
Imagine hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng
Yopiko is living the life
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Tanehana should throw Nen a bone and ask her to do a golf collab with Renaa and ODKR.
Renaa looking like a treat here
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the better rena
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THIS is the better Rena
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says who
Says everyone who loves Renaa
>miku osushi
>no osushi
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well you're all wrong
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We used to call her a snack back in the day for a reason.
Nah you are with the lost gen idol
they should have kept the lighting bit going
The chibiizu steps, too.
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Her eyes began to hurt and our sweet narrator said she had to stop before she damaged herself
How do I oshi the girl in the back?
Idols are too soft now
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I used to think idols were soft in the mid 2010s, but they became even softer now.
Peak keyakake(bing)
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I miss the chaos and mayhem unleashed on them just like Shida here >>47400971
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We like soft (and squishy) idols here.
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Many are saying that.
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Okay this is also true
Speaking of rough idols no one even comes close to Onuma
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They aren't called Great Mysteries 1 and 2 for nothing
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post cute konokers
I'm interested in hot konokers
she transcended cute. shes sexo now
well post something
I got nothing on my phone
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Love the Hinacuties.
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I pick the chubby one
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Love our amazing and cool Techi
nothin cool about being laid off cuz you keep showing up late or not showing up at all for work
She's cool because she kicked the previous company to the curb for a better one. Rising higher, baby!
I wanna meet her irl once in my lifetime
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Now all of Japan thinks Techi is a bitch and unprofessional.

She won
What happened?did i miss something
Techi moved to a new house, anon's head.
She is naked behind that pillow!!!!
Only you think that. Techi is still the greatest.
Planting my seed deep inside okuda
I have fapped to this 11 times
Meeps mogging Endo Saru
Both of them mog teresa so good in my books
4P with lunrinten
all i want is 2P with hono
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9P(LAP) with all the Chiikawa roster
3P with RinRin and Shiichan
Based heavy user.
That's my wife you're talking about
Now that's a combo no one saw coming
Cant help it your wife is too enticing
now that's a fact
PLAP in Pooh-san's mouth
Pooh in PLAP-san's mouth
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Lmao late
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Hi, Long time no see
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Teresa Panda Hakken
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Such a bonita.
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>青 おもろ (チョコレート食べながら)
But was it a burned chocolate?
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Terepanda? Hakken!
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The cutest shinkisei across all groups
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Bros, Kinozakas time. Post the cutest, most favoritest, the most kinozakast of all Kinozakas. Here is mine
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Not sure which one you meant.
Dry tekoki queen akane
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It was fun while it lasted
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Bros, I am so happy right now. We spent over one year together. So many fun memories of our idols and our time here. In the end we all got along so well and looking back at how BokuAo started made me realize how much I appreciate this one year. Let's enjoy
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First PB will be Yuria obviously, but his is second
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Live from Singapore
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I am drinking beer this weekend, please understand
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My on the bottom
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panda is love
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Our Leader will forever have my upmost respect for this
I just couldn't bring myself to stop watching this insanity as I felt obliged to share her suffering until the end.
LOL I felt exactly the same. There was a moment when she had to walk out and I felt like I want to support her somehow, the only thing I could do is keep watching LOL
Ioki effortlessly mogged teresa.
herate yurina is forgotten
She had like three or four toilet breaks throughout. I had none.
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>toilet breaks
Fake news idols don't do that
Two finished bottles of water between them tell otherwise.
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Th...They sweat it out, OK?
Nishino and Maiyan oshis who graduted from wota life would be rolling in their graves if they saw who's the front member now for Nogizaka
>graduted from wota
Their opinion graduated from being relevant
Teresa would mogg post 2013 shiraishi hard
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My eternal kumogumi gf (she is not for that and my sweaty wife knows about her)
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the only one who this creature can mogg is you and even then you're probably more handsome
Hol'up even i know that shit ain't true
Love Teresa
Hate Techi
simple as
Shiraishi looked worse pre 2013 though
Yoda-chan Aruno-chan cute
Relax not our problem you decided to oshi the worst one
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Holy coping by old faggots who still cannot move on to new and better idols.
kek this
Say that again with teresa pic so i can laugh at your dumbass
This but Techi and Shiichan and unironically
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>new and better
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incredibly cute and natural bijin
VERY wrong and delusional
I'm convinced he intentionally posts the worst teresa pictures and then praises them.
this but karin and unironically
Techi and Shiichan? Making more stuff up again?
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Karin-chan, Techi and even Ten-sama are up in that noggin' being more superior than Terespergers every day
Mao murdered Teresa here,it's not the same league it's not even the same ball park mofo it's not even the same race track the mogg is on another level
Your personal bias is leaking.
Sexy Karin-chan
creepy like that overly attached girlfriend meme
Ironic coming from you fr
Nta but it's true. Karin-chan is mentioned more than Terespergers so accept who is always on the mind more often.
Not a great day for Terespergers
Very good day for Techi, Karin-chan and Ten-sama
Nice random statement, but my Terespergers pales in comparison to Saku's greatest.
Teresa is a certified retard source:Aruno
Yeah clip this: Teresa getting one front row spot makes this lad uppity for no reason
Just like her fans in thid thread
Certified in having "Terespergers" as well kek
Kakki Haruka is not getting mentioned at all huh it's like nobody cares
>Teresa getting just one front row spot makes this lad seethe for weeks non-stop
imagine a nuclear meltdown if she gets center at some point lmao
Which she won't kek
that because everyone accepts that Kakki is number one so there's no reason to brainwash people here into believing something that isn't true, like the Ikedafag does
Thank goodness Kaki is free at least
Meant for
No we dropped kakki because 5ch thinks she fucks youtubers
Here you go with your lies again. Nobody has said anything about Ikeda being number one idol or whatever.
Which is as fake as news can get by the way.
listen ikedafag, everyone knows your MO so no need to tryhard
How new are you?
Just because she's better than most doesn't make her number one. As >>47403223 you've said yourself that spot is reserved for Kaki.
he just went for his idols in blue and never looked back
>better than most
At what, looking in two directions at once lmao
Lmao my sides
No one's seething lil guy, everyone just likes to bully the thread punching bag ikeda and her autism induced fan
That name is just a sabotage to prevent enjoyment for the new members in each idol group
Shinkisei aren't all sakas. Also, quoting bokushizo is a low blow.

At making you seethe for no reason, that's for sure.
Teresa can never do that. She isn't a center kek
>the thread punching bag
but enough about >>47375666
Nice cope
Nope Karin-chan is cool and comfy. Unlike Teresa kek
Thread punchin bag ikeda. Take of your asperger blinders
Look man if you walk in to a park and everyone gangs up on you and beat your ass to a pulp it's not because you are making them seethe, you are just an easy target with a very punchable face just like your oshi Teresa Ikeda.
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Airin enters the domain
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Just say teresa is a whore kek and move on
Nope Karin-chan is still comfy and cool
That's all? creativity takes a nose dive when you get cornered
Karin-chan is too irresistible, that's why
>wake up
>teresa anti is having a meltdown
a common day on /sakag/
Karin-chan is kryptonite and we love it
He cannot. Her front row position is really like a thorn in his backside, constantly reminding him that the outside world doesn't share his personal biases.
Yawn boring just like your ikeda
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Now THIS is a dream 3P. So much giggling and snack breaks
Thanks for the preemptive eyebleach
Karin centered now seethe
>>47403326 Meant for this sorry
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This is your center now. Traditional feminine idols will always win.
sure everyone just wokeup one day and started bashing teresafag he did nothing wrong
Karin will center again and you will cry about it
And teresa will never center in her life
Cope,Seethe or accept
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Being focused on idols one loves
That's the best idol experience
Karin-chan is still in that noggin' and we love it
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Really? Kinoshita Ai? You are going to lewd kinogumi's tensai now? You are a savage
>trad feminine idol
Ishimori rika conveniently sidelined as not in limelight
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holy based
See? It's all about Karin-chan
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sorry I replied to the wrong post
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I...I appreciate the correction and the best imouto in Sakamichi
>sakuchads fighting each other
>nogi hina irrelevant
>busuao ignored
Certified Sakurazaka General
Saku3ki autist ain't sakuchad
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Nogi 5ki fag ain't Nogichad.
using this
>anyone who isn't a keyacultist like me ain't sakuchad
yeah, no
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I...How do one even reply to this?
bokuao aint a sakamichi group
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3kichads hate karin
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Okinawan chibi (100% virgin)
Yep fact you can't digest
uou are posting freely because several keyacultist fought the tough battel but your entitled flavor of the month oshihening won't get it.
I will never stop hating herate yurina
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this but shogenji
Enhance the chikubi
>flavor of the month oshihening
Perfectly explains the fake saku fan
Mao needs to hesitate
I-I swear I can see the chikubi...
Kakki with her hung thighs
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A man of culture.
Good nogi traction and this fucker had to ruin it by posting teresa
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more idols like this
m telling ya he intentionally wants everyone to badmouth teresa
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ssshh, cope and seethe in silence
Zamn nogillc stop maomao from whoring out please.
>loves seira
>at the same time loves Techi
Already bareta
that's me and you are too new to know any of this
ioki mao's sexy legs...
man 4ki really did get some uggos
>that's me
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Wrong again
Love them hags
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Wow Suzy got some moves
i'm not kira3 but if i tripup you will come to know about the bad state of nogi idols in this general as i'm the only one pity posting them and yep i'm a so called keyacultist yes i will never post teresa
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textbook chunky but funky idle
they need to strip
Want to sniffa them both
Thread punching bag OP,BusuAo in title el classico
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you mean, *based
These two seriously need a PB

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